Sho-Tunes-R-Us said: "Dammit, Janet! No pool.
Well, that sucks. It really was quite a moment. The fall in was pretty cool. But the re-emergence topped that. I do wonder if they left in the car bit......
Swing Joined: 7/25/19
ggersten said: "Sho-Tunes-R-Us said: "Dammit, Janet! No pool.
Well, that sucks. It really was quite a moment. The fall in was pretty cool. But the re-emergence topped that.I do wonder if they left in the car bit......"
Yeah they're keeping the car, Danielle did an Insta Live earlier and walked past it backstage.
l0islane said:
"Yeah they're keeping the car, Danielle did an Insta Live earlier and walked past it backstage."
Having the car and
and pushing it off the stage seemingly into the orchestra pit and leaving it there blocking several audience members' views
are different.
My friend posted from tech and they have lights and tracks in the floor. Any idea where they are teaching? An empty theater somewhere?
Sho-Tunes-R-Us said: "Dammit, Janet! No pool."
"sources told us that [the pool has been scrapped] because the American actors’ union is more uptight than its British counterpart about potentially dangerous stunts"
I call BS on this argument. It didn't stop them from including the pool in the Broadway transfer of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.
Lot666 said: "Sho-Tunes-R-Us said: "Dammit, Janet! No pool."
"sources told us that [the pool has been scrapped] because the American actors’ union is more uptight than its British counterpart about potentially dangerous stunts"
I call BS on this argument. It didn't stop them from including the pool in the Broadway transfer ofHarry Potter and the Cursed Child."
As I recall Harry Pitter just had a bit of diving and splashing around. BOOH's pool scenes are much more elaborate, hence the concern.
The pool involved a major dive and then a costume change under water. One good thing about it being scrapped is that it might make the show a little shorter.
Andrew and Christina are such a sweet couple. The end of the interview is quite funny.
Here is our BUILD Series video in case you missed it!!
Sho-Tunes-R-Us said: "Andrew and Christina are such a sweet couple. The end of the interview is quite funny.
Here is our BUILD Series video in case you missed it!!"
Lucky underwear!
For some reason, the Build Series website wasn't loading video for me (even when I turned adblock off and then back on), but luckily, they upload it to YouTube too, so if you had the same problem, here you go:
They did the load in yesterday. Lets hope the show makes lots of money.
We have tickets for the August 10 matinee and I find myself checking the availability every few days, just to see how it's selling. With at least half of the theatre still unsold, I'm getting really worried about the feasibility of this run.
SmoothLover said: "They did the load in yesterday. Lets hope the show makes lots of money."
Narrator: It won't
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/19
Was wondering why it was taken off TDF but looked and the balcony is pretty much unsold for most of the first few.
Swing Joined: 7/25/19
Lot666 said: "We have tickets for the August 10 matinee and I find myself checking theavailability every few days, just to see how it's selling. With at least half of the theatre still unsold, I'm getting really worried about the feasibility of this run."
To be honest there were lots of unsold seats for the majority of the second London run and it ran like that for months so maybe they have enough money to suck up any losses.
Swing Joined: 7/12/19
I won't be getting to New York until the end of August, but some friends of mine / hardcore fans are coming over from the UK to attend the first preview(s) and cheer the cast on. Can't wait to hear the first reports!
Understudy Joined: 11/25/15
I'm going to the show Sunday night, so I will be sure to post some comments. I saw the show at the Dominion, so hopefully I can give you some good comparisons. I haven't seen Andrew yet as Strat, so hopefully he is performing. I'm looking forward to seeing Christina & Danielle again, as well as newcomer Lena Hall whom was a tremendous get. Looking forward to Sunday!! Hope some more fans buy some tickets though as the cast really feeds off the energy of the crowd.
V2David said: "I haven't seen Andrew yet as Strat, so hopefully he is performing."
Just curious - who did you see as Strat? I'm probably in the minority here, and I haven't actually seen the show yet, but what I have seen in clips of Mr. Polec does not impress me. Hopefully I'll appreciate him more when I actually see the show.
V2David said: "newcomer Lena Hall whom was a tremendous get"
Have you see the footage of her performing "Paradise by the Dashboard Light"? I think she slays it.
Understudy Joined: 11/25/15
Lot666 said: "V2David said: "I haven't seen Andrew yet as Strat, so hopefully he is performing."
Just curious - who did you see as Strat? I'm probably in the minority here, and I haven't actually seen the show yet, but what Ihave seen in clips of Mr. Polec does not impress me. Hopefully I'll appreciate him more when I actually see the show.
V2David said: "newcomer Lena Hall whom was a tremendous get"
Have you see the footage of her performing "Paradise by the Dashboard Light"? I think she slays it."
I saw Jordan Luke Gage as Strat and I thought he was very good. I have seen so many clips of Andrew Polec as Strat though (plus listening to the original soundtrack) that I am really looking forward to seeing him (especially since he originated the role). I think he looks great in the clips, but then again I love the show so I may be biased. Also, I just love the chemistry between him and Christina. If you see any of the interviews of the two of them together, they are very cute.
As for Lena, I saw the clip. She sounds fabulous. She's got a tremendous voice and it is perfect for the material. I suspect she will be stellar (although Sharon Sexton was great in London too).
I will be there tonight. Is the show really 3hrs including intermission?
I heard the show was three hours and 25 minutes. Let us know the running time and give us your review! I cannot believe the show is actually here and going into previews.
I saw Polec as Strat in London. He was commanding and electric. But, he's also been with the show for quite a while. He had this wild eyed look - just a bundle of pent up energy that could explode (and does) at any moment.
IF the show opens the same, he will be on stage wandering around for a bit - and then BOOM, the show starts with an awesome (to me) monologue- which is captured on the OLCR.
In that clip of Ms. Hall, she does indeed slay Paradise By The Dashboard Light (although because this is BWW, I guess I should have written that she slays PBTDL) We had the alternate in London, who was only merely phenomenal.
Anyone know of a way to see this for less than $45? Surprised it's $50+fess on TDF.
It’s 250 ShowPoints + $48 Per Ticket in Audience Rewards so I’m not sure you’re going to find it much cheaper than $45.