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What show should I take an age group 13-18 to see for first broadway show?- Page 3

What show should I take an age group 13-18 to see for first broadway show?

SNAFU Profile Photo
#50What show should I take an age group 13-18 to see for first broadway show?
Posted: 6/6/14 at 9:15pm

Hell Gink, at 13-18 that would have been a selling point for me!

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

Gomez3 Profile Photo
#51What show should I take an age group 13-18 to see for first broadway show?
Posted: 6/6/14 at 9:30pm

Oh, trust me, it's not lost on me. I just find it extremely preachy.

Gink Profile Photo
#52What show should I take an age group 13-18 to see for first broadway show?
Posted: 6/6/14 at 9:53pm

I think you should consider the seats you can get when getting tickets. The closer the better to make a good first impression.

#53What show should I take an age group 13-18 to see for first broadway show?
Posted: 6/6/14 at 11:58pm

If you get Pippin Tickets go for the Mez, Anywhere in the Mez. You can see everything from up there. I saw opening night from the last row all the way against the wall and still could see everything.

#54What show should I take an age group 13-18 to see for first broadway show?
Posted: 6/7/14 at 8:13am

Where can I get the best group sales tickets?

hak5 Profile Photo
#55What show should I take an age group 13-18 to see for first broadway show?
Posted: 6/7/14 at 1:00pm


pushdabutton Profile Photo
#56What show should I take an age group 13-18 to see for first broadway show?
Posted: 6/7/14 at 1:46pm

Lion King, Newsies, Pippin or Wicked would be my recommendations for that age group.

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#57What show should I take an age group 13-18 to see for first broadway show?
Posted: 6/8/14 at 7:24am

Yeah, Pippin.


ggersten Profile Photo
#58What show should I take an age group 13-18 to see for first broadway show?
Posted: 6/8/14 at 7:47am

without a doubt, Pippin. It has angst, romance, dazzling stagecraft, songs that advance the plot and songs that don't. Good looking men and women. The show has spoken to teen and college audiences since it first hit the stage. And it creates opportunities to talk about so many things about theatre - choreography, lighting, set design, music, why characters sing - (what is the show like without an intermission) - and potentially a strong argument against suicide.

Queen of the Night
#59What show should I take an age group 13-18 to see for first broadway show?
Posted: 6/8/14 at 9:44am

I have seen most of the shows everyone is discussing and I have to agree with Pippin being my first choice for kids this age. It won't insult their intelligence, it's funny and poignant and for their age group it's totally something they can relate to. The circus stunts are impressive, the staging is clever but simple. Cast is quite good. This show will provide food for lots of thought and discussion as well as demonstrating many of the things that can be done on the stage. Tickets for a large group shouldn't be too hard to come by either at this point. The Music Box is a small theater so either middle to rear orchestra (avoid the first 5 rows of the orchestra section, the stage is high and the seats too low) or just about anywhere in the mezzanine are great. This is one the kids will talk about for a long time afterward!

#60What show should I take an age group 13-18 to see for first broadway show?
Posted: 6/8/14 at 12:57pm

It's impossible not to have a good time at this show. Some of the others mentioned, Aladin, Newsies, Wicked, Phantom, are all very popular, but as a first show I would pick Pippin for it's iconic tunes, choreography, and illusions.

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#61What show should I take an age group 13-18 to see for first broadway show?
Posted: 6/8/14 at 1:27pm

The boys will like Pippin if the current player is 1/10 the seductress Patina Miller was.


AHLiebross Profile Photo
#62What show should I take an age group 13-18 to see for first broadway show?
Posted: 6/8/14 at 1:34pm

You don't say where the kids are from, but if many have deployed parents, I'd assume that there will be social conservatives among them. That means "Kinky Boots" is out. If the mix is about half and half boys and girls or more boys than girls, I'd stay away from "Les Miz" which is, in my opinion, too slow in the middle. Also, despite the shoot-em-up aspects at the barricade, the boys may get squirmy because of some of the expressions of love between Marius and Cosette. If there are a lot of girls, "Wicked" and "Matilda" might be good, but, once again, the boys ... mmm ... having raised three (all with ADHD), I don't think those would work for most boys. Having seen overwhelmingly female audiences (of all ages) fall apart at "Phantom," I KNOW that would work for the girls. I also think it would work for gay boys. The straight ones ... even they, on balance, I think would enjoy it. I'd certainly stay away from "A Raisin in the Sun" and "Of Mice and Men" unless these are gifted kids -- many that age won't like a non-musical, especially serious plays like these. (In fact, I saw a group of teens cut up so badly at "Raisin," the musical version of ARITS, that the lead, Virginia Capers, stopped the production and shamed them into behaving). "Rocky" might work if you can get tickets. I can't speak about "Pippin" because, believe it or not, I haven't seen it. I think "Aladdin" would work because it's Disney.

Audrey, the Phantom Phanatic, who nonetheless would rather be Jean Valjean, who knew how to make lemonade out of lemons.

Gomez3 Profile Photo
#63What show should I take an age group 13-18 to see for first broadway show?
Posted: 6/8/14 at 2:19pm

'You don't say where the kids are from, but if many have deployed parents, I'd assume that there will be social conservatives among them. That means "Kinky Boots" is out. If the mix is about half and half boys and girls or more boys than girls, I'd stay away from "Les Miz" which is, in my opinion, too slow in the middle. Also, despite the shoot-em-up aspects at the barricade, the boys may get squirmy because of some of the expressions of love between Marius and Cosette. If there are a lot of girls, "Wicked" and "Matilda" might be good, but, once again, the boys ... mmm ... having raised three (all with ADHD), I don't think those would work for most boys. Having seen overwhelmingly female audiences (of all ages) fall apart at "Phantom," I KNOW that would work for the girls. I also think it would work for gay boys. The straight ones ... even they, on balance, I think would enjoy it. I'd certainly stay away from "A Raisin in the Sun" and "Of Mice and Men" unless these are gifted kids -- many that age won't like a non-musical, especially serious plays like these. (In fact, I saw a group of teens cut up so badly at "Raisin," the musical version of ARITS, that the lead, Virginia Capers, stopped the production and shamed them into behaving). "Rocky" might work if you can get tickets. I can't speak about "Pippin" because, believe it or not, I haven't seen it. I think "Aladdin" would work because it's Disney.'

Screw you and your stereotypes. Not every boy is an over-sexualized insensitive love-hating person. Are you kidding? You're acting if these are 7 year olds. Also, kids with ADHD are going to behave a lot worse than those with, so I think you have no right to assume what these kids can handle based on your own experiences.

Updated On: 6/8/14 at 02:19 PM

yankeefan7 Profile Photo
#64What show should I take an age group 13-18 to see for first broadway show?
Posted: 6/8/14 at 4:29pm

I would vote for "Newsies". Show is about a bunch of young boys and the dancing is awesome.

perfectlymarvelous Profile Photo
#65What show should I take an age group 13-18 to see for first broadway show?
Posted: 6/8/14 at 7:01pm

Yeah, can we not with the gender stereotypes and the stereotypes of teenagers in general? We're talking about a group of mostly high schoolers here, not little kids.

That said, I think kids in this age bracket would probably get the most out of Pippin.

#66What show should I take an age group 13-18 to see for first broadway show?
Posted: 6/8/14 at 9:52pm

I've been looking more into taking them to see these shows now : Aladdin,Lion King, Newsies, Pippin. Anymore I should take into consideration?

#67What show should I take an age group 13-18 to see for first broadway show?
Posted: 6/9/14 at 1:14am

Your first choice should definitely be Pippin. It has fun, upbeat music, an age appropriate plot, and the acrobatics will keep the less theatrical members of the group interested. Wicked or Phantom would be good second choices but I've found that those shows mainly appeal to my friends that are already into musicals, and that those that were less interested in theatre find particularly Phantom to be long and unexciting.

The thing about shows like Aladdin and Lion King is while it can be good to start teens off with something they can identify and relate to, as a both a kid and teen I always wanted to go to the theatre to see something different from what I could get in a Disney movie. While those shows, along with many others are certainly well done pieces of theatre, I always try to encourage someone's first show to be a completely new experience that includes a plot and music they don't already know most of the words to :)

#68What show should I take an age group 13-18 to see for first broadway show?
Posted: 6/9/14 at 7:50am

So now I'm split between Pippin and one of the Disney Musicals. I want these kids to enjoy broadway and want to see more. Any of these are good choices

#69What show should I take an age group 13-18 to see for first broadway show?
Posted: 6/9/14 at 4:02pm

I'm really torn. It's hard to pick the best show to introduce broadway theater to.

Essie4 Profile Photo
#70What show should I take an age group 13-18 to see for first broadway show?
Posted: 6/9/14 at 4:21pm

Most have already endorsed Pippin...not sure what else you want us to say. Pippin should be pretty easy to get good seats to. Disney musicals not so much. Plus they'll be around for years and I don't see Pippin having that sort of longevity. Your kids will have watched something dazzling, new, and unique if you pick Pippin.

It seems that you're adamant about seeing something by Disney so what can I say? Do what you want. Hope you guys have fun regardless of what show you choose. =)

Fan123 Profile Photo
#71What show should I take an age group 13-18 to see for first broadway show?
Posted: 6/9/14 at 5:08pm

As the OP may know, there is an ironic 'pro'-war number (Glory) in Pippin which might read as a bit confronting/bad taste to military kids. I haven't seen this production so maybe others can weigh in about whether they think it would be appropriate. I guess you can't shelter them from everything, but...
Of the others shortlisted, again I haven't seen them all, but The Lion King provides a good example of how a familiar story can be transformed using theatre techniques.

Updated On: 6/9/14 at 05:08 PM
