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...Are there any Republicans in the arts?- Page 2

...Are there any Republicans in the arts?

babygiraffeboots Profile Photo
#25re: ...Are there any Republicans in the arts?
Posted: 3/13/05 at 11:54pm

I technically don't consider myself a republican because I plan on registering independent but I do lean towards the right and would have voted for Bush if I could. It's so hypocritical of liberals in the arts who discriminate against conervatives and say things like they don't deserve to be in theatre or arn't realy member of the arts community. I guess there are bad seeds in every group.

"Without Jews, fags, and gypsies, there is no theatre!" ~Mel Brooks, To be or not to be

#26re: ...Are there any Republicans in the arts?
Posted: 3/13/05 at 11:58pm

In my opinion "the Bushs of Tex were nervous recks because their son was dim" is mean spirited, not political humor.

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

mattvcrewse Profile Photo
#27re: ...Are there any Republicans in the arts?
Posted: 3/14/05 at 12:00am


I'm not even a Republican.

My thing about "good old entertainment" is not about who gets bashed, but I'm tired of pretentious theatre in general that grants itself the responsibilty to educate the masses. Why can't a show just be entertaining? What happened to charm and wit? I kind of got off on a tangent, but I just wish everyone would chill out.

#28re: ...Are there any Republicans in the arts?
Posted: 3/14/05 at 2:21am

Ok there is regular entertainment which is great! But there are also the really artsy shows. Almost all of the respected playwrights and composers have made political statements in their work. You really should look into some of the acts in Vaudeville. I mean for goodness sakes look at Shaw, Ibsen and a man called Bertolt Brecht. There are all sorts of politics in their work and NOT just in America. It exsisted in Mozart's time! Operas were political and although the kings and queens didn't know it, many of the "legit" stage works were making a direct statement as to what was happening at the time. Someone else mentioned The easliest form of theatre. Just think about greek theatre. It was a religious institution. What's more political than Religion? HEH you can't deny that it's always existed. There were no good ole days of entertainment. I think there were shows that had no political messages at all and were merely for fun, but hey we still have that today. Just becuase there have been about 4 shows that are even in the slightest way hinting to politics doesn't mean the theatre is rampant in them. There are still just fun, entertaining shows.
Updated On: 3/14/05 at 02:21 AM

eslgr8 Profile Photo
#29re: ...Are there any Republicans in the arts?
Posted: 3/14/05 at 2:28am

It's hard to be Republican and be in the arts because the way Bush and the "Christian" right have turned the party into a group of antigay bigots is a position difficult to maintain in a community where gay people are and always have been at the heart of its creativity and vitality.

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#30re: ...Are there any Republicans in the arts?
Posted: 3/14/05 at 4:22am

It doesn't help that Bush is a ****ing immoral moron, but ANYWAY, here are my thoughts on the subject of the arts and celebrities getting political (from my blog):

"I can't count the number of times I have heard or read someone complaining about a celebrity or film's delving into political issues. From Barbra Streisand to Sean Penn to Tim Robbins to Janeane Garofalo, celebrities are ticking people off for doing more than just a song and a dance. From Million Dollar Baby to Ellen to Fahrenheit 9/11, Hollywood has been giving armchair critics apoplexy.

Well, quite frankly, this animosity lacks any knowledge of the fact that art and artists have been political since the beginning of time. The only difference in modern times is that we have much more freedom of speech than our ancestors who had to discuss political and controversial issues in extremely subtle ways.

Art is tied directly to the philosophy of

1. the era of the writer

2. the era of the story's setting

3. the era that the work is viewed or produced

Art is not only meant to entertain. Art is allowed to be provocative and educative.

And artists should be allowed to use their fame for whatever expression they desire. People don't complain when they agree with the celebrity. They don't mind celebrities raising money for charity, entertaining the troops, singing at conventions, or running for political offices like Governor or President--as long as they are Republican.

But how DARE Susan Sarandon admonish our abuse of Haitian AIDS sufferers! How dare Michael Moore question our beloved President!?

So, you can bet your butt that if I ever gain any kind of celebrity, I will not cease being an activist. And, if you want to turn the channel or abstain from buying a ticket, fine. But, remember that I have as much a right to speak out and you do yelling at your TV screen."

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#31re: ...Are there any Republicans in the arts?
Posted: 3/14/05 at 4:46am


"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

#32re: ...Are there any Republicans in the arts?
Posted: 3/14/05 at 5:12am

I still think the War in Iraq was/is probably wrong, but it wasn't as though those innocent little kids were living some peaceful idyllic life before evil Bush came in and starting dropping bombs on their houses. All Iraqis lived in constant fear of the horrendous torture and murder that Sadaam and his Republican Guard spread throughout the country. Misguided as he was, Bush was trying to stop that, among other things.

On the subject of politics in theater, I think they are fine as long as they enhance the play like, for example, in The Crucible instead of detracting from it like in Embedded.

#33re: ...Are there any Republicans in the arts?
Posted: 3/14/05 at 7:58am

Getting back to the basic question -- Bruce Willis and Janine Turner are both Republicans. Now whether you consider Bruce's new movie "Hostage" or Janine's moist eye commercials "the arts" is another thing.

melissa errico fan Profile Photo
melissa errico fan
#34re: ...Are there any Republicans in the arts?
Posted: 3/14/05 at 8:37am

If you've read previous posts of mine, you'll know that I'm obviously not a Republican, but there are Republicans in the theatre. For the most part, I believe that people's political beliefs are private. If you choose to share them, good for you. If you choose not to share them, that's your right, too.

Katecab99 Profile Photo
#35re: ...Are there any Republicans in the arts?
Posted: 3/14/05 at 8:47am

i'm a registered independant but voted for bush. i think it's very true that many of us in the arts are not as apt to throw out our political standing because we are such an incredible minority that all we would be doing is defending ourselves. i can definitley see the point of view of everyone who disagrees with me, and i respect them for that, but they won't influence my opinion, just as i am unable to influence theirs.

but, of course, i'm not beyond some bush bashing and good humor. i may have voted for him. it sure as hell doesn't mean i agree with much of what he does. i think the Q quote is one of the funniest and most appropriate lines i've ever heard. it's only for now, people...

bwaysinger Profile Photo
#36re: ...Are there any Republicans in the arts?
Posted: 3/14/05 at 9:29am

I think the problem with Republicans in the Arts (or rather why they are so often perceived in a bad light) is simply because of the party line on the arts in general. Funding cuts, funding cuts, funding cuts. Democratic administrations typically have much larger budgets for artistic endeavours. I remember being in school during the first Bush's term and watching art budgeting for schools go completely away. When Clinton was elected, it returned. Now, I'm far removed from my school days now so I can't say how it truly is with this Bush without looking at the numbers, but I'm sure it's unfavorable.
Plus, there is the aformentioned "God hates fags" party line of the Republicans, which does make an industry dominated by homosexuals a trifle ruffled.

robbiej Profile Photo
#37re: ...Are there any Republicans in the arts?
Posted: 3/14/05 at 10:21am


sorry if this sounds insulting, but did you read my post? I said theater CAN be just entertainment (as you have sighted in many examples, but if you can't see how both A CHORUS LINE and WEST SIDE STORY can't be considered 'political' in their own ways, then I can't help ya with that). But theatre has never existed as ONLY a form of entertainment and nothing else. Saying revues are meant solely for entertainment is a little skewed as well. There were some...but there were also revues that used topical events of the day to make satiric comments on society. Not to mention the incredible political theatre that came out of the time period you mentioned (SHOW BOAT being an obvious choice).

By the way, I never said that I believe all art is political. I just said there are some people who believe it and could make that argument rather well.

You can find political statements (intentional or not) in a majority of art ie. FORREST GUMP.

OH...and one last thing. Ethel Merman was a Republican.

"I'm so looking forward to a time when all the Reagan Democrats are dead."
Updated On: 3/14/05 at 10:21 AM

MasterLcZ Profile Photo
#38re: ...Are there any Republicans in the arts?
Posted: 3/14/05 at 10:45am

As was Irving Berlin. He was quite a virulent anti-Communist in the 1950s. Yet he mainained a good friendship with the red-diaper baby "Yip" Harburg.

Back then, the fiscially responsible, goverment-out-of-the-public's-private-lives Republican party was a very different animal.

"Christ, Bette Davis?!?!"

robbiej Profile Photo
#39re: ...Are there any Republicans in the arts?
Posted: 3/14/05 at 11:12am

VERY different!

"I'm so looking forward to a time when all the Reagan Democrats are dead."

#40re: ...Are there any Republicans in the arts?
Posted: 3/14/05 at 11:17am

Oh please, cut the crap.

The Democrats were different animals back then as well. That party hasn't been the same since the McGovern bunch took over in '72.

melissa errico fan Profile Photo
melissa errico fan
#41re: ...Are there any Republicans in the arts?
Posted: 3/14/05 at 11:17am

Also, Berlin's best friend was Cole Porter, a homosexual.


Vincent Gallo (Film maker, provacateur)
Patricia Heaton (Emmy-winning star of "Everybody Loves Raymond")
Heather Locklear ("Melrose Place," "Dynasty," "Spin City, "LAX")

shameless Profile Photo
#42re: ...Are there any Republicans in the arts?
Posted: 3/14/05 at 11:57am

Here's the thing, and republicans I mean no disrespect, but republican agendas are not viewed as gay-friendly. And the arts are very gay-friendly. So, I think it's difficult for non-republicans to understand how people can agree with this administrations stand on things like gay marriage and civil rights, in general, and also be fans of the arts. The arts are all about, freedom of expression and being true to yourself, and most republicans are looked at as having very conservative views and not giving those concepts a lot of value.
I'm not saying this is true, or that it pertains to every republican, I'm just telling you how I think a lot of liberals, artists and fans of the arts think, and that's probably why there are not a lot of republicans, or "openly-republican" fans out there.

Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be enbered with your old nonsense. ~ Emerson

melissa errico fan Profile Photo
melissa errico fan
#43re: ...Are there any Republicans in the arts?
Posted: 3/14/05 at 12:02pm

"The Republican agendas are not gay-friendly..."

You don't need a crystal ball to figure that out. re: ...Are there any Republicans in the arts?

#44re: ...Are there any Republicans in the arts?
Posted: 3/14/05 at 12:08pm

Actually I think that any musical displays a certain political point of view. It doesn't need such obvious references, political point of view can be seen in the ideal way of living or the contempt of a way of living the show projects. And there is no show that doesn't at least make such a statement.

Updated On: 3/14/05 at 12:08 PM

brdwaybaby17 Profile Photo
#45re: ...Are there any Republicans in the arts?
Posted: 3/14/05 at 12:29pm

jrb... you're my hero.

AndiV Profile Photo
#46re: ...Are there any Republicans in the arts?
Posted: 3/14/05 at 12:56pm

VERY INTERESTING topic! i have voted in both democratic and republican primaries, and recently have leaned more toward Republican policies, but but hold fast to the desire to vote for the candidate who best represents my views, based on my personal research.

what drives me crazy is condescension that seems to come my way if i mention my support for Bush. i would hope that those who voted for Kerry had done research on his political record as well as Bush's, and had come to an educated decision, as i did in my choice for Bush. and for some one who disagrees with me to question my intelligence based on that decision is maddening to me.

personally, had i been presented with a better option from the democratic party, my decision might have been swayed, but i refuse to vote AGAINST someone, rather than for someone.

i admit that i laugh along with Bush jokes that mimic his idiosyncrasies, but when it becomes a personal attack on his character or very being, that's where i think it goes overboard.

So long status quo/ I think I just let go/ You make me want to be/ BRAVE

Adam Chris Profile Photo
Adam Chris
#47re: ...Are there any Republicans in the arts?
Posted: 3/14/05 at 1:31pm

AndiV- well said.

robbiej Profile Photo
#48re: ...Are there any Republicans in the arts?
Posted: 3/14/05 at 1:42pm

Re: people voting for Bush.

As a gay man, I simply cannot understand how anyone expected me to even give serious consideration to voting for Bush (let alone the 23% of gay people who actually did vote for him).

There are people in my life who voted for Bush, and I asked them how, when they profess to respect my relationship with my partner and are so happy that I've found someone, could they vote for the person and party that wishes to deny me the right to legally protect such relationship? Invariably, they tell me, 'Oh...I don't support his stance on gay marriage,' to which I reply, 'Have you written a letter to him or any other member of your party to express that? Have you attended any sort of meeting of your party to say you wish this issue not be a part of the Republican platform?' And then I get the sheepish look and a very quiet 'No.'

In the end, the debate over taxes, big gov./small gov. is healthy and invigorating. But it's a debate that is meaningless if we are not all working from the central conceit that there is liberty and justice FOR ALL.

So you'll have to forgive a small amount of condescention. Those of us who still pay taxes but don't participate wholly in our system of government because rights are denied us may get a little prickly now and again.

"I'm so looking forward to a time when all the Reagan Democrats are dead."

#49re: ...Are there any Republicans in the arts?
Posted: 3/14/05 at 2:02pm

I'm sorry but there are more issues to deal with than gays getting married. Don't get me wrong I'm gay myself and I voted for Kerry, but I'm registered republican. But most educated people are not voting based on one issue. I mean if you have to remember that most of the country republicans and democrats alike do not support gay marriage. Keep in mind that Kerry didn't even support gay marriage. He supported civl unions and he honestly sort of skirted around the issue.
