
Which musical should Lincoln Center revive next?- Page 3

Which musical should Lincoln Center revive next?

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#50Which musical should Lincoln Center revive next?
Posted: 7/29/15 at 8:41pm

The All Male forum is happening in Red Bank NJ, probably eyeing Broadway.  KISMET would be wonderful.


#51Which musical should Lincoln Center revive next?
Posted: 7/29/15 at 9:12pm

Put me down for a Carousel revival, since most seemed to not like the Lyric production on the board, which is the only production I have seen.

For those claiming it's too soon, it's been 21 years 

#52Which musical should Lincoln Center revive next?
Posted: 7/29/15 at 9:12pm

Double post


But I would be up for quite a few of the other suggestions...

Updated On: 7/29/15 at 09:12 PM

CindersGolightly Profile Photo
#53Which musical should Lincoln Center revive next?
Posted: 7/29/15 at 9:18pm

Also put me down for Carousel. I would love Laura Osnes to play Julie Jordan on Broadway. She breathed new life into that character for me, and I think she understands the character inside and out.

They/them. "Get up the nerve to be all you deserve to be."

#54Which musical should Lincoln Center revive next?
Posted: 7/30/15 at 12:16am

"The All Male forum is happening in Red Bank NJ, probably eyeing Broadway.  KISMET would be wonderful.

 Roundabout was in negotiations at one point to bring in the all-male production of Forum, but discussions broke down over the fact that Roundabout wanted to bring in a bigger star to lead it (I never heard if they had a specific star in mind or just wanted to open the door and see who they could get), but the director insisted on the cast remaining the same from the Williamstown production. I'd be curious if one party or the other would be willing to budge on their stance now a couple years later, or if a commercial producer is circling the property after the revival starring James Corden never came to fruition.

chewy5000 Profile Photo
#55Which musical should Lincoln Center revive next?
Posted: 7/30/15 at 3:23am

Kiss of the Spiderwoman would look great at the Vivian Beaumont.

Phillypinto Profile Photo
#56Which musical should Lincoln Center revive next?
Posted: 7/30/15 at 4:01am

whats up with roundabout and turning women roles into men roles? I just don't see the purpose of it. That production of Forum made Hero, Miles, and Senex gay?

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gypsy101 Profile Photo
#57Which musical should Lincoln Center revive next?
Posted: 7/30/15 at 4:13am

"whats up with roundabout and turning women roles into men roles? I just don't see the purpose of it. That production of Forum made Hero, Miles, and Senex gay?"

If I had to venture a guess, I would assume the characters weren't made gay, but that the men played the female characters in drag. I didn't see the production though, so I'm not sure (there were lots of gay men in Ancient Rome and Greece, so who knows).

"Contentment, it seems, simply happens. It appears accompanied by no bravos and no tears."

#58Which musical should Lincoln Center revive next?
Posted: 7/30/15 at 9:10am

"whats up with roundabout and turning women roles into men roles? I just don't see the purpose of it. That production of Forum made Hero, Miles, and Senex gay?"

Let's address the first part of the problem here. Using some basic reading comprehension one should be able to deduce that Roundabout didn't "turn" any women's roles into men's roles, because Roundabout has not produced this production. It premiered at Williamstown Theatre Festival and, as I stated, though Roundabout was in talks to bring it in a few years ago but discussions fell through.

Secondly, a quick Google search of "Williamstown all male forum" brings up plenty of articles so that you can see that the reason it was staged that way was as a nod to the original plays by Plautus and the fact that they would have been staged with men playing the women's roles, as women were banned from the stage at that point in history. No characters were "made gay."

For someone who wants to be taken seriously you should really consider doing some fact-checking before posting.

(And now how long before you state you weren't wrong, you just were told the wrong thing and you blindly repeated it?)

Mr. Nowack Profile Photo
Mr. Nowack
#59Which musical should Lincoln Center revive next?
Posted: 7/30/15 at 2:21pm

How about some classic Broadway Weill?


Keeping BroadwayWorld Illustrated

Fantod Profile Photo
#60Which musical should Lincoln Center revive next?
Posted: 7/30/15 at 2:23pm

The Firebrand of Florence, maybe?

skies Profile Photo
#61Which musical should Lincoln Center revive next?
Posted: 7/30/15 at 2:46pm

"City of Angels", would love to see how they could with the new tech reimagine it's sets/staging.  

It's been been 20 plus years on the one and only BW production.


"when I’m on stage I see the abyss and have to overcome it by telling myself it’s only a play." - Helen Mirren

PalJoey Profile Photo
#62Which musical should Lincoln Center revive next?
Posted: 7/30/15 at 3:21pm

It has to be something with some size or grandeur or importance, so it can't be a strict musical comedy.

And it has to be enough of a director's opportunity for Bartlett Sher to take it on, so it can't be something that has only one visual interpretation or is rooted in naturalism.

And it can't be something obscure, or it won't command the attention of the subscribers and the media, the was South Pacific and King and I have done. And it has to have some social import, touching on race or history or some other "big" theme, like they have.

Too bad Porgy and Bess was just done--and in a diminished form--or it would have been a great candidate for Bartlett Sher production.

And it's too soon for another Follies--although his, when he does it, will be vastly superior to the recent revival.

And I don't think it would be wise for Lincoln Center to compete with its own success with Carousel.

So that pretty much leaves up with 1776 or Camelot.

Or Ragtime.

Updated On: 7/30/15 at 03:21 PM

musicaljen Profile Photo
#63Which musical should Lincoln Center revive next?
Posted: 7/30/15 at 3:22pm

Its high time to see a new lavish Carousel presentation, possibly with a real Carousel on stage. With the sound of music going on tour I doubt Lincoln centre would do it anytime soon. 

Oklahoma! is also a show I would love to see again.



Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#64Which musical should Lincoln Center revive next?
Posted: 7/30/15 at 3:30pm

I love City of Angels, but I worry that a revival couldn't live up to the original staging and even worse, rely mostly on LED screens.

The recent Goodman production of Brigadoon in Chicago deserves to be on Broadway.  I'd love to see that open in any theatre.

But even more than a revival, I'd like to see Paul Gordon's Sense and Sensibility at Lincoln Center.  It still needs a bit of polish, but the show was simply beautiful (and I'd jump at the chance to see it again).  And the Shakespeare Theatre in Chicago is almost like a smaller-scale Vivienne Beaumont, so I can easily picture the show transferring to that space.

Which musical should Lincoln Center revive next?

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Someone in a Tree2 Profile Photo
Someone in a Tree2
#65Which musical should Lincoln Center revive next?
Posted: 7/30/15 at 3:40pm


I second Mr. Nowack's motion-- the only production I've ever seen of LADY IN THE DARK was the pretty odd staging at the National Theatre in '97 starring Maria Friedman. Kind of a mixed bag with a silly set featuring abstracted boat sails designed by Adrienne Lobel.

I'd love LCT to get a crack at it. It's a big canvas show whose dreamscapes could be stunning using the scale of the Beaumont stage. 

Has anyone ever seen a production of LADY that actually moved them?



PalJoey Profile Photo
#66Which musical should Lincoln Center revive next?
Posted: 7/30/15 at 3:48pm

The book of Lady in the Dark doesn't work any longer.

Sally Durant Plummer Profile Photo
Sally Durant Plummer
#67Which musical should Lincoln Center revive next?
Posted: 7/30/15 at 3:53pm

I would love to revive a Weill piece. The recording of LoveMusik has made me appreciate him much more, since I only am really familiar with Lady in the Dark, One Touch of Venus, and Threepenny.

Maybe a revival of Street Scene?

Perhaps it's time for Merrily to return to Broadway with an actual set and costumes, hopefully with "Rich and Happy" instead of "That Frank". The themes could be very resonant today.


Speaking of resonant, I think with all the racial tension and violence, a revival of Caroline, or Change would be perfect. Maybe not for Lincoln Center, but it should be revived, for the message and themes really are meaningful today.

"Sticks and stones, sister. Here, have a Valium." - Patti LuPone, a Memoir

skies Profile Photo
#68Which musical should Lincoln Center revive next?
Posted: 7/30/15 at 3:54pm

"I love City of Angels, but I worry that a revival couldn't live up to the original staging and even worse, rely mostly on LED screens. "

I have the same concerns, but if anyone possibly could do a revival justice would be the Lincoln Center.  Otherwise the staging is just too challenging for most.


"when I’m on stage I see the abyss and have to overcome it by telling myself it’s only a play." - Helen Mirren

Scarywarhol Profile Photo
#69Which musical should Lincoln Center revive next?
Posted: 7/30/15 at 3:58pm

I think Street Scene would be a fantastic fit, and I've always wanted to see a production. But I agree with PalJoey that it has to be something well-known. (And now I can't stop wishing for a new Porgy & Bess!)

jacobsnchz14 Profile Photo
#70Which musical should Lincoln Center revive next?
Posted: 7/30/15 at 4:00pm

Brigadoon! Or a transfer of Donmar Warehouse's production of CITY OF ANGELS

Which musical should Lincoln Center revive next?


Which musical should Lincoln Center revive next?


Which musical should Lincoln Center revive next?


Which musical should Lincoln Center revive next?


Which musical should Lincoln Center revive next?

Fantod Profile Photo
#71Which musical should Lincoln Center revive next?
Posted: 7/30/15 at 4:02pm

I quite like the book to Lady in the Dark. A nice little time capsule with amusingly outdated psychology.

Scarywarhol Profile Photo
#72Which musical should Lincoln Center revive next?
Posted: 7/30/15 at 4:02pm

When was the last time we actually had a My Fair Lady? Or is one in the works commercially?

Also. I know the Carousel and Show Boat revivals in the 90s were rapturously received, but as a 90s child I've never gotten to see either. Would the people who already love those shows really not be up for another go-round at this point?

Borstalboy Profile Photo
#73Which musical should Lincoln Center revive next?
Posted: 7/30/15 at 4:02pm

Why does it have to be well-known?  LC's subscriber base is through the roof.

And while we're at it: A TREE GROWS IN BROOKLYN.

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali
Updated On: 7/30/15 at 04:02 PM

skies Profile Photo
#74Which musical should Lincoln Center revive next?
Posted: 7/30/15 at 4:09pm

A revival of the original "Funny Face" that starred Fred and Adele Astaire in the 1927 prodution, such lovely songs.

Or why not "The Boyfriend".

"when I’m on stage I see the abyss and have to overcome it by telling myself it’s only a play." - Helen Mirren
