Wicked on Leno Tonight

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#25re: Wicked on Leno Tonight
Posted: 4/19/07 at 4:24am

The appearance was planned well in advance.
And with large shows like this and with considerations like Equity rules, costume transport, etc., they can't just pull together a production number last minute to replace "some band".

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#26re: Wicked on Leno Tonight
Posted: 4/19/07 at 7:00am

I liked it.
re: Wicked on Leno Tonight

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#27re: Wicked on Leno Tonight
Posted: 4/19/07 at 7:37am

I was watching Tori Spelling on the show and then I saw that they had Wicked on, Eden is probably the best Elphaba, she sounded amazing and looked great. Megan was also great, I remember I saw her live, when I saw the show in 2004, she was the understudy. Great number, one of my favorites from the show. Yet it is a show from...2004, meaning, it's an old show.

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

jonartdesigns Profile Photo
#29re: Wicked on Leno Tonight
Posted: 4/19/07 at 9:08am

i think they were also a little thrown adapting to the much smaller playing area (which is also why eden smacked into one of the chorus girls when she went to do the part when she runs up behind megan)... This wasn't nearly as uncomfortable as one short day with the touring company.

"Grease," the fourth revival of the season, is the worst show in the history of theater and represents an unparalleled assault on Western civilization and its values. - Michael Reidel

#30re: Wicked on Leno Tonight
Posted: 4/19/07 at 9:13am

At the top of the show, Jay said, "We have the cast of the Tony Award winning musical WICKED".

It didn't win Best Musical, book, score or direction. Idina and the costumes won.

He should have said "We have the Los Angeles cast of the musical WICKED, wearing some Tony Award winning costumes".

#31re: Wicked on Leno Tonight
Posted: 4/19/07 at 11:30am

But it is Tony WINNING. Just not of the awards you mentioned.

And I thought the performance sucked. Eden didn't really belt, she did a headvoice, which sounded weird. and Megan just seemed bored/sleepy/tired/uncomfortable.

ElFantasma14 Profile Photo
#32re: Wicked on Leno Tonight
Posted: 4/19/07 at 11:36am

I've always regretted not being able to see Megan as Glinda; I've only heard good things about her. However, if this was my first exposure to her, I'm not sure I'd feel that way. She seemed very uncomfortable. And I don't get Eden Espinosa; she's so young and I feel like she'd have a lot of energy and personality in her Elphaba. On the contrary, she just comes off as old and boring, especially on that video. Maybe it's just that scene, but she didn't seem to be getting into her character at all.

bwaydoc Profile Photo
#33re: Wicked on Leno Tonight
Posted: 4/19/07 at 12:03pm

I don't think this was the right song choice, I mean, I know "Popular" and "Defying Gravity" have been done before on talk shows, but there's a reason for that. They're both more engaging songs and "What Is This Feeling" is not, it's a fun song in the show, but if there's only one song to let an audience hear from Wicked, that is not it.

Having seen Megan and Eden on Broadway I can say that they are both 100% more talented and entertaining than they came off last night. I think it was more the song that anything else, but if I hadn't seen them before I wouldn't have been very impressed. For those who haven't seen them and want to, don't judge by that performance alone. They are definitely worth the time and money.

I wish I could go back to college. Life was so simple back then. - Kate Monster.

"Who here feels like they have no idea what they're doing?" - George, Grey's Anatomy

singingbackup Profile Photo
#34re: Wicked on Leno Tonight
Posted: 4/19/07 at 12:08pm

The last time WICKED was in LA, they did the Tonight Show and sang ONE SHORT DAY. Since the two leads aren't really big stars (outside of our circles!) the best way to sell the show is a big fancy cast number. They were just OK.

#35re: Wicked on Leno Tonight
Posted: 4/19/07 at 12:42pm


Here's the clip....i really wasnt that impressed...i love Megan and Eden but didnt really like the performance

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#36re: Wicked on Leno Tonight
Posted: 4/19/07 at 12:45pm

I enjoyed it.

rentrocks27 Profile Photo
#37re: Wicked on Leno Tonight
Posted: 4/19/07 at 1:07pm

I thought it was a decent performance. Eden is my fav Elphaba. I agree that the song choice may not have been the best choice. The audience wasn't able to find the comedy in some of the dialogue at the beginning of the song. It's easy to hear the jokes when you hear the show in it's entirety because they make more sense. If anything, they should not have used the whole ensemble. When everyone got onstage, it just looked crowded. Eden looks like she has some trouble going around them to the back of the stage. Anyone else notice this?

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#39re: Wicked on Leno Tonight
Posted: 4/19/07 at 3:26pm

Yeah, but there's a vast difference between a toned-down performance that comes across well on TV and the meek awkwardness last night. Both Megan and Eden have performed on talk shows before, so there's no reason why they wouldn't know the difference at this point.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

#40re: Wicked on Leno Tonight
Posted: 4/19/07 at 3:32pm

...does Hilty always play Glinda like an inept wannabe porn star, or was that bizarre performance special for late nite?
Updated On: 4/19/07 at 03:32 PM

singingbackup Profile Photo
#41re: Wicked on Leno Tonight
Posted: 4/19/07 at 3:40pm

Don't think they had a matinee yesterday, as they do a sound check in the morning, break for lunch (they swarmed the NBC Commie) and camera run through at 1:30-2 ish, then taping at 4:30P

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#42re: Wicked on Leno Tonight
Posted: 4/19/07 at 3:57pm

I didn't like it too much.

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

theaterdude87 Profile Photo
#43re: Wicked on Leno Tonight
Posted: 4/19/07 at 4:14pm

I mean it was ok. Megan seems very cute and her voice is good but she does nothing for me. I just really do not see her as a Glinda type...her voice is nowhere near Cheno's style it seemed so low.

for fierce, fabulous and fun times visit eric mathew's world. http://ericmathew.blogspot.com/

#44re: Wicked on Leno Tonight
Posted: 4/19/07 at 4:53pm

I thought it was really cool and well done. but then again I've never seen the broadway show so I didn't really know what to expect.

#45re: Wicked on Leno Tonight
Posted: 4/19/07 at 5:22pm

Bad choice of song. Taken out of the context of the show, the humor is completely undermined or lost altogether.

I'm not really sure who they're trying to appeal to here. The people who already know and love WICKED aren't going to need any convincing to see it again, so song choice is irrelevent in their case. The people they should be targeting are the ones who haven't seen or heard of WICKED before, in which case, they should stick with the big 'trademark' numbers like DG or Popular. If I'd never seen the show before, I'd be a lot more jazzed about it after watching one of THOSE numbers, not 'What Is This Feeling?'

I think the performance was fine, considering they were under blaring TV studio lights . Theatre stage lighting adds SO much to a scene, and not having that "atmosphere" can really sap the energy from a number. And of course they're dealing with a much smaller space than they're probably used to.

"Word of advice: Be who you are, wear what you want---just learn how to run real fast." Marc, UGLY BETTY

winston89 Profile Photo
#46re: Wicked on Leno Tonight
Posted: 4/19/07 at 6:16pm

I can see why they did this song. In London this is the song that they did for the royal verity preformance and a few other shows along with one short day. Keep in mind, that the last time Wicked was on Leno it was the touring cast and they did one short day, so it seems approprate that they would do another big ensamble number that features the two leads and that is what is this feeling.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

Horton Profile Photo
#47re: Wicked on Leno Tonight
Posted: 4/19/07 at 6:28pm

What is with that pit that was playing with them, are they all site reading?

#48re: Wicked on Leno Tonight
Posted: 4/19/07 at 6:41pm

"The appearance was planned well in advance.
And with large shows like this and with considerations like Equity rules, costume transport, etc., they can't just pull together a production number last minute to replace "some band". "

Meow. I beg your pardon.

I still say it was a good performance and don't really get all the bellyaching about it--and I'm by no means a huge Wicked fan. I hope it got a few people interested in the show.

singingbackup Profile Photo
#49re: Wicked on Leno Tonight
Posted: 4/19/07 at 6:53pm


Most likely the were reading as there were cuts made in the song that they might not be aware of, or day players hired for this performance, as some of the regular show pit players might not have been able to be there all day at NBC (other jobs, teaching gigs, etc.)

caitlinette Profile Photo
#50re: Wicked on Leno Tonight
Posted: 4/19/07 at 8:15pm

Eden put some energy into her performance but what was the deal with Megan? Her "these things are sent to try us" was REALLY lackluster and I couldn't hear the "s" in "us". It was like she was bored and could only think to act in this weird way. I'm getting really nitpicky, though, sorry.

#51re: Wicked on Leno Tonight
Posted: 4/19/07 at 11:37pm

does anyone know what was different about Hilty's wig?!?! it seemed extremely different... straighter maybe??
