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What show should I take an age group 13-18 to see for first broadway show?

What show should I take an age group 13-18 to see for first broadway show?

#1What show should I take an age group 13-18 to see for first broadway show?
Posted: 6/5/14 at 9:47pm

I am running a theater camp August 13-15 for military kids who have never experienced a broadway show before and I am taking them to see their first broadway show. What show on broadway right now should I take them to see. I was thinking between Aladdin, Newsies, Kinky Boots or Matilda.

oncemorewithfeeling2 Profile Photo
#2What show should I take an age group 13-18 to see for first broadway show?
Posted: 6/5/14 at 9:52pm

From the perspective of an educator who had to consider parental opinion on everything, I would take Kinky Boots off your list. Yes, the show is fun and truly has a great message at the heart, but there are parents who don't feel Lola, the Angels, and her lifestyle are appropriate for kids (I disagree, but whatever).

I'd stick with safe--Newsies, Cinderella, Aladdin, Matilda, or if they've never experienced live theater, Phantom. I've seen middle school kids eat that show up.

#3What show should I take an age group 13-18 to see for first broadway show?
Posted: 6/5/14 at 9:56pm

Of Mice and Men. Give them something powerful, that they'll be reading in the next few years.

#4What show should I take an age group 13-18 to see for first broadway show?
Posted: 6/5/14 at 10:09pm

Aladdin, Wicked, Newsies, or Phantom of the Opera. Maybe even Les Mis depending on the age distribution in the group.

Someone in a Tree2 Profile Photo
Someone in a Tree2
#5What show should I take an age group 13-18 to see for first broadway show?
Posted: 6/5/14 at 10:13pm

If these guys are 13-18, Pippin would be a great fit. Less of a commercial choice than the overly familiar Aladdin.

Elfuhbuh Profile Photo
#6What show should I take an age group 13-18 to see for first broadway show?
Posted: 6/5/14 at 10:14pm

I haven't seen Aladdin, but I would say that one. Start them off with something they're familiar with.

"Was uns befreit, das muss stärker sein als wir es sind." -Tanz der Vampire

Wickedlover56 Profile Photo
#7What show should I take an age group 13-18 to see for first broadway show?
Posted: 6/5/14 at 10:14pm

It depends on what you want for them. If you want them to see familiar stories, Cinderella, Matilda, and Aladdin are all great. If they have never seen live thatre before, Wicked, Phantom, and Les Mis are wonderful for a first time show. If you want unique shows that they will never forget Once, After Midnight, and Violet will blow them away. All of those are great for that age group, but for different reason. As a teen, Wicked, Once' and Phantom would probably be the most enticing. Hope they enjoy themselves!

#8What show should I take an age group 13-18 to see for first broadway show?
Posted: 6/5/14 at 10:38pm

Aladdin for sure. Newsies - 2nd choice. Kinky Boots is more of a personal choice - most fun, great message..I am their biggest supporter... but for a first show, not my first choice either.

Aladdin is probably the most fun - the most commercial and the most familiar - and yet still so much fun. It's probably not the BEST show all around but for this situation, I think your safest bet at having a great time.

gfaustswa Profile Photo
#9What show should I take an age group 13-18 to see for first broadway show?
Posted: 6/5/14 at 10:45pm

How about Rocky? I'll bet they would really get into that show considering the age range.

VotePeron Profile Photo
#10What show should I take an age group 13-18 to see for first broadway show?
Posted: 6/5/14 at 10:56pm

MATILDA, no question. It has heart, magic, and is truly incredible. Much more dense than Aladdin, and much more entertaining!

FishermanBob Profile Photo
#11What show should I take an age group 13-18 to see for first broadway show?
Posted: 6/5/14 at 11:02pm

I'd agree with those suggesting to steer clear of what they are already familiar with. A show with a story they've never seen before would likely be something that will stick in their memory more. Matilda is probably a safe choice that they will enjoy but I would agree with Pippin... a visual spectacle, a catchy score, a fun story and probably at this point, a much easier ticket to get than some of the others you were suggesting.

RaisedOnMusicals Profile Photo
#12What show should I take an age group 13-18 to see for first broadway show?
Posted: 6/5/14 at 11:03pm

Les Mis! I took each of my three kids to see it on their 10th birthdays, and it hooked all three on musical theater. In fact, the oldest is now an AEA stage manager 25 years later.

CZJ at opening night party for A Little Night Music, Dec 13, 2009.

#14What show should I take an age group 13-18 to see for first broadway show?
Posted: 6/5/14 at 11:08pm

My vote would be Pippin or Newsies. I was not overly thrilled with Matilda (both in London and NYC), the show lacks the heart the books has and I was bored to death for most of the show.

dreaming Profile Photo
#15What show should I take an age group 13-18 to see for first broadway show?
Posted: 6/5/14 at 11:15pm

These are teenagers-I say Les Miz or Pippin.

gfaustswa Profile Photo
#16What show should I take an age group 13-18 to see for first broadway show?
Posted: 6/5/14 at 11:19pm

I think that age group will die of boredom at Les Miz. It's not exactly a high energy, fun show. I still die of boredom watching it.

Updated On: 6/5/14 at 11:19 PM

Wickedmonkey332 Profile Photo
#17What show should I take an age group 13-18 to see for first broadway show?
Posted: 6/6/14 at 12:12am

Absolutely Matilda- Not overly familiar- but a recognizable name attached to a funny, exciting, magical piece of art

Gomez3 Profile Photo
#18What show should I take an age group 13-18 to see for first broadway show?
Posted: 6/6/14 at 12:31am

I'd say no to Matilda actually - these are teenagers! They're going to want something exciting, which isn't a bunch of children on stage. You all are acting like they're 3rd graders. My vote is Phantom, Chicago, Aladdin, and Pippin.

Updated On: 6/6/14 at 12:31 AM

Wickedmonkey332 Profile Photo
#19What show should I take an age group 13-18 to see for first broadway show?
Posted: 6/6/14 at 12:35am

With all respect to these shows- Aladdin is much too childish and immature for teenagers. Phantom is much too boring. Matilda is the best option- especially with the recent loss of sparkle at Pippin...

Gomez3 Profile Photo
#20What show should I take an age group 13-18 to see for first broadway show?
Posted: 6/6/14 at 12:49am

Are you serious? How is Aladdin more childish than Matilda? Matilda is all about 3rd graders! They sing songs about growing up! They sing about themselves being revolting! They're amazing, but most of those teenagers will walk out of the theater thinking they just saw a local children's theater production. Also, your opinion is completely invalidated by the fact that you think Phantom is boring.

#21What show should I take an age group 13-18 to see for first broadway show?
Posted: 6/6/14 at 12:54am

Maybe some may have even been asked to read LES MISERABLES in school - so why not a stage musical of the novel and also something to which they could relate to if they had seen the film adaptation.

Another excellent introduction to the theatre would be PHANTOM OF THE OPERA. Like Les Mis, they can also relate to a film adaptation as well as to an original work of literature.

Both are dramatic musicals and may bring on such an impact on their young minds.

If War Horse had still been showing- I would have suggested that one, too.

Updated On: 6/6/14 at 12:54 AM

Essie4 Profile Photo
#22What show should I take an age group 13-18 to see for first broadway show?
Posted: 6/6/14 at 1:56am

Speaking for myself, when I was a teenager, I would have rolled my eyes at the prospect watching something adapted from a movie as campy as Aladdin.

Matilda may have a bunch of children on stage, but it is completely enjoyable to any age group. In fact, I'd argue that anyone can enjoy it EXCEPT for very small children as it has its moments where it goes dark. I personally love the show and don't think it's "childish" at all. The set, performances, and choreography are amazing.

Aladdin may have adult actors, but the show is definitely meant for children ages 5-10. That's not a knock on it--that's who the show was made for. Not saying older kids can't enjoy it; they probably would. I just think it would be a more memorable experience if you took them to something a little more challenging.

Add me to the list of people who think you shouldn't take them to see something they're already all too familiar with. Expose them to something new.

Updated On: 6/6/14 at 01:56 AM

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#23What show should I take an age group 13-18 to see for first broadway show?
Posted: 6/6/14 at 2:00am

If they are THEATER kids, they won't likely find most of the shows "boring".

I've brought high school kids to: Cabaret, Les Mis, Kinky, Matilda, Pippin, August, Hair......nearly anything you can imagine.

There are always individuals that dislike shows, and some shows practically no one likes (Evita springs to mind). No one thought Matilda was childish, or Les Mis was boring. (can't include the current revival, we didn't see that.) They also didn't have a high interest in Aladdin, so we didn't see it.

I took 14-18 year olds to Pippin and Caberet, and while both scored high on their charts....the younger thought Pippin was their favorite, the older Cabaret won their hearts. As you can see, the choice came from sophistication levels.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

deltatee Profile Photo
#24What show should I take an age group 13-18 to see for first broadway show?
Posted: 6/6/14 at 7:18am

Definitely Matilda! Newsies would be good also, but Matilda is incredible.
