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West Side Story Revival Marquee-What are they thinking?- Page 3

West Side Story Revival Marquee-What are they thinking?

Fetus Profile Photo
#50West Side Story Revival Marquee-What are they thinking?
Posted: 8/23/19 at 2:12pm

joevitus said: "kdogg36 said: "EllieRose2 said: "Actually he was not, kdogg. I recall many posts being deleted within a few hours due to violating the standard rules."

Well, that's certainly possible - I probably wouldn't have seen those posts. I think my evaluation is fair based on the visible posts, but I acknowledge I may not have the whole story.

I appreciate your comments. Obviously if attacks on me were still up, and noattacks from me are there, reason says I never wrote any--because wouldn't both be in violation of the rules? So if attacks were left up, likely all you see is all that was there (I never noticed a comment of mine removed).

They attacked me, I only stated my position (which really wasn't a defense of him--I called him a creep repeatedly).I never insulted anyone.

But notice that a thread has now been hijacked for political purposes. And my name was dragged in insultingly for no reason. I've contacted the mods over those comments.

People didn't attack you, they just disagreed with you and felt that you were victim shaming, which I still believe you were. Maybe take this victim complex you've acquired and use it to garner some empathy for the women who were effected by Ramsar and his friends. I hope you don't consider this 'insulting', because I mean it earnestly.

OT: I like the show's marketing, but don't like how it looks on a marquee. I'm likely seeing this early in previews and I'm while I'm somewhat excited, I don't see how this could stand a chance among the revivals of Caroline and Company.

#51West Side Story Revival Marquee-What are they thinking?
Posted: 8/23/19 at 2:23pm

bdn223 said: with what Id guess is Arial font over it, spelling out West Side Story

It is Craft Gothic Heavy Extended.

Is the marquee in motion like the website, or just still portraits? Does it change at all, like fade between different sets of portraits?

Regarding Ramasar, on the scale of private betrayals of intimacy, I rank Ramasar's infraction as somewhat worse than "cheating on a casual boyfriend/girlfriend" but significantly less serious than "infidelity that results in the end of a marriage". I know there are still working and beloved Broadway stars who have done the latter, so I personally have no problem with Ramasar also continuing to work.

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#52West Side Story Revival Marquee-What are they thinking?
Posted: 8/23/19 at 2:31pm

...and the "art" in graphic art has gone out the proverbial window and all creativity with it. SAD.

Fetus Profile Photo
#53West Side Story Revival Marquee-What are they thinking?
Posted: 8/23/19 at 3:03pm

I don't want to hash out this argument again, because I feel the majority of users here understand why a handful of us were upset with his casting, but I took issue with joe's "I was attacked" post when he's responsible for derailing the previous thread with comments like "The women made a bad decision" and arguing the legality of the situation as a means to deflect from the depravity of what Ramsar did.

Regardless what the scale of the outrage is, this is going to follow the production so long as he is in the cast. If he's not fired, the most we can hope is that Ramsar has had time to take some acting and vocal lessons inbetween the counseling he was required to take for his misconduct.

Edit: For context, this post was in response to a reply on my previous post in this thread, but a mod has deleted that post and the quoted portion.

Updated On: 8/23/19 at 03:03 PM

Bettyboy72 Profile Photo
#54West Side Story Revival Marquee-What are they thinking?
Posted: 8/23/19 at 3:17pm

Getting back to the original topic, I think the marketing looks like tired Benetton ads from the 80s and 90s. Since millennials are into recycling everything from the 70s and 80s it may appeal to them. Young people don't really have the income to keep a Broadway show afloat. I'm not as intoxicated by Isaac Powell as everyone else seems to be. He seems to have a large social media following, which I think goes into all entertainment related decisions these days (casting, book deals, TV deals.)

"The sexual energy between the mother and son really concerns me!"-random woman behind me at Next to Normal "I want to meet him after and bang him!"-random woman who exposed her breasts at Rock of Ages, referring to James Carpinello

Pose2 Profile Photo
#55West Side Story Revival Marquee-What are they thinking?
Posted: 8/23/19 at 3:21pm

I don't want to hash out this argument again, because I feel the majority of users here understand why a handful of us were upset with his casting, but I took issue with joe's "I was attacked" post when he's responsible for derailing the previous thread with comments like "The women made a bad decision" and arguing the legality of the situation as a means to deflect from the depravity of what Ramsar did.

Exactly. I love how my posts keep being deleted even though it's MY OPINION of this user.  However, when two posters called the woman involved in all this a "slut" and "whore", it doesn't get deleted until two days later. Utter crap. Oh, and this is MY OPINION mods. Thanks!

EllieRose2 Profile Photo
#56West Side Story Revival Marquee-What are they thinking?
Posted: 8/23/19 at 3:31pm

Fact: JoeVitus joined BWW the day of Amar's casting.

Fact: He spent days and days blaming the victim.

Opinion: Amar cannot act or sing to save his life.

Updated On: 8/23/19 at 03:31 PM

#57West Side Story Revival Marquee-What are they thinking?
Posted: 8/23/19 at 3:40pm

EllieRose2 said: "Fact: He spent days and days blaming the victim."

Question for clarification, there are a few women involved in this story, which one does "victim" refer to?

joevitus Profile Photo
#58West Side Story Revival Marquee-What are they thinking?
Posted: 8/23/19 at 3:47pm

EllieRose2 said: "Fact: JoeVitusjoined BWW the day of Amar's casting.

Fact: He spent days and days blaming the victim.

Opinion: Amar cannot act or sing to save his life.

I didn't join then. Had been around--I think a week?

Flagging this one, too. Keep lying, I'll keep flagging.

Updated On: 8/23/19 at 03:47 PM

Fetus Profile Photo
#59West Side Story Revival Marquee-What are they thinking?
Posted: 8/23/19 at 3:49pm

joevitus said: "

I didn't join then. Had been around--I think a week?

Flagging this one, too. Keep lying, I'll keep flagging.

Your join date, 7/10/19, is the same date you began making posts in this thread. You can keep annoying the mods by flagging posts against you, but that doesn't mean EllieRose2 is lying.

Updated On: 8/23/19 at 03:49 PM

joevitus Profile Photo
#60West Side Story Revival Marquee-What are they thinking?
Posted: 8/23/19 at 3:50pm

Fetus said: "I don't want to hash out this argument again, because I feel the majority of users here understand why a handful of us were upset with his casting, but I took issue with joe's "I was attacked" post when he's responsible for derailing the previous thread with comments like "The women made a bad decision" and arguing the legality of the situation as a means to deflect from the depravity of what Ramsar did.

Regardless what the scale of the outrage is, this is going to follow the production so long as he is in the cast. If he's not fired, the most we can hope is that Ramsar has had time to take some acting and vocal lessons inbetween the counseling he was required to take for his misconduct.

Edit: For context, this post was in response to a reply onmy previous post in this thread, but a modhas deleted that post and the quoted portion.

Didn't derail anything. Was attacked, didn't attack. I participated in the conversation, and I drew a line of distinction between the acts of the two men involved. I see that yet again _others_ are trying to hijack the conversation. And malign me. Reporting you, as well.

joevitus Profile Photo
#61West Side Story Revival Marquee-What are they thinking?
Posted: 8/23/19 at 3:51pm

If that's the case, then the connection to be drawn between the two doesn't exist. And as long as you mischaracterize me, I'll flag your posts. Not taking this nonsense just because I hold a different opinion on the issue than you do.

Fetus Profile Photo
#62West Side Story Revival Marquee-What are they thinking?
Posted: 8/23/19 at 3:53pm

joevitus said: "
Didn't derail anything. Was attacked, didn't attack. I participated in the conversation, and I drew a line of distinction between the acts of the two men involved. I see that yet again _others_ are trying to hijack the conversation. And malign me. Reporting you, as well."

I've done nothing to break the rules. Spare the dramatics.

YvanEhtNioj Profile Photo
#63West Side Story Revival Marquee-What are they thinking?
Posted: 8/23/19 at 3:54pm

So about that Marquee, tho..

Miss Keisha? Miss Keisha? Miss Keishhhaaaa?

#64West Side Story Revival Marquee-What are they thinking?
Posted: 8/23/19 at 4:05pm

The discussion about the appropriateness of this casting is welcome and encouraged on this board, as we view it as a vital conversation for theatre fans and theatre makers. However, when that discussion diverts into personal attacks, that is where we will step in.

If you are able to talk about this sensitive topic without resorting to insults, then there won't be a problem. There are a number of people in this and other threads on this topic who have done a wonderful job of communicating their deeply held positions, without devolving to personal attacks. 

If you cannot do that, we will delete posts and then move on in the escalation as laid out in our rules. We have tried to provide leeway here, since it is such a sensitive topic, but some people are taking advantage of that, so we will need to be strict about that moving forward. 

Also, in this thread about the marquee, this conversation would probably be better served in a separate existing thread or a new one. So, if you would like to keep having this discussion, we encourage you to have it in a different thread. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at moderator[at]broadwayworld[dot]com. 

Moderator Team

#65West Side Story Revival Marquee-What are they thinking?
Posted: 8/23/19 at 4:08pm

Moderator said: "The discussion about the appropriateness of this casting is welcome and encouraged on this board, as we view it as a vital conversation for theatre fans and theatre makers. However, when that discussion diverts into personal attacks, that is where we will step in."

Three cheers for the mods.

Here is the previous thread where much of the discussion took place, involving most of the same people (myself included):


joevitus Profile Photo
#66West Side Story Revival Marquee-What are they thinking?
Posted: 8/23/19 at 4:12pm

BJR said: "I think this is some of the best marketing campaign art I've seen on Bway in ages.

Extremely contemporary and fresh, communicates this isn't your standard production, aggressive yet human, plaintive and sexy. 10/10.

It's fresh for Broadway. It looks like several ads for movies that are about a decade old, though. I think it will work for what they are trying to do: attract a non-theater audience. Indeed, it looks like a movie trailer. 

#67West Side Story Revival Marquee-What are they thinking?
Posted: 8/23/19 at 4:14pm

This again?


ljay889 Profile Photo
#68West Side Story Revival Marquee-What are they thinking?
Posted: 8/23/19 at 4:21pm


joevitus Profile Photo
#69West Side Story Revival Marquee-What are they thinking?
Posted: 8/23/19 at 4:42pm

West Side Story always flops in the U.S.. The original production was a flop. The revivals have been flops. I think it has always done well in London, though. It's interesting that the (frequently derided) movie was a giant hit here, and still does incredibly well via home media.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#70West Side Story Revival Marquee-What are they thinking?
Posted: 8/23/19 at 4:57pm

but considering West Side Story has one of the most iconic marquees, nearly all productions using a similar font style, with most using the black, white, and red color scheme, this just seems boring. 

I think you mean they all recycled the original film's marquee title.  This was the actual original marquee:

West Side Story Revival Marquee-What are they thinking?

I never liked the recycling of the film's marquee for the revivals.  It just looked uncreative and lazy.  

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian
Updated On: 8/23/19 at 04:57 PM

#71West Side Story Revival Marquee-What are they thinking?
Posted: 8/23/19 at 6:48pm

What’s the point/aim for this revival? We just had one and the non-eq tour only ended a few years ago? And with a movie coming out, it doesn’t seem necessary to “keep the brand alive.” Was this just an Howe dream job?

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#72West Side Story Revival Marquee-What are they thinking?
Posted: 8/23/19 at 7:20pm

joevitus said: "West Side Story always flops in the U.S.. The original production was a flop. The revivals have been flops."

A couple of posters (myself included) have already pointed out to you that the most recent revival recouped its investment and went on to have a successful national tour. Please stop saying all the revivals have been flops as that is simply not true.


"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

NievesG Profile Photo
#73West Side Story Revival Marquee-What are they thinking?
Posted: 8/23/19 at 7:51pm

bwayphreak234 said: "joevitus said: "West Side Story always flops in the U.S.. The original production was a flop. The revivals have been flops."

A couple of posters (myself included) have already pointed out to you that the most recent revival recouped its investment and went on to have a successful national tour. Please stop saying all the revivals have been flops as that is simply not true.

I think this is the same person that kept saying the term "Friend of Dorothy" is a recently made up term, false queer history, whatever, so it seems the more they state something that is categorically false, the more they believe it. In short: good luck with this one. Back to lurking.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#74West Side Story Revival Marquee-What are they thinking?
Posted: 8/23/19 at 9:20pm

bwayphreak234 said: "joevitus said: "West Side Story always flops in the U.S.. The original production was a flop. The revivals have been flops."

A couple of posters (myself included) have already pointed out to you that the most recent revival recouped its investment and went on to have a successful national tour. Please stop saying all the revivals have been flops as that is simply not true.


Yup, it’s amazing how people literally tell outright lies.

