Stand-by Joined: 7/5/16
I was lucky enough to see this on Saturday night, and, in short, I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. From start to finish, this is truly one of the most captivating new musicals in the past 5 years.
I should preface with someone's comment from earlier mentioning that Ms. Arden and Rubenstein don't have much name recognition in today's audiences, and I very much believe this is one of the source material's strengths. I went in knowing nothing about the women and nothing of the show's plot/musical structure. Because of this, I never once knew what would happen next or how the story would end. It's not like most biopics where the ending is known (a la Evita or Hamilton).
I will say that I was almost more wowed by the book scenes than the songs. The book is top-notch, and the humor is witty, fast, and poignant. I kept telling myself to remember some of the lines. What sticks out in my head now is this:
*Arden at the St. Regis for lunch*
Freddie (waiter): "The usual today, Miss Arden?"
Arden: "Yes, Freddie, I'll have my usual --One beef bouillon cube dissolved in hot water, 4 celery sticks, and a glass of prune juice."
I know that some are not fond of the final book scene (where the women meet at last), but I found it enthralling. The tea has been boiling hot through the whole show, and we finally get to sip it in all its glory here.
What is most effective in this scene is the use of silence between the two women. It was a pinnacle moment of adrenaline, reflection, and camaraderie between two formidable women.
The 2 men, Mr. Lewis and Flemming, compliment these women well, and their send off song --"Dinosaurs"-- was a breath of fresh air. It was an "Agony" for two grown men --both topping each other's hellish experiences with humor, wit, and grief.
My favorite song had to have been "Now You Know," which burned white hot with spite and pity.
All in all, I'm still reflecting, but I count my pearls that I'm lucky enough to live 15 minutes away from the Goodman. I've already purchased tickets for 2 more performances.
can a picture of the title page of the playbill be posted?
Final Report before I head back home.
Saw the show tonight and it is jelling nicely. My opinion of the title song, DINOSAURS, and act two in general are the same, but listening to the score a third time it just gets richer and better.
Arden now has new lines about her friendship with her clientele, advice about what sacrifices are necessary if you want to succeed. She also had a new line at the end of PINK. Tonight she picked up a pick object from her desk (jar?) crossed over to the circle banquette sofa, stares a the object and gives a few words describing the color pink. End of scene.
Leading Actor Joined: 6/23/14
Can be and has been, a couple pages earlier in this thread.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/13/08
Went to buy a seat during the final extension week: $182 for orchestra. Uh, no thanks. I'll wait for Broadway when the discounts make a seat about half that.
I think MissAnneThrop meant the title page inside of the playbill, not the cover.
indytallguy said: "Went to buy a seat during the final extension week: $182 for orchestra. Uh, no thanks. I'll wait for Broadway when the discounts make a seat about half that.
Indy, you might want to consider booking a few days in Chicago and going to the box office day of or using the discount code for half price mezz seats. It's worth it.
Also, I have a sneaking suspicion that prime orchestra in NYC will be $225+ for these two leading ladies. As we know the prime orchestra section keeps growing that they charge prime for.
The Goodman is a small 850 seat theatre. Great to see these legends so close. I think $182 is a lot, but well worth it.
I have been hearing about this for a while now (mostly on social media from David Korins, set designer for this as well as Hamilton) and after seeing a brief NYT article yesterday ( finally decided to book a trip to Chicago. Just read through this thread (skipping spoilers) and now super excited to see the show on 7/31!
For what it's worth, the mezzanine seat (I think row G) I bought was reasonable. Came out to $50 with fees --- though I think I got charged a slightly higher fee once I put in my NY address? Is that something out-of-town theaters do? Not a big deal as I think it was only a difference of a few dollars, but curious.
Understudy Joined: 2/24/07
Saw this for the second time last night and it's in great shape. While it's the music that really elevates it for me, I had forgotten how funny it is. Patti seems to really be enjoying showing off her comedic side. She was hilarious in the final scene simply pouring tea and getting hors d'oeuvres.
Saw it on Saturday and I think there's still a lot of work to be done on the story before it's ready for Broadway.
The performances were stellar (Patti's comedic chops are excellent), I loved the costumes, and I really liked the score. However, the story itself is a problem. It reads more as small vignettes throughout the lives of Rubenstein and Arden and not a fully arced show.
Now, it's possible that was what they were going for, but my friend and I left the show trying to figure out what the point of the musical was. Yes, these are two strong women who are eventually passed on by by the new and changing world of cosmetics, and yes, they are two women who were rivals (although, for all the talk of their rivalry, after the first few songs- and the FDA moment at the end of Act 1- there isn't much evidence of the rivalry save for some lines of dialogue thrown around near the end). There needs to be a clear conflict. Is it their rivalry? Is it the FDA? Is it the passage of time/failure to adapt? The show jumps between all of these elements so quickly and without fully developing them that I wasn't sure what the point was.
There is a show here, and with this cast and creative team it can be a really good one. But it just needs more focus.
Found this online. A bit of the set.
So I’ve ‘heard’ a couple of songs from the show. I don’t think I’ve had the experience necessary to provide too many thoughts (and feel free to stop reading there if you feel so inclined), but I will say that the leads seem very appropriately cast and the material highlights their strengths. I couldn’t imagine a “La Cage revival” situation (not that it ever happened anyway) where the leads would ever want to (or at least, could ever want to) swap. LuPone’s character seems dominant, funny, brass, brash (sounds a bit like the real person) while Ebersole’s character seems more restrained and elegant (again, based on limited information though).
I’ll be momentarily annoying and say that I think Bernadette could step into Ebersole’s role if necessary (but not LuPone’s). And I admit up until recently I almost wished Ebersole could have contracted one of the diseases she is likely not vaccinated for* (or the infamous van that hit Jan Maxwell during Follies could have made a reappearance) so that Bernadette could be brought into the show.
*Of course, I’d never wish this upon her. But my god I can tell I would hate her as a person based on her political views – right-wing and anti-vaccine, skeptical towards anti-biotics. If anyone happens to be a fan of her, stay away from her twitter!!
However, I doubt there are many people (including Bernadette) that could exceed or even match what Ebersole is doing with her 11’O Clock number “Pink”. Someone asked earlier if there is another standout song like “Another Winter” or “Tuesdays, Thursdays”. Yes there is – this is it. The song reminds me a lot of “Another Winter” (but is still very different). I often have claimed that no one can do vulnerability like Bernadette can, but if I had to make an exception it would be for Ebersole.
The song starts off as a very vulnerable/nostalgic reflection (think the tone of Will You?), gradually building in strength and momentum with soaring melodies and several key changes, becoming more passionate/overwhelmed (Ebersole getting to show off her wonderful belt) only to become more restrained once more. There is more going on than conveyed in this description (for example, I absolutely love this small moment towards the end of the song where she starts listing different shades of pink in an affected way that becomes gradually off-beat. It feels like such a natural expression of emotion rather than something that has probably been carefully planned and rehearsed).
In comparison, LuPone’s 11’O Clock number ‘Forever Beautiful’ is very different. Musically, it’s much more dissonant and darker than Ebersole’s song. It’s perhaps not something that is quite as easy listening/pleasant/melodic as ‘Pink’. The vamping throughout the song reminds me of Kander & Ebb. There is less going on musically for me in this song than Pink. However, It’s probably a good thing to have such contrasting songs, and LuPone ends the song with the kind of note that based on the applause to the song, people are paying to hear (the song might have even had slightly louder applause than Pink.).
I’m going to the US next April (can’t wait to see Dolly; Dear Evan; CSC Pacific Overtures among others). I’m eagerly waiting for a Broadway transfer and want to buy a ticket as soon as possible! Please theatre gods, make it happen.
Understudy Joined: 1/18/15
Here is a flickr post with many pictures of the cast/set.
Cannot wait to get tickets when it comes to NY, it looks like a top notch production!
I saw it last night. I imagine by friday the show will be frozen if it isnt already to prepare for the opening on monday. Sure a few minor tweaks will be needed between now and New York but I thought it was a wonderful evening of theatre. Both women were in top form. I agree with the assessment many have made that Ebersole's Arden is a little more eloquent and restrained wheras Patti's Rubenstein is quick witted and brash. Dossett and Sills do hold their own against both women, and while their material and stage time is similiar I found Sills to especially rise above and found him quite memorable despite him never being the focus. I actually find act 2 to be the superior act in terms of action as well as the score. "Now You Know" was haunting and was for me the turning point when I truly realized I was watching something special. Both 11 o'clock numbers are perfect suited for both the roles as well as the women playing them. The line about never liking the color pink at the end of the song is back in and got a huge ovation. I know its been addressed that moment was played with a bit. "Forever Beautiful" brought down the house. It's easy to think of Patti getting more acclaim due to her role being flashier and having numerous jokes that are really landing but Ebersole serves as such a perfect foil. And the final scene when they meet, while it may have never happened I found it a perfect culmination for the evening that the audience desperately needs. I was just offered an invite to the opening so it looks like I'll be going back again on Monday and I cannot wait!
I saw earlier in the thread that both ladies don't do the stage this still true? Hoping to meet them if at all possible. If they don't do the stage door, can someone let me know where the exit from?
Have both leads been consistently doing all performances? We're considering a Sunday evening performance, but would prefer not seeing the understudies for this show.
I didn't realize Patti Cohenour is in the company! I'm assuming she's standing by for both leads?
Jshan05 said: "I saw earlier in the thread that both ladies don't do the stage this still true? Hoping to meet them if at all possible. If they don't do the stage door, can someone let me know where the exit from?"
I saw most cast members exiting from the main doors of the theatre when I went, but didn't see Lupone or Ebersole leave. I was out front chatting with a friend for about 25 minutes after the show.
Saw this last night and found the show lack, but enjoyable. My biggest gripe is that I wish the book and score were more dynamic, especially the first act. I find the overall subject to be interesting, but the structure of the book and narrative aren't very compelling. Luckily, the competency of the cast partially compensates for the lack of emotional and tonal range of the book/score. If anything, the musical sparked a desire to read the book on which its based to help flesh out the bullet-point highlights that make up the book of the musical. For a show based on an industry so highly dependent on colors, it's ironic that the book and score come across almost as monochromatic. Sure, there is a mix of ballad and uptempo songs, but the majority of them sound rather generic and too similar to be distinct or memorable. "Pink" was the only tune I could recall after the show and towers above as the stand-out number of the score. "War Paint" and the somber ballad in the restaurant in the first act (can't recall the name of the song...perhaps "If I'd Been a Man" were both strong, musically, though I didn't care for the staging of "War Paint" at all. Some songs were more memorable for their staging or performances than the music itself such as "Fire and Ice" (which could have been a knockout number visually had not all the women been dressed exactly the same), "Forever Beautiful" and "Beauty in the World". And as for the book, the narrative structure quickly became repetitive and predictable to the point that I found it tedious. For every Helena moment, there is an equal and opposite Elizabeth moment and vice-versa. That is virtually every scene from start to finish and when you become aware of it, it's like you can hear a clock ticking at the start of each scene knowing the moment/song/scene will basically be repeated from the other perspective. This only adds a flatness of a book that skims these characters over a couple of decades. There is dialogue that provides some background into the women and its Helena that is more properly fleshed out as a character, but in the end, I felt like I had just flipped through an old photo album rather than having been told a story.
The cast is the highlight of the production. LuPone and Ebersole both knock it out of the park vocally, but it's LuPone who truly rises above with her acting. Her comedic moments are so good, it's impossible to tell if her delivery was inspired by the lines or if the lines were inspired by her performance. Ebersole packed a real punch, both vocally and emotionally, in her performance of "Pink", but the rest was pretty monotonous and generic. This could be due to the material she was given (LuPone was given a character with more ethnic flavor while Ebersole plays a stock WASPy type), but I felt like I was really just watching her perform Dorothy Brock in 42nd Street again (which isn't the compliment it may seem considering I have no idea how she ended up with a Tony for it). Sills and Dossett rise above their material to make an impression, even when saddled with "Dinosaurs" which needs to be replaced or cut.
<I>I didn't realize Patti Cohenour is in the company!</I>
I didn't either until I saw her listed in the program last night! I was so excited I got to see her perform, though she's ensemble and has little opportunity to stand out. I could recognize her distinctive voice when she had solo lines, though.
I saw it Wednesday night, and liked it very much. I liked "Dinosaurs"; I was happy the 2 men got a song of their own. I thought "Better Yourself" was pretty weak, though I could see it made sense for what it said about Elizabeth.
I was surprised by the beginning - the scrim going up, and the two women sitting on stage at their dressing tables. For a show that's such a vehicle for the two leads, I really thought they should each have gotten a much better entrance. The audience seemed frustrated by it too - both actresses got entrance applause when they came onstage for their first songs after the prologue, as well as right at the beginning.
I very much liked how the Goodman handled the pre-show announcement - it was funny and entertaining, not just the usual "turn off your phones", but was very clear that phones should be off, not just muted. And the ushers went up and down the aisles also being clear that phones should be turned off, both before the show and at the end of intermission, when the announcement was also repeated. And it seemed to work; I didn't see or hear a phone all night, and I can't remember the last time that happened to me at a musical in the U.S.
Has anyone on here won the lotto for War Paint yet? I've been trying for weeks but no luck.
JeaniusIsMe said: "Jshan05 said: "I saw earlier in the thread that both ladies don't do the stage this still true? Hoping to meet them if at all possible. If they don't do the stage door, can someone let me know where the exit from?"
I saw most cast members exiting from the main doors of the theatre when I went, but didn't see Lupone or Ebersole leave. I was out front chatting with a friend for about 25 minutes after the show.
I was told by security LuPone and Ebersole will not enter or exit the front of the theatre. They have car service and are picked up in a secure area.
Swing Joined: 12/17/08
If you make a left out of the theater and another left on the first street, you will see two limos waiting behind a fence. On Thursday night, both drivers were standing near the fence talking on their cell phones. I talked to one of them who said "they" (Christine and Patti) get in the cars immediately. There's probably about 20 feet from the door to the fence.
It's pretty easy to find the cars... I did not stick around to see them walk out. I am curious if both walk out at the same time because it would be quite the production to move the fence back and forth to let the cars out individually.
Featured Actor Joined: 12/16/10
Saw it Friday night and loved it. Both ladies are exceptional. Reading comments about replacing Ebersole with someone like Bernadette Peters: shouldn't happen, sorry. Ebersole is simply radiant in this role, which I'm sure was tailor made for her by the Grey Gardens folks. She is a great match for LuPone.
The number that desperately needs to be cut is the Dinosaurs number. It adds nothing. Or at least improve it. I never bought that these two men would be reduced to making silly dinosaur noises.
The War Paint number also needs to be punched up a little.
But the other numbers: great showcases for the talent involved.
Featured Actor Joined: 12/16/10
Bettyboy wrote: LuPone is definitely the bigger star. Christine entered to very respectable applause and some hoots. Patti entered to thunderous applause.
Maybe they changed things but at my performance when we first see the women they are on stage together, LuPone at her desk and Ebersole at hers. Neither received applause on their later separate entrances because both had received applause. But yes my audience was clearly loving every one of LuPone's more divaesque moments.