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movies you wish they would make into musicals

movies you wish they would make into musicals

AbbaRabbit Profile Photo
#0movies you wish they would make into musicals
Posted: 7/8/05 at 6:53pm

i would personally like to see tim burton's the nightm,are before christmas on stage.
what about everyone else?

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Ugly is beautiful
"My brother plays a drag queen... and I'm surprised he looks as good as he does in drag." - Adam Rapp

"thanks, abba. now i'll forever have an image of you as a tattoed hardcore straightedge grrl savaging people in the mosh pit." - papalovesmambo

"Yeah Abba. All the filthy crap you spew out there on those boards. I for one, am equally shocked. :-P" - AnnaK

WonderBoy Profile Photo
#1re: movies you wish they would make into musicals
Posted: 7/8/05 at 6:55pm


"For me, THEATRE is an anticipation, an artistic rush, an emotional banquet, a jubilant appreciation, and an exit hopeful of clearer thought and better worlds." ~ an anonymous traveler with Robert Burns

FOAnatic Profile Photo
#2re: movies you wish they would make into musicals
Posted: 7/8/05 at 6:57pm

<------------------------------ Oops...already happening re: movies you wish they would make into musicals

But...other than that. I'd love to see "Moonstruck" done.

"I love talking about nothing. It is the only thing I know anything about." - Oscar Wilde

#3re: movies you wish they would make into musicals
Posted: 7/8/05 at 7:05pm

The Princess Bride

badkarma719 Profile Photo
#4re: movies you wish they would make into musicals
Posted: 7/8/05 at 7:16pm

I agree with trick it would be great

In the words of the great MargoChanning " -- Your One Stop on the Internet for All Things Broadway, Nasty Political Discussions, Meltdowns, Name-Calling and General Nonsense along with being a Premiere Pick-up Joint for Hotties, Shut-ins, Rambunctuous Teenagers With Bad Grammar, and All Manner of Bitter, Jaded Theatre Queens with WAY Too Much Time on Their Hands"?

#5re: movies you wish they would make into musicals
Posted: 7/8/05 at 11:01pm


melissa errico fan Profile Photo
melissa errico fan
#6re: movies you wish they would make into musicals
Posted: 7/8/05 at 11:07pm

I'll see your Showgirls and raise you The Crying Game.

shlamdiddly Profile Photo
#7re: movies you wish they would make into musicals
Posted: 7/8/05 at 11:11pm

"The Princess Bride"

A high school near me made it into a play last year. It was really good. Inigo Montoya or Westley was played by a girl. She was exceptionally good.

You aren't feeling overwhelmed are you?

almostxfamous Profile Photo
#8re: movies you wish they would make into musicals
Posted: 7/8/05 at 11:21pm

My cousin told me a couple of days ago that she wished that 'Cry Baby' would be on Broadway. You know, that movie with Johnny Depp and Winona Ryder?

That kind of frightened me.

#9re: movies you wish they would make into musicals
Posted: 7/8/05 at 11:29pm

"Cry Baby" would be TERRIBLE on Broadway!!! I think they should take something completely random, like, "Father of the Bride" and make it into a musical...just so that people will rip their eyes out with frustration.

"you can take the girl out of Hicksville, but you can't take the Hicksville out of the girl." ~Rent

FOAnatic Profile Photo
#10re: movies you wish they would make into musicals
Posted: 7/8/05 at 11:32pm

Hate to break it to you guys...
Brokaw to direct CRY BABY musical

"I love talking about nothing. It is the only thing I know anything about." - Oscar Wilde

neomystyk29 Profile Photo
#11re: movies you wish they would make into musicals
Posted: 7/8/05 at 11:52pm

wow.. that was ironic. lol. I personally would like to see moulin rouge get to broadway. That is already a musical but it would be amazing to see live. I also had the out of nowhere thought that the movie Step Mom would make a good musical lol.

#12re: movies you wish they would make into musicals
Posted: 7/9/05 at 12:09am

"Mean Girls" the musical!

stagebeauty Profile Photo
#13re: movies you wish they would make into musicals
Posted: 7/9/05 at 12:10am

disney's mulan would be kind of interesting. sort of like an asian Aida perhaps

moulin rouge would be fantastic too

bythesword84 Profile Photo
#14re: movies you wish they would make into musicals
Posted: 7/9/05 at 12:15am

Honestly? None really. I prefer to see things I don't already know when I see stage productions. Of course there have been movies made into musicals that I've liked but as a general thing I prefer musicals to not be movies adapted for the stage.

And hang on, when did you win the discus?

Hairspraydoll Profile Photo
#15re: movies you wish they would make into musicals
Posted: 7/9/05 at 12:20am

How funny...I was just talking to someone today about the Pricess Bride as a musical. We started making up songs to it. Such as "As You Wish" or "I'm Not a Witch, I'm your Wife." Spooky....

Be the change you want in the world....

Jimmyojimmy Profile Photo
#16re: movies you wish they would make into musicals
Posted: 7/9/05 at 12:25am

I second Mulan, I wish Lea would come back to way and do it.

TabooPhan1 Profile Photo
#18re: movies you wish they would make into musicals
Posted: 7/9/05 at 12:40am

I think Disney's Hercules would be a fun show... I could totally see Nathan or Harvey as Hades. As for Hercules, Matt Morrison? Oh! Or what about Tom Hewitt as Hades? that would be fun...

I hold a degree in Musical Theatre from Montclair State University. It is useless. Now I'm funny for money. Oh, and I sing.

Sumofallthings Profile Photo
#19re: movies you wish they would make into musicals
Posted: 7/9/05 at 12:42am

I think Moulin Rouge if it had an enormous Ragtime sized cast would be quite good in the hands of a good talented director and choreographer. No Wayne Cilento please. (We're British)

BSoBW2: I punched Sondheim in the face after I saw Wicked and said, "Why couldn't you write like that!?"

#20re: movies you wish they would make into musicals
Posted: 7/9/05 at 12:43am

I've said this, and I'll always this, (sorry to the naysayers) that Batman should be on Broadway. I have heard one of the songs from this show (the Steinman project from 2001) and it's absolutely heartbreaking. It's pssibly, out of a thousand musicals (literally) I have come into knowledge of, one of the greatest highlights of all. The idea itself... particularly the Burton version... is just crying out to be done in the theatre.

The Gotham City environment, its portrayal of New York, and the larger-than-life characters: the gothic operatic Batman, the tour de force role of the Joker, the slinking Catwoman in the style of Lotte Lenya (very Brechtian and Kurt Weill), the grmacing Penguin, Robin, you name it. It just lends perfectly to the artform for the location alone: about a caped crime-fightrer in a mythical dimension of New York City. And then add the over-the-top music of Jim Steinman: which would have served it so well... it would have been really something. Batman in general, the original 30s concept (and the Burton movies), would make a compelling, fascinating, tour-de-force Broadway musical. It would be a like a big funny combination of My Fair Lady, Jesus Christ Superstar and The Phantom of the Opera: with all the word-play and cleverness of the Joker, the rock opera (Gethsemane-style) of Batman, and the scope and the spectacle to match the insanity and 'largeness' of it all (Phantom-wise)

I really want to see this done... especially if Vampire Lestat succeeds. Perhaps Warner Bros. should then turn to this old flame: and see what happens. Dance of the Vampires was a flop, I know, but Steinman has had more success in his life that this shouldn't over-ride everything (and Lestat and Bat Out of Hell III could be the means of bringing this back: not to mention the overwhelming success of Batman Begins in general). Whatever the case, I want to see this: BADLY:

Other than that, and The Little Mermaid (a guilty pleasure), I think musicals should be a balance of everything: bring in the London invasion, the golden era, the Sondheim, the Disneyesque, and try and makeit full circle. Just don't over-balance eveyrhting with one big phase at the one time. Still, I want Batman! I want Batman! I want Batman!

Who can explain it, who can tell you why? Fools give you reasons, wise men never try -South Pacific
Updated On: 7/9/05 at 12:43 AM

aegeusrocks Profile Photo
#21re: movies you wish they would make into musicals
Posted: 7/9/05 at 1:06am

The Little Mermaid's already being turned into one, possibly for next season. Disney made an interesting decision with it - Doug Wright is the book-writer for it...

#22re: movies you wish they would make into musicals
Posted: 7/9/05 at 1:28am

I'd really like to see Paper Moon as a musical. I think it'd work really well. Plus, it already has a song to go with it. I agree completely with the Princess Bride and Mean Girls, and Clueless too maybe?

What's pink and green and flies all over?

manders Profile Photo
#23re: movies you wish they would make into musicals
Posted: 7/9/05 at 1:31am

An HS in my city did do The Nightmare Before Christmas on stage and I heard it was great, but I couldn't see it because my school play was on the exact same nights.

Anyway, I'd love to see "The Court Jester" turned into a stage musical. Do you think there is anyone who could equal Danny Kaye? I sure hope there is.

But the secret ingredient is love. Dammit.

TabooPhan1 Profile Photo
#24re: movies you wish they would make into musicals
Posted: 7/9/05 at 1:34am

I'm still intrigued to know the production aspects of The Little Mermaid. How is she going to "swim"?

And I could also see Mrs. Doubtfire: The Musical... I pray for this one!

I hold a degree in Musical Theatre from Montclair State University. It is useless. Now I'm funny for money. Oh, and I sing.

aegeusrocks Profile Photo
#25re: movies you wish they would make into musicals
Posted: 7/9/05 at 1:36am

Taboo- Wires? Lighting? With all the special effects they've come up with, I wouldn't think it would be too hard...
