Oh I must have gotten them mixed up. I read it for the first time yesterday. But if I remember right Olga has more than 12 lines. Olga is the Grand Duchess right?
I also rushed the matinee earlier today (8/30). Walked up to the box office around 12:15PM and was able to get a ticket for orchestra row D seat 10. It was marked partial view, but I would only miss when people were at the far end of the staircase, which was not often. I was able to move to row C in the middle during the first intermission which was great.
The show, as many have said, is in ridiculously good shape and you could never guess that this was the first week of performances!
I'm with just about everybody on this. What an enormously pleasurable night at the theater. With much of the preview period still ahead, I can only imagine the timing will get even tighter, but it's already in spectacular shape. Annaleigh Ashford and Will Brill are committing grand theft spotlight every time they're on stage, but there isn't a weak link to be found in the magnificent ensemble. I left the theater completely and totally charmed.
Chorus Member Joined: 3/16/14
Just wanted to add on to the raves for this show. Everyone in the show is firing on all cylinders and it is a thrill to watch. But I have to agree with Sauja that Annaleigh and Will are comedy gold. Absolutely brilliant, one of my favorite theater-going experiences in years
Chorus Member Joined: 11/7/11
I typically don't like unnecessary intermissions either but I think two intermissions work here.
If anything, they really need that intermission between the second and third acts just to clear the smoke from the fireworks at the end of act 2. They had fans going full blast for the whole intermission and they stage was still full of smoke when the set turned around to start act 3.
Honestly the smoke situation was the only thing I noticed that still needs to be worked out during previews. Obviously the performances are just going to get tighter and better before opening, but it's already in amazing shape there and it's just going to get better. If this is a show that's still a work in progress, I can't wait to see how amazing it's going to be after it opens.
When is the time we've had such raves on these boards?!
I can't believe I have to wait until OCTOBER to see this. Gah!
Chorus Member Joined: 10/6/03
OMG..This was a real treat...some of the finest NYC actors in the ensemble. I sat in Row B2 orchestra and saw fine.. A couple of questions: Where those real snakes? and was was Will Brill directed to play Paul as bit fey?
Annaleigh Ashford will get at least a Tony Nomination, her performance is OUTSTANDING!!!!! She is soooooo funny and is really good at being a bad dancer!
There is a serious lack of kitten reports coming out of these early preview reviews.
the Kittens are only used once in the show in the very beginning for about 3 min then you never see them again. They are very cute but when sitting in the back or in the mezzo/balcony you barely notice them.
I saw it on Saturday night and thought it was amazing. One of the best nights of theatre I've ever seen. Also, it was out before 10:20. A super quick night. I was sitting in a TDF seat in the rear mezz and had a near perfect view. I think anywhere in the theatre, center, will have a good view of the stage. I highly recommend the show.
I think the Longacre has good sight lines in general. I've sat on the extreme sides of the balcony and mezzanine and in the boxes, and there's barely any obstruction. One of the few theatres where you can really see from anywhere.
I also saw the show through TDF but last night and i got row E center of the mezz, perfect view!
I saw the show this weekend and I truly had a great evening. The show is in good shape and in good hands. This cast really has no weak links...for being very early in previews, it's very tight. The cast has great chemistry with each other. I'm honestly just surprised how well done it is for being in the first week of previews. Several people around me were unaware that the show had just started previews earlier in the week.
Kristine Nielson is utterly delightful. I want to watch her on stage in this many, many times. I was surprised at how well Rose Byrne held up to a cast of all stars. Much stronger then I expected. She seemed slightly apprehensive, but not enough that it really took anything away from the show.
I've never been a huge Annaleigh Ashford fan, but I really enjoyed her performance. In the past, I've felt like she played some roles as too ditzy, but I think she captured Essie really well. She does the role very sweetly without being sappy...it just works. This is the first time I've seen her in something where I felt like she was perfect for the role. To me, it surpasses her performance in Kinky Boots by a mile.
Only downside? The smoke from the fireworks didn't clear well. There were a lot of fans and ventilation units on, but it seemed to just hang.
Verdict? Go see it. Laugh. Enjoy your night. It's a solid production.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
As I posted earlier in this thread, I've seen this show done in community theaters and high schools and the productions were ill-cast and lifeless. That wasn't the case this weekend when I saw this marvelous new production. It was like I was seeing the play for the very first time: warm, charming and hilariously funny!
Words can't describe how good James Earl Jones is and Elizabeth Ashley sparkles as Olga. The whole cast is perfection.
And the set???? It should get star billing with the rest of the cast.
It was a GREAT evening at the theater!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/9/04
Scored a rush ticket this morning for Box A, Seat 1. Relieved to see someone on here say it was a great seat as the Box Office staff was rather rude when I asked how partial it actually was.
(I'd explained that I'd be willing to use the TheaterMania discount for a better seat if it was all that bad. The man not only said "Partial means partial" but corrected my grammar... Really LOVELY fellow. But I digress...)
I got there at 9:45 and was the first person in line. There were 3 of us by the time the Box Office opened. (Gentleman's Guide only had about 10 at Box Office open, by the way...)
Really looking forward to seeing this tonight.
Saw You Can't Take It With You Sunday night which is usually reserved for TV addictions like Downton Abbey, The Good Wife, Game of Thrones, etc. With its three acts it felt a little like binge watching. Everyone was terrific, the best among the best was Kristine Nielsen who set the tone and drove the pace as the mother - a wonder to watch. Annaleigh Ashford and Will Brill were hysterical as the quirky young couple. Rose Byrne was truly movie star radiant and perfect in the role. Reg Rogers took what could have easily been a flat stereotypical part and ran away with the best male performance of the night. James Earl Jones was James Earl Jones and that's what we came for. The rest of the cast were magnificent.
I was pleasantly surprised that the script didn't show its age more than it did - great acting and directing choices helped I am sure. My two squabbles are that the underscoring, which was original here, should have been actual perky songs of the era to help root the time and place even more and the casting of Elizabeth Ashley in the role of Olga may have been overkill. The ladies around me were confused during the second intermission as to where she was and were disappointed at the curtain by how small her part was.
But these are negligible concerns - a great night out with a great cast and a marshmallow of a play - I don't like chestnuts - that term suggests some taxidermy at work - this production is alive and living in overdrive.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/18/04
I don't really know anything about this show, but I have been a big fan of Rose Byrne from her time on Damages. I'm happy to see that not only is the entire cast on their A-game, but that Rose Byrne isn't lost in the shuffle and has actually gotten good-to-excellent BWW member reviews.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
Coouldn't help but feel that Maks Chmerkovskiy would be a terrific choice to replace the Russian dance instructor somewhere later in the run!
Swing Joined: 8/29/14
Good show with good performances by all, but it feels "ancient". Also, can't remember now who said it first or best, but...two intermissions is too much. Face it, attention span of modern day audiences is not what it used to be, especially in the 1930's. A lot of fidgeting at the preview I saw. For my money, It's Only A Play is a much better time at the theatre...although, that's a bit like comparing apples to oranges. Just saying.
Saw it last night and loved it. The only character that may meed some kind of work is "The Actress". Forgive me. Cannot remember the actresses name. She was fine at the table but it felt like her stair exit should have gotten more applause than it did.
The set is incredible and loved the surprises.
After the show I waited to chat with Annaleigh, as I know her. It wasn't real crowded. The cast was out within 20 minutes. Mr. Jones came out and walked directly to his car. He smiled and said thank you for coming but did not sign. He allowed pictures as he was walking and smiled for one woman standing in front of the car. I was standing next to it and he looked up at me as he was getting in and said " Thanks for coming". A few cast members signed but people seemed to be waiting for Mr. Jones and most left after he came out.
Stand-by Joined: 3/29/11
Stand-by Joined: 5/3/14
Rushes this at about 11 o'clock and got a left box seat, partial view, but I only missed a few entrances from the stairs, otherwise a fine view. I have no complaints at all, it was one of the funniest American comedies on Broadway I've ever seen. For so early in previews I gotta say it was in amazing shape. Only JEJ flubbed a bit but id account that to old age and not not knowing the material, and Rose Byrne had a few missteps, and that was definitely nerves on her first two show say. The show is just so full of heart, and humor, I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed it, though I really had no idea what to expect having been completely unfamiliar with the show. Standouts in the cast, for me, were definitely Annaleigh Ashford and Kristine Nielson, both of whom could really do no wrong, ever. They are hysterical ladies, but the whole ensemble really is up to the task. Btw for comparative purposes, I saw it's only a play the same evening, and I liked this much more.
This was my first new show of the season and thankfully it was a good one. I went into this play knowing very little except it was written by the guy who ACT ONE was about. I had no clue that I was in for such a farce. I will not be the dissenting opinion on the show because I found it to be rather enjoyable.
The entire cast was nearly perfect across the board with two possible exceptions (and I know everyone is going to throw stones at me for the first one). I found James Earl Jones to be really annoying. I'm going to chalk it up to his age but his line delivery seemed like it was coming from somewhere completely off. He just had a goofy ass grin on his face the entire time and I didn't know why. It seemed to me like he was reciting something he didn't understand at all. The second is Rose Byrne. I'm going to chalk that up to the beginning performances of her Broadway debut. I think she's a phenomenal screen actress but it didn't totally translate on stage. There were some accent issues during the second act as well. One thing I will commend her for was dealing with a cell phone going off during the first act. She seemed rather pissed off and just spoke louder so the audience could hear her over the ringing.
I don't even think I can mention any standouts from the remainder of the cast...but I will. ANNALEIGH F*CKING ASHFORD! My god how I love that girl. She is comedic gold in anything she touches. I would predict the Tony for featured actress is hers to lose. Kristine Nielsen has proved herself once again but my only concern is that everything I've seen her in (VANYA, THE KILLER and this) have all been kind of the same performance. I'm not saying I don't enjoy her immensely but I might like to see her in a serious role next. Elizabeth Ashley was most puzzling to me. I would never have chosen her 1) for such a small role and 2) for a role that required her to speak in a Russian accent.
The set was beautiful and I was glad to be so close to see all of the details in everything hung up on the walls. The two intermissions are necessary to clear away the smoke from the pyrotechnics. As someone mentioned before it was still quite smoky during Act 3 so the breaks are definitely needed.
A side note about said fans. They are located in the boxes so if you get seat A2 you're going to be looking at a giant fan the entire show. Thankfully I was able to move since there were free seats in the outer perimeter of the boxes. I hadn't sat in a box at the Longacre since LA CAGE and forgot how poor the view is from the inner seats.
Back to the show. This is definitely a must-see for the season and the performances can only get better as the weeks go on.