I was at last night's preview and I really enjoyed myself. There may have been a few faults here and there, but I honestly couldn't tell you what they were because I was so blinded by that megawatt bulb of brilliance known as Jessie Mueller. I've always liked Mueller, but I think Waitress is the first time where she truly gets to show off just how deeply talented she is. She was already wonderful at ART, but now she's operating on a whole new level and I can't get enough. A friend I went with me texted me last night to say we need to go back to the box today and purchase our next set of tickets; the only correction I need to make is next sets and not set. Yes, Mueller is worth every penny.
I like a lot of the changes made from the Boston run. I was happy and relieved to see those awful little waiting room songs had been cut. It really helped keep the focus on the main characters rather than waste time with unimportant things. (Although, you can give me all you want of Nurse Norma, who simply steals every moment she is on stage. They A) need to let her bow in her nurses uniform and B) give her a separate bow. She more than earned it.)
Chris Fitzgerald is a big improvement over the actor that played Ogie at ART. Whereas I thought "Never Getting Rid of Me" came off as stalker-y and creepy out of town, I think Chris finds the right balance of persistent, nerdy and hopelessly in love. I also think Kimiko Glenn's Dawn is far less resistant to his advances, which helps matters too.
Keala Settle's boisterous performance plays much better in a larger house and she scored with all of her zingers and one-liners. Glad to see her back at the Brooks!
Someone above said they didn't think Mueller had much chemistry with Gehling, and after Boston I would have totally agreed. When they replaced three of the lead actors before the New York run I was a little surprised they didn't replace Gehling too- he was perfectly fine before, but without the spark between the two leads the show was lacking the believability of their affair. But last night I thought Gehling and Mueller were ready to tear each other's clothes off for real; It Only Takes a Taste was particularly steamy. He has settled into the role very nicely.
Poor Nick Cordero sure has one of the most unlikeable characters currently on the Broadway stage to play. He shades the role better than his out of town counterpart, but let's face it, we're never going to "understand" or like the guy. The part seems smaller here, and that's fine by me.
The score is catchy and tuneful- that OBCR can't be released quickly enough. The book is strong too and I think this is going to end up being a crowd-pleaser and turn into a hit.
Do you think we could have the first three-way tie for a Tony this year? Benanti/Mueller/Erivo?
^Well, Jessie just won almost two years ago. But could she really pull a Donna Murphy by winning two Lead Actress in a Musical Tony Awards within two years?
Updated On: 3/30/16 at 09:44 AMBroadway Star Joined: 11/10/15
so whizzer loves this musical with great score and terrible book, but thinks Evan Hansen is a mediocre watered-down N2N rip-off? cannot take your reviews seriously anymore. you've lost a fan and follower. sorry
WhizzerMarvin said: "Do you think we could have the first three-way tie for a Tony this year? Benanti/Mueller/Erivo? "
A girl can dream! But having seen all three, albeit with Mueller freshest in my mind, she's just edging Erivo for top of the list.
Thanks for the review. It's good to have some more opinions here.
JM226 said: "so whizzer loves this musical with great score and terrible book, but thinks Evan Hansen is a mediocre watered-down N2N rip-off? cannot take your reviews seriously anymore. you've lost a fan and follower. sorry"
Your statement sounds a bit unfair to me. People will have different opinions on shows. Think about how often we disagree with the top theatre critics in the industry. Different shows speak to people differently.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/8/07
I saw Waitress last night and largely found it to be a delight. I think the creative team has made almost only positive changes to the show since ART, and even then it was in solid shape. It truly is a shining moment for Mueller, and she’s even more brilliant here than she was in Boston. The new song in act 1 is fantastic, and she delivers it beautifully. She Used to Me Mine and Everything Changes are incredible.
Christopher Fitzgerald is an excellent addition to the cast and he makes the most of a song I found nearly unbearable at ART, and is now nearly a showstopper. Keala Settle is excellent in her role and I really enjoyed Kimiko Glenn.
Sara Bareilles score is quite fun, and I think she’s written some gorgeous melodies. I loved the set design (and the addition of the spinning pies).
I really liked most of the changes, but I still have one big issue. Bring Back Lulu’s song! I thought it was such a lovely ending to the show, and I think the new ending robs the story of some emotional impact. Still, the show is such a crowdpleaser and it is clear that it will be around for some time. Oh, and I had two of the pies that they sell in the theater and the Key Lime Pie was delicious.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/10/11
Jeffrey Karasarides said: "^Well, Jessie just won almost two years ago. But could she really pull a Donna Murphy by winning two Lead Actress in a Musical Tony Awards within two years?
Donna Murphy didn't really have any competition with TKAI, with Julie Andrews' withdrawal. I would have voted for Donna in most years for that particular performance. I haven't yet seen Erivo or Benanti (that is the late May trip), but for my money, Jessie certainly gives a more award worthy performance here than in Beautiful, in which I thought she was terrific. This was just such a heart-wrenching performance and her singing was spectacular.
NJ_BroadwayGirl said: "WhizzerMarvin said: "Do you think we could have the first three-way tie for a Tony this year? Benanti/Mueller/Erivo? "
A girl can dream! But having seen all three, albeit with Mueller freshest in my mind, she's just edging Erivo for top of the list.
Thanks for the review. It's good to have some more opinions here.
Having just seen THE COLOR PURPLE, I can't imagine anyone beating out Erivo. But maybe I'll have to see WAITRESS now to compare.
Geez....you people are going to make me spend every penny I earn! I was thinking maybe this one could wait a little since I did see it in Cambridge....but all your great words! AUUUUGH....why can't I be independently wealthy?
Leading Actor Joined: 10/13/11
Question- I saw the second preview, in that version they didn't clarify that Joe had died in his operation.. which I think is an important element for Jenna's imminent future. Did they put that detail in by any chance? I can't remember if it was included at the ART.
Donna Murphy's Tony win for THE KING AND I was unexpected at the time. Most people thought Julie Andrews would, despite refusing the nomination, be honored anyway -- The Tony committee ignored her request to be removed from the ballot. And most people thought if Andrews didn't win, that Daphne Rubin-Vega might get carried on a RENT tidal wave to a win. As it turns out, RENT was awarded plenty, but the Tony voters shared the wealth that year - and also heavily awarded BRING IN DA NOISE and THE KING AND I.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/10/15
Daddy Warbucks said: "JM226 said: "so whizzer loves this musical with great score and terrible book, but thinks Evan Hansen is a mediocre watered-down N2N rip-off? cannot take your reviews seriously anymore. you've lost a fan and follower. sorry"
Your statement sounds a bit unfair to me. People will have different opinions on shows. Think about how often we disagree with the top theatre critics in the industry. Different shows speak to people differently.
i'm not criticizing the opinion itself. i am criticizing the artistic and intellectual basis of the opinion, which is completely fair game.
Typing on my phone and not sure how to do the tag.
UnwoundFantasies said: "Question- I saw the second preview, in that version they didn't clarify that Joe had died in his operation.. which I think is an important element for Jenna's imminent future. Did they put that detail in by any chance? I can't remember if it was included at the ART."
I was at the first preview and I thought they illustrated that he died by having his "ghost" appear in that scene where he was off to the side behind Jenna. So no they never outright say it but I guess we are supposed to infer from his visit to her etc that he knows he isn't well. At ART Jenna actually read the card he gave her and the girls tell her that he died. That has been scrapped.
dramamama611 said: "Geez....you people are going to make me spend every penny I earn! I was thinking maybe this one could wait a little since I did see it in Cambridge....but all your great words! AUUUUGH....why can't I be independently wealthy? "
Yeah it's changed quite a bit Dramamama. Hope you can get to see it soon! :)
Leading Actor Joined: 10/13/11
Unless my friend and I both missed that moment due to our Everything Changes induced tears, they removed that by second preview.
Yeah it's a bit of a blur to me now too but Jenna was on stage by herself, center stage and it's revealed that he left her the diner. I wonder why they would take that out it seemed effective and touching. But who knows we could both have been in an emotional fog haha
JM226 said: "so whizzer loves this musical with great score and terrible book, but thinks Evan Hansen is a mediocre watered-down N2N rip-off? cannot take your reviews seriously anymore. you've lost a fan and follower. sorry
Well I did think Dear Evan Hansen reminded me a little too much of Next to Normal, but I was ultimately moved by the piece in the second act and thought it was certainly far from bad and better than mediocre. I also admitted that I can see past Waitress' faults because Mueller's performance overwhelmed me so. Just an honest, visceral reaction I had to the piece, just like it seems you have had several honest, visceral reactions to Dear Evan Hansen. Sometimes when emotion overtakes a person logical, intellectual opinions go out the window and your heart takes over.
I always appreciate hearing a differing opinion and happy to rethink something when I see something again, as I will with Waitress, Evan Hansen and American Psycho!
Jeez guys, Whizzer is just a theatre fan posting his personal opinions on shows. He's not Ben Brantley, you don't need to try to bring him to task when you disagree with one of his reviews.
WhizzerMarvin said: "Sometimes when emotion overtakes a person logical, intellectual opinions go out the window and your heart takes over."
This is a great line! Thank you for putting into words how I feel so often about the shows I see and love that others dismiss!
Leading Actor Joined: 10/13/11
NJ_BroadwayGirl said: "Yeah it's a bit of a blur to me now too but Jenna was on stage by herself, center stage and it's revealed that he left her the diner. I wonder why they would take that out it seemed effective and touching. But who knows we could both have been in an emotional fog haha
I asked my friend, and she said that when Lulu ran to Jenna from the side, Joe stood behind her and waved to imply he had passed? But that makes the timing of his passing unclear since the presence of an adult Lulu shows time has passed. And I was right next to her and I definitely missed this. So I guess they're still tinkering with it. But Jenna was definitely alone center stage while reading the letters.
For folks who are going this week, I'd be curious to know if it still looks like sold out shows--post spring break / Easter weekend.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/9/15
I bought tickets for April 22 and it was already pretty slim pickings! For non-premiums, only single tickets were left in the orchestra, front mezzanine, and first few rows of the rear mezzanine. The back row of $99 tickets was still available and the only cheap tickets left were far sides. Seems like a good sign this far out!
Many friend and I opted for single seats in the center orchestra.
^ True dat. I am astonished by how well-sold this show is. Looks like they've got a hit on their hands.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/5/09
Bittersweet chocolate is delicious. As described in the show, the pie made with bittersweet chocolate sounds more than delicious. (I no doubt would have preferred any of the pies described in the show to the show itself.) Bittersweet theatre, however, is trickier. If not done perfectly, it can acquire an off taste, which I'm afraid is the case here. It's all professionally done; Jessie Mueller is quite good, and the cast is accomplished. But, it's drab and middling, with stock characters and situations, rudimentary humor, and an unmemorable score. The best song was the duet between Jenna and the doctor, and I can't remember a note of it.
At tonight's preview, there were technical difficulties with the automation following the scene at the doctors office about 30 mins into the show. Show has been stopped for about 45 minutes now, but they just said it should resume shortly so fingers crossed! Sara Bareilles came out and sang "Part of Your World" for us along with a cut song for the show. She said this is the first tech difficulty they've had.