Swing Joined: 12/1/04
iheartmark- Interesting story. That one. I was sitting on the couch with my boyfriend watching American Idol (which I don't really like to do until the final rounds because I feel like like I'm watching someone's private audition...) and I leaped up when I saw him and I was like "THAT'S SO HOT! HE LOOKS JUST LIKE ANTHONY RAPP!" my boyfriend turns to me really slowly and goes "Who, pray tell is this hot Anthony Rapp you speak of?" and I could tell he was pissed (he acts a lot like Roger sometimes) But I told him not to worry about it, that he's Just Some Guy. But I'm hoping that he'll win, not only because he's a spitting image of our Anthony but because he had a trachiotemy, and he still rocks.
Leading Actor Joined: 1/28/05
Oh yes. I was so bored with other TV that I went to American Idol, and (thinking in my head because no one in my family knows who the heck Anthony Rapp is) Wow! He look vagely like Our Anthony!
P.S. No one can ever look identical to the hot Anthony Rapp, but he does look simalar.
Chorus Member Joined: 2/1/05
Leading Actor Joined: 1/28/05
haha you guys are hilarious in an insane way. :-P Although it's true, they do share similar qualities. I went online after reading this to see for myself and it is surprising.
Swing Joined: 12/1/04
He looks SIMILAR..he looks a lot more like him on TV
Hey Anthony! I absolutely love you! Anyway, do have the dates you'll be in NY? Is there anyway fans can get even close to the set. That would be a dream come true! Also, my school is doing Grease this year, and alot of us are having trouble separating the play from the movie. Do you think you'll run into that problem? Do you have any advice on how to avoid it? You're the best! Good Luck!
Yeah that pic doesn't really do him justice. But while we are on the subject of look-a-likes, what does everyone (Anthony and anyone else who is reading this) think about this whole doppleganger theory? I mean I know its impossible to have an exact carbon copy of yourself walking around (unless you're a twin) but do you think that its possible that there is someone who looks almost identical to you somwhere in this world? My friend swore she saw someone at the airport that she thought was me at first but whoever it was looked all confused when she ran up to talk to her/"me." I don't know if I believe that someone identical to my phsyical appearance is somewhere in this world although I do believe in strong similarities. (as with this American Idol guy or my PE teacher who looks just like George Eads). Just interesting in hearing your thoughts about it.
Sorry. Anyone who knows me knows I'm really NOT a bitch, but I just have to say...guys, please...I know it's fun to chat, but some of this stuff is ridiculously off topic. There's an OT board for a reason. Please, please, please try to keep the threadjacking OFF this board. It's hard enough for Anthony to sort through all the posts as it is.
Sorry Lael, don't worry I don't think you're being bitchy at all. My self control when it comes to sensless rambling is just extremely weak. Or maybe we all just love to hear ourselves talk too much, who knows. :-P I know I will probably keep saying this over and over til the apocolypse but I'll try to stop. I just need the occasional verbal slap to get me to remember.
Stand-by Joined: 10/29/04
Hey all --
Thanks to the good graces of musicnmath, who's done me the favor of compiling old questions that hadn't been answered, here's a new batch of answers. As always, thanks for your uncommon patience.
"The fact that singing and acting relys alot of staying in good shape is understandable and at times strenuous. ?what do you guys do to stay in shape?"
We all do various things, but my favorite form of exercise is yoga, which I am doing as often as possible these days. I also walk a lot, especially when I'm home in NYC, and I bike and skate around town.
Also, in a show (or film) as physically demanding as Rent, just performing alone burns lots of calories and gets your blood pumping and your lungs stronger. But I think it's absolutely essential for performers to take good care of themselves as much as possible, especially when you're doing eight shows a week, or shooting for twelve or more hours a day.
"Wow, we have quite similar tastes in books and movies. Just for the record (it may seem silly) but did you like "This is Spinal Tap"?"
I did very much, yes. I haven't seen it in a while, but I remember one afternoon back in December of 1995, while we were in rehearsal for Rent and still getting to know each other, when Adam, Jesse, and myself went over to Daphne's apartment after work and watched parts of it for a good laugh. Thanks for bringing up a fond memory from years past.
"Hey Anthony. What other kinds of books do you like?"
I can't remember now which ones I said were among my all-time favorites before, but they include: The Corrections, Doomsday Book, Disgrace, One Hundred Years of Solitude, Anna Karenina, The Grapes of Wrath, Catcher in the Rye, The Feast of Love, and Rabbit Redux, to name a few off the top of my head. I love reading short stories, too, and have been indulging that love a lot lately, which is nice to do when I'm as busy as I've been.
What are some of the favorite books of you guys out there in Broadway World?
"Since it's the poll of the week or whatever on here, I thought I'd ask you your thoughts: Do you think the actors that take over a role on broadway should get nominated for Tonys? And if so, should they have their own category, like Best Newcomer in an Old show, or be considered with the Best Leads?"
I think the only way they could ever get nominated would be if they got their own category, but I don't foresee that happening. There are already so many awards, you know? But having said that, I think there have been plenty of replacements who've been wonderful over the years, and it would be nice if they got a little more recognition sometimes.
"What kind of yoga do you do? I do Bikram. It's so intense."
I've done Bikram once, and I was happy that I was able to get through it without too much trouble, but I missed the variety that you get in other classes. I like to do Hatha or Vinyasa or Ashtanga classes, with a lot of flow and a nice mixture of breath work and peaceful stretching and strength poses.
"Thanks again Anthony for today's extensive report. They're such fun to read. I had another question for you. You mentioned doing gigs in NY a while ago (or at least I think I read that), but I was wondering, if you got any time off from rehearsal, and if you did, would you ever do gigs in the California area? If so, interested in making your way down to Palm Springs? Thanks. I know that sounds weird, but you've got a pretty decent fan base in this area, and was curious."
I've thought about trying to get together some kind of gig while I'm out here, but it might be very tough logistically with everything else going on. But it is a possibility, and if it happens I will let you all know. Thanks for the interest.
"Oh, out of curiosity, Anthony, have you ever been to the Moosewood in Ithaca?"
I have, and I enjoyed it very much. I think Ithaca is absolutely beautiful, and I love going there.
"Not to get all "geeky" on you, which i'm constantly reminded by friends that i am, but i love love love the star wars trilogies as well (i seem to gravitate to things which inspire cult-like status, my grandma was a trekkie so i blame her)... anyways, i think i remember you sighting some disappointment with the first two episodes (hey, no one blames you...they felt too exposition-ish and rather bland) but I was wondering if you were excited for the third episode, revenge of the sith? Have you seen how sick the trailer is? My god--hayden christianson looks sooo amazingly cool in it! am i wrong?"
Sorry, I'm not excited about it. I got burned too badly by The Phantom Menace. If I hear otherwise, I might get there, but there's only so much time in a life to waste on disappointing yourself in the movie theatre, you know?
"Okay, quick question I thought of reading all of your posts about Hedwig and JCM. Apparently it's fairly "known" that Hedwig fans don't like Rent, and Rent fans usually don't like Hedwig. During Hedwig, did you ever run into fans of that show that reacted badly finding out you were in the OBC of Rent? Also, vice versa for Rent fans finding out you were in Hedwig."
I have never run into fans of either show who reacted badly to the other show. In fact, there seems to be a lot of love for both out there. When I was in Hedwig, I signed tons of Rent paraphernalia, for instance. I personally love both shows, and I loved performing in both shows.
I will be getting to more questions soon, but also wanted to take a moment to catch you up to date a little...
Everyone was very happy with the dailies from the camera tests, so that's nice. Our official first day of shooting is on March 8th, in NYC. I'm going home on Friday, to be in my own apartment for more than a couple of days for the first time since leaving for the tour of Little Shop, back in August. So I'm happy about that.
But we're all chomping at the bit to get in front of the cameras, finally. Although I have to admit that it will be strange to finish each song as we go along. But the comfort will be that our film will be a document for all time of the work that many of us began over nine years ago on a piece that the brilliant Jonathan Larson entrusted to our care. It's almost too thrilling to contemplate how lucky we are.
Take care --
Featured Actor Joined: 1/31/05
Thanks for the update Anthony! It's always good to hear from you. :)
My favorite book is "Catcher in the Rye". We just read it this year (I'm a sophmore in high school) but I loved it. My teacher is amazing and really brought the book into amazing depths and whatnot. It was fantastic! We are tackling Shakespeare now though - which is much more of a challenge.
I'm glad to hear the RENT movie is going so well already. It's all so exciting! Have a good time back home in NYC.
Much love. xoxo
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/14/04
Thanks for the update! It is *very* exciting to read the progress that is being made. I still don't think my mind has been able to grasp the fact there is actually going to be a film! Woo-hoo!
It's so exciting to hear first hand info on the RENT movie. From Anthony too! Yay. Thanks for writing that. :)
Oooooo. I am new here. SO HULLO!
Updated On: 2/24/05 at 03:54 AM
The first day of shooting is my 20th birthday! This has to be a good sign.
Thanks for the update!
And my favorite books are The Count of Monte Cristo (read it for the first time when I was 8 and LOVED it ever since), Pride and Prejudice, and Confessions of a Shopaholic. And yes, I'm aware of the huge disparity between these choices.
Thanks for all the answers! Especially to my silly little questions. :) So glad you enjoyed Ithaca. I love it here, it's beautiful, like you said.
My favorite books are varied...Diana Gabaldon's novels, Les Miserables, Catcher in the Rye, Tolkein (all of it, not just the trilogy), The Odyssey, the Iliad, Catch-22, Animal Farm, The Great Gatsby, Lord of the Flies...wow, I just realized I read most of those back in high school. I guess that's what you get for having a father who's your English teacher.
I hope you have fun at home! Lil' bit of stress relief, take a bath, play with the cats, go shopping...no, wait, that was my weekend.
A friend asked me today what I thought Jonathan would have thought of making his play into a movie. I'm not going to reiterate what so many people have said about likening it to selling out, because that's been done to death, but it's certainly interesting to think about---I'd think it would be even more powerful for you, since you knew him personally, and we only know him through his work.
Enough of my rambling---thanks once again! Break a leg!
Oh, yay. A new post! Brightens my day like you have no idea - I'm really sick.
Anyway, thanks. Best of luck with the NY shoot.
yay! Nice to hear from you again Anthony :)
As for favorite books, some of mine are 'The Awakening', 'Where the Red Fern Grows', 'Brokeback Mountain' (231 days until the movie comes out…not that I’m counting or anything), 'To Kill a Mockingbird', 'Native Son', all the 'Wizard of Oz' books, 'The Scarlet Letter', 'Wicked' (it sounds cliché, I know! I don’t actually love the show but the book really is one of my favorites), 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland' and 'Through the Looking Glass', 'Ender’s Game' (the one random sci fi book I love), and, being a *huge* CABARET geek, 'Berlin Stories' and 'Christopher and His Kind' :)
It's so great to read these updates. I'm getting more and more excited for the Rent movie..and it hasn't even started filming yet! Heh. It's great to hear about the process and how everyone is doing. Ooh I get all giggly just thinking about it.
My current favorite book is High Fidelity by Nick Hornby. I know most of you have probably seen or heard of the movie. The movie stays pretty true to the book...but the book is really worth picking up. It's so funny and true - Nick Hornby is a really talented, hilarious writer. Look at me..going off on a tangent. Hah. I'll stop there.
Leading Actor Joined: 1/28/05
Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions!!!!
P.S. Sorry Lael for threadjacking.
thanks again for your wonderful posts!
i recently had to answer the favorite book question for a college form and it's so hard to pick. because of so much homework and being so busy lately, i haven't had time to read as much as i would like or what i would like to, which i know many of you can relate to. i love catcher in the rye and margaret atwood's books. i recently read the blind assasin (sp? - sorry) which i loved. i think my favorite might be song of solomon. the writing is so beautiful. it felt like listening to music.
Thanks for the update Anthony, glad to hear that everything is going well with RENT. That must be exciting, filming starting so soon and getting to go back to New York for a while. It's such a beautiful city. Anyways, do you have any plans to return to the stage after your scedule clears and filming ends?
As for books, I'm probably one of the biggest bookworms in the western hemisphere but a few favorites are Lord of the Rings (I know..GEEK but a huge Tolkein fan:-P), Chinese Cinderella, When I was a Puerto Rican, the Lemony Snicket series, the Bell Jar, and Catcher in the Rye. I also just read that book for my english class and am now in love with it. We just spent the full hour and 40 min of class having a discussion over just 2 of the chapters. It's pretty amazing. I haven't had as much time to read and write (love to write poetry and short stories) recently thanks to all the art HW I have but I'm hoping to spend alot more time at it over spring break.
Anyways, thanks again for the post, always an interesting read and a nice thing to come home to after school. Good luck with everything.
Just joining in - am I just a bit late? Noooo... Hi! Anthony, you asked about favorite books and I had to burst in. The Fountainhead, and Atlas Shrugged, both by the amazing Ayn Rand... (Please tell me someone else enjoys her books.)
And I also just had to say, about that Rent vs. Hedwig war, I personally love both very much
welcome to this "little" (what am I saying...this thread is longer most dictionaries ) thread of madness thebestshowshavetransvestites :-P Enjoy!
And yes I, myself, am very fond of both shows (understatement of the new millenium). Although it took me almost 3 weeks to figure out who the "guy under all that damned eyeliner" was as I put it. :-P I stared and stared at that pic and still couldn't tell. 2 things from that, MAJOR compliments to Anthony and whoever did the makeup for that and I really am bad with faces apparentally.