And then someone else will post a new's bound to happen. Does anyone know what the actual consequences are though? Will the studio have to change it?
"Will the studio have to change it?"
No, the studio doesn't have to do anything with it. There are actual sites devoted to reviewing screenplays long before the films are released. Example: With little effort, you could have found out the major details of Martin Scorsese's "The Aviator" a year ago just by looking online.
Ok. Just curious. I'm not generally a very big movie person.
I scared everyone off...
::feels lonely::
Anthony, what's your take on the timeline of the Columbus screenplay? It kind of bothers me that a lot of the action was moved from Christmas Eve to Christmas Day and the week following, but I guess it's more realistic. Also, things seem to happen less by chance in the Columbus screenplay than they do in the show. It kind of takes away the "one magic night" concept. Any thoughts on why this was done?
Broadway Star Joined: 5/14/03
Although having said that, I was surprised at how many people were upset at the notion of members of the original cast recreating our roles in the film.
I'm surprised as well. However, don't forget there are many who are thrilled. Those that are opposed are just sometimes a little more vocal about wanting to be heard. Some are also the same people who get upset if a performer moves a right toe different than they did the performance before Seriously, from the moment I saw the original cast years ago, I hoped if a movie was ever made those would be the people to bring it to life -- and to this day I've never seen chemistry and energy like I did that day. I couldn't be more happy about this casting.
Re: the age thing. I was discussing the casting/age thing with a friend over the weekend and she brought up a really good point. We think casting performers who appear to be slightly older than the twenty-somethings people keep mentioning can work in the movie's favor. I'm 31, and looking back about 10 years or so - I don't think any of my friends (myself included) had any angst about where we were in our lives. None of us felt like we needed to have our goals accomplished or have our life in order. In fact, we felt the exact opposite. We had that "hey! I'm young, it's my time to do what I want" attitude. As you are approaching 30 (and a little older) is where a lot of people start to feel that anxiety about where they are in their lives, and I think I would be extremely sympathetic to the characters if they were a little older. After thinking about it, I think I would be more sympathetic - for I think they create a whole new dynamic as opposed to youngsters trying to convey that "angst". If the characters were twenty-somethings, I'd almost want to sit them down and say, "You SO don't have to have it all figured out've got time darnit."
(Of course, the show works with youngsters as well. I'm not saying there aren't people in their early 20s that feel that anxiety. But I'm just saying it can work with the ages of the performers cast. )
Updated On: 11/18/04 at 09:15 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/4/04
"It's on CB."
thanks! duh... *hits self on head*, i should have looked there in the first place. off to read it/procrastinate/do homework... i'll tell u guys what i think when i finish (could take a while)
~ rebecca
yeah its pretty long
and i still dont get what CB is lol im kinda out there this week
CB = Compulsive Bowlers = = RENT forum
*edited because I dont read sometimes*
oh haha thanks for clearing that up
I know it's probably lame to title my post with a quote, but it fits...sorry to jump on the bandwagon so late!
I'm rather new to posting here, but I've been lurking for a month or two, so I don't feel like too much of a newbie. I promise to have my fangirlish moments in private, though. PROMISE! Scout's honor! I've been wanting to post, but...*shrug* I suppose I'm shyish online. Rather the opposite of real life. Finally a friend of mine just yelled at me to stop being a chickensh*t and post, goes!
I'm an 18-year-old pasty blonde whitegirl from a tiny town in Northern California (the only good thing about it is that I get to see LSOH in SF next week...*does dance*). Currently, I'm enrolled as a college freshman at a tiny college in a small town in Central NY, studying theater, education, history, political science, english...pretty much anything but math and science (*shudder*). I guess I just can't break the small-town habit!
Anthony: I'm really sorry to tack on more questions to the abysmal load you're already dealing with (and quite admirably, I might add), but I do have a couple. Feel ABSOLUTELY no need to answer them any time soon.
Having just seen "David Searching" for the first time, I was wondering how much of the process you were involved in. Also, regarding the same film, how did you feel about the masturbation/nearly-nude/making-out scenes?
Also, randomly, what is your attitude towards smoking? Just curious.
Thank you again for taking time out of your schedule to appease our silly selves. :)
~Lael Fleishman
It's draft two, the site maybe knocked down but the people reading the script already have seen the play if not multiple times, so don't worry this is NOT the shooting script. Many people have read scripts that have been leaked for many many movies prior to their release, think lotr xmen xfiles, or anything comic book related, they have very invested fans also.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/18/03
*hunts for copy of "David Searching"* I mean... oops.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/20/04
*shrugs* Hey, it was an honest question. I know that a lot of actors have trouble with it...Naomi Watts, for example, was crying from what she called the "humiliation" of having to masturbate on camera in "Mulholland Dr."
Well that made me interested as well.. :)
Featured Actor Joined: 10/27/04
Well, first off, lemme just pray that Anthony 'Just Says No' (to the question about smoking). It's kinda ontopic/offtopic, but I can't stand it, though, if people want to, I have one phrase: "population control"....or "natural selection"... ( I don't understand why people do smoke, besides the effect of the drug once they're hooked anyway...the negatives far outway any possible positives some think there may be... and for a performer I can't see how it would help more than hurt--it is detrimental to breathing, which is kinda important, you know, just a little, as well as the voice and much more...)
Anthony smoked in David Searching...that really even if subconciously prompted the question, right? If my memory serves...
Anyway...yeah...David Searching... I got my hands on it a couple months ago now...the one part that really stood out to me though was, well, anyone else really like the to-be-or-not-to-be-isn't -the-question-"speech" David makes at the dinner meeting?
I always have thought in such terms but never put my finger on it the way it was scripted in the scene...
heh...about the 'honest question'--at first I was like, 'what is being asked?!' And then realized, yes, the uncomfortability that can be present is an interesting note... It is an interesting question to suppose. I mean, you have a camera crew hovering over you and you're supposed to be doing what?!?!
Hmm....*shrugs back*
(and a big apology for the austin powers quote as the topic...but...well...i had it just as "shmoking" when i remembered that quote...and...)
Featured Actor Joined: 10/27/04
I just remembered a question I was going to ask a long while ago and then realized "no I shouldn't 'cause Anthony's already bogged down with 'em' (and still is) but I'm gonna propose the question before I forget again and again:
Did you see the movie Team America and, if so, what did you think? (And if you didn't see it, is there a reason why not besides time constraint, as in couldn't bear to watch the marionettes for that long, etc).
And everyone has noted the little Rent parody of sorts near the start of the feature...
Just curious... it's one of those movies that conservatives and liberals can walk out of with at least a partially contented notion because of the two main was made by Libertarians--Matt Stone has said, "I hate conservatives but I really ****ing hate liberals", so you see both of these dualing views in the movie--thus consequently conservatives and liberals can be somewhat contented by one message and choose ignorant bliss or anger at (depending upon the individual) to deal with the other message of the movie...
Definitely feel no need to answer the question, though, but I was, well, curious again...
Updated On: 11/19/04 at 04:16 PM
Well said Becky, and who said the whole cast was in their twenties anyways Collins obviously had a PhD to teach at University Level and Joanne was a Lawyer. Yes these degrees can be accomplished in your twenties to late twenties but its never discussed.
Featured Actor Joined: 10/27/04
"who said the whole cast was in their twenties anyways Collins obviously had a PhD to teach at University Level and Joanne was a Lawyer"
Yeah..I definitely agree on this-- it's especially important to keep in mind that Collins is teaching at NYU--it'd be more of a rarity that someone in early or mid twenties would be teaching their own class at such a university (I'm pretty sure). I definitely view Collins/Joanne as the two older characters of the main 8...
--and then you have to consider that characters like Mark and Benny have completed a most-likely four year college (it has been said they were intended to be Brown grads and four years would be standard), but then, for example, in the NYTW version, the song 'Do A Little Business' Mark says he's been working on his film for "Six years/Alison/ Six!'
---whiiiich would probably be six years probably after graduating (most likely, right? i think it makes more sense because he'd move to nyc/begin career-ing after graduating), and, would make him older than some seem to always believe he is (he'd be at least 28ish, give or take a year, others may think of him as mid-twenties at oldest...I personally see him as mid-late twenties, so it works out for me...)
Just my two (fill-in-the-blank)...
Updated On: 11/19/04 at 07:49 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/4/04
i read the screenplay... twice i'll tell u what i think later when i have time. its time for bed for me, i'm really tireddd
g'night guys
~ rebecca
mlesh! i still havent finished it all its very long lol, maybe i should print it.. this adobe thing is really taking a long time yes i might print.woah 116 only on page 20 haha
Yeah, I finally ended up printing both it and the Chbosky version. It's just way too long to read on the screen.
Where are you guys finding the other draft of the script? I have the Chbosky one but not the other one...
It's on Compulsive Bowlers, one of the first threads under the Rent: The Movie forum. It's the second screenplay. Don't even bother to read the first.