I would like to see War Paint nominated over Groundhog Day.
Birdie Boy said: "I would like to see War Paint nominated over Groundhog Day.
Ok? And? You're being extremely childish. You can like to see whatever you want, but that doesn't make it realistic. I loved War Paint, but Groundhog Day is a tighter show, and both of them are just more colorful than Bandstand.
Yeah, because "colorful" really gets those nominators going...
GreasedLightning said: "Yeah, because "colorful" really gets those nominators going...
Actually yeah it does.
BroadwayConcierge said: "Alexis Soloski for New York Times is in, and while she gives praise to the lead performances, really did not like the show:
The press photo is SCARY...
Birdie Boy said: "I would like to see War Paint nominated over Groundhog Day.
I doubt that will happen
Bandstand: mixed-to negative reviews
War Paint: overall mixed-to negative reviews
Groundhog Day: mixed-to overall positive reviews
I would say War Paint and Bandstand did better than mixed to negative. Idk I just feel like the Tony's should make up for 2014 where they shut out all the creative shows, and only nominated commercial stuff. Would be nice to see War Paint or Bandstand join the other three to make all Best Musical nominees original, creative, and not commercial.
Broadway Star Joined: 9/15/16
VotePeron said: "Bandstand: mixed-to negative reviews
War Paint: overall mixed-to negative reviews
Groundhog Day: mixed-to overall positive reviews
I'm sorry but Bandstand did not get mixed to negative...it clearly got mixed to positive.
Copperfield2 said: ""smidge said: "HenryTDobson said: "Deadline is positive, but kudos to them for acknowledging the problem of the completely white cast.
Lol, this may come as a surprise to Kevyn Morrow, but your point is well taken."
It was strange to me that almost the entire cast is white when this show could have easily included actors of color without a problem.
Does everyone know that the armed forces were segregated in World War II? There were no African American pilots on the famous aircraft carriers. Blacks were mostly reduced to preparing and serving food for the whites. The Navy had no commissioned African American officers until 1944.
In the army African Americans served in their own segregated units. The all-black 332nd fighter group, called the Tuskeegee Airmen, brought fame and respect to its members due to its amazing performance in the air war over Europe. It is said, and is probably true, that all-white bombing units requested the 332nd to protect them on their bombing runs deep into Germany.
It would have been historically inaccurate to show blacks and whites swapping war stories in the same clubs and bars.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/20/03
Because no one seems to have noticed the painfully obvious here - the early reviews were all from sites that are completely meaningless. The reviews from places that mean something are not raves, they're not mixed, they all lean towards negative while acknowledging the effort. I don't understand how anyone can attempt to spin this any other way.
Broadway Star Joined: 2/14/17
Because as has been noted, the reviews are just the opinions of individuals (who do not vote on the Tonys) and therefore there aren't specific reviews that 'matter' in regards to what will be nominated, more so that the overall reception of a piece can be relatively sussed out (although again it may mean nothing in regards to Tonys).
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/26/16
Birdie Boy said: "I would say War Paint and Bandstand did better than mixed to negative. Idk I just feel like the Tony's should make up for 2014 where they shut out all the creative shows, and only nominated commercial stuff. Would be nice to see War Paint or Bandstand join the other three to make all Best Musical nominees original, creative, and not commercial.
"And the nominees for best musical... and the Tony committee wanted everyone to be aware their choices are a make up for 2014... are...".
That's funny.
Dancingthrulife2 said: "BroadwayConcierge said: "Alexis Soloski for New York Times is in, and while she gives praise to the lead performances, really did not like the show:
The press photo is SCARY...
What is scary about that photo to you... if anything, it's your avatar that is frightening.
And hk, like it or not, the comment was a generalized summary of reviews. Maybe the top tier publications were more mixed or negative, but the overall count from everyone seems more mixed to positive.
ETA: Didhelikeit has us at two positive, two on the fence and once negative.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/20/03
froote said: "Because as has been noted, the reviews are just the opinions of individuals (who do not vote on the Tonys) and therefore there aren't specific reviews that 'matter' in regards to what will be nominated, more so that the overall reception of a piece can be relatively sussed out (although again it may mean nothing in regards to Tonys).
I wasn't talking about the Tonys, I'm talking about the attempts in this thread to say this show got great reviews. Go read the thread and tell me where I'm mistaken. I don't give a crap about who gets nominated for a Tony.
OlBlueEyes said: "
Does everyone know that the armed forces were segregated in World War II? There were no African American pilots on the famous aircraft carriers. Blacks were mostly reduced to preparing and serving food for the whites. The Navy had no commissioned African American officers until 1944.
In the army African Americans served in their own segregated units. The all-black 332nd fighter group, called the Tuskeegee Airmen, brought fame and respect to its members due to its amazing performance in the air war over Europe. It is said, and is probably true, that all-white bombing units requested the 332nd to protect them on their bombing runs deep into Germany.
It would have been historically inaccurate to show blacks and whites swapping war stories in the same clubs and bars.
And? Does the show deal with these issues? Does it specifically address the segregation? No. It doesn't matter since it's not relevant to the plot. Also, this type of music wouldn't be around if not for African-Americans, so why not have some of them in the band? We are past the point where shows can get away with having no to barely any actors of color.
Stand-by Joined: 11/4/06
I don't think it would have been hard to add some dancers of color in the ensemble.
It's too bad Isherwood was dismissed from the NY Times because his well written review would have helped the show.
Is this show performing on Broadway week on the Today show? I think it would help with the buzz a lot.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/30/15
LesWickedly said: "OlBlueEyes said: "
Does everyone know that the armed forces were segregated in World War II? There were no African American pilots on the famous aircraft carriers. Blacks were mostly reduced to preparing and serving food for the whites. The Navy had no commissioned African American officers until 1944.
In the army African Americans served in their own segregated units. The all-black 332nd fighter group, called the Tuskeegee Airmen, brought fame and respect to its members due to its amazing performance in the air war over Europe. It is said, and is probably true, that all-white bombing units requested the 332nd to protect them on their bombing runs deep into Germany.
It would have been historically inaccurate to show blacks and whites swapping war stories in the same clubs and bars.
And? Does the show deal with these issues? Does it specifically address the segregation? No. It doesn't matter since it's not relevant to the plot. Also, this type of music wouldn't be around if not for African-Americans, so why not have some of them in the band? We are past the point where shows can get away with having no to barely any actors of color.
Yes, you see, children, because of segregation, in the past people of color were actually invisible. They didn't work in any stores or walk down the street and if a white person walked by, they had to run and hide behind a tree or in an alleyway.
Seriously, though... it looks like Kevyn Morrow and Morgan Marcell are in the ensemble. And anyone else is at least passing.
"It would have been historically inaccurate to show blacks and whites swapping war stories in the same clubs and bars"
The new paradigm in casting shows is not about "accuracy," whether one likes it or not. The story gains nothing by including only white people; and having witnessed the banal mediocrity that is Bandstand, I really doubt that anyone involved was much concerned with "accuracy" of any kind, as every character talks and behaves like a dusty old two-dimensional stereotype or stock character.
It wouldn't have killed them to cast some actors of color.
Whatever one's appraisal of the reviews, mixed to this, mixed to that, Linda Winer nailed the real problem here: marketing the show with a brand name that doesn't match boomers' and younger perceptions. "Bandstand" is a Dick Clark era one word moniker, though obviously the term's roots are timeless. So the name conjures one thing, the show evokes another. This is a post WWII show, and WWII is a tough era to push in 2017. Those who recall it are over 80. It isn't an era with nostalgia investment (again, for boomers and younger), nor does its (admittedly beloved) music currently have a wide fan base. It's a niche piece, no matter how expertly rendered in terms of music and dance. It has no stars. It's a tough sell.