So we can't discuss the morals of Ben Platt being in shows that his father produces? We can't discuss Broadway nepotism? I think that alone proves the power of nepotism. Shame on you, BWW.
It does seem to be an eerie situation...
How is it immoral to cast your son in a show, especially if he's good?
Sondheimite said: "So we can't discuss the morals of Ben Platt being in shows that his father produces? We can't discuss Broadway nepotism? I think that alone proves the power of nepotism. Shame on you, BWW.
His father doesn't produce any of Ben's shows. Book of Mormon and DEH are not Marc Platt produced shows. It would be a different conversation if Ben Platt was in Wicked, Indecent, or War Paint.
Because it's not true. Neither MORMON nor EVAN HANSEN are produced by Marc Platt.
Facts matter.
Wow! I can't believe that totally valid thread was deleted.
Shame on you BWW mods. Explain yourselves!
theaterguy11 said: "Wow! I can't believe that totally valid thread was deleted.
Shame on you BWW mods. Explain yourselves!"
Maybe when you explain why facts don't matter to you and why you insist on making assumptions without any evidence.
LYLS3637 said: "Because it's not true. Neither MORMON nor EVAN HANSEN are produced by Marc Platt.
Facts matter.
Facts do matter. And it's a fact that BoM was produced by Scott Rudin, another powerful Hollywood producer who works with Marc Platt. Rudin was seated directly behind the Platt family row at this year's Tony Awards and you could visibly see Scott and Marc frequently chatting.
It's also a fact that in their short, not cut off Tony acceptance speech, Pasek and Paul found time to heap thanks upon Marc Platt who is not billed on the poster or playbill of their production. I wonder why he was one of the few people thanked, yet is somehow unbilled. I wonder why?
theaterguy11 said: "t's also a fact that in their short Tony acceptance speech, Pasek and Paul found time to heap thanks upon Marc Platt, unbilled producer of Dear Evan a Hansen. "
theaterguy11 said: "
Facts do matter. And it's a fact that BoM was produced by Scott Rudin, another powerful Hollywood producer who works with Marc Platt. It's also a fact that in their short Tony acceptance speech, Pasek and Paul found time to heap thanks upon Marc Platt, unbilled producer of Dear Evan a Hansen.
You beat me to the punch!
theaterguy11 said: "LYLS3637 said: "Because it's not true. Neither MORMON nor EVAN HANSEN are produced by Marc Platt.
Facts matter.
Facts do matter. And it's a fact that BoM was produced by Scott Rudin, another powerful Hollywood producer who works with Marc Platt. It's also a fact that in their short Tony acceptance speech, Pasek and Paul found time to heap thanks upon Marc Platt, unbilled producer of Dear Evan a Hansen."
Again, you don't know why they thanked him. You're have zero credibility on this issue. Stop making assumptions about things to which you are not privy. You're nothing more than a bull$hit artist.
Go wear your tin foil hat and come up with more crazy six degree conspiracies about actors and producers.
I would say that the point here is that anyone who has so much difficulty accepting posts that say things that they don't like that they call for its removal should:
a) start their own chat board, with the Prime Directive that posts are only allowed if they say something the founder likes, or
b) you know - grow up and accept the concept of dissent.
And it's also a fact that all these connections in the world wouldn't matter if Ben wasn't talented. Next, please.
Stand-by Joined: 9/14/08
I guess we now know that Kellyann and Theatreguy 11 are the same!
Six degrees of separation?!
how about 1 degree of separation. Marc Platt is his father! No tin foil required!
newintown said: "I would say that the point here is that anyone who has so much difficulty accepting posts that say things that they don't like that they call for its removal should:
a) start their own chat board, with the Prime Directive that posts are only allowed if they say something the founder likes, or
b) you know - grow up and accept the concept of dissent."
Or, you know, you could do the same thing and have a board with the Prime Directive that nothing is off limits. We are all guests on this site, and the moderators can run it as they see fit.
What are you going to do about it? Start thread and foam at the mouth for the rest of your life?
Because you are attempting to discredit an actor's career even though you have no true evidence. It's gross and petty. These actors are people and they don't deserve to be bullied online by people behind anonymous usernames. If you want to gossip, do it elsewhere.
GeorgeandDot said: "Because you are attempting to discredit an actor's career even though you have no true evidence. It's gross and petty. These actors are people and they don't deserve to be bullied online by people behind anonymous usernames. If you want to gossip, do it elsewhere.
Nobody on a Broadwayworld message board could possibly discredit someone's career. But why have a board at *all* if we can't discuss the art and our opinions on the artists who make it?!
theaterguy11 said: "Six degrees of separation?!
how about 1 degree of separation. Marc Platt is his father! No tin foil required!"
Again, you're just lying. Marc Platt and Scott Rudin have not produced together. Film, TV, or theatre. So just stop. You're not entitled to your own facts.
theaterguy11 said: "GeorgeandDot said: "Because you are attempting to discredit an actor's career even though you have no true evidence. It's gross and petty. These actors are people and they don't deserve to be bullied online by people behind anonymous usernames. If you want to gossip, do it elsewhere.
Nobody on a Broadwayworld message board could possibly discredit someone's career. But why have a board at *all* if we can't discuss the art and our opinions on the artists who make it?!
Because you aren't discussing art, you're gossiping.
Broadway Star Joined: 5/5/17
All this thread needs now is Skimbleshanks to come in and throw a fit about ANDY KARL being ROBBED of a TONY because BEN PLATT'S daddy bought the award for him.
How dare the likes of Jane Fonda, Liza Minnelli, Julia Louis Dreyfus, Anjelica Huston, Michael Douglas, etc are allowed to work in show business. All without talent! Should there be a law that only allows one family member to enter the business of show?
Updated On: 6/27/17 at 04:31 PM
Because you aren't discussing art, you're gossiping.
I find this bit of art perplexing. The masses seem to enjoy it, yet I find it bland and unsightly. Therefore I am speculating as to how the art came to be produced with this particular artist. That leads to the discussion of PR agents and how to manipulate public perception. All of that should be fair game on a Broadway message board.
Swing Joined: 6/5/17
theaterguy11 said: "LYLS3637 said: "Because it's not true. Neither MORMON nor EVAN HANSEN are produced by Marc Platt.
Facts matter.
Facts do matter. And it's a fact that BoM was produced by Scott Rudin, another powerful Hollywood producer who works with Marc Platt. Rudin was seated directly behind the Platt family row at this year's Tony Awards and you could visibly see Scott and Marc frequently chatting.
It's also a fact that in their short, not cut off Tony acceptance speech, Pasek and Paul found time to heap thanks upon Marc Platt who is not billed on the poster or playbill of their production. I wonder why he was one of the few people thanked, yet is somehow unbilled. I wonder why? "
Marc Platt produced La La Land, the project Pasek and Paul got their Oscar for. So clearly they've established some sort of relationship with him due to that. Making up some sort of conspiracy theory about how he's an unbilled producer for DEH is nonsense. And of course Marc and Scott chatted during the Tony Awards, they're both Hollywood producers who know each other. I'm sure Marc is familiar with lots of other producers in the industry and would have chatted with them had they been seating behind him and his family. You're reaching quite a bit.
Also, I'd have more of a problem regarding Ben's family connections if he was quiet about it but it's something that he has been open about and has admitted that he has gotten more doors open for him than a normal kid probably would. He's not the last person in the industry to have family connections, and if you find that uncomfortable then go ahead, it's another thing to just completely make up things to suit your argument.