
LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift & Amanda Seyfried Offered Roles- Page 5

LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift & Amanda Seyfried Offered Roles

#100LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette
Posted: 1/4/12 at 12:45pm

Pretty sure Hugh Jackman draws young women, heh.

I took "strong soprano" to mean "strong upper register."

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

PitPro2004 Profile Photo
#101LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette
Posted: 1/4/12 at 12:48pm

As a friend of mine just pointed out...at least Eponine dies in the film. We can be grateful for that.

Shame it can't happen in the first five minutes...

"Sticks and stones, sister. Here, have a Valium!"

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#102LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette
Posted: 1/4/12 at 12:57pm

Will this be like HOUSE OF WAX where the entire audience cheers when Paris Hilton dies?

tazber Profile Photo
#103LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette
Posted: 1/4/12 at 1:05pm

That's what I was thinking jordy. I know I'll be happy when she dies.

Plus, they can't bring her back for the sequel.

....but the world goes 'round

EponineAmneris Profile Photo
#104LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette
Posted: 1/4/12 at 1:05pm

I like Amanda. I loved her in MAMMA MIA! and RED RIDING HOOD.

I have no opinion good or bad about Taylor Swift.

LES MIZ is my favorite show. Always has been, always will be.

Eponine and Cosette are my favorite female characters.

That said, this news saddens me and has totally turned me off from the movie LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette

Updated On: 1/4/12 at 01:05 PM

#105LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette
Posted: 1/4/12 at 1:10pm

Seeing her without make-up gives me a LITTLE bit of hope. She is very pretty when she is all made up and it would seem stupid of Marius to choose Cosette over her given the way we are used to seeing Taylor. Hopefully she does some vocal training prior to the shoot and that the make-up team does its job well. Dark hair would help make her unrecognizable as Taylor Swift too (and make her look closer to her rumored "parents"). I am more curious as to how she acts the songs rather than how she sings it.

finebydesign Profile Photo
#106LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette
Posted: 1/4/12 at 1:15pm

Well that Marius would be LUCKY to get either girl. Barf.

TheatreFan27 Profile Photo
#107LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette
Posted: 1/4/12 at 1:24pm

After reading this news last night, I was hoping to wake up today and discover that it was just some terrible nightmare.

Really?!? There was nobody else that could have played the part? Since this news hasn't been posted on Deadline, Hollywood Reporter, or Playbill, I too am hoping that BWW jumped the gun and this news is false...I have terrible feeling that it is not.

Kad Profile Photo
#108LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette
Posted: 1/4/12 at 1:26pm


"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

finebydesign Profile Photo
#109LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette
Posted: 1/4/12 at 1:28pm

Great! That lady knows her way around a successful film.

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#110LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette
Posted: 1/4/12 at 1:42pm

Brilliant thread, such a laugh, i adore when casting on anything is announced around here, the theatre queens clutch their pearls and give endless reasons why he/she will be no good.......cut to a year later and the pearls are safe and everyone says 'i always knew that he/she would be great in the role'.

Brilliant, this is why Broadway World should never go away

Namo i love u but we get it already....you don't like Madonna

best12bars Profile Photo
#111LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette
Posted: 1/4/12 at 1:44pm

No, but I wish your "queen" comments would.


"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

MCfan2 Profile Photo
#112LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette
Posted: 1/4/12 at 1:46pm

"On a scale zero to Bella Swan"? What does that even mean? How hard is it to play a whiny emo-teen like Bella?

Kad Profile Photo
#113LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette
Posted: 1/4/12 at 1:46pm

I personally love Broadwayworld because of the people who condescendingly comment on the behavior of everyone else as if they weren't a part of it.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

best12bars Profile Photo
#114LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette
Posted: 1/4/12 at 1:48pm

^ 'Zactly.

Now please excuse me while I find some pearls to clutch.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

Bettyboy72 Profile Photo
#115LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette
Posted: 1/4/12 at 2:13pm

Well this queen clutched his pearls when Travolta was cast as Edna and I didnt change my mind after seeing him. He sucked.

"The sexual energy between the mother and son really concerns me!"-random woman behind me at Next to Normal "I want to meet him after and bang him!"-random woman who exposed her breasts at Rock of Ages, referring to James Carpinello

#116LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette
Posted: 1/4/12 at 2:15pm

Assuming this is true, I am willing to give Taylor a chance. I was kind of hoping she wouldn't get it just because of the negative reaction I knew was going to happen here and other places; I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Watching that video, I think I kind of see the reasoning for chosing her, she voice does sound a little rough, in a good way; hints of Frances Ruefelle(though better IMO, I am not really a fan of Ruefelle's Eponine).

As for Amanda, I will like her in what I saw/heard on Mamma Mia. I'll be interested to see how she will be in this.

Updated On: 1/4/12 at 02:15 PM

latitudex1 Profile Photo
#117LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette
Posted: 1/4/12 at 2:20pm

"On a scale zero to Bella Swan"? What does that even mean? How hard is it to play a whiny emo-teen like Bella?

I think that was the point. She was saying that it was a really easy. But just like SporkGoddess said, that's like a principle for the NYC Ballet saying the role of Clara is easy or Kim Kardashian saying that tricking black men into marrying you is easy.

OF COURSE it's easy for her. But we're talking about Taylor Swift here.

#118LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette
Posted: 1/4/12 at 2:31pm

Borats gonna make an awesome Thernardier though!

xxdrewboy85xx Profile Photo
#119LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette
Posted: 1/4/12 at 3:05pm

the more I think about the casting of T-Swift as Eponine, the more it is starting to actually make sense.

I trust Tom Hooper and the Producers made the best decision in casting these roles and am very interested to see if she can live up to the role. I really hope she was the best and its not some sort of stunt casting.

Updated On: 1/4/12 at 03:05 PM

JP2 Profile Photo
somethingwicked Profile Photo
#121LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette
Posted: 1/4/12 at 3:16pm

There is strong interest in Swift based on her last two auditions, but she has not received an offer.

Tonya Pinkins: Then we had a "Lot's Wife" last June that was my personal favorite. I'm still trying to get them to let me sing it at some performance where we get to sing an excerpt that's gone.
Tony Kushner: You can sing it at my funeral.

#123LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette
Posted: 1/4/12 at 4:32pm

Entertainment Weekly and Universal have confirmed that Seyfried IS in final negotiations for the role of Cosette.


"The 26-year-old actress, who's also slated to play Linda Lovelace in one of the upcoming dueling biopics about the renowned adult actress, joins a star-studded cast that includes Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe, Anne Hathaway, Sacha Baron Cohen, Eddie Redmayne, and REPORTEDLY, Taylor Swift."


Updated On: 1/4/12 at 04:32 PM

ACL2006 Profile Photo
#124LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette
Posted: 1/4/12 at 4:39pm

if these producers have any smarts, they will NOT sign Swift.

A Chorus Line revival played its final Broadway performance on August 17, 2008. The tour played its final performance on August 21, 2011. A new non-equity tour started in October 2012 played its final performance on March 23, 2013. Another non-equity tour launched on January 20, 2018. The tour ended its US run in Kansas City and then toured throughout Japan August & September 2018.
