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stage door demo for Ripley's FAG slur Thurs. at 10 pm- Page 17

stage door demo for Ripley's FAG slur Thurs. at 10 pm

wonderwaiter Profile Photo
Posted: 6/9/10 at 12:25pm

Hello Message Board World!

Has this thread been on CNN yet?

And no one grew into anything new, we just became the worst of what we were."

tazber Profile Photo
Posted: 6/9/10 at 12:28pm

I'm going to make a bold statement here:

This thread has just surpassed the "deer thread" on the top 10 list of all time BWW craziness.

....but the world goes 'round

Elphaba3 Profile Photo
Posted: 6/9/10 at 12:28pm

Oy gevalt, this is too confusing. If isntitromantic is telling the truth, I'd be interested in reading that interview with Alice.

wonderwaiter Profile Photo
Posted: 6/9/10 at 12:29pm

Taz, it's Sweeps Week. We had to raise the bar.

And no one grew into anything new, we just became the worst of what we were."

Calvin Profile Photo
Posted: 6/9/10 at 12:30pm

BTW Jason, it's unfazed. I mention it only because you said earlier that you are a perfectionist. THE END

Honestly, does this even have anything to do with Alice Ripley anymore? Especially considering, in one of the silliest plot twists I've ever seen -- and I saw "The Village"! -- that the whole protest was a ruse in the first place, and not one person was actually ever going to attend it? Even the people who read it on Towleroad yesterday probably have already forgotten about it. My interjection of Tempestt Bledsoe was not as random as it seemed, in my usual obtusely cryptic style.

The discussion of what sort of grievances we will overlook in people we respect/admire/obsess over,'s an interesting one.

(eta, btw jordan, i loved your talk show! it was just a bad year to start one) Updated On: 6/9/10 at 12:30 PM

Phyllis Rogers Stone
Posted: 6/9/10 at 12:31pm

The discussion of what sort of grievances we will overlook in people we respect/admire/obsess over,'s an interesting one.

Ding ding ding.

SNAFU Profile Photo
Posted: 6/9/10 at 12:35pm

I am sure Alice was thrilled about hearing the plot twist! Why it must have made it all better! If the claim of the plot twist is true, it shows real scumbaggery in MHO. Kind of like screaming FIRE in a movie theatre.

eta: Feel free to quote me isntitromantic.

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!
Updated On: 6/9/10 at 12:35 PM

Phyllis Rogers Stone
Posted: 6/9/10 at 12:36pm

I expect her to talk about it on Facebook.

MotorTink Profile Photo
Posted: 6/9/10 at 12:36pm

SNAFU - I totally agree with you.

BroadwayBoobs: I'll give all of you who weren't there a hint of who took the pictures rhymes with shameless

SOMMS: I knew it was Tink!

Tom1071 Profile Photo
Posted: 6/9/10 at 12:36pm

"I'm going to make a bold statement here:

This thread has just surpassed the "deer thread" on the top 10 list of all time BWW craziness."

Even the RUSH DRAMA thread of 2008?

RUSH DRAMA Updated On: 6/9/10 at 12:36 PM

tazber Profile Photo
Posted: 6/9/10 at 12:38pm

I don't think anyone was going to attend it had it been real anyway Calvin.

Of course Jason will assume that there would have been masses there as this is nothing more than a witch hunt.

....but the world goes 'round

Calvin Profile Photo
Posted: 6/9/10 at 12:39pm

Lol -- the strike threads, as a whole, had to make the top 10.

MotorTink Profile Photo
Posted: 6/9/10 at 12:40pm

but it could never surpass the bra thread

BroadwayBoobs: I'll give all of you who weren't there a hint of who took the pictures rhymes with shameless

SOMMS: I knew it was Tink!

tazber Profile Photo
Posted: 6/9/10 at 12:41pm

Oh yea, the strike threads are certianly classic, and The Rush Thread, and the smoking outside the theater in costume thread.

But none of those got picked up by EW!

....but the world goes 'round
Updated On: 6/9/10 at 12:41 PM

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
Posted: 6/9/10 at 12:41pm

I love you, Taz.

No. Nothing beats deer. Ever. There's deer...and then there's everything else. Close second, though!!

Queerty, the blog I go to often just to get pissed off, posted about it today seemed to think this was a serious call to arms to picket. Even IF the original post was intended that way, it would only take about four posts to realize that simply wasn't going to happen. That didn't stop Queerty from chastising us about the protest that would never happen. Whatever. They reported Zachary Quinto was to play Belize in the ANGELS revival.

I will, however, picket to get Ms. Ripley to show her tits again on stage. Did I mention I loved her in ROCKY HORROR?

Posted: 6/9/10 at 12:42pm

Because Jason keeps talking about a witch hunt, I just want to clarify a few things.

Very few people, if anyone were classifying Ripley as a homophobe. The anger was over the use of an hurtful word in an inappropriate circumstance by someone in the public eye. She apologized. Many, if not all, got over it after she (rightfully) apologized. Show me those who created a "witch hunt" because I have only seen anger over the use of a term.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
Posted: 6/9/10 at 12:43pm

I liked her in Side Show, too. And I her albums she made with Emily Skinner. I also have her solo album.

Tom1071 Profile Photo
Posted: 6/9/10 at 12:44pm


Can you link deer thread here? I missed that one.
Updated On: 6/9/10 at 12:44 PM

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
Posted: 6/9/10 at 12:46pm

Wait...Alice Ripley is a broadway legend now?

PalJoey Profile Photo
Posted: 6/9/10 at 12:46pm

they are afraid of being attacked by the tiny group of loons who lurk boards like these

"Look! Look! Oh, look! I've spotted a LOON! The LOONS! The LOONS! They're so lovely!"

JustAGuy Profile Photo
Posted: 6/9/10 at 12:51pm

Now that she's apologized, I totally forgive Alice for her use of the word FAG. But,I'm not so sure I can forgive her for (inadvertently) bringing us Jason Bennett.

"Just a Guy. Your feelings are touching. I am gladdened by the thought that you will one day wind up 6 feet under as we all do." - MrRoxy ------ "I do not suggest you walk out the door onto a New York street with your vulnerable child part exposed and not protected..." - Jason Bennett
Updated On: 6/9/10 at 12:51 PM

Calvin Profile Photo
Posted: 6/9/10 at 12:52pm

I wanna be Shirley!


tazber Profile Photo
Posted: 6/9/10 at 12:53pm

Oh Tom, that was deleted a log time ago. I can't even begin to describe the insanity.

In a nutshell, a poster's bf hit a deer with his car. So, said poster comes on here and starts freaking out. Bear in mind the bf was fine, the car a little damaged, and the deer killed.

So on it goes, "my poor bf....blah blah blah" and finally someone says, "um, I'm glad you're bf is fine, but don't you feel bad about the deer?"

That's the set up. What transpired consisted of enough crazy to fill Bellvue seven times over. There were obscene PMs shared in public, rants, tirades, general madness.

Then the dead deer's bf (a poster known as AngryDeer - lol!) shows up and everything gets kicked up another level.

It got so bad, and I mean this literally, that all posters were actually banned from posting the word "deer". As if it was an explicative. Really.

We had to develop a code word if we ever wanted to mention anything that had to do with the animal, even in a completely different context.

Truly one for the books.

In fact, I'm not even sure if this post of mine will be deleted or not all these years later.

....but the world goes 'round

wonderwaiter Profile Photo
Posted: 6/9/10 at 12:53pm

"Now that she's apologized, I totally forgive Alice for her use of the word FAG. But,I'm not so sure I can forgive her for (inadvertently)bringing us Jason Bennett."


And no one grew into anything new, we just became the worst of what we were."

Jason Bennett Profile Photo
Jason Bennett
Posted: 6/9/10 at 1:00pm

Erik, for the record, I was not referring to Alice Ripley as a Broadway Legend. And I'll not explain to whom I was referring, because I'm not interested in them being attacked any more. THE END In fact, it's pretty clear at this point that anyone I care about, know, or respect should not be subjected to the kinds of reactions some people on here have to professional performers or others in the entertainment world.

Chillin' and teachin' acting and voice to muh Bway/Film peeps... (Betty Buckley is teaching a workshop for me at my school, check it out.)
