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Who is your favorite foreign Broadway performer?

Who is your favorite foreign Broadway performer?

#1Who is your favorite foreign Broadway performer?
Posted: 6/15/08 at 1:26am

(anything to get attention away from a certain poster... ;D )

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#2re: Who is your favorite foreign Broadway performer?
Posted: 6/15/08 at 1:27am

Jeremy Kushnier. re: Who is your favorite foreign Broadway performer?

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

Posted: 6/15/08 at 1:28am

Updated On: 5/4/09 at 01:28 AM

andrewcomp Profile Photo
#3re: Who is your favorite foreign Broadway performer?
Posted: 6/15/08 at 1:28am

Ruthie Henshall and Kerry Ellis re: Who is your favorite foreign Broadway performer?

#3re: Who is your favorite foreign Broadway performer?
Posted: 6/15/08 at 1:28am

re: Who is your favorite foreign Broadway performer?

I'm sure many deserve attention, but Carmen Amaya immediately comes to mind.
Updated On: 6/15/08 at 01:28 AM

StateOfJade Profile Photo
#5re: Who is your favorite foreign Broadway performer?
Posted: 6/15/08 at 1:40am

What exactly do you mean by a 'foreign' performer? Someone who wasn't born in the US?

"I really liked the show--Wish I saw Boy's Night...Am I allowed as I am not a boy anymore:)"-duffyny1

andrewcomp Profile Photo
#6re: Who is your favorite foreign Broadway performer?
Posted: 6/15/08 at 1:48am

Oh, well if never performed in the US then I like Rina Chinen alot.

#7re: Who is your favorite foreign Broadway performer?
Posted: 6/15/08 at 1:56am

Uh...yes, someone who is not originally from the USA.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#8re: Who is your favorite foreign Broadway performer?
Posted: 6/15/08 at 1:57am

You should post this on the America only board. Love it or leave it!

StateOfJade Profile Photo
#9re: Who is your favorite foreign Broadway performer?
Posted: 6/15/08 at 1:57am

No need to d'oh at me. 'Favorite foreign performer' is a little confusing. Who's your favorite illegal immigrant b-way performer?

Anyhoo mine is Daphne Rubin-Vega.

"I really liked the show--Wish I saw Boy's Night...Am I allowed as I am not a boy anymore:)"-duffyny1

#10re: Who is your favorite foreign Broadway performer?
Posted: 6/15/08 at 3:46am

Lea Salonga and Kerry Ellis(well technically she didn't start on Broadway yet)

Don't believe everything that you hear! Only the peeps involved know the truth!

lesmis Profile Photo
#11re: Who is your favorite foreign Broadway performer?
Posted: 6/15/08 at 7:32am

Les Salonga and Hugh Jackman

Weez Profile Photo
#12re: Who is your favorite foreign Broadway performer?
Posted: 6/15/08 at 8:30am

My three favourite baritones are all Australian. Although as far as I'm aware, only Hugh Jackman has actually performed on Broadway. I insist we give Philip Quast and Anthony Warlow their dues though!

JRybka Profile Photo
#13re: Who is your favorite foreign Broadway performer?
Posted: 6/15/08 at 8:31am

John Barrowman.. Yes I know he technically grew up in the USA he was born in Scotland and lives in the United Kingdom.

"Whenever I get gloomy with the state of the world, I think about the arrivals gate at Heathrow Airport. General opinion's starting to make out that we live in a world of hatred and greed, but I don't see that. It seems to me that love is everywhere. Often it's not particularly dignified or newsworthy, but it's always there - fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, old friends. When the planes hit the Twin Towers, as far as I know none of the phone calls from the people on board were messages of hate or revenge - they were all messages of love. If you look for it, I've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that love actually is all around."

philly03 Profile Photo
#14re: Who is your favorite foreign Broadway performer?
Posted: 6/15/08 at 11:45am

Maria Friedman & Elaine Paige

into_the_woods2 Profile Photo
#15re: Who is your favorite foreign Broadway performer?
Posted: 6/15/08 at 11:47am

ruthie henshall

"The good news is I have an excellent Tony speech. The bad news is I've had it for forty-five years."-Elaine Stritch

#16re: Who is your favorite foreign Broadway performer?
Posted: 6/15/08 at 12:02pm

"John Barrowman.. Yes I know he technically grew up in the USA he was born in Scotland and lives in the United Kingdom."

Oh yeah. He's so cute and talented. re: Who is your favorite foreign Broadway performer?

Hannah Waddingham is my other favorite, and today is her last day at Spamalot. Bummer.

jordangirl Profile Photo
#17re: Who is your favorite foreign Broadway performer?
Posted: 6/15/08 at 1:11pm

I adore Eve Best and Jenna Russell.

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis
Updated On: 6/15/08 at 01:11 PM

jennyish Profile Photo
#18re: Who is your favorite foreign Broadway performer?
Posted: 6/15/08 at 3:20pm


I chose, and my world was shaken. So what? The choice may have been mistaken. The choosing was not.

blaxx Profile Photo
#19re: Who is your favorite foreign Broadway performer?
Posted: 6/15/08 at 3:26pm

Sara Ramirez, Bianca Marroquin

Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE

bestinshow2 Profile Photo
#20re: Who is your favorite foreign Broadway performer?
Posted: 6/15/08 at 5:27pm

Rufus Sewell, Michael Sheen and Tom Hollander!

"My name's Lenny. What's yours?"

Updated On: 6/15/08 at 05:27 PM

#21re: Who is your favorite foreign Broadway performer?
Posted: 6/15/08 at 5:29pm

I have a current Jenna Russell obsession!

"As we all should probably have learned by now, to be a Stephen Sondheim fan is to have one's heart broken at regular intervals" - Frank Rich

Dearest, how can this be so? You were dead, you know. - Candide

Oh my god, this show has everything! Half naked guys and girl on girl action! - [title of show]

(My avatar? Why, yes! That is Laura Benanti making out with a chick!)

kover22 Profile Photo
#22re: Who is your favorite foreign Broadway performer?
Posted: 6/15/08 at 6:34pm

For the men, Michael Ball is by far my favorite, then would come John Barrowman.
Females would be Lea Salonga.

I have RSD...but it doesn't have me!!!!

musicaltheatrefan3 Profile Photo
#23re: Who is your favorite foreign Broadway performer?
Posted: 6/15/08 at 11:29pm

Lea Salonga, Carole Shelley, Julie Andrews, Angela Lansbury, Audrey Hepburn (she did Gigi, and she was born in Belgium), Dudu Fisher (an Israeli Jean Valjean), Elaine Paige, okay she's not exactly a big "Broadway performer", but I do love Caissie Levy, Hugh Jackman, Pia Douwes, Laura Michelle Kelly, Jose Llana, Liliane Montevecchi, Chaim Topol, Miyoshi Umeki, Colm Wilkinson, John Barrowman, Alan Cumming, Antonio Banderas

musicaltheatrefan3 Profile Photo
#24re: Who is your favorite foreign Broadway performer?
Posted: 6/15/08 at 11:35pm

Lea Salonga, Carole Shelley, Julie Andrews, Angela Lansbury, Audrey Hepburn (she did Gigi, and she was born in Belgium), Dudu Fisher (an Israeli Jean Valjean), Elaine Paige, okay she's not exactly a big "Broadway performer", but I do love Caissie Levy, Hugh Jackman, Pia Douwes, Laura Michelle Kelly, Jose Llana, Liliane Montevecchi, Chaim Topol, Miyoshi Umeki, Colm Wilkinson, John Barrowman, Alan Cumming, Antonio Banderas
