
THE SECRET GARDEN Revival Set for 2018-2019 Season- Page 3

THE SECRET GARDEN Revival Set for 2018-2019 Season

musikman Profile Photo
#50THE SECRET GARDEN Revival Set for 2018-2019 Season
Posted: 5/9/18 at 3:15pm

^ yea she’s about as perfect as you can get for Lily. She was stunning in the concert version.

This cast seems a bit out of left field, but I’m interested to hear reports. I just want a Secret Garden that’s sung and played as well as possible.

-There's the muddle in the middle. There's the puddle where the poodle did the piddle."

Wick3 Profile Photo
#51THE SECRET GARDEN Revival Set for 2018-2019 Season
Posted: 5/9/18 at 3:19pm

I agree. Out of the entire cast, I am most excited to see Sierra as Lily as she was angelic and amazing in the concert two years ago. Here's a clip of her from two years ago (skip to 1:40).


Wick3 Profile Photo
#52THE SECRET GARDEN Revival Set for 2018-2019 Season
Posted: 5/9/18 at 3:22pm

And here's another clip of Sierra Boggess singing plus a short interview from Paul Wontorek from 2 years ago.


R. GreenFinch Profile Photo
R. GreenFinch
#53THE SECRET GARDEN Revival Set for 2018-2019 Season
Posted: 5/9/18 at 3:23pm

Some interesting choices; I hope they reinstate the songs they trimmed from the previous out-of-towns. I personally love the focus on the adults, and disliked how chipper/Matilda they made Mary in the DC/Seattle, etc. version. 

I find it interesting the ads are highlighting Matt Doyle as Albert given the size of the role.


LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#54THE SECRET GARDEN Revival Set for 2018-2019 Season
Posted: 5/9/18 at 3:24pm

The ads? You mean the PR people?

I guess it's because Matt Doyle is better known than Clifton Duncan, but I'm surprised Drew Gehling isn't in most of the headlines either.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#55THE SECRET GARDEN Revival Set for 2018-2019 Season
Posted: 5/9/18 at 3:55pm

Not for nothing, but if this cast goes to Broadway (who knows of course), it will be Brooklyn Shuck's 6th Broadway show. Isn't she just 13? Impressive.

Love that Drew is in this...

Updated On: 5/9/18 at 03:55 PM

Elegance101 Profile Photo
#56THE SECRET GARDEN Revival Set for 2018-2019 Season
Posted: 5/9/18 at 4:05pm

After reading the breakdown, I'm surprised to read some of these choices, but not in a bad way! I just thought Martha's age range being 18-20 and Dickon's age range being 13-17 (from the breakdown) would mean...actually getting people who look remotely those ages. But the two actors are immense talents and I'd love to see what they can do with their respective roles!

R. GreenFinch Profile Photo
R. GreenFinch
#57THE SECRET GARDEN Revival Set for 2018-2019 Season
Posted: 5/9/18 at 4:09pm

LizzieCurry said: "The ads? You mean the PR people?

Yes! (Sorry, words, blarg.)

musikman Profile Photo
#58THE SECRET GARDEN Revival Set for 2018-2019 Season
Posted: 5/9/18 at 4:21pm

Also, is it just me, or is it a bit weird that actor playing Dickon is a year older than the actor playing Albert?

-There's the muddle in the middle. There's the puddle where the poodle did the piddle."
Updated On: 5/9/18 at 04:21 PM

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#59THE SECRET GARDEN Revival Set for 2018-2019 Season
Posted: 5/9/18 at 4:41pm

When I first saw Matt Doyle in the headline, I thought he'd be playing Dickon.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#60THE SECRET GARDEN Revival Set for 2018-2019 Season
Posted: 5/9/18 at 10:19pm

I am not sure if anyone can sing that opening the way R. Luker did in the original.  I was always very impressed how she took a breath after "pansies" and then no breaths until after  "chill".  And "cold" is a long high note requiring a lot of breath.  She did it in the theater the same way.  After hearing her do it on the cast recording I wanted to hear if she did it in the show, so I paid close attention to her breathing and she did it.  Very impressive. 

"Cluster of crocus (breath)

Purple and gold (breath)

Blankets of pansies (breath)

Up from the cold

Lilies and iris

Safe from the chill (breath)" 



NOWaWarning Profile Photo
#61THE SECRET GARDEN Revival Set for 2018-2019 Season
Posted: 5/10/18 at 12:00am

Also, is it just me, or is it a bit weird that actor playing Dickon is a year older than the actor playing Albert?

Maybe some of these actors are just doing the lab and they’ll be recasting some roles for any future productions. 


The Distinctive Baritone Profile Photo
The Distinctive Baritone
#62THE SECRET GARDEN Revival Set for 2018-2019 Season
Posted: 5/10/18 at 1:24am

In this kind of lab, you can expect that they cast all the actors with the intent for them to go with it to Broadway. Some may get replaced, but I imagine this is pretty much the Broadway cast.

Still bummed about Daisy Eagan not being in it, but obviously they decided to go in a rather different direction with Martha. Several surprising choices here.

disneybroadwayfan22 Profile Photo
#63THE SECRET GARDEN Revival Set for 2018-2019 Season
Posted: 5/10/18 at 5:51am

The Distinctive Baritone said: "Still bummed about Daisy Eagan not being in it, but obviously they decided to go in a rather different direction with Martha. Several surprising choices here."


Maybe she wasn’t available. Isn’t she on a tour? If they have a 30-something for Anna, they could do one for Martha.

I’m so thrilled over the cast! Hoping at least Sierra transfers over.

#64THE SECRET GARDEN Revival Set for 2018-2019 Season
Posted: 5/10/18 at 8:47am

Wasn't Sydney Lucas in a concert a few years ago? I wanted to see her in it but I guess she's getting too old? Well I just want to see what she does next. 

thebookofwhizzer Profile Photo
#65THE SECRET GARDEN Revival Set for 2018-2019 Season
Posted: 5/10/18 at 9:51am

I love Matt Doyle, so I am thrilled he has any role in this production! I saw it at the Shakespeare theater with Michael Xavier and Josh Young and thought it was wonderful. 

“6 AM. The sky glows. Somewhere a bird chirps. I want to shoot it.” ~ Jonathan Larson, Tick...Tick..BOOM

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#66THE SECRET GARDEN Revival Set for 2018-2019 Season
Posted: 5/10/18 at 10:09am

Yes, Sydney Lucas did the concert at Lincoln Center in 2016.


"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#67THE SECRET GARDEN Revival Set for 2018-2019 Season
Posted: 5/10/18 at 10:40am

I'm a HUGE Amber Iman fan, so I'm excited to hear her sing Martha's two big numbers. 

The Distinctive Baritone Profile Photo
The Distinctive Baritone
#68THE SECRET GARDEN Revival Set for 2018-2019 Season
Posted: 5/10/18 at 3:35pm

disneybroadwayfan22 said: "The Distinctive Baritone said: "Still bummed about Daisy Eagan not being in it, but obviously they decided to go in a rather different direction with Martha. Several surprising choices here."

Maybe she wasn’t available. Isn’t she on a tour? If they have a 30-something for Anna, they could do one for Martha."


You're right - I just checked the tour of The Humans ???????and it doesn't close until July, so Eagan is unavailable for the workshop. That said, given some of their other casting choices, they seem to want this to be a racially diverse cast, so they may not have offered it to her anyway. (Although do they really want the only black woman onstage playing the maid?)

GeorgeandDot Profile Photo
#69THE SECRET GARDEN Revival Set for 2018-2019 Season
Posted: 5/10/18 at 3:36pm

VERY bad choice to cast the only black woman as the maid.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#70THE SECRET GARDEN Revival Set for 2018-2019 Season
Posted: 5/10/18 at 3:39pm

I was wondering about the optics of that as well.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

BobBenson Profile Photo
#71THE SECRET GARDEN Revival Set for 2018-2019 Season
Posted: 5/10/18 at 3:42pm

Is Sierra really playing Lily???

#72THE SECRET GARDEN Revival Set for 2018-2019 Season
Posted: 5/10/18 at 3:46pm

GeorgeandDot said: "VERY bad choice to cast the only black woman as the maid."


Oh for chrissakes, stop being PC-ridiculous!  Martha is (arguably) the best female role in the show --- and I'm sure that actress they hired (for a LAB) is thrilled to have been cast!  Also, do they not have a black actor playing Archibald --- while the actor playing his brother is white?  You can't have it both ways...

The Distinctive Baritone Profile Photo
The Distinctive Baritone
#73THE SECRET GARDEN Revival Set for 2018-2019 Season
Posted: 5/10/18 at 3:50pm

Believe me, being "P.C." is not my thing. I'm not offended by the casting choice, but I know others will be.

And yes, I know it's musical theatre, but if you're going to have Archibald played by a black actor, make Neville black as well. They're supposed to be brothers for chrissakes.

#74THE SECRET GARDEN Revival Set for 2018-2019 Season
Posted: 5/10/18 at 3:54pm

Oak, is that you??

Anyway the only people complaining about a black woman playing the maid are the Progressive <<edited by BWW staff for a personal attack>> that I will continue to harp on on this board.

As has been noted--as if it's relevant--there is also a black person playing Archibald Craven, the master of the estate.

Nice to know that there will be people not paying attention to the story and focusing on "optics", and not the gifted human being playing the character.

I'm REALLY sick of this crap.

Updated On: 5/10/18 at 03:54 PM
