
Shows you've walked out of- Page 3

Shows you've walked out of

devonian.t Profile Photo
#50Shows you've walked out of
Posted: 10/3/16 at 8:26am

In decades of theatre-going I've left early only on very rare occasions.

I couldn't bear Anything Goes with Elaine Paige though- that show seems to provoke early departures...

CindersGolightly Profile Photo
#51Shows you've walked out of
Posted: 10/3/16 at 8:37am

trpguyy said: "I kept trying to walk out of Good Vibrations but they would have fired me if I did."

This was far too funny for it to be ignored.

They/them. "Get up the nerve to be all you deserve to be."

#52Shows you've walked out of
Posted: 10/3/16 at 9:01am

It's possible there's something else but the only one I can think of was a reading of some old plays/poems in the village. I wasn't feeling that great and I just decided that life was too short that day.

Otherwise, I have a pretty high tolerance and I like to see the good in everything so I wait for those moments if they're in short supply. I'm never that tempted to walk out in the middle of something but I will say that I can think of some times I might not have come back after intermission if they hadn't taken the option away. (*cough Mercury Fur) Generally, I can make it through any show. It's the audience members I'm struggling with lately. 

I love Doctor Zhivago.

Ado Annie D'Ysquith Profile Photo
Ado Annie D'Ysquith
#53Shows you've walked out of
Posted: 10/3/16 at 10:10am

Wildcard, can you tell me what you so disliked about the Fiasco Into the Woods? I thought the general consensus was that it was a good production, albeit with some weaker vocalists...


PatrickDC Profile Photo
#54Shows you've walked out of
Posted: 10/3/16 at 10:21am

Only once: FLOYD COLLINS. at Theaterworks in Mountain View. I like bluegrass but the show just didn't work for me.  

#55Shows you've walked out of
Posted: 10/3/16 at 10:22am

I've never walked out of a show but I greatly considered it at both the first and second intermission of Gore Vidal's "The Best Man". 

I found it incredibly boring. First intermission I thought "maybe it will get better" so I sat through it. Second intermission I thought "well it didn't get better but the third act isn't terribly long" so stuck it out. In my opinion, it didn't get better and I wish I had left but the cast was stellar.

lucillefrank Profile Photo
#56Shows you've walked out of
Posted: 10/3/16 at 10:47am

I've only ever walked out of one and that was If/Then. I find Anthony Rapp insufferable. 

i've got 99 problems and a revival of parade would solve like 94 of them

#57Shows you've walked out of
Posted: 10/3/16 at 11:29am

I've never actually walked out on a show. However, suffering through the touring company of "Dirty Dancing" changed my mind. However, the friend I went with did not want to leave.....so sadly for me, I stayed. I'm pretty sure it was my worst theater going experience ever.

#58Shows you've walked out of
Posted: 10/3/16 at 11:37am

Recently, School of Rock-left even before Act 1 ended. I found it loud, boring and it was giving me a headache!

BIG BALONEY Profile Photo
#59Shows you've walked out of
Posted: 10/3/16 at 11:41am

Modern dress is always a problem with me and I now think twice about seeing shows that are so.I left at intermission at The Crucible because I couldn't stand the production and recently I suffered through The Cherry Orchard. I wanted to leave but I was at a matinee and had booked an evening show. So I stayed.

#60Shows you've walked out of
Posted: 10/3/16 at 11:44am

I left the recent productions of Long Day's Journey and A View from the Bridge. Both were at the end of very long travel days (up at 4:30 to be at the airport at 6 for an 8am flight to NYC), which isn't a problem for seeing theatre those evenings when I am enjoying the show. I know both are well loved and well written plays but I just did not like either and couldn't stay engaged, and thought it was less rude to leave quietly when I had the opportunity than to fall asleep during the show and possibly disturb other audience members. I think it was the direction by van Hove that I didn't like for Bridge, but I just did not connect with Long Day's Journey at all (I may have stayed were it a shorter play)

TNick926 Profile Photo
#61Shows you've walked out of
Posted: 10/3/16 at 12:00pm

I left at intermission for THE LAST SHIP...loved some of the music, but I could have written the second act myself, so obvious was the trajectory, that I saved myself having to sit through it.

My best "leaving at intermission" story was attending a preview of MOOSE MURDERS with my friend actress Lee DeLong.  We were both very young, newly arrived in NYC, full of  theatrical aspirations and love of the art!  After the first full act of astonishments (in the way a horrific auto accident is astonishing), Lee stood up and shouted loudly "This is an OUTRAGE to the theater!" She stormed up the aisle - I followed and tried to get her to come back for Act 2, but she said she could take no more of the carnage (especially distressing watching Holland Taylor struggle to make something of the part Eve Arden had had the sense to escape from!).  She met me in a nearby bar after the show.  But I have to see Act 2 to see if it could actually be worse than Act 1...IT WAS!!!  No other bad show has ever topped it in my book... :)

haterobics Profile Photo
#62Shows you've walked out of
Posted: 10/3/16 at 12:10pm

lucillefrank said: "I've only ever walked out of one and that was If/Then. I find Anthony Rapp insufferable."

Umm, pretty easy to know he was in it beforehand... Shows you've walked out of

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#63Shows you've walked out of
Posted: 10/3/16 at 2:21pm

As for regional productions and tours, I've walked out of several.  Most recently, the national tour of Newsies.  I'm a fan of the film and the score, but I found almost nothing likable in the stage production.

Broadway: Priscilla, Queen of the Desert.  What made the film so brilliant was the juxtaposition of the drag queens against the bleak backdrop of the outback, which crossed over to the characters they encountered along the way.  When you remove that backdrop and make everything on stage the same level of the color and camp as the drag queens, the contrast is gone and it's just all bright, loud and gawdy all the time.  Left at intermission with a pounding headache.

West End: In a Forest Dark and Deep (preview).  There was no intermission and no aisles, so about 20-30 minutes into the show, I climbed over people unwilling to let me out and when I passed Neil LaBute at the end of the row (who was also the director), I told him it was a steaming pile of sh*t.  It was two detestable characters hinting at a "shocking" reveal that you could see coming from a mile away, basically behaving like LaBute characters, bolstered with cliched foreshadowing as subtle as a sledgehammer.  Admittedly, I was already in a REALLY bad mood and was hoping the play would serve as escapist entertainment, but it just made the world so much WORSE.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

IronMan Profile Photo
#64Shows you've walked out of
Posted: 10/3/16 at 2:40pm

I try not to leave the 'so bad it's good' type shows, as they may even get worse (and usually do), but the unforgivable sin is boredom.  

The ones I've bailed on are few, but...

HANDS ON A HARDBODY - I just didn't care about anyone or the songs that all sounded alike.

LENNON- Singers violently riffing in 6-part harmony on gentle sweet songs was too much to take.

BOMBAY DREAMS- We saw the fountain number, and that was all we needed to see. 

STOP THE WORLD I WANT TO GET OFF - A tour in the 80s with Anthony Newley... this festival of self-indulgence stopped at intermission, and I got off. 

"What- and quit show business?" - the guy shoveling elephant shit at the circus.

#65Shows you've walked out of
Posted: 10/3/16 at 2:41pm

I usually manage to find even the slightest redeeming value of any productions, so out of respect to everyone performing, I never walk out of any productions during intermission. EXCEPT a single performance, SF Opera's "La Traviata" in 2014. The production was dull beyond belief, the singers was barely audible, the music dragged, and I was tired and not feeling well. The singers subsequently go to my black-list. 

overthemoon2shiz Profile Photo
#67Shows you've walked out of
Posted: 10/3/16 at 3:22pm

I walked out of Baby It's You and would have left Rain if my companion wouldn't have wanted to stay- both were free tickets. 

So terrible. 


SweetLips Profile Photo
#68Shows you've walked out of
Posted: 10/3/16 at 3:45pm

trpguyy said: "I kept trying to walk out of Good Vibrations but they would have fired me if I did. 

The best[funny] response-love it.



VernonGersch Profile Photo
#69Shows you've walked out of
Posted: 10/3/16 at 11:33pm

forgot some other shows i walked out of:

THE BEST MAN - BROADWAY (bored out of my skull)

DEAD MAN'S CELL PHONE  - off broadway (so annoying)

IF/THEN - Tour.  Idina sounded amazing but the show wasn't so fantastic.  glad i saw that first act tho

STAGE KISS - Geffen Theater   really wanted to enjoy the play but god was that awful and trite.  cast wasn't stellar either.  Poor Geffen Theater is having a rough time of it - but they certainly have had some stellar productions

nsguy45 Profile Photo
#70Shows you've walked out of
Posted: 10/4/16 at 2:03am

I was so close to walking out of A Doll's Life, but I was enjoying observing Betty Comden, Adolph Green and Hal Prince arguing with each other throughout the show as they sat directly in front of me.

loveinnewyorkcity Profile Photo
#71Shows you've walked out of
Posted: 10/4/16 at 7:28am

I've never actually left during a show or at intermission, mainly because I was with other people, but there's a long list of shows I wanted to leave during. 

Living On Love and Legally Blonde being the main two.

I actually waited in the lobby during the Lion King since my group wanted to stay. I had a good time chatting to the merch booth worker.

Wick3 Profile Photo
#72Shows you've walked out of
Posted: 10/4/16 at 7:38am

I recall when I watched Book of Mormon back in 2011, I saw at least 10 people not return to their seats after intermission. I'm guessing they were real Mormons who felt disrespected by the show?

Anyway, as for me, the only show where I walked out during intermission was the play "The Invention of Love." I loved the first half but unfortunately I didn't realize how long the show was and had I stayed to the very end, I would have missed the last bus out of Port Authority by 5 minutes. I know that was a silly excuse but back at that time it seemed like the right decision.

theatregoer3 Profile Photo
#73Shows you've walked out of
Posted: 10/4/16 at 7:43am

Well, obviously I walked out of this recent incarnation of Falsettos. 


I've also bailed on Dear Evan Hansen, The Crucible (2016) and one other that I can't remember. We left about five minutes into Shakespeare Sonnets at BAM. The ushers in our section all started laughing and on the way out one of them said, "Yeah...this one isn't for me either."


Long ago I used to get offended seeing empty seats in the second act. Now I don't mind it. I'd rather have the people who aren't into it head out so the rest of us who are can better enjoy it communally. :)

#74Shows you've walked out of
Posted: 10/4/16 at 9:13am

"The Look of Love" @Intermission

"The Herbal Bed" @ Intermission

"Metro" - Before Intermission.


Lucky for me all these tickets were comps.  If I recall an review in the Village Voice called 'The Herbal Bed" about as enjoyable as a case of Gonorrhea. 

#75Shows you've walked out of
Posted: 10/4/16 at 10:11pm

Seen 186 different shows in my lifetime, the one I couldn't wait to walk from was Hamilton, Was sitting next to one of the Producers and his wife and they were just as rough as the show. Rather have Bamboo shoots stuck up my fingernails. JMO, Fluffies
