Cindi Lauper at Kinky Boots?

gstrus2 Profile Photo
#1Cindi Lauper at Kinky Boots?
Posted: 3/10/13 at 2:48pm

I am at kinky boots and cindi is here. Has anyone met her and would she be alright with taking a picture at intermission?

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#2Cindi Lauper at Kinky Boots?
Posted: 3/10/13 at 2:51pm

I would imagine she's at most performances as previews are all working performances.

ASK. What's the worst that could happen? She'll say no.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#2Cindi Lauper at Kinky Boots?
Posted: 3/10/13 at 5:49pm

I haven't seen her at the theatre, but I will say that whenever I've run into her at various rehearsal studios while they've been doing readings and workshops for the show over the past few years she's been very approachable. I didn't ask for a picture, but have had several pleasant conversations in elevators and hallways and what not.

I'm sure by this point the moment has passed, but, as dramamama said, ask politely (of course remembering to respect her space, if she's clearly having a conversation with the other creatives about the show don't interrupt), and the worse that can happen is that she declines.

Patti LuPone FANatic Profile Photo
Patti LuPone FANatic
#3Cindi Lauper at Kinky Boots?
Posted: 3/10/13 at 8:41pm

C y n d i loves her fans! I saw her reality series. from RC in Laredo, Texas

"Noel [Coward] and I were in Paris once. Adjoining rooms, of course. One night, I felt mischievous, so I knocked on Noel's door, and he asked, 'Who is it?' I lowered my voice and said 'Hotel detective. Have you got a gentleman in your room?' He answered, 'Just a minute, I'll ask him.'" (Beatrice Lillie)

#4Cindi Lauper at Kinky Boots?
Posted: 3/10/13 at 8:46pm

Having been at the first preview, and with friends who work in the theatre there, do not even try to approach her. She had 2 people literally guarding her from ANYONE during intermission. A friend saw it in Chicago and said she literally sprinted out of the stage door. So if she was approachable, she isn't anymore.

#5Cindi Lauper at Kinky Boots?
Posted: 3/10/13 at 10:04pm

I really think it depends on the timing and situation. That said, I have chatted with her in NYC sveral times amd she was extremely kind and gracious. My first pic with her didnt come out and she gladly did a second pic and made sure it came out. More people gathered and she chatted with all and was very sweet.

#6Cindi Lauper at Kinky Boots?
Posted: 3/10/13 at 10:12pm

I too can only say that Ms. Lauper was charming to me. I approached her briefly at a restaurant where I was sitting at the next table. Wanting to respect her space, I only acknowledged that I was a huge fan and intended to leave it at that. She continued the conversation asking who I was and being just wonderfully engaging and fun.

I agree that she's working and there are probably responsibilities that she has while at the theater, but if she doesn't seem busy, I'd be gracious and ask.

ucjrdude902 Profile Photo
#7Cindi Lauper at Kinky Boots?
Posted: 3/10/13 at 10:16pm

Bumped into her once in the city, literally. I said "I am so sorry bout that". Not like a "you're a high and mighty celebrity" more of a polite apology. She said, "Honey it's fine, no worries. It happens. Your shoes though are fabulous".

mc1227 Profile Photo
#8Cindi Lauper at Kinky Boots?
Posted: 3/10/13 at 10:22pm

I would imagine if she is working and taking notes during previews it would not be cool to bother her. She is part of the creative team and their job right now is to focus on tightening the show..I'm sure if you catch her outside the theater she would be more receptive.

The only review of a show that matters is your own.

drewmangroup Profile Photo
#9Cindi Lauper at Kinky Boots?
Posted: 3/10/13 at 11:52pm

From what friends have told me she is hit and miss. Super friendly at times, but certainly not always.

#10Cindi Lauper at Kinky Boots?
Posted: 3/11/13 at 12:04am

So basically she's like most other people on this planet and has days where she's feeling good and friendly and others where she would just rather be left alone.

April Saul
#11Cindi Lauper at Kinky Boots?
Posted: 3/11/13 at 1:42am

I saw her at the intermission of the performance I was at last week and it occurred to me to ask her to sign my Playbill, but she seemed to be engaged in a pretty intense discussion and it didn't seem appropriate. The folks here who seem to have had a good experience chatting with her weren't doing it while she was actually working on "Kinky Boots" so I'd say be careful in that situation...

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#12Cindi Lauper at Kinky Boots?
Posted: 3/11/13 at 4:05am

Be carefuL? How about size up the situation and just be polite?

But gee, since he didn't return to let us know, maybe she had him "eliminated".

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#13Cindi Lauper at Kinky Boots?
Posted: 3/11/13 at 5:18am

I met her backstage in Las Vegas at Caesar's Palace after seeing Bette Midler in THE SHOWGIRL MUST GO ON. The friend I attended the show with works for Bette's talent agency so we got to go backstage. We had our photos taken with Ms. Midler and then rode up in the elevator with Cyndi Lauper and her husband. I rarely do this but I looked at her and said "I'm a big fan". She was delightful. She said thank you and then said "You are SO tall." She is rather petite and I am 6'4". We talked briefly about Bette's show and then when the elevator got to the main floor, we said goodbye to each other and she told us to enjoy the rest of our trip to Vegas.

But I would not dared to have approached her at a preview of KINKY BOOTS when she is obviously working.

Updated On: 3/11/13 at 05:18 AM

ClydeBarrow Profile Photo
#14Cindi Lauper at Kinky Boots?
Posted: 3/11/13 at 7:21am

Cindi Lauper at Kinky Boots?

I hope you didn't bother her since you don't even know how to spell her name.


"Pardon my prior Mcfee slip. I know how to spell her name. I just don't know how to type it." -Talulah

#15Cindi Lauper at Kinky Boots?
Posted: 3/11/13 at 11:13am

I saw Kinky Boots on Saturday and as I was leaving I saw her talking with a few other people at the back of the orchestra. People were saying a few things on their way as they noticed her and she seemed very nice.

My boyfriend said, "Ms. Lauper the music was fantastic", and she responded: "Thanks, it really is everyone." That was enough interaction for him, but I didn't really feel it was a situation to stop for pictures or autographs.

But she did seem friendly enough.

Update! Whoops I saw it Saturday evening not Friday! Updated On: 3/11/13 at 11:13 AM

BrdwyThtr Profile Photo
#16Cindi Lauper at Kinky Boots?
Posted: 3/11/13 at 11:36am

I saw it on Friday and didn't see her anywhere. Jerry Mitchell was a few rows behind me and I assumed she'd be sitting with him.

#17Cindi Lauper at Kinky Boots?
Posted: 3/11/13 at 1:06pm

Has anybody spotted Harvey at the theatre?

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#18Cindi Lauper at Kinky Boots?
Posted: 3/11/13 at 8:48pm

Cyndi wasn't there on Friday, I overheard someone say she wasn't at stage door.

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.

Sinfonian4life Profile Photo
#19Cindi Lauper at Kinky Boots?
Posted: 3/11/13 at 8:57pm

Oh rorschach37, of course you would ask that! Silly goose!

#20Cindi Lauper at Kinky Boots?
Posted: 3/13/13 at 11:58am

Nothing wrong with wanting to say hi to "Mama". :P

anthony95401 Profile Photo
#21Cindi Lauper at Kinky Boots?
Posted: 3/13/13 at 12:12pm

I was there last night and boh Harvey and Jerry were there. Didn't see Cyndi.

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#22Cindi Lauper at Kinky Boots?
Posted: 3/13/13 at 12:42pm

Cyndi actually was there on Friday. As I left the theater, I saw her practically hiding behind one of the doors from the lobby that lead into the orchestra. She seemed to just be listening to the buzz from the audience, and only a couple of other people around me noticed her. An audience member grabbing his coat from coat check complimented her on the show and she seemed very grateful.
