UnwoundFantasies said: "
NJ_BroadwayGirl said: "Yeah it's a bit of a blur to me now too but Jenna was on stage by herself, center stage and it's revealed that he left her the diner. I wonder why they would take that out it seemed effective and touching. But who knows we could both have been in an emotional fog haha
I asked my friend, and she said that when Lulu ran to Jenna from the side, Joe stood behind her and waved to imply he had passed? But that makes the timing of his passing unclear since the presence of an adult Lulu shows time has passed. And I was right next to her and I definitely missed this. So I guess they're still tinkering with it. But Jenna was definitely alone center stage while reading the letters.
I asked my friend who went last night. Lulu is not an adult, more so a toddler, maybe a bit older. Joe stands in the shadows and tips his hat and waves to Jenna as she reads the letter and Joe's words: "I, leaving you the diner when I'm gone." Hope this clears up your question!
suzycat said: "At tonight's preview, there were technical difficulties with the automation following the scene at the doctors office about 30 mins into the show. Show has been stopped for about 45 minutes now, but they just said it should resume shortly so fingers crossed! Sara Bareilles came out and sang "Part of Your World" for us along with a cut song for the show. She said this is the first tech difficulty they've had. "
That's the best case technical difficulty scenario ever!
GreasedLightning said "I asked my friend who went last night. Lulu is not an adult, more so a toddler, maybe a bit older. Joe stands in the shadows and tips his hat and waves to Jenna as she reads the letter and Joe's words: "I, leaving you the diner when I'm gone." Hope this clears up your question!"
That's how I remember it from the first preview so it sounds like nothing has changed. Thanks!
Leading Actor Joined: 10/13/11
Wow I can't believe I wrote adult. Sorry I know she's a toddler haha i don't know what I was thinking.
Either way I still completely missed Joe's appearance at that moment... Oh well I guess I'll just have to go back again...darn
Swing Joined: 12/2/14
I read someone's post on FB who said she was at the Waitress Preview on Saturday 3/26 and Jessie was out so an understudy went on for her. Is this true?
Leading Actor Joined: 10/13/11
marilynbarrett said: "I read someone's post on FB who said she was at the Waitress Preview on Saturday 3/26 and Jessie was out so an understudy went on for her. Is this true?
I was at that performance. No understudies were on.
Swing Joined: 12/2/14
Thanks for responding. I had a suspicion this person was lying. I don't understand why people would post such things. [sigh] BTW, Lucky You that you were there. I have tickets for May 12!
Ha! Here are some links with videos to what suzycat was referencing (the technical breakdown and Sara Bareilles coming out and performing an impromptu concert while the audience waited). According to one of the articles, apparently when the show had to stop a second time, the audience applauded, perhaps hoping to see Sara again.
Swing Joined: 3/31/16
I ended up recording the entire Sara Bareilles performance during the technical difficulty. Links below:
Seeing this tonight. Super excited as I saw this in Boston and am really looking forward to seeing the changes they have been made!
As I've said earlier, I saw this at the A.R.T and absolutely loved it. Everything about it. I was really disappointed tonight. Didn't like the majority of the changes - the biggest being the few new actors and the change in some song. I really miss Door Number Three. The only new things I liked were the new choreography and the the few flashbacks.
Was really expecting more from this. My friend that also saw this with me in Boston felt the same way.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/2/10
Kind of off topic but is anyone else watching ABC's new series, The Family? Jessie Mueller has had a small part in the last two weeks where she is playing a waitress (owner?) of a bakery...
KathyNYC2 said: "Kind of off topic but is anyone else watching ABC's new series, The Family? Jessie Mueller has had a small part in the last two weeks where she is playing a waitress (owner?) of a bakery...
"See message #114.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/2/10
Yes I had seen that. But #114 noted she was in the show "last week" but I hadn't realized it was a recurrent part until tonight so I thought I would mention it again.
I attended the matinee today. I haven't seen the movie and didn't see the run at ART in Boston so this is a response to the first time knowing the plot. First, Jenna's mother resembles the late Adrienne Shelly so much that I was distracted by it and wondered if it was by design in her memory. Also, the doctor resembles Paul Ryan in Congress which REALLY distracted me! About the musical: Jessie Mueller was wonderful and deserves this showcase for her talent and unique singing voice. The harmonies were heavenly. The book is weak, but perhaps the screenplay was as well. This plot is such an outdated melodramatic trope it bored me to sleep. The characters were stereotypes. Fitzgerald's number and performance in Act I were entertaining. And, Jessie's number in Act Two elevated the musical. I don't know what more can be done to the script if these are the plot lines they're constricted to observe.
jacobsnchz14 said: "https://www.broadwayworld.com/article/A-Feast-for-the-Senses-WAITRESS-Audiences-Welcomed-Into-Theater-with-Aroma-of-Warming-Pies-20160405
^ that sounds like a headache waiting to happen.
Stand-by Joined: 10/25/15
I saw it last night...was super excited to see and hear what all the buzz was about. I brought a few of our coordinators from the network along with me too. First off...clever framing on the set which is basically a large diner pie case stocked with pies and I loved that they sold pie in the theatre. Super smart and immersive. The audience was pumped...actually they were pumped throughout...this is obviously a cult favorite so no matter what was presented on stage they were gonna love it! The show started late and I was struck by how low energy it felt in the beginning AND there were major problems with diction. I had a very hard time understanding them. It gets going about 10 minutes in and the diction gets better for the most part although I did have a hard time understanding Jesse throughout. Frankly I felt like she played her very one dimensional and not aspirational at all (until the wedding scene I didn't much care for her). I loved Keri Russell in the movie and I rooted for her...not so much here. I almost wondered if she was sick or something cause she felt off to me if that makes sense. Also the chorus seemed small to me (they could have easily filled this out a little more and as a result kinda insignificant. The choreography felt flat. I know they're kind of using the onstage band as part of the chorus too but It just feels like a very small show in a very large theatre. Someday this musical will be rediscovered and given the "circle in the square" treatment it deserves. Props to Fitzgerald...he's always so good and gave act one some life. His number was a much needed crowd pleaser...he woke everyone up in act one. Jesse has a few good songs in act two. And let's talk about the book and music. Book is weak...especially in act two. The ending is choppy and I had a very hard time following what was happening...one of my associates said "did he just die and give her the pie shop...did he even own the shop?" Die hard fans already know the story so I guess it doesn't matter but it was confusing even for me? People are also loving the music but honestly I felt like the songs didn't have any flow...they certainly didn't help connect the action much or further the plot much. In fact I felt like most of them just stopped and started..didn't feel seamless. Jesse tried, especially in act 2 to elevate these but they're written for Sarah's voice and in her style which I kinda felt was off-putting to Jesse's talents. Like why didn't Sarah just play the role since she wrote it for herself? I don't want to be harsh it's a sweet little show. If they just fix the ending, which shouldn't be hard then this should have a long run due to the fans of the movie. And it will tour well. They'll clean up on the road. With that said it's just such a B+ to me. I'm sure the Times will give it a good review because they're handing these out like candy recently (Crucible was a mess and they gave it a rave so what do I know). Don't sit too far stage right or you'll miss the kitchen action. And I'd suggest the orchestra a little closer because of the diction issues.
I've searched and cannot find any comments relative to the view from row AAA at the Brooks Atkinson. Anybody know?
The only thing I've seen is this image: https://twitter.com/StageDoorDish/status/717489049129377792
The cast album buzz resurfaced after Sara teased it on twitter this morning -
Melissa25 said: "I've searched and cannot find any comments relative to the view from row AAA at the Brooks Atkinson. Anybody know?
In my opinion, it looks like it would've been too close.
Melissa25 said: "I've searched and cannot find any comments relative to the view from row AAA at the Brooks Atkinson. Anybody know?"
I didn't sit in the front row, but from my view in the orchestra (inside aisle, row J I think) it looked way too close. Neck-craning close.
This was my view from row C and it felt too close. The front row was definitely craning to see, and they were most likely covered in flour by the end of the show!