
How can you afford seeing so many shows (or the same show so many times)?- Page 2

How can you afford seeing so many shows (or the same show so many times)?

liotte Profile Photo
#25re: How can you afford seeing so many shows (or the same show so many times
Posted: 1/22/06 at 5:12pm

I work for my money, I wish I had parental income still.
I choose to spend my extra cash on shows (and only on rush, lotto, and SRO tickets). I don't go out to bars and clubs, don't eat out at fancy restaurants, don't see a lot of movies, etc. I'd rather spend money on Broadway. I also work with kids, and a lot of the time, when I bring a kid to a show, the parents will pay for my ticket. That's about 1/4 to 1/3 of the time I see shows though, the rest is on me.
And in regards to a couple other comments, at least for me- If I say I have seen a show 30 times, I am not exaggerating, I actually have (and most people can vouch for me). Also, I see a lot of different shows repeatedly, so while I have my favorites and see them more than others, I have seen everything that is playing on Broadway and most of off-Broadway as well.

MissElphie Profile Photo
#26re: How can you afford seeing so many shows (or the same show so many times
Posted: 1/22/06 at 5:48pm

I've seen Wicked 7 times, with at least two shows lined up this year (but more in the works). Only one was lottery. I don't really spend my money on anything other than shows. Also, my credit cards are slightly maxed most of the time....

#27re: How can you afford seeing so many shows (or the same show so many times
Posted: 1/22/06 at 6:37pm

well, i just cant wait till i can live in nyc! you guys are so lucky to see all these shows (however you do it!)
and if i coulda seen any shows a lot, it would have been Sweet Charity re: How can you afford seeing so many shows (or the same show so many times but now it would be the color purple since charity is up in heaven...

InfiniteTheaterFrenzy Profile Photo
#28re: How can you afford seeing so many shows (or the same show so many times
Posted: 1/22/06 at 6:47pm

As a college student in NYC, I'd like to say two things:
1. I would eat cereal for every meal, live in a box, and not buy any new clothes or see any movies so I could have more money to spend on shows.
and 2. play-by-play.com. Join. It has saved me so much money.

[title of show] on Broadway. it's time. believe.

Becky2 Profile Photo
#29re: How can you afford seeing so many shows (or the same show so many times
Posted: 1/22/06 at 6:48pm

I have a mother with a large income, and though she won't pay for my college tuition, she'll buy me anything else. She has strange priorities.

#30re: How can you afford seeing so many shows (or the same show so many times
Posted: 1/22/06 at 6:56pm

Becky...take friends! LOL.

But if you kiss me,
If we touch,
Warning's fair:
I don't care
Very much

#31re: How can you afford seeing so many shows (or the same show so many times
Posted: 1/22/06 at 7:15pm

Im far from rich. I really *have* seen Chicago in excess of 50 times... no Im not kidding.

But I also don't pay for theatre tickets.

"You're every gay man's wet dream!" ~ MA

If in Heaven you don't excel, you can always party down in hell...

#32re: How can you afford seeing so many shows (or the same show so many times
Posted: 1/22/06 at 7:35pm

I'm far from rich as well, but my family mostly does TKTS, we're able to find not insanely expensive tickets online, do a lottery, or I go with my theater group. But I am still shocked by people who have seen shows like Rent about 20 to 50 times! That's just a shocker! But like, my friends spend their money on fancy trips and stuff, but we're mostly Broadway spenders. I also don't pay for my tickets yet, but I know someday I will.
Updated On: 1/22/06 at 07:35 PM

My Strongest Suit Profile Photo
My Strongest Suit
#33re: How can you afford seeing so many shows (or the same show so many times
Posted: 1/22/06 at 7:47pm

I do pay for my own tickets but I am a college student in San Francisco so - as of now - there isn't much of a choice as to which show to see. Right now all we have is the pre-Broadway tryouts of Lestat, which I already saw on opening night. I just took a trip with my friend to New York and so now it's hard having no shows to see here. If I lived in New York, I KNOW I'd be at a theater at many odd days of the week. I did see Les Mis twice this summer when it was in SF though because it was SO good! And the tour is closing this year. I also paid full price for Wicked tix when it was in SF in September because I stood in the cancellation line cause it was completely sold out... understandable. Wow, I've really gone on a tangent. :) oops.


wickedrentq Profile Photo
#34re: How can you afford seeing so many shows (or the same show so many times
Posted: 1/22/06 at 7:49pm

I think everyone has brought up very valid points on this topic. For me especially, if possible I NEVER shop. I hate it, as long as clothes can last me, I last. I only shop when I need to, never shop for fun, so some of my friends are shop-a-holics and they prob spend as much money on clothes as I do on broadway. And the rest about seeing bway over other things is true for me as well.

And I also think it helps that I unexpectedly attended comm. college for a year instead of going to a school that even w/ scholarships would cost like $20,000 for the whole year. Comm. college costs about $4,000. It's not like I totally have to make up for it, but combine that w/ the what I don't spend money on, cheap/rush tickets, and that's how I'm happily able to go so much.

"If there was a Mount Rushmore for Broadway scores, "West Side Story" would be front and center. It snaps, it crackles it pops! It surges with a roar, its energy and sheer life undiminished by the years" - NYPost reviewer Elisabeth Vincentelli

smartpenguin78 Profile Photo
#35re: How can you afford seeing so many shows (or the same show so many times
Posted: 1/22/06 at 7:51pm

I make my money, and I decide what I spend it on and how much.

I cut corners on other things to go to more shows. How many I go to and how many times I go to each one are no ones business but my own.

It can be done, with cheap tickets and cutting other expenses, but for those who don't want to that is your own perogative. But the judging of those who spend their money on theater is ridiculous.

So that is it, I used to spend more money on other things, now I spend it on theater, that is what I want and it makes me happy. If it wouldn't make you happy, or you can't make it fit your lifestyle then it is not for you.

I stand corrected, you are as vapid as they say.

dreaminaret Profile Photo
#36re: How can you afford seeing so many shows (or the same show so many times
Posted: 1/22/06 at 10:48pm

Smartpenguin - I am not judging you or anyone else on this board. Like I said, better off spending your $$ on shows than on many other things... and this year I have seen the same amount of shows (7 btwn B'way and off-B'way, including the infamous $5 Rocky Horrow @ el Flamingo) that I probably saw in my entire life beforehand, so I guess this is where a lot of the money I feel comfortable spending on myself does go.

But when I meet people my age who have seen a show so many times I am just amazed that they are ABLE to go see it so many times from a financial standpoint. Same with fellow concertgoers who follow DMB or any other band across the country. I just always felt like going to a show was something special, and going so often (aside from adding up quickly) may make the experience more banal. But if I had a bottomless stack of cash I'm sure I'd be hitting up many shows and (sadly) going to Rent or Spelling Bee more times than I'd like to mention.

So thanks everyone so far for your feedback/comments/answers and I do appreciate it. Let's keep it going.

i grew up 13 miles north of bohemia and 31 miles northeast of hicksville.

wickedrentq Profile Photo
#37re: How can you afford seeing so many shows (or the same show so many times
Posted: 1/22/06 at 11:15pm

"I'm sure I'd be hitting up many shows and (sadly) going to Rent or Spelling Bee more times than I'd like to mention."

Why would that be sad?

"If there was a Mount Rushmore for Broadway scores, "West Side Story" would be front and center. It snaps, it crackles it pops! It surges with a roar, its energy and sheer life undiminished by the years" - NYPost reviewer Elisabeth Vincentelli

liotte Profile Photo
#38re: How can you afford seeing so many shows (or the same show so many times
Posted: 1/22/06 at 11:17pm

I think I should feel insulted...

#39re: How can you afford seeing so many shows (or the same show so many times
Posted: 1/22/06 at 11:22pm

L - this is a Broadway board. You are a Broadway star!!!!!!!

liotte Profile Photo
#40re: How can you afford seeing so many shows (or the same show so many times
Posted: 1/22/06 at 11:25pm

I am a patron of the arts. If I am out of town and don't go see shows, you will see a major drop in the Broadway grosses listed each week. People like me keep Broadway in business.

softershade Profile Photo
#41re: How can you afford seeing so many shows (or the same show so many times
Posted: 1/22/06 at 11:33pm

i always do rush or lotto, i haven't paid full price for a ticket in quite some time.
i can understand seeing a show multiple times paying for rush but i know of some people who have seen a certain show over 20 times and at full price, that's insanity.

#42re: How can you afford seeing so many shows (or the same show so many times
Posted: 1/22/06 at 11:45pm

I've never paid full price for a ticket, nor do I intend to. There are plenty of discounts online, which, if I plan on getting tickets ahead of time, I'll use, but for the most part, I'll either buy tickets at TKTS, or do lottos, which fortunately I've been lucky enough to win a good 80% of the time.

dreaminaret Profile Photo
#43re: How can you afford seeing so many shows (or the same show so many times
Posted: 1/23/06 at 12:24am

""I'm sure I'd be hitting up many shows and (sadly) going to Rent or Spelling Bee more times than I'd like to mention."

Why would that be sad?"

Because I already have an unhealthy obsession with shows I have only seen once or twice so I think my life would spiral out of control if I saw a show a couple times a week.

i grew up 13 miles north of bohemia and 31 miles northeast of hicksville.

liotte Profile Photo
#44re: How can you afford seeing so many shows (or the same show so many times
Posted: 1/23/06 at 12:28am

So because I see shows more than once or twice, and see more than one or two shows a week, my life is spiraling out of control?

Sorry, just trying to understand you.

dreaminaret Profile Photo
#45re: How can you afford seeing so many shows (or the same show so many times
Posted: 1/23/06 at 12:32am

No, I'm not talking about you or anyone else on BWW. I'm saying that if I did it, then I would become unhealthily obsessed. Like right now I talk to my (non-Renthead) friends almost non-stop about Rent and I've seen it 5x total. I won't shut up about how Will Chase is a great Roger, or a certain scene from the movie... you get it. On top of that every time I see a show I love I'm like in a haze for a few days and that's all I think about... so I am less efficient (esp when it comes to doing homework). So if I had NEW material to talk about (i.e., the audience really dug this part, this understudy rocked in this role) I think that my excessive B'way talk and "haze" would just be amplified exponentially.

i grew up 13 miles north of bohemia and 31 miles northeast of hicksville.

#46re: How can you afford seeing so many shows (or the same show so many times
Posted: 1/23/06 at 12:57am

Mom and Dad support my hobby so I use my credit card that they pay for.

"Listen to the song that I sing and trust me..."

#47re: How can you afford seeing so many shows (or the same show so many times
Posted: 1/23/06 at 12:58am

I blew all of my trust fund on shows and now I sing at subway stations to afford tickets.

#48re: How can you afford seeing so many shows (or the same show so many times
Posted: 1/23/06 at 2:21am

Really don't exaggerate here about the many times I've seen RENT and LENNON. My parents have always been understanding that since I don't ask for money for expensive clothes, they send it my way for rush tickets. It is my one true love so they've always spoiled me for it. I think I maybe own one pair of jeans I spent more than 50$ on. So they've always treated me well with theater.

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

#49re: How can you afford seeing so many shows (or the same show so many times
Posted: 1/23/06 at 2:35am

Student tickets, rush tickets, TDF tickets, and holding no fewer than 4 jobs in the past year or so.
