
AMERICAN IDIOT Moves To Broadway; Opens at St. James Theatre April 20, 2010- Page 3

AMERICAN IDIOT Moves To Broadway; Opens at St. James Theatre April 20, 2010

TheatreFan4 Profile Photo
#50AMERICAN IDIOT Moves To Broadway; Opens at St. James Theatre April 20, 2010
Posted: 1/6/10 at 12:33pm

Okay PG, tell us what it's about.

Kad Profile Photo
#51AMERICAN IDIOT Moves To Broadway; Opens at St. James Theatre April 20, 2010
Posted: 1/6/10 at 12:37pm

I didn't see the CA production, only read the script but... Dante's summary is pretty much dead-on. There isn't a whole lot of plot or character in the book. Because there isn't a lot of book.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

#52AMERICAN IDIOT Moves To Broadway; Opens at St. James Theatre April 20, 2010
Posted: 1/6/10 at 7:32pm

Does anyone know if the whole cast from Berkeley will be doing this?

maila Profile Photo
#53AMERICAN IDIOT Moves To Broadway; Opens at St. James Theatre April 20, 2010
Posted: 1/6/10 at 8:06pm

greenday with american idiot cast "21 guns" song premiere. scroll down to third article and click "listen here":

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#54AMERICAN IDIOT Moves To Broadway; Opens at St. James Theatre April 20, 2010
Posted: 1/6/10 at 8:09pm


"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#56AMERICAN IDIOT Moves To Broadway; Opens at St. James Theatre April 20, 2010
Posted: 1/6/10 at 8:42pm

I was completely underwhelmed by this last Fall.

I was hoping Mayer had done some considerable work on it, but the quick turn around doesn't look like it did.

Hopefully it's better, but if it isn't expect some very divided critics.

It was boring, predictable, and under-developed. Characters were flat, story was a scenario and not a story, and was Spring Awakening Lite. The defense I heard to the lack of character and plot development - even given by Charles Isherwood - was that they are American Idiots, so they don't have a complex story.

Then don't tell it. And certainly don't sell it for $130.

Again, hopefully it's had some overhauls.

singalongsong2 Profile Photo
#57AMERICAN IDIOT Moves To Broadway; Opens at St. James Theatre April 20, 2010
Posted: 1/6/10 at 8:44pm

They also just released a second version of "21 Guns" sung entirely by the cast of American Idiot. The first version featured Billie Joe from Green Day singing the second verse. The new version has Michael Esper, Matt Caplan, and John Gallagher Jr. singing the second verse. Here's a link to listen:

21 Guns - 2nd Version

jonmbway4652 Profile Photo
#58AMERICAN IDIOT Moves To Broadway; Opens at St. James Theatre April 20, 2010
Posted: 1/6/10 at 11:46pm

This is going to be awesome =] Much more excited for this than for Come Fly Away

#59AMERICAN IDIOT Moves To Broadway; Opens at St. James Theatre April 20, 2010
Posted: 1/7/10 at 12:26am

Theo was the DJ at the Broadway Impact NYE party and he played the 2nd version of 21 Guns... it was amazing!

"Sometimes on the strip, the dreams you come in with, ain't the dreams you leave with" ~Rock of Ages
"I'm a butterfly, trivial and small, and in the greater scheme of things, I don't mean much at all." ~The Story of My Life
"Forget Regret, or life is yours to miss." ~Rent

#60AMERICAN IDIOT Moves To Broadway; Opens at St. James Theatre April 20, 2010
Posted: 1/7/10 at 10:59am

PG im not trying to insult the show, i actually really enjoyed it despite the god awful story. The music, sets, energy, cast etc were brilliant and did make you forget about the story. The truth is though that no plot exists. Im hoping this show works and they have done a major overhaul on the book.

It would work better if they put in some more spoken scenes to drive the plot, the very few spoken lines that are there are pointless. I know they have gone for a sing through Rock Opera (ala Rent) but Rent was written from scratch so they could sing the drama secenes and get that accros through lyrics. However because this show is based on an album it has nothing to say other than the lyrics of the songs which dont give any story.

former sadm2 (wink)

gvendo2005 Profile Photo
#61AMERICAN IDIOT Moves To Broadway; Opens at St. James Theatre April 20, 2010
Posted: 1/7/10 at 11:18am

I always thought the album's plot was in some way related to Christ. All those songs about a "Jesus of Suburbia" who is apparently the main character and such. It was the reason I initially didn't want to listen to it...someone told me it was a punk imagining of the Second Coming, and that the title track "American Idiot" was Christ's view of the American public under the Bush regime. Fan interpretations, huh? Naturally, it didn't appeal to me at first.

"There is no problem so big that it cannot be run away from." ~ Charles M. Schulz

MusicSnob1 Profile Photo
#62AMERICAN IDIOT Moves To Broadway; Opens at St. James Theatre April 20, 2010
Posted: 1/7/10 at 11:29am

"It was boring, predictable, and under-developed. Characters were flat, story was a scenario and not a story, and was Spring Awakening Lite. The defense I heard to the lack of character and plot development - even given by Charles Isherwood - was that they are American Idiots, so they don't have a complex story.

Then don't tell it. And certainly don't sell it for $130."

SPOT ON review, Brick!!! I agree 100%

When I think about you, I touch myself.

darquegk Profile Photo
#63AMERICAN IDIOT Moves To Broadway; Opens at St. James Theatre April 20, 2010
Posted: 1/7/10 at 2:30pm

I don't know much about the show except what I've heard on these boards and what I thought of the original album, but the "if it's not a great story, don't tell it" is a logical fallacy.

It's what I call the "Eddie Vedder mentality," which says that only the important issues are worth talking about. Eddie Vedder was asked in a Rolling Stone interview what he thought of Michael Jackson's "Off The Wall" album during a retrospective of the greatest albums of all time. His response was something like "Don't even f***ing talk to me about Michael Jackson. There's a war in Iraq and you're talking to me about Michael Jackson? Get some priorities and end the war." Similarly, I heard someone say once "All the people who vote for American Idol should be that vocal about gay rights/ending the war/insert cause here instead."

The bottom line is, people tell the story they want to tell or think they can profit from telling. People listen if they want to and draw what they want from it- enjoyment, meaning, enlightenment, whatever. And Green Day ARE the preeminent storytelling musicians of our day. So let them have their musical.

#64AMERICAN IDIOT Moves To Broadway; Opens at St. James Theatre April 20, 2010
Posted: 1/7/10 at 2:38pm

Snob, you "weren't here" AMERICAN IDIOT Moves To Broadway; Opens at St. James Theatre April 20, 2010 AMERICAN IDIOT Moves To Broadway; Opens at St. James Theatre April 20, 2010 AMERICAN IDIOT Moves To Broadway; Opens at St. James Theatre April 20, 2010 when it was previously decided that anybody who uses the phrase "spot on" has to take a three-day time out from posting. The ALL CAPS adds an additional day.

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LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#65AMERICAN IDIOT Moves To Broadway; Opens at St. James Theatre April 20, 2010
Posted: 1/7/10 at 3:07pm

The bottom line is, people tell the story they want to tell or think they can profit from telling. People listen if they want to and draw what they want from it- enjoyment, meaning, enlightenment, whatever. And Green Day ARE the preeminent storytelling musicians of our day. So let them have their musical.

I agree a great deal with your post. The problem is that there is so little of a story to tell to begin with.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

Yero my Hero Profile Photo
Yero my Hero
#66AMERICAN IDIOT Moves To Broadway; Opens at St. James Theatre April 20, 2010
Posted: 1/7/10 at 3:42pm

I know next to nothing about the show, except what I've heard from a coworker who saw it, but there is a difference between "If it's not a good story, don't tell it" and "If it's not a story at all, don't tell it."

I think people here are saying the latter. Which I agree with.

Nothing matters but knowing nothing matters. ~ Wicked
Everything in life is only for now. ~ Avenue Q
There is no future, there is no past. I live this moment as my last. ~ Rent

"He's a tramp, but I love him."

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#67AMERICAN IDIOT Moves To Broadway; Opens at St. James Theatre April 20, 2010
Posted: 1/7/10 at 4:11pm

Back to the score/TONY question, I was correct about TOMMY.
The committee was convinced that TOMMY was originally written to be performed as a show and therefore eligible.
I'm pretty sure this will go down the same way and GREENDAY will get a nod for score.

darquegk Profile Photo
#68AMERICAN IDIOT Moves To Broadway; Opens at St. James Theatre April 20, 2010
Posted: 1/7/10 at 4:30pm

Then again, one could say the same about Company- it's essentially plotless- the whole plot is "We get to look into a year in the life of Bobby, a guy who has a lot of ingratiating friends, and hangups about women."

And that's the most brilliant musical of all time, right?

#69AMERICAN IDIOT Moves To Broadway; Opens at St. James Theatre April 20, 2010
Posted: 1/7/10 at 11:28pm

the difference is that Company has character's whos journey you can follow. This does not. You do not get to know 1 person in the whole show

former sadm2 (wink)

strummergirl Profile Photo
#70AMERICAN IDIOT Moves To Broadway; Opens at St. James Theatre April 20, 2010
Posted: 1/8/10 at 12:10am

As a Green Day fan I think 21st Century Breakdown was a better concept album in that there was a more of story in the songs and more cohesiveness together. That being said American Idiot as a musical achievement runs circles around it.

I try to think whatever the intent of concept of the story in American Idiot was answered in the "Jesus of Suburbia" music video.


The song "American Idiot" was a song of the angry protagonist, that is the only way I can see the song being tied to the rest of the story doesn't really connect with the title track. It didn't surprise me reading once that after Green Day did the title track they went through a major writer's block before they got to do another song recording. I would argue the whole story starts with "Jesus of Suburbia".

mormonophobic Profile Photo
#71AMERICAN IDIOT Moves To Broadway; Opens at St. James Theatre April 20, 2010
Posted: 1/8/10 at 2:23am

strummergirl, thank you so much for posting that video for Jesus of Suburbia. I've been a Green Day fan for a while, but by the time their third or fourth music video came out from American Idiot, I was sick of it. It's a fantastic album, but was so overplayed back then (especially since this was back when I actually listened to the radio and MTV still had SOME music videos) that I had to stop myself from listening too much. So I had never seen this music video before and really loved it. Thanks again!

#72AMERICAN IDIOT Moves To Broadway; Opens at St. James Theatre April 20, 2010
Posted: 1/8/10 at 5:43am

This is awesome news. Now if only they could find a way to turn the two System Of A Down albums "Mezmerize" and "Hypnotize" into a Broadway musical. That would be even better! Still not happy about incorporating songs from "21st Century Breakdown" as I didn't think much of that album at all and I'm sick of hearing "21 Guns" on the radio. Anyway, still awesome news!

Who can explain it, who can tell you why? Fools give you reasons, wise men never try -South Pacific

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#73AMERICAN IDIOT Moves To Broadway; Opens at St. James Theatre April 20, 2010
Posted: 1/8/10 at 5:52am

I was told that 21st Century was written as a follow up to American Idiot...can anyone confirm or refute?

I'm not really Green Day's demographic and only know of AI...and because OF this show. I'm oddly drawn to it, but have my reservations.

I'll be there early in the run as my curiousity will drive me there.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

wendilin622 Profile Photo
#74AMERICAN IDIOT Moves To Broadway; Opens at St. James Theatre April 20, 2010
Posted: 1/8/10 at 6:07am

Don't forget your standing date with me to go see it dramamama AMERICAN IDIOT Moves To Broadway; Opens at St. James Theatre April 20, 2010

Greenday's Dookie was the first album I bought on my own so I've been a fan for a while. I think I always subconsciously played this album out as a musical in my head while listening to it. Its the ONLY album I own that I refuse to listen to on shuffle. It has to be listened to in the proper order or not at all. I think the album convets the emotions and mibndsets of an era more than a story itself. It'll be interesting to see what is done with the show.
