got to thinking about source material for shows and how lazy it seems to do a jukebox musical of someone else's songs or even to cut and paste a movie onto the stage.
where's the original ideas, certainly they havent all been done have they?
what would you like to see as a musical that hasnt happened yet?
i think the story of Rasputin (NOT using ABBA's song) would be good, kinda creepy, romantic, "Phantom"-esque
or the life of Marie Antoinette
or the books "The Life of Pi" or "Lying Awake"
"Waiting for Guffman: The Musical"
(Actually, I did write that one on my own time. Never gonna be done though.)
i wrote a crappy one about the eruption of mt vesuvius...a tragic love story where everyone died in the end.
I loved the Simpsons "Planet of the Apes" musical parody so much, I'd love to see that as a full show.
"Oh no, I was wrong! It was earth all along! Yes, you finally made a moneky! Yes, we finally made a monkey out of youuuuu!"
In terms of movies, I've always thought How to Marry A Millionaire would be a natural. And I wish there would be a way to musicalize A League of Their Own.
The Women would also make a great musical.(I know there was a drag musical version of it in LA a couple of years ago, called Jungle Red)
School Daze......a glorified musical
Rumor Has It
A Walk To Remember
Mommy Dearest
Bruce Almighty
The Majestic.......I really think this could work.
Finding Neverland
A Nightmare Before Christmas
The Bridge To Terebitha
The Counte of Monte Cristo
Unmasked, would the source material be the movie version of Monte Cristo, or the book?
I think Flatland: A romance in 2 dimensions would be interesting.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/31/69
Dead Poets Society or The Truman Show by Peter Weir would both make interesting musicals.
Also, Roe v. Wade would make an interesting play. In the vein of Inherit the Wind/Scopes monkey trial.
alw, Dead Poet's Would be wonderful.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/05
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (sisters idea)
and mine is American Idol (a corny story of a girl who wins american idol, finds love, and all that stuff! i think it would do well with tourists...)
and i dont know beyond that... I try to think of them!!
I agree with the Monte Cristo, Roe v. Wade, and the Dead Poets Society.
Maybe American History X would make an interesting musical, maybe not, I'd have to think about it for a while.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/8/05
i would absolutely LOVE a walk to remember to be a musical.
miss congeniality would be interesting, hehe.
I think a musical about Finding Neverland would be really good. I know this is an opera, but I think that Alice in Wonderland would make a good musical.
The Exorcist.
It CRIES OUT for a big tap number.
I don't understand why they haven't made a musical based on this one novel by Gregory MacGuire (I think that's his name). Anyway, it's like a spin on the Wizard of Oz or something...
Oh... wait a second...
okay hello morons! i started this topic out lambasting movies into musicals and the whole idea of jukebox.
Life of Pi would make an odd musical.
BUT it is being made into a movie, I think Tim Burton is directing.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
my husband is teaching The History of the American Musical Theater and speaking of jukebox musicals and ORIGINAL musicals...has anyone ever noticed that MOST successful musicals are based on a book or movie...the keyword here..SUCCESSFUL...we sat at dinner the other night and i was determined to prove that wrong and i don't even think i came up with a half dozen original ideas that weren't based on SOMETHING...
anyway...i would love for "Down with Love" to be a musical! i agree with "the count of monte cristo", one of my all time faves..and "finding neverland" could be a GORGEOUS musical in the right hands...maybe Lucy Simon..the Secret Garden lady..or Ahrens and Flahrety...
Stand-by Joined: 11/11/04
Marie Antoinette will premiere in fall in Japan. Michael Kunze and Sylvester Levay who wrote the European hitmusical "Elisabeth" are working on it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
The Scott Peterson Story
How about the following:
The Texas Chainsaw Musical
North by Northwest The Musical
The Alamo The Musical
Psycho The Musical
The Mummy The Musical
Swing Joined: 11/1/05
Kristin in a bikini. Updated On: 1/26/06 at 07:56 AM
Broadway Star Joined: 9/8/04
There was an "Alamo" musical already. Now, how good it was is another story.
Has A HATFUL OF RAIN ever been done??
As far as on stage Being Julia and The Notebook would make great musicals.
But as far as original, Anastasia, not the dreamworks glorification but the TRUE story of the Romanov's tragedy, would be amazing on stage.
Also, as it was discussed before, a musical based on that woman on the oprah show. I forgot her name, but she died when her daughter was a child and before she did, she made hundreds of recordings, teaching her daughter life lessons. The musical could follow the young girls life and the impact of her mother's messages.