
Most awkward moment you ever had in a theater?- Page 3

Most awkward moment you ever had in a theater?

#50Most awkward moment you ever had in a theater?
Posted: 2/11/13 at 1:09am

I was in a production of The Wizard of Oz, and we used a smoke machine for the melting of the Wicked Witch. There's only about 20ish minutes left in the show, but it took an extra 35 minutes because the fire alarm went off.

During a variety show, a crew member somehow left a hot dog on the stage and I stepped on it during a song and slipped.

During a production of Beauty and the Beast, during the song Belle, I accidentally knocked over the egg salesman, splattering his eggs everywhere. Luckily I was the bookseller and it happened right outside of the bookstore set piece so I grabbed a broom and rag and cleaned it as best as I could while Gaston proposed to Belle or whatever happens.

#51Most awkward moment you ever had in a theater?
Posted: 2/11/13 at 1:19am

Updated On: 11/8/17 at 01:19 AM

#52Most awkward moment you ever had in a theater?
Posted: 2/11/13 at 1:23am

Oh I forgot! I was in Hugo in Bye Bye Birdie, and at the end of Act I when I punch Conrad in the face, he spun around and hit Kim hard. She was bleeding everywhere. When she said "Hugo Peabody, I never want to speak to you again!" She spat her blood in my face.

SweetLips Profile Photo
#53Most awkward moment you ever had in a theater?
Posted: 2/11/13 at 1:32am

First night-opening number-we're all onstage-music-smoke machine-and it goes beserk!Smoke filled the stage,auditorium and our music[taped-just kept going]-nobody could see a thing.We had to stop,open all the theatre doors,wait for the smoke to clear, and begin again.The audience and cast were hysterical-we thought we should have kept it in as part of the show as it turned out to be the highlight.

#54Most awkward moment you ever had in a theater?
Posted: 4/19/13 at 12:31pm

I want to bring this back because I thought of another. During a production of Hamlet, during one of Hamlet's soliloquies (can't remember which one) an audience member shouted out "try Prozac!". He was kicked out at intermission.

ggersten Profile Photo
#55Most awkward moment you ever had in a theater?
Posted: 4/19/13 at 12:51pm

At Pippin on tour (1978?) in San Francisco. Sitting second or third row and Charlamagne says "Let me tell you the battle plan. No, wait, let me sing it for you." I laughed hysterically. But was the only one. Charlamagne waited for me to finish, looked down at me..and winked. Then went into War Is A Science.

Taking my sister to see Frankie and Johnny in the Clair de Lune - I didn't know how the show started - and although my sister was in her 20s, I was embarrassed.

Interviewing a director of "Are You Now Or Have You Ever Been" in San Francisco after seeing the show..and not liking it.

Brave Sir Robin2 Profile Photo
Brave Sir Robin2
#56Most awkward moment you ever had in a theater?
Posted: 4/19/13 at 12:57pm

The national tour of Camelot with Lou Diamond Phillips.

"I saw Pavarotti play Rodolfo on stage and with his girth I thought he was about to eat the whole table at the Cafe Momus." - Dollypop

JudyDenmark Profile Photo
#57Most awkward moment you ever had in a theater?
Posted: 4/19/13 at 1:40pm

For me it was the Ragtime revival... I knew probably 90% of the story going in (from listening to the score) but not all of the details. I was sitting next to an old couple, and the guy was wearing one of those listening devices. It crackled and echoed the WHOLE show, so I kept hearing everything twice, but the kicker was that he kept saying to his wife - in full speaking voice - "what'd he say?" Then, at the end, (spoilers!) he loudly announced, "they're gonna shoot the black guy!" and then "she's gonna marry the Jew!"

Equally awkward and infuriating.

iflip4musicals Profile Photo
#58Most awkward moment you ever had in a theater?
Posted: 4/19/13 at 2:03pm

I saw Blithe Spirit a few years ago with my mom and sister and there was a teenage couple making out practically horizontal in the mezzanine.

"I've never encountered such religiously, you know, loyal fans as Broadway musical theater fans. It's amazing." --Allison Janney

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#59Most awkward moment you ever had in a theater?
Posted: 4/19/13 at 2:47pm

There was a couple in the on stage seating of Spring Awakening pleasuring each other as much as two can while clothed. Pretty disgusting. I'm pretty sure they were asked to leave at intermission (but my memory is a bit fuzzy).

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#60Most awkward moment you ever had in a theater?
Posted: 4/19/13 at 7:10pm

I will never understand why people have a problem with nudity in performance art??

I took my 60 year old co worker (in town from OHIO no less) to see Hair on Broadway. we sat in the boxes (rush seats) at the Hirschfeld and had a blast! Nudity was never an issue that I even thought about bringing up. Wouldn't having a problem taking my parents or even grandparents.

This week I sat front for Testament of Mary. Ms Shaw has a very in your face nude scene that is quite effective and I thought it worked very very well. Was not gratituos at all. Did I want to stare at her vajay vajay all night, no. Did it bother me, no!

I just don't get it people. To each his own I guess.

now the guy with the w**dy in his sweatpants. that's gross. unless he wants my phone #? :)

#61Most awkward moment you ever had in a theater?
Posted: 4/20/13 at 4:46pm

A friend and I smoked a couple of joints and went to Spelling Bee. I got picked to go on stage, at which point my mouth got cotton dry and I was very worried about not being able to speak at the microphone. (It was OK.). One of the onstage cast was sort of hitting on me. When we had to get up and dance with the cast, when I was told to go right somehow I went left and kept bumping into people....my cast member guide was visibly annoyed with me.

Idiot Profile Photo
#62Most awkward moment you ever had in a theater?
Posted: 4/20/13 at 5:39pm

Well it's tacky and awful -- but you asked:

When PHANTOM opened at the Majestic, it was cold outside and I was wearing a giant 80's style overcoat.

I just really really really had to pee.

Down in the bathroom, I wrestled the coat open and was trying to keep its flaps at bay while doing my thing. I quickly realized that I couldn't hear the sound you're supposed to hear when relieving yourself... but I also couldn't stop. Horrified and trying not to react, I thought that I might be standing there pissing down the inside of my fabulous Dick Tracy styled coat.

As I bolted from the scene I awkwardly checked to see if I what I feared was true. It was not. All dry. To this day, though, I have no idea exactly where it all went. So if someone out there was peed on in the bathroom of the Majestic around that time, feel free to contact me. I owe you money for dry cleaning.

Updated On: 4/20/13 at 05:39 PM

Bettyboy72 Profile Photo
#63Most awkward moment you ever had in a theater?
Posted: 4/20/13 at 9:32pm

When I saw Gypsy with LuPone I was completely overcome when Roses Turn started. Seeing Patti perforn the role she was born to play and just killing it. I started crying and let out some guttural noise that scared the people around.

At Other Desert Cities I realized Matt Risch was next to me AT A URINAL and I told him I loved him in Pal Joey. He was really nice but what a creeper I must have looked like. AWKWARD!

"The sexual energy between the mother and son really concerns me!"-random woman behind me at Next to Normal "I want to meet him after and bang him!"-random woman who exposed her breasts at Rock of Ages, referring to James Carpinello

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#64Most awkward moment you ever had in a theater?
Posted: 4/21/13 at 8:31am

I've had several.

- During The Wedding Singer, the little girl in front of me asked her mom what a "skanky ho" was after the grandmother sang about Linda being a skanky ho.

-During Spring Awakening, this much too young to be seeing the show boy in front of me asked his father if Hanschen and Ernst were gay during the infamous vineyard scene kiss.

-During Wicked, a gentlemen behind me fell asleep, and awoke with a start during 'Defying Gravity' and kept asking what was going on.

-During Brooklyn, this little girl seated next to me very loudly told her mother she hated the show, that it was stupid, and she wanted to go home - much to the horror of all on stage.

-During West Side Story, when Maria asked what Tony stood for, a drunk woman in the front row next to my friend and I screamed - "It's Tony, stupid!".

-During '..Merry Christmas, Maggie Thatcher' in Billy Elliot, Carol Shelley saw me clapping along and kept smiling and urging me to keep going with several thumbs up.

- This one is more adorable than awkward, but - during Mandy Gonzalez's last in Wicked, when Katie Rose Clark said "Let the little girl go, and that poor little dog, Dodo" - a little girl of maybe four, stood up on her chair in front of me and said - "It's Toto!". Mandy and Katie Rose couldn't keep it together, and just kept laughing.

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.
Updated On: 4/21/13 at 08:31 AM

#65Most awkward moment you ever had in a theater?
Posted: 4/22/13 at 7:16pm

I had the unfortunate luck to attend the performance of "I Hate Hamlet" during which Nicol Williamson hit co-star Evan Handler. I believe he was bough up on charges by AEA. The next and last time Williamson appeared on Bway was in a solo show.

#66Most awkward moment you ever had in a theater?
Posted: 4/22/13 at 7:34pm

...which was JACK (Barrymore), and he was so roaring drunk on opening night that he fell into the front row at one point (talk about awkward) It almost closed at intermission. I think it closed within a week - maybe two.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#67Most awkward moment you ever had in a theater?
Posted: 4/22/13 at 7:52pm

This might be one of those "you had to be there" moments, but I'll try to explain it, lol.

Years ago, way back, there was an off broadway show called "Hot L Baltimore" I went with a group of friends. For some reason, in this theater, you had to walk across the stage to get to your seats.. One of the guys we were with, came with his family and left his car double parked because he couldn't find a spot and didn't want to be late. Fine. Then during intermission, he and his family went to try and move the car.

Well, they didn't get back until the second act had already started. I guess they didn't notice the actors were on stage, so of course they all had to walk across the stage to get to their seats. While the whole family was nonchalantly meandering across the stage, my friend starting calling out to us, "OY I STILL COUDN'T FIND A SPOT, THE HELL WITH IT!" This is right on stage during the play.


#68Most awkward moment you ever had in a theater?
Posted: 4/22/13 at 8:35pm

In "Catch Me if You Can" I was so excited to get great seats at the last minute but then my neighbor turned out to be a very drunk guy and his wife. They came in 15 minutes late and acted like it was an afterthought to go to the theater. He kept drinking and getting drunker, and then fell asleep. He snored a gutteral snore. Then he woke up and placed his wife's hand in his crotch. You can write the rest because I won't. My friend and I were repulsed, got up and left and told the manager, who offered us tickets to see the show again. Unfortunately the show closed before we could get back.

Marianne2 Profile Photo
#69Most awkward moment you ever had in a theater?
Posted: 4/22/13 at 8:36pm

That does make sense, Jane. I would be very embarrassed if anyone did that. Almost sounds like the type of show where letting people in after it starts shouldn't be possible.

"I don't want the pretty lights to come and get me."-Homecoming 2005 "You can't pray away the gay."-Callie Torres on Grey's Anatomy. Ignored Users: suestorm, N2N Nate., Owen22, master bates

Jane2 Profile Photo
#70Most awkward moment you ever had in a theater?
Posted: 4/22/13 at 8:43pm

I know it was awful, but we were hysterical and to this day still laughing about it.

