Broadway Star Joined: 2/7/06
I can't believe I forgot West Side Story- what a moving finale.
I will second DOTV and Parade!
Can't believe no one's mentioned City of Angels.... My vote goes with several others - and CoA
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/17/06
Stand-by Joined: 10/6/04
For me: Miss Saigon, The Secret Garden, Fiddler on the Roof, Titanic, and Man of La Mancha. They're all moving tear-jerkers.
Les Miserables and The King and I
"Kiss of the Spider Woman"! HANDS DOWN!
Les Mis definately takes it. A close second is RENT. Then I'd have to say Miss Saigon and Phantom.
jimmirae or any Broadway afficionados here....on "Kiss of the Spiderwoman," did the play go on tour (US)? How was it received on Broadway? Are there any plans of a revival? I didn't see the production but bought the cd.
Les Miserables
West Side Story
Light in the Piazza
Floyd Collins
Hairspray/ASU (i love it..soo much fun)
West Side Story
Peter Pan and Blood Brothers, no question.
And Maybe L5Y
Blood Brothers is the ultimate in powerful endings to a show.
Without doubt.
"Tell Me It's Not True", when sung correctly at the conclusion of the shocking series of events, is absolutely emotionally gutting and heart wrenching.
Blood Brothers is truly the ultimate in intense show conclusions.
Les Mis
The Sound of Music
The King and I
Into The Woods
Sweeney Todd
Have to say, DOTV and Phantom. Wonderful.
Wicked and I also really liked Caroline, or Change's finale and Spelling Bee's finale.
I know this is a very random thread to bring back, but I've been listening to "Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story" from Hamilton a lot lately and still can't wrap my head around how powerful the very final moment of that show is. To have Eliza break the fourth wall into the audience and release that chilling, aware gasp while the company concludes in blissful unison is maybe the most effective and powerful moment I've ever experienced in the theatre.
Plus, it's been over ten years since this thread was last updated, so why not?!
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/11/16
I really like "Voices in My Head" from Be More Chill, and the finale from Heathers: The Musical for similar reasons. I like how they both say that high school is still a fight, it's a team sport.
BroadwayConcierge said: "I know this is a very random thread to bring back, but I've been listening to "Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story" from Hamilton a lot lately and still can't wrap my head around how powerful the very final moment of that show is. To have Eliza break the fourth wall into the audience and release that chilling, aware gasp while the company concludes in blissful unison is maybe the most effective and powerful moment I've ever experienced in the theatre.
Plus, it's been over ten years since this thread was last updated, so why not?!
Ha! I didn't notice the date and couldn't figure out why noone had mentioned Hamilton yet. Lol
"Flying Away" from Fun Home. I was sobbing during Telephone Wire and I was a complete mess during this gorgeous ending.
"Raise You Up/Just Be" from Kinky Boots. I've never been so happy and envigorated and teary eyed walking out of a show since Hairspray. Such an uplifting anthem for a finale.
"For Now" from Avenue Q. I was having personal problems when I saw this show and this finale gave me hope that I really needed . my gratitude to the power of theatre.
"Sunday" from Sunday in the Park with George. Glorious. Absolutely gorgeous. Sobbing all throughout the show. when the people from the painting bowed down and aknowledged George - I just lost it.
And ofcourse to the already mentioned: Hamilton, Les Miz, and Wicked.
One finale that has always stayed with me was the original production of Sunset Boulevard. When Norma sings "With One Look, I'll be Meeeeeee!!!!" and the image of a young Norma is projected on to her face and expands into the size of a movie screen. Saw that about 23 years ago and it has never left me.
I would also add that the recent revival of The Color Purple with Erivo's "I'm Here" was gobsmackingly amazing. But the first thing that came to mind was the ending the Cabaret revival. Visually that has stayed with me and still causes a visceral reaction when I think about it.
Broadway Star Joined: 2/14/17
Totally agree re: Hamilton. Unexpected, emotional, and, as you say, chilling. Really brings the audience back to reality that these were real people. And how apt it is that the show became a huge hit because it makes those final moments all the more effective for it. If Eliza was gasping at a half full house hearing her story it wouldn't quite be the same, but when it's the acknowledgment of the hundreds of thousands of people that now care about these people it makes all the difference.
I also agree with the ending in Hamilton - and knowing that the orphanage exists today and has benefited from its mention in the final number makes you realize how powerful the experience is, and how connected our past, present and future really are.