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What should Spring Awakening Fans call themselves?- Page 2

What should Spring Awakening Fans call themselves?

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#25re: What should Spring Awakening Fans call themselves?
Posted: 12/22/06 at 8:22pm

Crappity Crappers

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

papalovesmambo Profile Photo
#26what should spring awakening fans call themselves?
Posted: 12/22/06 at 8:37pm

isn't it obvious? morons.

r.i.p. marco, my guardian angel. warming can manifest itself as heat, cool, precipitation, storms, drought, wind, or any other phenomenon, much like a shapeshifter. -- jim geraghty

pray to st. jude

i'm a sonic reducer

he was the gimmicky sort

fenchurch=mejusthavingfun=magwildwood=mmousefan=bkcollector=bradmajors=somethingtotalkabout: the fenchurch mpd collective

Phantom2 Profile Photo
#27what should spring awakening fans call themselves?
Posted: 12/22/06 at 8:38pm

Total F*CKers

"I'm learning to dig deep down inside and find the truth within myself and put that out. I think what we identify with in popular music more than anything else is when someone just shares a truth that we can relate to. That's what I'm searching for in my music." - Ron Bohmer

"I broke the boundaries. It wasn't cool to be in plays- especially if you were in sports & I was in both." - Ashton Kutcher

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#28what should spring awakening fans call themselves?
Posted: 12/22/06 at 8:39pm

Building on papa's correct answer, MoronsWhoFallForObviousPressStunts or MWFFOPS's.


Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson
Updated On: 12/22/06 at 08:39 PM

McFrenzied Profile Photo
#29re: What should Spring Awakening Fans call themselves?
Posted: 12/22/06 at 8:41pm

"The Sprung?"

Here's an example of the type of discussions that are goin' on in some of those discussion boards. I'm ashamed to admit I totally missed the connection with Faust!

Does anyone else here get the connection to Faust? Melchior is Faust, with his desire to seek knowledge that is not readily granted to him, and Wendla is Margueritte, especially in the original version where she is raped by him. She gets pregnant and dies of an abortion gone wrong (margueritte dies of childbirth)

also dont forget that this is even indicated in act one, when Melchior is actually reading Faust- an indication to the viewer that we should compare the two characters. Wedekind is a german playwrite, and i kept thinking to myself how GERMAN the play was...and i realized it was because he was sort of quoting Goethe

Phantom2 Profile Photo
#30what should spring awakening fans call themselves?
Posted: 12/22/06 at 8:43pm

Producers "R" Us
The Living Bitches
Blue Balls

"I'm learning to dig deep down inside and find the truth within myself and put that out. I think what we identify with in popular music more than anything else is when someone just shares a truth that we can relate to. That's what I'm searching for in my music." - Ron Bohmer

"I broke the boundaries. It wasn't cool to be in plays- especially if you were in sports & I was in both." - Ashton Kutcher

blueram Profile Photo
#31re: What should Spring Awakening Fans call themselves?
Posted: 12/22/06 at 8:50pm

I think I'm satisfied to be called a Spring Awakening fan or a fan of Spring Awakening. There is no need for a cheap, cheezy "name" or should I say stereotype. I would like to think we Spring Awakening fans don't need to gain attention to the show or ourselves by labeling ourselves with a name. One of the points of the show is going against the Status quo. I do hope fans of the show don't force a name to call themselves just because every other show on broadway has fans who have labeled themselves with a certain name. I would like to think we're better than that.

shiksa_goddess Profile Photo
#32re: What should Spring Awakening Fans call themselves?
Posted: 12/22/06 at 8:54pm

but...papa I saw you at Spring Awakening and you were dancing and singing along with the sawngs.

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#33re: What should Spring Awakening Fans call themselves?
Posted: 12/22/06 at 8:55pm

I do hope fans of the show don't force a name to call themselves just because every other show on broadway has fans who have labeled themselves with a certain name.

Yeah, like those damn "Gardeners"!

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

Becoz_i_knew_you21 Profile Photo
#34re: What should Spring Awakening Fans call themselves?
Posted: 12/22/06 at 9:02pm

blueram I agree. I know I threw out a name but, I don't think SA Fans need a name.

D2 Profile Photo
#35re: What should Spring Awakening Fans call themselves?
Posted: 12/22/06 at 9:41pm

a good psychotherapist

Cheyenne Jackson tickled me. AFTER ordering SoMMS a drink but NOT tickling him, and hanging out with Girly in his dressing room (where he DIDN'T tickle her) but BEFORE we got married. To others. And then he tweeted Boobs. He also tweeted he's good friends with some chick on "The Voice" who just happens to be good friends with Tink's ex. And I'm still married. Oh, and this just in: "Pettiness, spite, malice ....Such ugly emotions... So sad." - After Eight, talking about MEEEEEEEE!!! I'm so honored! :-)

WickedGeek28 Profile Photo
#36re: What should Spring Awakening Fans call themselves?
Posted: 12/22/06 at 9:53pm

Papa, I literally laughed out loud!

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill A Mockingbird

Corine2 Profile Photo
#37re: What should Spring Awakening Fans call themselves?
Posted: 12/22/06 at 10:41pm

(For Bitch of Living)
re: What should Spring Awakening Fans call themselves?
Sits in a chair and stomps feet! Stompers?
I like Phanty's suggestion it is totally ****ed. How about this:
BOL-(Short for Bitch of Living)
re: What should Spring Awakening Fans call themselves?
Updated On: 12/22/06 at 10:41 PM

CapnHook Profile Photo
#38re: What should Spring Awakening Fans call themselves?
Posted: 12/22/06 at 10:47pm

how about "Spring Awakening Fans"?? Honestly, why does every show's fanbase have to have a name? I understand it is a good marketing tool, but even so, the only shows at the moment that truly have "those types of fans" are HAIR, RENT, and WICKED is getting there.

"The Spectacle has, indeed, an emotional attraction of its own, but, of all the parts, it is the least artistic, and connected least with the art of poetry. For the power of Tragedy, we may be sure, is felt even apart from representation and actors. Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet."

PARISinNYC Profile Photo
#39re: What should Spring Awakening Fans call themselves?
Posted: 12/22/06 at 11:14pm

It's just a nickname. What's the big deal? It's just for fun.

PARISinNYC Profile Photo
#40re: What should Spring Awakening Fans call themselves?
Posted: 12/22/06 at 11:16pm

Sorry, double post. Updated On: 12/22/06 at 11:16 PM

blueram Profile Photo
#41re: What should Spring Awakening Fans call themselves?
Posted: 12/22/06 at 11:25pm

See, my other thing with giving us Spring Awakening fans a name if we really do need to is that the suggestions seem "forced". None of them are really catchy or stand-out. They're not as catchy or attention-grabbing as RENTheads or Trekkies. In the end, fans are going to be divided and will never agree on a single name for themselves because nothing really sticks out as a clear unanimous favorite. Unless someone can suggest a really good and catchy "name" that majority of Spring Awakening fans and non-fans will agree upon, I think I'm sticking to "Spring Awakening fan".

singingshowgirl Profile Photo
#42re: What should Spring Awakening Fans call themselves?
Posted: 12/22/06 at 11:32pm

awaken bitches of life? lol

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
zoran912 Profile Photo
Posted: 12/23/06 at 1:06am

Rath - I think I just wet myself. Thank you for that.

It seems that by the time I get to these threads, every point I want to make has already been made by someone else. I'm not one to beat points into the ground. I'll just say that I agree with those who see no need for SA fans to have a special name. I am hesitant to even use the word "fan" because of the ugly connotations that shows such as RENT and WICKED have given it.

I am not a springer. I am not an Awakener. I am not a bitch. That last one was a lie.

I am an admirer of Spring Awakening.

Posted: 12/23/06 at 1:11am

They should call themselves SPRAWAKS, like Ewoks: both are unearthly, alien creatures who nobody understands.

Princess Tinymeat
Planet Miniscula, Seventh Orbitron

McFrenzied Profile Photo
#46re: What should Spring Awakening Fans call themselves?
Posted: 12/23/06 at 1:14am

CapnHook, what do (did? ) Hair fans call themselves?

I can see both sides of the argument. On the one hand, perhaps it's better to just let it happen organically. On the other, what usually happens is that some journalist who wants to appear witty will coin a phrase to describe SA fans anyways and it will just stick. I'd hate to be called a "Springer". Makes me sound like a cocker spaniel or something. Why not take advantage of the opportunity to name ourselves when we still have the chance? The problem, as BlueRam points out, is getting everybody to agree. Is a puzzlement.

#47re: What should Spring Awakening Fans call themselves?
Posted: 12/23/06 at 7:50am

What also might happen is the cast might think of a name for their fans, such as Felicia Finley mentioned in an interview that the cast called fans of THE WEDDING SINGER "Wed-Heads", and thats now what every fan of the show calls themself

So maybe the SPRING AWAKENING cast will do the same thing, and name their fans....

#48re: What should Spring Awakening Fans call themselves?
Posted: 1/16/07 at 9:03pm

"They should call themselves SPRAWAKS, like Ewoks: both are unearthly, alien creatures who nobody understands."

As are you.

Butters, go buy World of Warcraft, install it on your computer, and join the online sensation before we all murder you. --Cartman: South Park ATTENTION FANS: I will be played by James Barbour in the upcoming musical, "BroadwayWorld: The Musical."

#49re: What should Spring Awakening Fans call themselves?
Posted: 1/16/07 at 9:08pm

Late Bloomers
