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West Side Story revival?- Page 15

West Side Story revival?

#350West Side Story revival?
Posted: 7/12/19 at 7:05pm

NievesG said: "_(•_&bullWest Side Story revival?_/ said: "Today Tix? Already? "

Yes, previews only so far but rear mezz is $39 plus fees.

I personally won't be supporting this production as of yet but this is a very interesting sale...


It is, I’d like to get decent seats for this but not if I can’t pick where I’m sitting 

#351West Side Story revival?
Posted: 7/12/19 at 7:36pm

Exactly. I am not leaving my seating to chance. I've never seen Today Tix as the first to offer tickets on a Broadway show. Assuming Ticketmaster or Telecharge will be selling them, and hopefully there will be good seats left. 

#352West Side Story revival?
Posted: 7/12/19 at 7:48pm

Fetus said: "Luminaire2 said: "Do you go on twitter? The outrage is not just on this board..."

This tweet has over double the engagement that any of the tweets announcing the cast has.

This is the most liked tweet regarding the casting announcement and almost all of the replies deal with Ramasar. Though I'm sure the talking heads will say "twitter can't do anything" despite them previously saying the outrage was contained in this thread, but many people are upset with this casting.

There are exactly six posts that are critical - could be the same six people from here.  Now, I'm not a Twitter person so I don't know if I'm seeing everything, but the likes on the casting post are many.  So, are you saying there are hundreds more than I'm not seeing?  Am I reading incorrectly?  Just curious because I think your point is that it's a huge Twitter storm.


JBroadway Profile Photo
#353West Side Story revival?
Posted: 7/12/19 at 7:53pm

Sorry to interrupt

But I got an email from TodayTix saying they had an exclusive pre-sale that’s now live. Tickets as low as $39!

Also, they are officially listing it as playing in the Broadway Theatre. I know this was heavily rumored, but is this the first official confirmation we’ve seen?

CT2NYC Profile Photo
#354West Side Story revival?
Posted: 7/12/19 at 8:00pm

JBroadway said: "Sorry to interrupt

But I got an email from TodayTix saying they had an exclusive pre-sale that’s now live. Tickets as low as $39!

Also, they are officially listing it as playing in the Broadway Theatre. I know this was heavily rumored, but is this the first official confirmation we’ve seen?

They confirmed it on Wednesday, with the cast announcement.

NievesG Profile Photo
#355West Side Story revival?
Posted: 7/12/19 at 8:00pm

JBroadway said: "Sorry to interrupt

But I got an email from TodayTix saying they had an exclusive pre-sale that’s now live. Tickets as low as $39!

Also, they are officially listing it as playing in the Broadway Theatre. I know this was heavily rumored, but is this the first official confirmation we’ve seen?


Not really... that information was on their first Twitter post two days ago on @WestSideStoryUS


#356West Side Story revival?
Posted: 7/12/19 at 8:22pm

I liked a comment on Amar's Instagram that called him out and next thing I know, his profile isn't viewable!  Just for liking.  I checked outside of my account and sure enough, the comment I liked isn't even there anymore.  I'm not surprised, he must spend a lot of his time deleting comments and blocking people that don't worship him, the ones that are left are all complimenting him like he's the king of gods.  

Fetus Profile Photo
#357West Side Story revival?
Posted: 7/12/19 at 8:49pm

bk said: "Fetus said: "Luminaire2 said: "Do you go on twitter? The outrage is not just on this board..."

This tweet has over double the engagement that any of the tweets announcing the cast has.

This is the most liked tweet regarding the casting announcement and almost all of the replies deal with Ramasar. Though I'm sure the talking heads will say "twitter can't do anything" despite them previously saying the outrage was contained in this thread, but many people are upset with this casting.

There are exactly six posts that are critical - could be the same six people from here. Now, I'm not a Twitter person so I don't know if I'm seeing everything, but the likes on the casting post are many. So, are you saying there are hundreds more than I'm not seeing? Am I reading incorrectly? Just curious because I think your point is that it's a huge Twitter storm.


The criticism has more engagement than the casting announcement itself is the point.


Robbie2 Profile Photo
#358West Side Story revival?
Posted: 7/12/19 at 9:22pm

Fetus said: "bk said: "Fetus said: "Luminaire2 said: "Do you go on twitter? The outrage is not just on this board..."

This tweet has over double the engagement that any of the tweets announcing the cast has.

This is the most liked tweet regarding the casting announcement and almost all of the replies deal with Ramasar. Though I'm sure the talking heads will say "twitter can't do anything" despite them previously saying the outrage was contained in this thread, but many people are upset with this casting.

There are exactly six posts that are critical - could be the same six people from here. Now, I'm not a Twitter person so I don't know if I'm seeing everything, but the likes on the casting post are many. So, are you saying there are hundreds more than I'm not seeing? Am I reading incorrectly? Just curious because I think your point is that it's a huge Twitter storm.


The criticism has more engagement than the casting announcement itself is the point.


The casting is fresh n go away. You should invest the amount of time you spend on this board finding a real job...

"Anything you do, let it it come from you--then it will be new." Sunday in the Park with George

Fetus Profile Photo
#359West Side Story revival?
Posted: 7/12/19 at 9:43pm

Robbie2 said: "Fetus said: "bk said: "Fetus said: "Luminaire2 said: "Do you go on twitter? The outrage is not just on this board..."

This tweet has over double the engagement that any of the tweets announcing the cast has.

This is the most liked tweet regarding the casting announcement and almost all of the replies deal with Ramasar. Though I'm sure the talking heads will say "twitter can't do anything" despite them previously saying the outrage was contained in this thread, but many people are upset with this casting.

There are exactly six posts that are critical - could be the same six people from here. Now, I'm not a Twitter person so I don't know if I'm seeing everything, but the likes on the casting post are many. So, are you saying there are hundreds more than I'm not seeing? Am I reading incorrectly? Just curious because I think your point is that it's a huge Twitter storm.


The criticism has more engagement than the casting announcement itself is the point.


The casting is fresh n go away. You should invest the amount of time you spend on this board finding a real job..."

My activity in this thread has been no different than that of the people arguing in favor of Ramsar. You're being pathetically catty when I'm only taking offense to the casting of someone actively involved in a sexual misconduct lawsuit. I'm otherwise very excited for this cast. 

Not to mention his performance in Carousel was awful.


LuPita2 Profile Photo
#360West Side Story revival?
Posted: 7/12/19 at 10:17pm

Love it, Fetus

West Side Story revival?

#361West Side Story revival?
Posted: 7/12/19 at 10:31pm

Here's what's confusing me about some of the back and forth on these issues here.

1) There's a difference between legality and morality. To keep coming back to whether or not Ramsar did something illegal is slightly left of the point here in terms of whether or not he should be working in a high-profile job (with people the same age as the young woman who made the - very credible - allegations), which is a privilege, not a right. If he's done something illegal, then it's on the law to punish him appropriately, be it with jail time, etc. If he's done something immoral, it's up to the employers on a case-by-case situation to decide whether that's someone whose behavior they'd like to reward. EXAMPLE. Roseanne Barr said a bunch of racist stuff. Was it a hate crime? Nope! Was it legal? Absolutely! Did they cancel her show? SURE DID. Why? Because she said something horrible and they didn't believe she deserved a platform. If an actor had been found making extremely homophobic statements, for example, producers might well make the choice not to cast them in Broadway productions, even though there's nothing illegal about homophobia. Even if what Ramsar did was legal, that doesn't mean people are obligated to reward his behavior with this kind of role this soon after the incident. As others have said, I'm not against rehabilitation or second chances. But this JUST happened. I mean. Come on.

2) Findlay, it seems to be agreed, committed a graver sin in filming non-consensually, which we agree is a crime as well as immoral. A lot of posts keep deflecting back to "but that was Findlay, NOT Ramsar." Yes, BUT. Ramsar was (one of the people) on the text change where Findlay was SHARING these illegally and immorally obtained pictures. Would you say that only the drug dealer is responsible, but the person buying the drugs is completely free of responsibility? If someone steals the Mona Lisa, is the person buying it not also culpable? Do you REALLY think that a man engaged in conversation about tying women up like farm animals and treating them like sl*ts is super concerned about whether or not the pictures of the girl were obtained with her consent and with consent given to share them. (I mean, listen, there are absolutely people who have kinks or whatever where they say things like that and still care about consent, but that's in an established relationship with trust and established boundaries etc etc etc but that was NOT the context here). If you can understand that what Findlay did was unacceptable, I don't understand why you can let Ramsar off the hook for his participation in it. 


So. Yeah. That's my take on that. 

Updated On: 7/12/19 at 10:31 PM

joevitus Profile Photo
#362West Side Story revival?
Posted: 7/12/19 at 11:40pm

I get your point, but people here are arguing that Ramasar must not be cast, and essentially, must never hired again by anyone because he's a threat to women.  That is the main issue I'm reacting to. If he didn't do at least what Finley did--let alone worse--then he's not a threat to women, and he shouldn't be fired/refused jobs. You don't fire or refuse to hire someone because you disagree with their morality. If we let that happen, we're encouraging every homophobic cake baker out there to refuse services, we're encouraging businesses to decide employment on the basis of sexuality, religious affiliation, political affiliation or any number of things that have zero to do with their ability to do the job. Unless a person has done something illegal, their behavior is no one's business but their own and the that of people who choose to have personal relationships with them.

If you want my evaluation of his behavior from an ethical standpoint, you are certainly right that morally he does not seem to be in the clear. Though it's difficult to figure out if he knew some of the pics sent to him, and that he passed on, were taken without the women's approval, and therefore what he thought he was culpable of when he looked at them/passed them on. 

We're still trying to figure this out as a society--I know the people arguing with me here will say it's all settled and obvious, but it isn't--what exactly one's ethical responsibility is in terms of a pic someone sends them. I have a guy sending me naked pics now. Will I share them with others? No. But if I do, have I done something wrong? Does it depend on whether this is basically a stanger online (it is) or someone I see casually (gotten pics from such men in the past) or someone I'm dating (ditto)? Does it depend on what impression I've given or not given about whether I'm likely to share them or not?  

It seems to me, in all these instances, there could (or could not be) different levels of trust expected/betrayed. And we don't know the stories in each of these instances (or maybe any of them). As I understand it, the woman who brought the suit wasn't even one of the women involved. So how could she even know what was/was not understood/allowed in the various relationships these men shared with these women? Are all of the women angry/feeling betrayed/embarrassed? Some of them? Only the one who discovered pics/videos were taken by Finley without permission and furthermore shared? 

I don't think what happened with Ramasar here is cut and dried at all, so the most I can say about him is that he acted like a creep. And I've said that multiple times. But he is not by his actions thus far (whatever one thinks of him as a person) a threat to anyone, and therefore his job should not be on the line. That's the whole point for me of this discussion. It really isn't up to me to pass judgement besides that; that's up to the people who who choose in real life to have more than a professional relationship with him. But he isn't a threat to anyone, so the attempts to harass him or people hiring him are, to my mind, unwarranted.

Updated On: 7/13/19 at 11:40 PM

#363West Side Story revival?
Posted: 7/13/19 at 12:05am

I hear you, but, to go back to my example, Roseanne wasn’t a “threat” to anyone either, but she did exhibit hateful attitudes and actions were taken against her because of it.

Yes, it would be immoral to share nude pictures you have without that person’s consent, REGARDLESS of the relationship you have with them??? I’m not even sure why that’s a question tbh.

The woman bringing the suit was Findlay’s girlfriend, who was filmed without her consent and whose tits Ramasar (I believe) said he couldn’t stop thinking about.

Completely false equivalency to say that if society decides people shouldn’t get high-profile jobs in the entertainment industry because they spewed misogynistic crap whilst exchanging nude photos of THEIR COLLEAGUES, thus creating an uncomfortable and, yes, unsafe-feeling work environment for the women they’re with, homophobes will be able to discriminate against people for being gay. I can’t IMAGINE going to my place of work knowing that the men there had been exchanging naked photos of my friends and I and calling us farm animals and sl*ts. What a devastating and uncomfortable situation for these young women. I don’t think there’s anything unfair about seeing that and deciding that that’s not the kind of 37-year-old man I want to expose a large group of young actresses to. In fact, I’d say the opposite - I think asking them to feel comfortable in their workplace WITH him there, knowing in what he participated, is the unfair choice.

#364West Side Story revival?
Posted: 7/13/19 at 12:10am

Fetus said: "bk said: "Fetus said: "Luminaire2 said: "Do you go on twitter? The outrage is not just on this board..."

This tweet has over double the engagement that any of the tweets announcing the cast has.

This is the most liked tweet regarding the casting announcement and almost all of the replies deal with Ramasar. Though I'm sure the talking heads will say "twitter can't do anything" despite them previously saying the outrage was contained in this thread, but many people are upset with this casting.

There are exactly six posts that are critical - could be the same six people from here. Now, I'm not a Twitter person so I don't know if I'm seeing everything, but the likes on the casting post are many. So, are you saying there are hundreds more than I'm not seeing? Am I reading incorrectly? Just curious because I think your point is that it's a huge Twitter storm.


The criticism has more engagement than the casting announcement itself is the point.


As I clearly said, I don't Twit - I leave that to Twits.  But from what I see with my eyeballs there are SIX critical posts and a huge number of likes or whatever they do there - not likes for the six posts, likes for the announcements.  I'm just trying to understand why you're so intent on making it seem like this is a huge movement, when it clearly isn't.  It's about eight people in this thread, if that many, and six over there.  That is not a movement, that isn't even a mov.  I understand you hate the guy and are up in arms, which is  perfectly fine - but this constant stuff you post that doesn't really reflect reality - as others have pointed out to you - baffles me, really.

joevitus Profile Photo
#365West Side Story revival?
Posted: 7/13/19 at 12:14am

The Roseanne issue is, itself, a false equivalency to me, because she was't fired from the show and really couldn't be. She owned it. The show was going to be cancelled as a result of her actions, however, and she, ultimately, agreed to leave and hash out the legal ownership issues of the series so it could continue without her. I'm not sure she should have left. Maybe the best thing would have been to keep the show going, and if/when ratings went south leading to the show's cancellation in the wake of her offensive words--or because no sponsor would agree to pay for it--that would have been the better outcome. Or maybe it's good that the show continued, is doing well, and the rest of the cast members still have jobs. I can see it either way. 

You can say the answer is cut and dried about pics--as I assumed people who take the position you're taking would--but I don't agree. The morality of the issue is complex, and relates to the situation, the relationship, and even whether one considers naked pics "dirty" or the body something inappropriate to be seen except by certain people. I mean, there are women who argue they should be able to walk down the street topless if they want--after all, men do it all the time. If that's the society we're heading towards, how is sharing a pic of a woman's breasts actually something wrong? Why would it take permission? We're completely up in the air in our society about nudity, sexual expression and things related to both. There's really no standard anymore. That makes a clear moral response we all acknowledge as "obviously" right, well, impossible.

Ultimately, when it comes to keeping him out of the show, you're making an emotional argument about how people will feel. And you're doing that based on assumptions about how they, or the majority of them, would feel (I doubt you've interviewed them). People's feelings are not an issue when it comes to employment, in my opinion. Either there's actually a danger--something that must not be allowed to occur--or there is not. That, and of course ability to perform the job, should be the arbiter in a professional setting.

But let me add one final thought. If, as with Roseanne, the producer decide "It's bad for our brand to keep him. We have to think about all the people we might be depriving of a living if he stays in the show and it flops because audiences will not attend if he's in it. Therefore we are letting him go," I have zero problem with that. Ramasar got himself into this mess, and if he's too toxic for audiences now--or even if producers merely believe he might be--I have no problem with that development. 

Updated On: 7/13/19 at 12:14 AM

joevitus Profile Photo
#366West Side Story revival?
Posted: 7/13/19 at 12:49am

I have zero hated for women. If and when I stop posting in this thread will not relate to your wishes, I assure you. Feel free to skip my posts.

I'm made clear the legal reasons why he should not be deprived of his job. On the other hand, as I said, I also have zero problem if, because of the controversy, the producers decide he's toxic for the success of the show and needs to go. But the argument that he's a threat to women he works with? That is not born out by the evidence we have. 

Updated On: 7/13/19 at 12:49 AM

#367West Side Story revival?
Posted: 7/13/19 at 8:46am

I mean, there are women who argue they should be able to walk down the street topless if they want--after all, men do it all the time. If that's the society we're heading towards, how is sharing a pic of a woman's breasts actually something wrong? 

Because, as as society, we have not reached that point yet. I would argue that sharing nude photos of a man has entirely different ramifications from sharing nude photos of a woman (in fact, men are constantly sending pictures of their genitals to women unsolicited). Women are punished for sexuality in our society in a way that men just aren't. Read the writings of women who've experienced revenge porn--this is not something that they can just brush off and say, oh, well, I should have expected it. If we ever do reach that point, maybe the conversation about this can be different.

By the way, if you're concerned about Ramasar's career and him no longer getting work because of this - don't worry, he'll be just fine. Men like that always are. I agree with you, this protest will come to nothing and he'll get to restart his career just like Louis CK and all of the others.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!
Updated On: 7/13/19 at 08:46 AM

Fetus Profile Photo
#368West Side Story revival?
Posted: 7/13/19 at 9:10am

bk said: "Fetus said: "bk said: "Fetus said: "Luminaire2 said: "Do you go on twitter? The outrage is not just on this board..."

This tweet has over double the engagement that any of the tweets announcing the cast has.

This is the most liked tweet regarding the casting announcement and almost all of the replies deal with Ramasar. Though I'm sure the talking heads will say "twitter can't do anything" despite them previously saying the outrage was contained in this thread, but many people are upset with this casting.

There are exactly six posts that are critical - could be the same six people from here. Now, I'm not a Twitter person so I don't know if I'm seeing everything, but the likes on the casting post are many. So, are you saying there are hundreds more than I'm not seeing? Am I reading incorrectly? Just curious because I think your point is that it's a huge Twitter storm.


The criticism has more engagement than the casting announcement itself is the point.


As I clearly said, I don't Twit - I leave that to Twits. But from what I see with my eyeballs there are SIX critical posts and a huge number of likes or whatever they do there - not likes for the six posts, likes for the announcements. I'm just trying to understand why you're so intent on making it seem like this is a huge movement, when it clearly isn't. It's about eight people in this thread, if that many, and six over there. That is not a movement, that isn't even a mov. I understand you hate the guy and are up in arms, which is perfectly fine - but this constant stuff you post that doesn't really reflect reality - as others have pointed out to you - baffles me, really."

I posted that a tweet critical about Ramsar has more engagement, which is clearly true, but if you admit you don't understand how twitter works then why double down on something you're clearly ignorant on? What a pathetic attempt to shut someone down. My posts in this thread have been sourced from court documents and articles on the cast, it doesn't seem hard for the majority to comprehend.

Maybe instead of going after me go after the person in this thread trying to defend Ramsar at all hours in this thread? At least this isn't keeping me up at night like evidently is the case for Joe.

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#369West Side Story revival?
Posted: 7/13/19 at 9:21am

<<edited by BWW staff>>

I’m used to seeing shows at the Boston Opera House which is a large theatre, as is the Broadway. Are the sightlines that terrible from the back of house? With the choreography this may be a good show to see from upstairs within reason. I’d also assume a large set

Updated On: 7/13/19 at 09:21 AM

#370West Side Story revival?
Posted: 7/13/19 at 9:23am

I'm not "going after you."  I'm trying to understand why you're trying to act like this a a huge, major thing on social media.  I don't use Twitter but I do have eyeballs enough to know that it is not what you're trying to make it out to be.  Speak your outrage, that's fine.  Others will agree or not.  You can't make stuff up, though, and this Twitter thing is not a storm, nor is this thread.  Will it BE a storm in the future?  Who knows.  It certainly isn't now.  That was my point.  That is still my point.  You're not going to be able to make my point seem like it's about anything other than my point.  

Fetus Profile Photo
#371West Side Story revival?
Posted: 7/13/19 at 9:39am

bk said: "I'm not "going after you." I'm trying to understand why you're trying to act like this a a huge, major thing on social media. I don't use Twitter but I do have eyeballs enough to know that it is not what you're trying to make it out to be. Speak your outrage, that's fine. Others will agree or not. You can't make stuff up, though, and this Twitter thing is not a storm, nor is this thread. Will it BE a storm in the future? Who knows. It certainly isn't now. That was my point. That is still my point. You're not going to be able to make my point seem like it's about anything other than my point."

Since you have eyeballs can you direct me to where I'm making things up? I never called it a 'storm', I said that there were groups of people outside of this forum upset with this casting.

I said this tweet has more engagement than the most popular tweet about the casting announcement, which it does. I also said the tweet about the casting announcement had a majority of responses concerning Amar so the 'outrage' was not contained to BroadwayWorld as another user claimed. I'm not petty enough to count the actual number like you did, but my point stands. Stop dismissing me over what you're clearly ignorant to.

CT2NYC Profile Photo
#372West Side Story revival?
Posted: 7/13/19 at 10:06am

Tickets on sale now at Telecharge, and prices are not outrageous.

Updated On: 7/13/19 at 10:06 AM

RippedMan Profile Photo
#373West Side Story revival?
Posted: 7/13/19 at 10:30am

Mandresser nailed it, and if you can’t see their point of view you’re wrong and the problem.

I would almost go to bat for him if he was a talent, but he can’t sing or act so why’s he in this show??? Makes me feel like the rest of the show is gonna be horribly planned as well. You can’t really strip this show back cause the characters are already cardboard as it is.

#374West Side Story revival?
Posted: 7/13/19 at 11:09am

Fetus said: "bk said: "I'm not "going after you." I'm trying to understand why you're trying to act like this a a huge, major thing on social media. I don't use Twitter but I do have eyeballs enough to know that it is not what you're trying to make it out to be. Speak your outrage, that's fine. Others will agree or not. You can't make stuff up, though, and this Twitter thing is not a storm, nor is this thread. Will it BE a storm in the future? Who knows. It certainly isn't now. That was my point. That is still my point. You're not going to be able to make my point seem like it's about anything other than my point."

Since you have eyeballs can you direct me to where I'm making things up? I never called it a 'storm', I said that there were groups of people outside of this forum upset with this casting.

I said this tweet has more engagement than the most popular tweet about the casting announcement, which it does. I also said the tweet about the casting announcement had a majority of responses concerning Amar so the 'outrage' was not contained to BroadwayWorld as another user claimed.I'm not petty enough to count the actual number like you did, but my point stands. Stop dismissing me over what you're clearly ignorant to.

You know exactly what you were trying to make it seem like.  I'm not "dismissing you" - this is what you do when you don't like that someone questions something or is curious why someone is misrepresenting something.  You are very defensive and I don't get that either.  I haven't been mean to you, I haven't "come after you" or whatever you said.  As they say in Oklahoma - we've gone about as fer as we can go."  
