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West End OEDIPUS To Transfer To Broadway

West End OEDIPUS To Transfer To Broadway

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#1West End OEDIPUS To Transfer To Broadway
Posted: 3/6/25 at 2:12pm

This was maybe the best thing I saw all of last year on the west end and I can’t believe it’s actually coming here. Do yourself a favor and get tickets when you can because this production is remarkable. Mark Strong and Lesley Manville are already front runners for next seasons Tony Awards.


TotallyEffed Profile Photo
#2West End OEDIPUS To Transfer To Broadway
Posted: 3/6/25 at 2:12pm

Heck yeah.

ColorTheHours048 Profile Photo
#3West End OEDIPUS To Transfer To Broadway
Posted: 3/6/25 at 2:16pm

I was unfortunate enough to only see the other Oedipus when I was in London, and wished the whole time it was this one. So this is great news.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#4West End OEDIPUS To Transfer To Broadway
Posted: 3/6/25 at 2:18pm

Amazingly, I think this will be Manville’s Broadway debut. One of our absolute greatest living actresses. 

Mark_E Profile Photo
#5West End OEDIPUS To Transfer To Broadway
Posted: 3/6/25 at 2:22pm

Exceptional theatre. One of the best things I saw last year. Should be coming over as an Olivier winner for Manville and Revival.

#6West End OEDIPUS To Transfer To Broadway
Posted: 3/6/25 at 2:24pm

This was the BEST show I saw last year...!!!

#7West End OEDIPUS To Transfer To Broadway
Posted: 3/6/25 at 2:39pm

This was not a good play.  The only tension was how are they going to mirror a modern version of the plot to it's original.  The answer: not very well.  It got good reviews and Manville was good, and somehow it got a bunch of Oliver nominations and a transfer!  I'm guessing the New York critics will call it out for the mediocre pablum it is...

Updated On: 3/6/25 at 02:39 PM

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#8West End OEDIPUS To Transfer To Broadway
Posted: 3/6/25 at 2:41pm


#9West End OEDIPUS To Transfer To Broadway
Posted: 3/6/25 at 2:43pm

wonder if June Watson is gonna be in the cast as well. That would be awesome.

Dylan Smith4 Profile Photo
Dylan Smith4
#10West End OEDIPUS To Transfer To Broadway
Posted: 3/6/25 at 3:33pm

I wanted to see this in the West End, but the tickets were astronomical! No way I was gonna pay almost £300 for a ticket. A friend of mine saw it though and said that it was truly a remarkable experience.  

The idea is to work and to experiment. Some things will be creatively successful, some things will succeed at the box office, and some things will only - which is the biggest only - teach you things that see the future. And they're probably as valuable as any of your successes. -Harold Prince

#11West End OEDIPUS To Transfer To Broadway
Posted: 3/6/25 at 3:36pm

Thrilled to see this.

MickeyJo kept mentioning a transfer possibility in his Olivier’s video. Didn’t mention Broadway though.

#12West End OEDIPUS To Transfer To Broadway
Posted: 3/6/25 at 3:48pm

To echo what others have said, this was the best show I saw last year

TotallyEffed Profile Photo
#13West End OEDIPUS To Transfer To Broadway
Posted: 3/6/25 at 3:55pm

jared123 said: "To echo what others have said, this was the best show I saw last year"

Well I heard from this one person online it was bad. Hopefully this doesn’t steal a theatre from the next jukebox bio musical or that rumored stage adaptation of Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa.

CoffeeBreak Profile Photo
#14West End OEDIPUS To Transfer To Broadway
Posted: 3/6/25 at 3:55pm

theatergoer3 said: "Thrilled to see this.
MickeyJo kept mentioning a transfer possibility in his Olivier’s video. Didn’t mention Broadway though.

Exactly.  We figured the Armory again.  Icke's work is wonderful in that space.   The Armory didn't have anything going on this summer.   Disappointing.

Updated On: 3/6/25 at 03:55 PM

#15West End OEDIPUS To Transfer To Broadway
Posted: 3/6/25 at 4:00pm

FWIW I would buy a ticket to the broadway stage adaptation of bad grandpa

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#16West End OEDIPUS To Transfer To Broadway
Posted: 3/6/25 at 4:00pm

TotallyEffed said: "...or that rumored stage adaptation of Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa."

Oh, that's the new Nickelback jukebox musical. 

Huss417 Profile Photo
#17West End OEDIPUS To Transfer To Broadway
Posted: 3/6/25 at 4:16pm

Owen22 said: "This was not a good play. The only tension was how are they going to mirror a modern version of the plot to it's original. The answer: not very well. It got good reviews and Manville was good, and somehow it got a bunch of Oliver nominations and a transfer! I'm guessing the New York critics will call it out for the mediocre pablum it is..."

Please tell me I am not the only person who had to look up the word "pablum" :)

Other than that very excited to see Lesley Manville.

"I hope your Fanny is bigger than my Peter." Mary Martin to Ezio Pinza opening night of Fanny.
Updated On: 3/6/25 at 04:16 PM

Play  Esq. Profile Photo
Play Esq.
#18West End OEDIPUS To Transfer To Broadway
Posted: 3/6/25 at 4:33pm

I'm not going to argue with someone if they didn't like what I adored: to each their own.  But to say that this production lacks  tension is just demonstrably false.  The usage of the clock was particularly effective in creating tension and that last 15 minutes or so....whoo, what a finale!

So happy that this is coming to Broadway, now bring on the Giant announcement!  

blaxx Profile Photo
#19West End OEDIPUS To Transfer To Broadway
Posted: 3/6/25 at 4:41pm

Owen22 said: "This was not a good play. The only tension was how are they going to mirror a modern version of the plot to it's original. The answer: not very well. It got good reviews and Manville was good, and somehow it got a bunch of Oliver nominations and a transfer! I'm guessing the New York critics will call it out for the mediocre pablum it is..."

It was not a good play, you're right. It was excellent, electric, witty and thrilling.

To me it was pitch perfect. 

Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE

#20West End OEDIPUS To Transfer To Broadway
Posted: 3/7/25 at 12:47am

Sounds like this will have to be the epicenter of my next NYC theatre trip!

#21West End OEDIPUS To Transfer To Broadway
Posted: 3/7/25 at 9:28am

Well, I realize I was in the minority. But I didn't know until this thread how well it did on the West End, though I do remember it did get good reviews, but I don't trust the Brit Crits much anyway (maybe the Time Out guy...?)  And I did see it in previews so maybe it got better?  My problem was I didn't believe the events leading up and including the last quarter of the play.  How he desperately tried to parallel the original play's events with this modern (somewhat lazily conceived) political story and it just didn't work for me.  However, I was also not a fan of Ike's modern retelling of Schnitzler's The Doctor either.  But like Manville in this, I loved Juliet Stevenson.

#22West End OEDIPUS To Transfer To Broadway
Posted: 3/7/25 at 11:39pm

I found the first third of the play tediously boring (to the point where I was watching the clock and wondering "where have I seen her before" about Phia Saban), the second third moderately interesting, and the last third exhilarating.  So, I suppose the buildup worked.  The writing wasn't my favorite.  But strong acting by Mark Strong (teehee) and Lesley Manville, and excellent work by their intimacy coordinator (IYKYK).  

I don't think I need to see this again, but it is a true masterclass in acting by all involved.  

Updated On: 3/7/25 at 11:39 PM

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