
ALW lawyer warns LuPone of 'false and libelous' statements- Page 4

ALW lawyer warns LuPone of 'false and libelous' statements

chernjam Profile Photo
#75ALW lawyer warns LuPone of 'false and libelous' statements
Posted: 10/25/17 at 11:57pm

A couple of quick thoughts:

1 - Why is PL still asked about it?  Probably news of her and GC mending fences spurred some curiosity among different interviewers.  A story of a 23 year old feud ending/possible reconciliation would be big news and lead to wild speculation of some sort of reunion

2 - PL calls ALW "unhappy" "mentally unstable."  Sounds like projection to me.  ALW has not talked about her personally at all in interviews and when the SB fiasco is brought up, he tries to express his regret that things went down the way they did (true he never owns up to his role in it)  

3 - People defending PL by saying "you can't tell her to move on" don't seem to have a problem with her calling ALW mentally unstable, an alcoholic.  Can't have it both ways.  If you think it's inappropriate to be dismissive of Patti's views because "you haven't walked in her shoes" you have to be fair and say the same about ALW - realizing none of us knows the full, true, story...

Soaring29 Profile Photo
#76ALW lawyer warns LuPone of 'false and libelous' statements
Posted: 10/26/17 at 3:58am

Updated On: 10/26/17 at 03:58 AM

Soaring29 Profile Photo
#77ALW lawyer warns LuPone of 'false and libelous' statements
Posted: 10/26/17 at 4:07am

ScottyDoesn'tKnow2 said: "It still amazes me that a pool cost $1 million. It's a totally different lifestyle than the one I'm exposed to, but she couldn't have really spent the entire thing on that pool, could she?"


She didn't spend it all on the pool, lol- According to her book, she spent it on other home improvements  and a news article says she used it to take her family around the world, among other things: http://unsungbroadway.com/u-b-trivia-when-patti-sued-webber-over-breaking-her-contract-in-sunset-blvd-what-did-she-do-with-the-money/


Updated On: 2/22/20 at 04:07 AM

Soaring29 Profile Photo
#78ALW lawyer warns LuPone of 'false and libelous' statements
Posted: 10/26/17 at 4:18am

qolbinau said: "I love that in in our ultra PC non-scientific disingenuous oppression olympics victim mentality times some people have tried to shout misogyny to these reactions. We are an absolute joke."


I LOVE this!!!


Soaring29 Profile Photo
#79ALW lawyer warns LuPone of 'false and libelous' statements
Posted: 10/26/17 at 4:19am

BJR said: "It was more than tacky.

Let's get this story straight, folks. Technically, he wanted to fire her but knew he'd have to pay her out for breaking the contract if he did. So, he and his company created a hostile work environment hoping she'd quit. That way, he wouldn't have to pay. Her lawyers told her to stay and complete her run. She did, withstanding the abuse. (If you've ever been in this position, you would understand an employer trying to make your life hell when you're just trying to be at work is indeed psychological abuse.) After the run completed, she sued for breach of contract and they settled.

This. Sorry everyone, but ALW's behavior was completely unprofessional and he payed for it literally. She had every right to sue him for his actions. 

Soaring29 Profile Photo
#80ALW lawyer warns LuPone of 'false and libelous' statements
Posted: 10/26/17 at 4:33am

muscle23ftl said: "If this woman calls you "mentally unstable" it means she is projecting. She is mentally unstable, and not in touch with reality, she was paid a million dollars for not working. Any of us, would have put that in the bank, lived off the interest every month or maybe invest or buy a home and thank that man for the rest of our lives.She bought a freaking swimming pool and complained about it for 25 years, that's how much of a spoiled rich bitch she is. Try being unemployed and broke perhaps? (I'm actually employed and not broke before anyone says anything, but would love to have a million in the bank, especially for NOT working, that I don't have)"

It wasn't exactly her choice to "not work" as you put it- she sued him for breach of contract after she was  fired  from the show. 


BJR Profile Photo
#81ALW lawyer warns LuPone of 'false and libelous' statements
Posted: 10/26/17 at 9:51am

3 - People defending PL by saying "you can't tell her to move on" don't seem to have a problem with her calling ALW mentally unstable, an alcoholic. Can't have it both ways. If you think it's inappropriate to be dismissive of Patti's views because "you haven't walked in her shoes" you have to be fair and say the same about ALW - realizing none of us knows the full, true, story..."

Speaking only for myself, I'm not calling him any of those things. And as noted early in this thread, legally she must couch such language as *her opinion* or *allegedly*. Saying them as fact indeed is libelous. I think it's inappropriate to say how she should feel and I think it would be inappropriate for one of us to guess that ALW is an alcoholic. Legally, she shoudln't say it; morally, she hates the man (whom she used to know) for the trauma he put her through, and so it's less morally clear whether she should conjecture IMO.

ukpuppetboy Profile Photo
#82ALW lawyer warns LuPone of 'false and libelous' statements
Posted: 10/26/17 at 7:34pm

Saying them as fact isn't libelous if it is indeed just that. 

BuddyStarr Profile Photo
#83ALW lawyer warns LuPone of 'false and libelous' statements
Posted: 10/26/17 at 10:35pm

It also begs the question as to whether or not what she said is untrue.  And if it is then why doesn't he just sue her instead of 'threatening" to sue.  If he did sue her everything would all come out in court.

blaxx Profile Photo
#84ALW lawyer warns LuPone of 'false and libelous' statements
Posted: 10/26/17 at 11:03pm

ukpuppetboy said: "Saying them as fact isn't libelous if it is indeed just that."

I wish you were right. I want to see what HR says about me calling my boss an alcoholic and then say it's not libelous because it's a fact.

Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE

CurtisTaylorJr2 Profile Photo
#85ALW lawyer warns LuPone of 'false and libelous' statements
Posted: 10/27/17 at 12:54am

Everyone has their favorite performers, but that doesn't mean we should give them a pass when they are wrong. You can't call someone an alcoholic or mentally unstable even if it might be true, as it is not your information to disclose.

Soaring29 Profile Photo
#86ALW lawyer warns LuPone of 'false and libelous' statements
Posted: 10/27/17 at 12:55am

BuddyStarr said: "It also begs the question as to whether or not what she said is untrue. And if it is then why doesn't he just sue her instead of 'threatening" to sue. If he did sue her everything would all come out in court."

Because it would be highly expensive and a headache to do so. Trying to get her to stop by warning her is hopefully enough from their perspective.

Patti LuPone FANatic Profile Photo
Patti LuPone FANatic
#87ALW lawyer warns LuPone of 'false and libelous' statements
Posted: 10/27/17 at 6:03am

I'm surprised by some of the things she said.  

"Noel [Coward] and I were in Paris once. Adjoining rooms, of course. One night, I felt mischievous, so I knocked on Noel's door, and he asked, 'Who is it?' I lowered my voice and said 'Hotel detective. Have you got a gentleman in your room?' He answered, 'Just a minute, I'll ask him.'" (Beatrice Lillie)

Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#88ALW lawyer warns LuPone of 'false and libelous' statements
Posted: 10/27/17 at 6:37am

CurtisTaylorJr2 said: "Everyone has their favorite performers, but that doesn't mean we should give them a pass when they are wrong. You can't call someone an alcoholic or mentally unstable even if it might be true, as it is not your information to disclose."

So you think it wasn’t Ashley Judd’s right to disclose Harvey Weinstein is sexually abusive?

In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire https://theaterworkersforaceasefire.com/statement

Babe_Williams Profile Photo
#89ALW lawyer warns LuPone of 'false and libelous' statements
Posted: 10/27/17 at 6:46am

I am probably one of the few people here who is bored by Patti’s persona. I get that ALW acted unethically and illegally, but she settled the case. Move on. Her career hasn’t suffered. Same with all of her ‘outrageous’ opinions dragging other people she is constantly sharing. Who cares? It makes her sound like the petty one. its not just about this issue, it seems to be about everything. 

Updated On: 10/27/17 at 06:46 AM

newintown Profile Photo
#90ALW lawyer warns LuPone of 'false and libelous' statements
Posted: 10/27/17 at 8:02am

"You can't call someone an alcoholic or mentally unstable even if it might be true, as it is not your information to disclose."

What else are you going to do with your day?

AMWB Profile Photo
#91ALW lawyer warns LuPone of 'false and libelous' statements
Posted: 10/27/17 at 10:35am

LuPone is focused right now, 24/7, on surviving the last two weeks of her run in War Paint. She is in excruciating pain, but managed 8 shows a week with 12+ Major costume changes (which must be hell on the hip). She isn’t thinking about ALW or Sunset right now. She is thinking about her cast and crew and about her upcoming surgery... and healing. Give the woman a break.

I went to London and saw her in a SUNSET, 10 Days after the firing... She was incredible in the show. Truly. She brings such beautify to the songs. I had the opportunity to spend time with her afterwards and there was such a broken darkness in her, I wanted so badly to hug her tight and I’m glad I got to. The experience totally wrecked her emotionally.

But she rebounded. But our experiences are all part of our emotional suitcase we carry around. SHe still talks about how rough the Bakers Wife experience was... and how sweet and wonderful The Robber Bridegroom was for her. She has very powerful connections to her work and he people she works with — the good and the bad. I forget things from last week but she feels and remembers things deeply. I think that’s an extraordinary thing.

As for her being hard to work with — that’s BS. She is generous and giving and funny and fun and yes, works her tail off and expects it of others.

David10086 Profile Photo
#92ALW lawyer warns LuPone of 'false and libelous' statements
Posted: 10/27/17 at 3:32pm

I'm not sure she's "rebounded" from the experience, more than two decades later. If she's still dragging ALW through the mud in an interview, she hasn't fully rebounded. If she's focused on "WAR PAINT" as you say 24/7. and her upcoming surgery, etc. then maybe she should focus on that in the interview - and her upcoming role in "COMPANY" next year. And if the interviewer asks her about "SUNSET" she certainly can pass on the question, and reset the interview - focus on the present and the future; the past is the past.

It will be interesting to see if this warning from ALW's lawyer will quiet her down a bit. 

gypsy101 Profile Photo
#93ALW lawyer warns LuPone of 'false and libelous' statements
Posted: 10/27/17 at 3:39pm

i mean, the definition of libel is literally that it is a false statement. if it’s true doesn’t that make it...not libel

"Contentment, it seems, simply happens. It appears accompanied by no bravos and no tears."

newintown Profile Photo
#94ALW lawyer warns LuPone of 'false and libelous' statements
Posted: 10/27/17 at 3:39pm

Telling a woman to "quiet down?" I await responses...

Kad Profile Photo
#95ALW lawyer warns LuPone of 'false and libelous' statements
Posted: 10/27/17 at 3:46pm

Yeah, I'm sure a stern finger wag from Webber's lawyer will really quiet LuPone down. She's really a woman who likes to be put in her place.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#96ALW lawyer warns LuPone of 'false and libelous' statements
Posted: 10/27/17 at 3:48pm

newintown said: "Telling a woman to "quiet down?" I await responses..."

Being a woman prohibits other people from being able to say certain things to you? Really?

newintown Profile Photo
#97ALW lawyer warns LuPone of 'false and libelous' statements
Posted: 10/27/17 at 3:56pm

"Being a woman prohibits other people from being able to say certain things to you? Really?"

Have you been following current events for, say, that past 30 years?

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#98ALW lawyer warns LuPone of 'false and libelous' statements
Posted: 10/27/17 at 3:59pm

newintown said: "Have you been following current events for, say, that past 30 years?"

I just think it's completely laughable you're turning this discussion into a case of misogyny. 

newintown Profile Photo
#99ALW lawyer warns LuPone of 'false and libelous' statements
Posted: 10/27/17 at 4:05pm

Who am I to deny your opportunity to indulge in the joy of laughter?
