Broadway Legend Joined: 6/30/05
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/13/05
If it's professional and artistic based, I wouldn't mind doing it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/27/05
I've done it in four different shows.
Well, for the record, I *did*.
And you can still find the filmed results occasionally where they sell such things used (To my knowledge, none of my cinematic work transfered to DVD).
And I did all my own stunts. :)
Of course I think it would be fun
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/19/06
I've done it. I'd do it again.
Call me after I've dropped about 40 lbs. and found a good waxer, then maybe. Maybe...
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/27/05
I've found after the very first time it's no big deal at all.
Ah. NO WAY. I don't want to kill people. LOL.
I will model with sushi, but I will be fully covered.
LOL. Now, if Phanty ever gave me dance lessions and if I had the body of a dancer I might rethink this.
Updated On: 2/18/07 at 01:33 PM
I'm not much of an actor myself, but as a frequent theatregoer, I wholeheartedly support this as the most liberating thing an actor can do. I have seen many productions where nudity has enhanced the show.
When Naked Boys Singing played in Minneapolis, the production was actually better than the one I saw in Chicago, but there was less nudity. It's a shame, because in moments such as The Entertainer, which was performed in sheer underwear, the nudity would have improved the sequence. Blue Blake was better in the Minneapolis tour of Making Porn than Rex Chandler was in New York, too.
done it before and loved it.
I would do it I had a hot body. So for now, the answer is no, I wouldn't do it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/7/06
I guess I would, as long as it's not at all tasteful.
If it was in character and served the story, of course.
yes, by all means! I have done proud of my non-gym body after loosing 65 pounds and I'd do it again. I'm in my 50' I'm sure there will be no incoming offers...(THAT'S ME ON THE LEFT)
I would not do that to the poor unsuspecting audience
Sorry, the modified subject is bothering me.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/10/06
I think I would do it.
I've played Harold in The Full Monty, but we were naked for only like, one second, and it was with a lighting effect so they couldn't see "anything" (although some could I'm told).
As an audience member, I think nudity should be used only if it is ESSENTIAL to the play. This has nothing to do with ethics, and everything to do with respecting the audience (many of whom probably don't want to see people naked), as well as the actors. I've seen too many actors get naked onstage because they had been convinced it was "artistic," when in actuality it was gratuitous and embarrassing.
I've done it in a couple of movies, so wouldn't mind doing it onstage.
I've done it in a couple of movies, so wouldn't mind doing it onstage.
I've done it in a couple of movies, so wouldn't mind doing it onstage.
Probably. If it were a professional production and I weren't the only nekkid one, then definitely. If it were amateur and I would be the only one, possibly not. So I guess - it depends! 'Cos that's not a cop-out at all!
It depends on the character and the prodcution. If it was neede, then yes.