
American Psycho - if you LIKED it, post here

American Psycho - if you LIKED it, post here

groucho797 Profile Photo
#1American Psycho - if you LIKED it, post here
Posted: 6/6/16 at 12:35pm

It just seemed logical to post a thread specifically for folks who enjoyed the show and were sorry it closed. Hopefully those who hated the show will exhibit a similar logic by creating their own thread for that purpose. Haters gotta hate, but lovers gotta love, so I'm hoping we can have our little party without anyone coming in specifically to poop in the pool.

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#2American Psycho - if you LIKED it, post here
Posted: 6/6/16 at 12:38pm

Best show of the season. Hamilton who?

groucho797 Profile Photo
#3American Psycho - if you LIKED it, post here
Posted: 6/6/16 at 12:43pm

LOL! Well, that was fun while it lasted....

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#4American Psycho - if you LIKED it, post here
Posted: 6/6/16 at 12:53pm

I was being serious.

#5American Psycho - if you LIKED it, post here
Posted: 6/6/16 at 1:08pm

I liked it, mostly because of Ben Walker though. 

haterobics Profile Photo
#6American Psycho - if you LIKED it, post here
Posted: 6/6/16 at 1:28pm

I liked it.

#7American Psycho - if you LIKED it, post here
Posted: 6/6/16 at 1:37pm

I loved it.

The sum of its magnificent parts didn't quite add up to a magnificent whole, but it was daring, bold, and damn entertaining. I saw it three times--I love an underdog. And they could have knocked someone off the Best Actor Nominee list, because Walker deserved a nomination at the very least. 

Petralicious Profile Photo
#8American Psycho - if you LIKED it, post here
Posted: 6/6/16 at 1:55pm

I really enjoyed it.  It was funny, great music and hunky cast. Sorry to see it go

When They Go Low, I Go High

#9American Psycho - if you LIKED it, post here
Posted: 6/6/16 at 1:57pm

I saw the third preview and thought it was thrilling. So sad to see it gone already.

And dat cast, tho.

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#10American Psycho - if you LIKED it, post here
Posted: 6/6/16 at 1:59pm

Count me in . Glad we saw it.

Poster Emeritus

groucho797 Profile Photo
#11American Psycho - if you LIKED it, post here
Posted: 6/6/16 at 2:01pm

CATSNYrevival said: "Best show of the season. Hamilton who?"

Oh, I agree - or else I wouldn't have started such a mushy thread.


groucho797 Profile Photo
#12American Psycho - if you LIKED it, post here
Posted: 6/6/16 at 2:09pm

I'm cross-posting something that I wrote for another Psycho thread, but now it seems more like it belongs here. I mention in passing that I saw the show four times - twice in previews and the final Friday and Sunday night shows. Comments are cordially invited.

Here’s sort of a “post-mortem” (more like a series of random musings) about the show (warning: too long, don’t read):

The final show reminded me more of a rock concert than a Broadway show. Funny how everyone loved Pink Floyd: The Wall when it toured. Frankly, I think this show and PF:TW share some DNA – both lead characters experienced rather unpleasant meltdowns (accompanied by a very loud score). Perhaps this show should tour that way instead – perhaps it would be more likely to find an audience that way.

The venue was appropriate for this show: small, claustrophobic. No escape from the onslaught. I don’t think I’d have enjoyed it quite as much if I had to view it from half a mile back.

Major props to Theo Stockman as Tim Price; his icy delivery kept stealing scenes, imho. On the surface, Price acted as sort of a guardian angel, but he was deliciously devilish. I think Theo’s credit was too far down in the program.

I Am Back: simply put – grim. As in Joker/Killing Joke grim. I can’t think of many shows where the protagonist holds court over a blood-soaked stage and an equally bloody pile of bodies. Additional acknowledgement to the blonde who was gyrating slightly upstage left from Bateman during the number. I’m sorry that I couldn’t tell which actor you were, but it was clear that your date with Patrick wasn’t going very well at all. I hope you’re recovering ok.

This Is Not an Exit: reminded me of parts of Genesis’ “Lamb Lies Down on Broadway” tour. Both works have such a hallucinatory feel to them. Yes, I brake for hallucinations.

When I first saw the show in previews, the audience was in shock for most of Act 2; there was almost no applause. They responded enthusiastically at curtain call just the same. That stunned silence appeared to have evaporated during the run as time went on, but I almost miss those initial reactions. Eh, I’m over it.

Is the show a period piece? Yeah, and the period is now. Swap the Walkman for an .mp3 player and nobody will notice.

Perhaps those of you who wanted to see the show and didn’t get there in time can take comfort in knowing that there’s an excellent chance of a budding young psycho evolving not two doors away from your home. Hell, the internet is lousy with them.

I describe the show as an electrical storm that suddenly arises over an unsuspecting populace. Some will run shrieking to the safety of their homes (and perhaps a nice safe recording of Lion King). Others will simply walk away, saying “I ain’t staying out in this mess! I have Hamilton tickets.”

And a few crazy souls will linger outside and marvel at the force of nature unfolding before them. I’ll admit that I was loony enough to stand outside and get struck by lightning four times during the show’s run. I don’t regret a second of it - but I will probably catch myself comparing other shows to this one and saying “Well, the show was OK…. But I still miss Psycho.”

Cult shows have their detractors; I’m still trying to figure out the second half of Rocky Horror (admittedly, I’m not trying very hard). I hope this show finds a new life somehow.

Liza's Headband
#13American Psycho - if you LIKED it, post here
Posted: 6/6/16 at 2:34pm

If you LIKED this horrendous stage adaption, then you clearly don't understand or appreciate the original source material. An inept team of creatives did a poor job at translating it onto stage. What a shame!

Petralicious Profile Photo
#14American Psycho - if you LIKED it, post here
Posted: 6/6/16 at 2:41pm

Did you see it Miss Headband? Was there anything about it you did like?

When They Go Low, I Go High

#15American Psycho - if you LIKED it, post here
Posted: 6/6/16 at 3:07pm

Liza's Headband said: "If you LIKED this horrendous stage adaption, then you clearly don't understand or appreciate the original source material. An inept team of creatives did a poor job at translating it onto stage. What a shame!



You're in the wrong neighborhood, girl...

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#16American Psycho - if you LIKED it, post here
Posted: 6/6/16 at 3:10pm

Headband's last comment is one of the most intelligent she's made here in some time.   I understood her meaning entirely.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#17American Psycho - if you LIKED it, post here
Posted: 6/6/16 at 3:15pm

I don't think this thread is necessary but I loved American Psycho.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#18American Psycho - if you LIKED it, post here
Posted: 6/6/16 at 3:19pm

Because she wasn't hating on the show at all with the comment.  

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

ethan231h Profile Photo
#19American Psycho - if you LIKED it, post here
Posted: 6/6/16 at 3:24pm

One of my favorite musicals of all time, any my favorite this season!

#20American Psycho - if you LIKED it, post here
Posted: 6/6/16 at 3:32pm

Count me in to those that loved the show! I saw it 2x on Memorial weekend. And I flew in from IA to see it! 

PS: I've been reading (or trying to) the book but only 1/3 thru after 2 months, I have never seen the movie. But I loved listening to the OLCR and thoroughly enjoyed this version of it! Hope an OBCR will be made!!!

Updated On: 6/6/16 at 03:32 PM

#21American Psycho - if you LIKED it, post here
Posted: 6/6/16 at 4:04pm

Count me in as someone who loved the show. Went in blind - haven't read the book or seen the movie - but had an idea of the basic premise. My friends and I all loved the music, performances, and the staging. And since we all hadn't read the source material, we had a lively discussion after the show regarding the ending. LOL

desperateAndee Profile Photo
#22American Psycho - if you LIKED it, post here
Posted: 6/6/16 at 4:20pm

Count me in as someone who fell instantly in love with the piece. A damn travesty that it has closed so early. Last night's final performance was absolute insanity. An experience I don't think I'll ever forget; Ben had to mime for us to stop clapping and hollering after SELLING OUT. There was a complete symbiotic relationship happening between the audience and the cast last night; everyone was in on the joke and having a damn blast. As someone so aptly put above me, it was a rock concert. Such electricity, passion and terrifying energy buzzing throughout the space. The actors brought IT, the musicians brought IT, and the audience brought IT.

As a firm believer in the Art of Darkness, this production only elevated ideas brought forth in Bret Easton Ellis' novel, or Mary Harron's film adaptation. We are now, more than ever, all Patrick Bateman. Rupert Goold's brilliant staging was stark, daring and dripping with blood; Ben Walker's performance was brilliant, heartbreaking and startling. The list goes on...

I saw it three times and probably would have kept going back, had it not been slaughtered so early in the game. The Schoenfeld became a place to embrace your weirdness, your carnality and your bacchanal sensibility. Just like it's neighboring show across the street (rhymes with Ramilton), AP was changing the BWay/musical theatre game. A mean, cheeky, electronic look into the Abyss; I will be forever so grateful that I got to indulge in this Killing Spree.

Side note: during the beginning of At The End of an Island, Helene began undressing and the audience went wild. She slipped in an ad-libbed "thank you," to which there was rapturous applause. She also took forever to acknowledge Patrick during the beginning of the Birthday party, which again, lauded much applause. 

kdogg36 Profile Photo
#23American Psycho - if you LIKED it, post here
Posted: 6/6/16 at 9:50pm

Count me in as another huge fan. Very disappointed that I didn't get to see it a second time. American Psycho - if you LIKED it, post here

Headband and dramamama, do you care to clarify? It sure sounds like Headband was dissing the show to me. :) Which is fine of course.

Updated On: 6/6/16 at 09:50 PM

E. riley
#24American Psycho - if you LIKED it, post here
Posted: 6/6/16 at 10:08pm

Groucho797, once again I love your wonderful post mortem. 

Long day and out of words but YES we do need this thread. Liza's Headband take your negativity and just...

find a thread about SHADE 'cuz you just keep throwin'.

Loved this show so much! Even better the second tome. Ben Walker gave my favorite performance of a lead male actor of the year and really was robbed of a Tony nom.

Not eloquent at the moment but wanted to chime in. I wish it had a longer stay because I miss it. 

It was Theatre lightening!

haterobics Profile Photo
#25American Psycho - if you LIKED it, post here
Posted: 6/13/16 at 10:38am

Duncan Sheik is this week's guest on the Bret Easton Ellis podcast. I didn't listen to it yet, but the show description is: "Duncan Sheik and Bret Easton Ellis discuss American Psycho: The Musical, Broadway's resistance to change, Hamilton and Radiohead."

