Broadway Star Joined: 10/22/05
Not completely sure, but when he came out the stagedoor I glanced at him and then looked at the playbill and I'm pretty sure it was him.
Yikes this show is the gift that keeps on giving...only its not exactly a gift :/
And neti pots are quite nice...they really do clear out everything and its nice if you have a bit of a stuffy head and you have to sing. It is uncomfortable but nothing out of hand.
There is just a point when enough is enough.
Exactly. It's more than "just four accidents". It's four accidents, a possible audience member injury, delay after delay, and money being hemorrhaged every which way. At what point do you say "when"?
And the sad part of this whole mess is that they are going to try to spin this as much as they can and prolly blame it on the actor "not hooking himself up properly" or some BS like that
And I'm sure they are going to keep on forging ahead and rather then fix it, Miss Taymor prolly come up with a "better" stunt that is more dangerous.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/13/09
So far the only indication of an audience member being injured was one person over hearing another person saying it happened to the person sitting near them. That reeks of urban legend in the making (my cousin's best friend's nephew's babysitter...)
It's also dumb to compare the number of injuries in past productions.
The fact that those productions had accidents does not justify future catastrophes. It's not like you can say "Cats had 12 injuries, so until Spider-Man gets 13, then it can't be THAT bad, can it?"
I feel so bad for those who need the job. Must be terrifying to feel unsafe at work.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/5/09
This is horrifying.
I hope the actor was not seriously injured, and that he has a swift and complete recovery.
I feel that performers' safety needs to supercede all other considerations, and that there hasn't been enough done to ensure it in this production. Too many injuries in too short a time.
I also find the blase indifference of the "accidents happen all the time" crowd here very unsettling.
"And I'm sure they are going to keep on forging ahead and rather then fix it, Miss Taymor prolly come up with a "better" stunt that is more dangerous."
I really hope this will not be the case. Taymor will hopefully learn from the FOURTH injury. I do not think she will try to put in any more extremely dangerous stunts at this point, but then again this IS Julie Taymor.
So far the only indication of an audience member being injured was one person over hearing another person saying it happened to the person sitting near them. That reeks of urban legend in the making (my cousin's best friend's nephew's babysitter...)
Which is why I used the word "possible".
I do not think she will try to put in any more extremely dangerous stunts at this point, but then again this IS Julie Taymor.
I wonder if the ambulance had a straight jacket on hand for Julie.
Leading Actor Joined: 5/1/09
"I really do feel like this outrage over injuries is exaggerated. They happen in theater more than any other industry"
Well, this is clearly false. Take the NFL for starters. Then move on to almost any other professional sport.
Then just take a look at all the reality shows like Deadliest Catch, Ice Road Truckers, Axe Men, etc. All much much more dangerous than the theater industry. Plus almost anything to do with fishing.
Then add in anything to do with transportation - lots and lots of injured truck drivers, loaders, etc.
Then add all the oil rig guys - super dangerous.
Then add in numerous manufacturing industries.
Don't really have an opinion on whether Spiderman is too dangerous, but the belief that freaking theater of all things is one of the most dangerous industries is ludicrous.
There are probably more injuries in theater than accounting, or telemarketing, but there are many many many non-office jobs that are much much worse.
theatre people need to get over themselves.
we really do.
"the belief that freaking theater of all things is one of the most dangerous industries is ludicrous."
I could not disagree more. Theatre can be dangerous. Nearly every type of live entertainment is dangerous and performers are prone to accidents and injuries. Theatre is a totally different league than the NFL so you can't even really compare them.
Good Lord on his throne...
I was so glad when I got to see this a few weeks ago when I was in town, but I had a pit in my stomach for much of the time hoping everyone would be okay.
Wow. Hope those involved are okay.
Well, it's bedtime on BWW. Hope to wake up to some good news
(I was tempted to use a MST3K quote about napkining up the blood and entrails but I rethought that.)
"I could not disagree more. Theatre can be dangerous. Nearly every type of live entertainment is dangerous and performers are prone to accidents and injuries. Theatre is a totally different league than the NFL so you can't even really compare them."
When someone says theatre is one of the most dangerous industries, you are then comparing theatre to EVERY industry.
Yes, theatre can be dangerous and all involved are open to any number of injuries, whether it be sprained ankle or a freakin' Fresnel falling on them. But I have never felt unsafe on the stage while acting, and I don't think you'd find many actors who would say differently. I would not even think to label theatre as being remotely "dangerous" in the way any number of any other industries are. I would not even say it's risky. It's simply not- or rather, SHOULDN'T be.
KAD- I am not saying it is the most dangerous industry by any means. Like you said, it can be dangerous in that actors are prone to accidents.
There is a definitely a brace on him & he's being supported by blocks.
"All signs were good as he was taken to the hospital for observation."
That could be a standard precaution for something of this nature, however. I'm not versed in EMT stuff, so I don't know, but it doesn't seem far fetched- better safe than sorry, yeah? Some injuries are not obvious immediately.
However, I wouldn't be surprised if all signs weren't good at all. They are definitely being cautious about what they say at this point, and I don't blame this. This is absolutely the last thing the show needed.
There is a video of the incident on the NY Times website. I'm shocked that they would post the video in the first place and also because it's a bootleg.
Yeah, he headed straight down. No way in hell all signs are good after that.
You can also hear him hit too.
Updated On: 12/21/10 at 02:39 AM
That actually did look like it was supposed to happen except for the thumping sound at the end. However, considering that was not supposed to happen, that fall does NOT look good.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/15/06
An accident is not just an accident here....
While people are trying to compare it to 'stage' shows, Spider-Man has characters flying above the audience and it seems SO unstable that is just a matter of time an innocent person will be hurt. There is NO doubt in my mind an audience member WILL get injured. Who ever owns the theatre better save up.
Look at it this way, OTHER show accidents while bad happen on stage and the actor is usually the one hurt. While that is bad enough, WHAT happens when something goes wrong in Spider-Man and a child or person is hurt in the audience.
If someone falls from above and a young kid is below? Could you imagine?
Something will happen to an audience member. I hate to say it, but it will happen.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/15/06
After watching the video, it doesn't look like he fell on MJ at all. Was she supposed to go down or no? I haven't seen the show, but she went down a lot slower.
Curious to know what is suppose to happen in that scene..
Updated On: 12/21/10 at 02:57 AM
I haven't seen the show either but as far as I know, she "falls" into a pit area. Spider-Man is supposed to jump after her. By the looks of it, he landed NEAR her and not ON her (since Jennifer was reported as uninjured). I gather that the screaming/sobbing from her was mostly because she was freaking out and scared.