Broadway Legend Joined: 11/4/04
here's my thoughts -- idk if you guys care, but i'm gonna tell u anyway...
i am very happy that the storyline wasn't changed in a major way, ie. - mimi living/dying.
it appears that it wasn't watered down, ie. - they'res still curses, sleazy clothing, etc. it seems it will be rated r, which is good because if it was rated anything else then it wouldn't have been done properly.
i'm disappointed that a few scenes were cut out, ie. - contact, christmas bells, etc. the way angel dies is disappointing, laying in a hospital bed. but some scenes were added, ie. - the engagement party at joanne's parent's house.
i like the flashbacks in some songs, ie. - roger and april in one song glory. i think it's a good idea since scenes like this have been in our imagination for the past 8 years, and i'm anxious to see them.
very few songs are spoken in dialogue, it seems they tried to keep as many to music as possible.
i like the way out tonight, tango: maureen, take me or leave me, what you own, and the finale are to be done.
maureen doesn't have a big entrance. this depresses me.
overall, i'm satisfied with the screenplay. it definitely could have been worse, and we shouldn't take the songs and storyline that we have (at least for now, unless they added/cut something) for granted. everyone is just talking about the negative... what about the POSITIVE?
what do you think?
~ rebecca
EDIT -- i love how the first thing it says is: "This confidential information is the property of Breakdown Services, Ltd., -- DO NOT COPY!" hahaha i was cracking up at that. i love how someone followed directions, now thousands of people have read it.
Updated On: 11/20/04 at 03:07 PM
Oh, I know, isn't that wonderful? But I guess in a way, it's flattering...I mean it does show how huge the RENT fanbase is.
Glad to hear I'm not the only insane one who thinks the screenplay could be good
As soon as I heard a majority of the OBC signed on, I was happy. Just that bit of information gave me faith that the screenplay was decent and that Rent would be alright :)
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/4/04
"As soon as I heard a majority of the OBC signed on, I was happy. Just that bit of information gave me faith that the screenplay was decent and that Rent would be alright :) "
i was extremely excited when i heard that too (i won't get into HOW excited, it's semi-embarassing lol) but i knew the movie could still be a flop if the storyline was changed in a major way or any of the popular/major songs were cut. i'm happy that none of this is true
Yeah, I had surgery the weekend it was was the only thing that kept me from being totally depressed. My mom couldn't understand why I was so hyper though...she thought I was doped up on pain pills.
okay so I printed it lol had to
I like it!
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/20/04
Yes, I too liked it. I mean, its not the best thing in the world, but if filmed right (in the style of that commercial), it could be pretty good.
To play devil's advocate, how else should Angel die? Any less than what the screenplay had and itd be like "What? He died?" and anymore would be "My lord, could that have been any cornier?".
One thing I worry about is the ending. I like the screenplay endind, but I don't know how the public will take to it. Admittingly, it is a slightly abrupt ending. "Roger's back. They found Mimi. She's dead, now she's alive. 'night folks!". I don't know how the general public will take to that. Although, I say this, and I can't really think of any other way to end it...
And yes, I always love the blatent disregard for the directions. I always used to laugh when my chorus director handed out photocopies of music, with it clearly written (sometimes in picture form) DO NOT PHOTOCOPY lol
Updated On: 11/20/04 at 04:24 PM
The ending has always bugged me...but like you said, there really is no other way to do it. It would simply seem sacreligious. Although, I did like the whole scene in the Chbosky version with Mimi in the hospital. That almost makes more sense...but...I dunno.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/20/04
I agree. I actually liked the recurring hospital theme (Collins, Angel, April, Roger and Mimi all in hospital, but at different times. It kind of draws them closer). There are definately parts of the Chbosky screenplay I really liked
Yeah. I also really liked the dialogue scenes which elaborated on the relationships. Some of the Collins/Angel and Roger/Mimi stuff especially. I'm kind of sad to see that stuff get cut.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/20/04
Some of the Roger/Mimi dialogue was rather corny, but the Angel/Collins stuff was good, really advanced the relationship.
Some was corny...but some was really cute. I think I'm just a hopeless romantic.
hehe me too
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/4/04
i'm disappoined with the way angel died because if it were done the proper way and angel had been having sex as he died, it would have reinforced the "live life to the fullest" theme, like angel was fully living life right up until he died. sorry major run-on. it happens
~ rebecca
I dont think Angel is having sex when he dies.
*edited to elaborate*
This is just my interpretation: Contact is more like a montage. While the other principal characters are having relations, Angel is dying. I always looked at Angel's solo in Contact as what his soul is doing while he is dying. He is no longer sick, he is free from the disease.
Featured Actor Joined: 10/27/04
"I dont think Angel is having sex when he dies."
Yeah, he isn't (in my opinion and it seems like he just wouldnt be...think about it: he's alreaady been weak for a while, I doubt he'd be having sex at this point...)
There are theories to explain the song Contact, I don't know if this is common knowledge or not, but many agree it's a mismosh in which the nights the characters with AIDS (especially Angel I would think because of his feature in the song) contracted the disease.
IMHO: It is a criss cross between this theory and the current romp several of the couples are having during the song (as in Mimi/Roger and Joanne/Maureen) and the past experience (for them and others)...past and present are together (some people believe that Mark is actually performing his mucho masturbation in the scene, which I concurr is possible/concievable, except then there's the issue of him talking to himself--so I choose the believe its possibly even doing both as in there's him masturbating though also the portrayal of another night of unrestrictiveness in the song)
I can elaborate or explain my theory more if someone actually cares (jk..I won't bore or take up more space than the alreadytoomuch I do), but I must be off to bed now (I'm so tired-->took the tour of Columbia U--walkingwalkingwalking in the *cold rain* and then took a look at NYU... I have to go back for a tour because they don't offer weekend ones, but at least I saw where it was in person, etc...)
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/20/04
glad to know you guys are doing it...
give us a call.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/4/04
hey fredi! at least i think thats you... fwb... trying to hide from us haha. well, i respect your privacy, you don't have to tell us who you really are...
well, that's my opinion on how angel died, and believe me, i've had A LOT of conversations with my other renthead friends about it. we've pretty much exhausted the topic. so if that's your opinion, fine by me.
stacey, your idea (it's a mismosh in which the nights the characters with AIDS (especially Angel I would think because of his feature in the song) contracted the disease.) is good... i've never thought about it that way. could be, but we'll NEVER really know haha
we're kinda threadhacking again, lol. LOOK AT WHAT I STARTED! sorry... :- maybe anthony wants to elaborate on angel's death or give his opinion...?
~ rebecca
Updated On: 11/21/04 at 01:37 PM
Did you guys ever see in the big RENT book - Wilson said that it was a difficult thing to figure out the right balance for that scene, because the way he saw it, Angel was having an orgasm AND dying at the same time (I think that's what it said; I don't own the book, so I'm going based on what I remember reading).
Oh, and welcome Fredi.... I wasn't going to say anything when the little lightbulb in my head went off last night, but since other people are figuring it out as well...
Emcee, I have the book and don't remember reading it. I might have missed it though. I'll have to look again. It seems logical though.
Oh yes welcome Fredi. Seems like we are attracting alot of people to the board. Hope you have fun here.
Yeah, well... I could be going nuts. Wouldn't be the first time - I need to buy that book... or come read yours.
Yay, welcome.
I do remember reading that in the Rent book...but then Brian Gligor talked about how he didn't think Contact was a sex scene at all on CB. But then I guess each cast would have their own interpretation. I think it could go either way. I do like Angel's death in the screenplay though.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/7/04
I am debating over whether or not to read the screenplay; I don't want to spoil too much.
Welcome, Freddi. Feel free to chitchat, about Rent or anything else. We're a friendly (if slightly neurotic) bunch.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/4/04
yeah i desperately need a copy too... my library has everything pertaining to rent (the cast recording, best of recording, piano music, etc.) but NOT the rent bible.
that's where i read that angel was having an orgasm as he died as well...
"Oh yes welcome Fredi. Seems like we are attracting alot of people to the board. Hope you have fun here."
^^ heehee we're so popular (no wicked pun intened, i'm SORRY, don't slaughter me).
The exact words from the rent book:
'My biggest problem was 'Take Me' because it was like public masturbation. I'm singing and touching myself, and I had a problem with expressing myself in that way. Its really the culmination of everything up to that point: Pain, love, death, life, struggle-- all of that is expressed through angel's death dance. He's dying and having an orgasm at the same time. He's breakin' on through.' -Wilson
*edited 'cause I can't spell.