
Hairspray Film's Link Larkin Has Been Cast- Page 3

Hairspray Film's Link Larkin Has Been Cast

kim1061 Profile Photo
#50re: Hairspray Film's Link Larkin Has Been Cast
Posted: 6/25/06 at 8:13pm

he seems entirely too young! i feel like he does not fit with the cast at all.

im sure his high school musical co-stars will appear somewhere in the hairspray movie since they all flock together.

A dancer might dream to see her name in lights and mean it, but all she really dreams is to make someone else feel the way she did when she first saw a dancer. And that is so beautiful-Anonymous

emo_geek Profile Photo
#51re: Hairspray Film's Link Larkin Has Been Cast
Posted: 6/25/06 at 8:33pm

"Zach admits it's not all him doing the singing..." Hmmm sounds like he is embarrassed about that.

"I never had theatre producers run after me. Some people want to make more Broadway shows out of movies. But Elliot and I aren't going to do Batman: The Musical." - Julie Taymor 1999

StephanietheStar Profile Photo
#52re: Hairspray Film's Link Larkin Has Been Cast
Posted: 6/25/06 at 8:37pm

Ok Otis, that does give me some hope...:)

now if all other people would do that, i'd be a happy girl :)

The problem is, I go to Wicked a lot(it's an easy show to see in chicago :))or I get asked about Wicked and such if I wear my shirt and I meet so MANY people who only have the cast recording, and have no interest in other shows...so it saddens me re: Hairspray Film's Link Larkin Has Been Cast lol.

and all that I could do because of you was talk of love...

broadway86 Profile Photo
#53re: Hairspray Film's Link Larkin Has Been Cast
Posted: 6/25/06 at 8:37pm

This is just terrible... A wealth of young talent out there, and they take him.

mateo Profile Photo
#54re: Hairspray Film's Link Larkin Has Been Cast
Posted: 6/25/06 at 8:38pm

I think so too. I doubt he wanted himself to be dubbed. He probably gets crap for it all the time.

"Zac is sweet as can be. He's very much just a sweet kid from California who happens to have a face that looks like it was drawn by Michelangelo, (if Michelangelo did anime)."
-Adam Shankman.

"I haven't left this building since Windows 3.1!"

"Celebrating a birthday this week: Rene Descartes is 412! Do you know who he is? Then why are you watching this show? You could probably get into college and even get one of those job things. As for the rest of us; Amanda Bynes is 22! Yay!"
-E!'s "The Soup"

#55re: Hairspray Film's Link Larkin Has Been Cast
Posted: 6/25/06 at 9:38pm

According to Marc Shaiman, Zac's a year older than the girl playing Tracy. So while there are valid reasons to be against his being cast, age isn't one of them.

Also, they claim he was dubbed in HSM because he's a baritone, not a tenor... but I always thought Link's played by tenors.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

broadway86 Profile Photo
#56re: Hairspray Film's Link Larkin Has Been Cast
Posted: 6/25/06 at 10:42pm

So while there are valid reasons to be against his being cast, age isn't one of them.

Regardless of age, I just don't think he looks right for the part. When I look at him, I don't see TV idol/hunk.

mateo Profile Photo
#57re: Hairspray Film's Link Larkin Has Been Cast
Posted: 6/25/06 at 10:45pm

yeh, he is more in the TV Idol/Pretty Boy category.

"Zac is sweet as can be. He's very much just a sweet kid from California who happens to have a face that looks like it was drawn by Michelangelo, (if Michelangelo did anime)."
-Adam Shankman.

"I haven't left this building since Windows 3.1!"

"Celebrating a birthday this week: Rene Descartes is 412! Do you know who he is? Then why are you watching this show? You could probably get into college and even get one of those job things. As for the rest of us; Amanda Bynes is 22! Yay!"
-E!'s "The Soup"

wicked4life51 Profile Photo
#58re: Hairspray Film's Link Larkin Has Been Cast
Posted: 6/25/06 at 10:47pm

steph the star i love you

"what? what is it? do i have something in my teeth? ok lets get this over with : no im not seasick,yes ive always been green, and no i didnt chew grass as a child "

inlovewithjerryherman Profile Photo
#59re: Hairspray Film's Link Larkin Has Been Cast
Posted: 6/25/06 at 11:08pm

I Actually think this is rather decent casting, considering how young the rest of the cast is - Bynes and Blonsky are VERY young.

mateo Profile Photo
#60re: Hairspray Film's Link Larkin Has Been Cast
Posted: 6/25/06 at 11:17pm

I have a feeling the they are casting young or 'young looking' because the adult cast -aside from billy crystal are not that old. If you cast 20-somethings as the kids, Queen Latifah who is in her 30s will not look as old as she should be. perhaps.

"Zac is sweet as can be. He's very much just a sweet kid from California who happens to have a face that looks like it was drawn by Michelangelo, (if Michelangelo did anime)."
-Adam Shankman.

"I haven't left this building since Windows 3.1!"

"Celebrating a birthday this week: Rene Descartes is 412! Do you know who he is? Then why are you watching this show? You could probably get into college and even get one of those job things. As for the rest of us; Amanda Bynes is 22! Yay!"
-E!'s "The Soup"

StephanietheStar Profile Photo
#61re: Hairspray Film's Link Larkin Has Been Cast
Posted: 6/25/06 at 11:44pm

Thank you wicked4life51, I love you too :)

and all that I could do because of you was talk of love...

soapguy17 Profile Photo
#62re: Hairspray Film's Link Larkin Has Been Cast
Posted: 6/25/06 at 11:58pm

I don't think it'll be that bad. Look at Dawson in Rent. The studio has the tools to make Effron sound like whatever they want him to sound like.

Quick question, if the score was to high for Zac why didn't they just lower it?

I have NEVER met Cheyenne Jackson. I have never hung out with him in his dressing room, he did not tweet me, he never bought me a beverage, and he mostly certainly didn't tickle me. . .that is all.

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#63re: Hairspray Film's Link Larkin Has Been Cast
Posted: 6/26/06 at 12:10am

Just because you say he wasn't so great in High School Musical does not mean he won't be good in Hairspray.

This is off topic but I'm very interested in who they got to play Corny Collins. Did they cast that yet? I've been rooting for Ewan MacGregor all the way even though the part isn't major.

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

mateo Profile Photo
#64re: Hairspray Film's Link Larkin Has Been Cast
Posted: 6/26/06 at 12:26am

I'd love for Ewan to to be Corny. Its not a leading part- but its certainly a big one.

soapguy- the songs might have been already recorded prior to the kids singing them? i dont know good question.

"Zac is sweet as can be. He's very much just a sweet kid from California who happens to have a face that looks like it was drawn by Michelangelo, (if Michelangelo did anime)."
-Adam Shankman.

"I haven't left this building since Windows 3.1!"

"Celebrating a birthday this week: Rene Descartes is 412! Do you know who he is? Then why are you watching this show? You could probably get into college and even get one of those job things. As for the rest of us; Amanda Bynes is 22! Yay!"
-E!'s "The Soup"

boxers7 Profile Photo
#65re: Hairspray Film's Link Larkin Has Been Cast
Posted: 6/26/06 at 1:00am

Three pages of people swearing off the movie and complaining about someone doing a role before he's even started rehersals? Are you people kidding me?

"i have never seen HSM, but just seeing him in that picture makes me worry..."

"i feel like he does not fit with the cast at all."

"This is just terrible... A wealth of young talent out there, and they take him."

Did all three of you get an advanced copy of the film (which hasn't even been fully cast!) that we didn't see that makes it ok for you to criticize someone's performance? That's the biggest load of crap I've ever heard!

"I don't wanna see that!" -Aunt Sassy (as played by Valerie Cherish) on Room & Bored
Updated On: 6/26/06 at 01:00 AM

#66re: Hairspray Film's Link Larkin Has Been Cast
Posted: 6/26/06 at 1:54am

see, my problem is that he doesn't LOOK like a link. at least, in my opinion..

JohnBoy2 Profile Photo
#67re: Hairspray Film's Link Larkin Has Been Cast
Posted: 6/26/06 at 2:24am

I have bigger issues than the casting of Link. Like THE PRODUCERS before it, HAIRSPRAY suffers from the fact that the original film is already perfection. It cannot be improved, making a remake (even a musical one), second class.

Weez Profile Photo
#68re: Hairspray Film's Link Larkin Has Been Cast
Posted: 6/26/06 at 2:26am

To be honest, I'm just really disappointed to see so many close-minded people passing judgement on something without giving it a fair chance. *shrugs* C'est la vie, I suppose. I for one will wait until I've seen the finished film before I start pissing and moaning about anything. I may not even have anything to piss and moan about! But I won't know until I've seen the film, and nor will anyone else here.

Updated On: 6/26/06 at 02:26 AM

gumbo2 Profile Photo
#69re: Hairspray Film's Link Larkin Has Been Cast
Posted: 6/26/06 at 4:45am

There seem to be some valid concerns, but really I agree with the people who say we won't know til we see it. I'm not saying I particularly agree with the casting, but they must have seen something in him that made them think he could do the role. And just because he may not look like Link, all the more power to them for not just type-casting...and maybe he'll look completely different than he looked in HSM. Who knows.

#70re: Hairspray Film's Link Larkin Has Been Cast
Posted: 6/26/06 at 9:15am

"Also, they claim he was dubbed in HSM because he's a baritone, not a tenor... but I always thought Link's played by tenors. "

You're right. It would be pretty hard to hit all the high A's if you're a baritone (I am, therefore I know). And when I hear his speaking voice in High School Musical (see, it is possible to spell it out) it sounds like he's a high voiced kind of guy...unless they dubbed his speaking voice too! :P

renthead92 Profile Photo
#71re: Hairspray Film's Link Larkin Has Been Cast
Posted: 6/26/06 at 9:24am

Here's an artical about it:

I'm just going to wait till I see the movie to make my opinion.

Mojojo5 Profile Photo
#72re: Hairspray Film's Link Larkin Has Been Cast
Posted: 6/26/06 at 10:06am

Umm, I'm curious, when was it decided that Link had any sort of "edge"? Sure, the original John Waters Link had that dirty, sensual Elvis thing about him (which was then used to greater affect by Johnny Deep in "Cry-Baby") but the musical Link is pretty much walking milquetoast. He's a teen pretty boy who suddenly has romantic feelings for this cute fat girl and a need to integrate which are probably two things that he had never thought about before. I don't know if he'll be able to sing it but Zac Efron does seem like a good match type-wise at least.

Zach... and let's just hope they dub Amanda Bynes on some of Penny's money notes

"You're not a kid anymore, Robby. I don't think you'll ever be a kid again, kiddo." - Joanne, Company

Freckles1329 Profile Photo
#73re: Hairspray Film's Link Larkin Has Been Cast
Posted: 6/26/06 at 10:50am


article just posted

"For example, if I should paint my fingernails green - and it just so happens I do paint them green. Well, if anyone should ask me why, I say: 'I think it's pretty!'"

almostxfamous Profile Photo
#74re: Hairspray Film's Link Larkin Has Been Cast
Posted: 6/26/06 at 11:04am

I think I'm just really surprised by the casting. I guess I was expected someone who was more of an obvious heartthrob, you know? Granted, this casting has been surprising me the whole time(with the exception of Queen Latifah), but ... I don't know. To me, he just looks very young for the role. They could probably age him with makeup and since his hair can't be the shaggy beach bum style, that may help. We'll see.
