Post Tony morning discussion

Broadway3 Profile Photo
#1Post Tony morning discussion
Posted: 6/10/13 at 9:39am

I feel disappointed.
I feel like the American Theatre Wing raped my happiness.
The whole show felt like something we had to stumble through and had no real memorable moments.
It was as good as the MTV music video awards, famous host makes stupid jokes. Last year felt like it flowed perfectly and felt like a true event. This felt like a yearly meeting, not an event.

Performances, weak. Kinky Boots was so cookie cutter.
Matilda did a pretty good job.
Why even put once in there if they are gonna be a lead in a from a commercial.

Seems like Broadway wanted a lot more for everyone compared to the little time slot.

Please do give your thought on the show.

#2Post Tony morning discussion
Posted: 6/10/13 at 9:51am

I disagree. There were plenty of memorable moments.

- Cicely's acceptance speech was absolutely amazing.
- Cindi's tears as she stood to approach the stage.
- Andrea's acceptance speech
- Patina's acceptance speech.
- Cinderella performance (raised my interest to see this)
- Pippin performance (glad I saw this in Boston and NYC)
- enjoyed current shows introducing segments

- NPH tongue kissing Sandy
- Memorial segment - wish the pictures/names were the focus on tv instead of featuring Cindi's performance. I wanted to see the tribute!
- Once performance (so glad I've avoided this)
- Bring It On performance (glad I didn't go see this)
- Kiny Boots performance (no desire to see this)
- Matilda performance (no desire to see this)
- Phantom LOL not shocked by the lip synching

without going back to read the recaps of the show - those are the things that I remember this morning.

broadway guy
#2Post Tony morning discussion
Posted: 6/10/13 at 9:57am

I thought the SHow was GREAT! Best Tony show in awhile. My thoughts:

OPENING NUMBER was AMAZING! I felt like i was watching BE OUT GUEST!! Just Amazing!

-Pippin's Performance was out of this world and just magical! A Plus!

- CInderella's performance was one of the best of the night and even thought the costume change was awkward I still felt the magic. I really want to see that show now.

-Matilda's performance was good except for the little girl completely cracking under pressure. The fact that they got an award and then cracked on national television says a lot. Lilla didn't crack at all. I think we all know which kids are the true professionals here. Anyway, I liked Matilda's Performance a lot. Those kids have crazy energy and I liked how i got to see Bertie

-Bring it on was horrible. WTF WAS THAT??? Horrible song,horrible energy horrible everything.

-Christmas story was dumb also. The tap dancing kid was great but besides that it was just dumb.

- Motown sucked.

-WTF ONCE? horrible horrible horrible.

- Kinky Boots performance sucked also. That is the best song they have?? A five year old could come up with those lyrics. How this show made it past the Pre Broadway tryout I will never know. Worst best musical winner in along time.

-LOLZ Laura Looked pissed when she didn't win HAHAHA.

- COMPLETELY surprised Tom Hanks didn't win but watevs

- YAY PATINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Billy winning over Bertie was a big surprise to me. Don't really care though.

- Jane killed it in Little Girls. That Woman can do anything. Sucks that no one remembers kate now :/

Updated On: 6/10/13 at 09:57 AM

yankeefan7 Profile Photo
#3Post Tony morning discussion
Posted: 6/10/13 at 10:02am

Random thoughts on the Tony awards

1) Enjoyed opening number and NPH was better this year but still think it is time to change hosts before it gets real stale, like Billy Crystal did at Oscars

2) I know there is a 75 second time limit but wish sometimes producers should use their judgment and let someone like Cicely Tyson finish her speech.

3) Tracy Letts winning was the biggest surprise to me all night, thought sure Tom Hanks or Nathan Lane would win.

4) It was great seeing Megan Hilty in that spoof musical number about being in TV series

5) Wish the audience would wait until all the names in the "Memorian" were flashed on screen before they applauded. Cyndi Lauper did nice job on "True Colors".

6) Don't know who the young boy was who did the tap solo in the "Christmas Story" segment was but he was fantastic.

7) After seeing "Matilda" I left theatre thinking it should/would win "Best Musical" and the small sampling of "Kinky Boots" I saw last night did not change my mind.

I know POTO celebrated it's 25th anniversary this year but did we really need to see a "performance" from it last night.

9) Amazing that CBS is so worried about running over a couple of minutes during Tony Awards broadcast but would not worry a bit if it was a major sporting event.

10)For people who are in live theatre, I was really surprised how many people needed to read part of speech from a piece of paper. Actors remember incredible amount of lines so a 75 second or less speech should not be that hard. Producers and other non performers make presentations and I am sure attended other awards ceremonies (Drama Desk for exp.)so making a speech is not something totally new. IMO - they know they have a chance to win so why not prepare something and if you think you can't remember the names of everyone just generically thank entire cast producers etc.

tazber Profile Photo
#4Post Tony morning discussion
Posted: 6/10/13 at 10:11am

The fact that they got an award and then cracked on national television says a lot.

What does that say exactly?

....but the world goes 'round

#5Post Tony morning discussion
Posted: 6/10/13 at 10:12am

I'd go for "X" minutes of Cicely giving a genuine heart touching speech over a laundry list of people that most viewers cannot relate to or even care about. I was hanging on Cicley's words.

I do understand being nervous in the moment and not wanting to forget people but everyone who got you there doesn't realize it is YOUR moment. Share your thoughts. Speak from your heart. Performers - stop reading the Playbill credits to us please!

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#6Post Tony morning discussion
Posted: 6/10/13 at 10:12am

"9) Amazing that CBS is so worried about running over a couple of minutes during Tony Awards broadcast but would not worry a bit if it was a major sporting event."

Major sporting events get ratings.

RaisedOnMusicals Profile Photo
#7Post Tony morning discussion
Posted: 6/10/13 at 10:14am

Yankeefan7, just FYI, the Cinderella transformations are MUCH smoother in the show. They're really magical.

Thrilled with the Letts win, which he completely deserved, but shocked he got it. Didn't see it coming at all.

All in all, best Tony show in years. NPH was great.

CZJ at opening night party for A Little Night Music, Dec 13, 2009.

best12bars Profile Photo
#8Post Tony morning discussion
Posted: 6/10/13 at 10:16am

By the way, that number from A Christmas Story was great. I wasn't expecting it to be that good.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#9Post Tony morning discussion
Posted: 6/10/13 at 10:16am

While I don't think every performance was great, I thought the show on a whole was the best of the last few years. I'm not sure the production team (The league or CBS) can be responsible about "moments". The shows choose what songs to perform and the individuals accept as they want.

I had plenty of moments.

And, btw, CBS DOES think of it as advertisement which is why they included so many current (not nominated) shows.

Erik is right: Major sporting events have gads of folks watching, the Tonys do not. While I would love for PBS to take over, we are lucky any major network wants to air them.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

rosscoe(au) Profile Photo
#10Post Tony morning discussion
Posted: 6/10/13 at 10:16am

The fact that they got an award and then cracked on national television says a lot.

Your'e a idiot.

Well I didn't want to get into it, but he's a Satanist. Every full moon he sacrifices 4 puppies to the Dark Lord and smears their blood on his paino. This should help you understand the score for Wicked a little bit more. Tazber's: Reply to Is Stephen Schwartz a Practicing Christian

deltatee Profile Photo
#11Post Tony morning discussion
Posted: 6/10/13 at 10:20am

I thought the show was pretty good overall. It was a nice tribute to Broadway, and I loved seeing all the shows represented. I am disappointed that Matilda didn't do better, but I wasn't surprised.

#12Post Tony morning discussion
Posted: 6/10/13 at 10:20am

Does Pippin play better in person? It looks kind of tacky and too busy on TV.

yankeefan7 Profile Photo
#13Post Tony morning discussion
Posted: 6/10/13 at 10:20am

ErikJ972 - Sporting events do get ratings but delaying nightly news on East coast for 5 -10 minutes on a Sunday night is not that important IMO. As for other time zones, I don't think the world will end if show is delayed few minutes or picked up "in progress".

Broadway3 Profile Photo
#14Post Tony morning discussion
Posted: 6/10/13 at 10:21am

I honestly couldn't tell if Jane Lynch did good or bad. After her performance, my friend and I looked at each other and said "I'm not sure if she just killed that performance or if she embarrassed herself"

yankeefan7 Profile Photo
#15Post Tony morning discussion
Posted: 6/10/13 at 10:26am

Broadway3 - IMO she was ok which is what I think most people woud say

#16Post Tony morning discussion
Posted: 6/10/13 at 10:30am

Sorry, I didn't think Laura looked mad when she didn't win. She clapped and seemed happy. And you can bet she will get her Tony, and I'm thinking she'll do it before she's 30. She's got so much time! Also, as one who has not seen either Pippin or Cinderella, after seeing the telecast last night, I would be MUCH more inclined to see Cinderella, and the people I was watching with said so too. WONDERFUL performance. Pippin did not reel me in and I wouldn't pay to see that. Just my opinion :--)

loliveve Profile Photo
#17Post Tony morning discussion
Posted: 6/10/13 at 10:31am

I LOVED the opening number!!

Other misc thoughts:

- Was amazed once again by Luke's tap dancing skills in A Christmas Story

- Jane Lynch was wonderful! Wish I could see her in the role.

-NPH and Sandy= Gross and unnecessary

-Matilda- still love that show and I bet that her voice cracked because it seemed a lot higher than in the show... probably so they could transition to the next song

- Cicely Tyson's speech showed everyone how it should be done.

-Billy Porter's comment about his mother was sweet, and "sharing" the award made me laugh :)

-Yay for Cinderella!! Both for the delightful performance and for winning best costume design!

... lots of others, but that's pretty much what was on my mind first thing this morning!

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#18Post Tony morning discussion
Posted: 6/10/13 at 10:31am

Most folks seem to love Pippin (I know I did) -- but as with anything, there isn't a consensus. There are moments it is all fired crazy, but not always. I feel the moments it was were carefully chosed to BE hectic and uncomfortable.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

broadway guy
#19Post Tony morning discussion
Posted: 6/10/13 at 10:33am

"What does that say exactly?"

It isn't Obvious? You don't see the irony?

#20Post Tony morning discussion
Posted: 6/10/13 at 10:40am

I enjoyed the opening - it was nice to see Broadway coming together and re-embracing Radio City.

My biggest gripe with the show is that I actually want to see people win awards. The telecast used to show most of the awards, minus the technical awards in the first hour. I feel like they barely showed anyone actually winning last night - even for huge awards like best book - and everything was a recap of something that had already happened. It's frustrating - I know the entertainment aspect is huge and they need ratings, but it's also important to me to see the main point - the awards.

That said, I thought most of the performances were pretty good. I was confused as to why "Once" needed a mini-performance, and I wish some tribute had been paid to shows that, while perhaps not nominated for "Best Musical," had nominees (like "Drood"). I was happy, after seeing "Bring It On," that I didn't spend my money to go - their entire song sounded like the opening number from "Into The Heights." I love "Phantom," but that performance was unnecessary, and badly lip synched. I wish, for "Matilda," they'd just performed "When I Grow Up" with complete staging from the show - it was a beautiful number. I saw "Cinderella" on Saturday and the arrangement of "Ten Minutes Ago" used on the Tonys was SO MUCH BETTER than in the actual show.

I don't agree with all of the awards, but I'm happy for all the winners, and just to be nominated is wonderful.

Also, I'm in NYC so we got to see the whole thing, but I understand elsewhere in the country CBS cut the awards off near the end - shame on CBS. How many sports events, etc., run long? I get it, not as many people are interested in Broadway, but it's one night - one show. If a network makes a commitment to air something, they should air the whole thing.

Also, I think we all need to stop being so hard on the kids of "Matilda." I've seen adults do more than crack performing at the Tonys. Oh, and I like NPH, but I really hope this is his last year for a while. End on a high note.

Updated On: 6/10/13 at 10:40 AM

Phillytheatreguy10 Profile Photo
#21Post Tony morning discussion
Posted: 6/10/13 at 10:44am

My overall thoughts- awards largely went to those who I expected.

Surprises for me were Featured Actor in a musical and play. Bertie should've remained featured and he would've won- his producers did a disservice petitioning otherwise. As for the play, I thought it was between Kind and Burnstein with Shaloub close behind. Featured actresses were predictable wins- my question is this- if Andrea Martin wasn't on a trapeze would she have won? Her performance was great in Pippin- can't wait to see it again (if I can get close to it now) I thought Ashford had more stage time and she was my second choice. Actor n a play- Way to go Letts! His performance was riveting and fresh, for me this was the upset of the night, I thought Hanks was walking away with it. Billy Porter, so happy for him! He has more than paid his dues. Best actresses, Tyson deservedly so, inspiring speech, Miller great win, Osnes was probaly her only formidable competition. Best play and musical revivals- no surprises here in my book either- great material stands the test of time clearly. Best play, no surprise. Best musical in many people's eyes was a surprise, not to me, obviously I'm a fan. Seeing Matilda in July cannot wait! Bertie's performance last night really has me looking forward to his performance.

Opening and closing well done, I also enjoyed the exposure other shows ot throughout the night. Aside from obvious teleprompter issues I thought it was effective.

Matilda- It was ok, felt bad for the little girl.
Annie- Jane Lynch looked uncomfortable to me, Lilla was superior to the Matilda's.
Pippin- dazzling, as usual.
Bring it On- It's closed, and having seen the show, that performance did noting to show off the show at all, but the cast has begun other projects and are out of practice, this required far less work then the other high-flying numbers in the show.
Phantom- Why? Who is the Phantom right now, not impressed, again not an accurate portrayal of the entire work. Lip synching on the Tony's, eh.
A Christmas Story- I really want to see this now! Again, probably required the least amount of characters to perform, those kids were crazy good!
Cinderella- Can't wait to see this in July! Perfect use of a Tony performance.
Kinky Boots- the big winner! Other songs are superior in the show, but as I stated in a previous thread this gives less away.
Kudos to the telecast for including a Drood highlght reel! If I forgot anyone, that says alot about the show lol.

NPH- over it, my thought after seeing Rannels onstage- he would've been better!

Overall an enjoyable night compared to past years!

Phillytheatreguy10 Profile Photo
#22Post Tony morning discussion
Posted: 6/10/13 at 10:46am

Oh, Motown, that's all.

dreaming Profile Photo
#23Post Tony morning discussion
Posted: 6/10/13 at 10:49am

I thought it was a pretty strong broadcast. I was very pleased with most of the results. I think most of the speeches were excellent (cutting Cicely and Patina off wasn't very nice). The performances were pretty good, I thought. (For the most part, they were really well put together. I was a little disappointed in how they did the Cinderella performance-that costume change is much, much better in the show.)

Anyway, overall I was pleased.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#24Post Tony morning discussion
Posted: 6/10/13 at 11:36am

Best awards show in years. (Decades?)
