Chorus Member Joined: 11/20/16
I got an email today about my new show date for the Washington DC showings. I had a Saturday matinee in May and now have a Saturday matinee in July.
@loop nonsense redux, but whatever. believe what you want to believe.
There's no way the previous cast is still going to be participating in the DC/NYC run and I STRONGLY think the DC/NYC run will get canceled.
99.99% of me thinks we never see this production in the states again.
hide and watch, Sondheimite, hide and watch.
a group of friends and I were actively excited to get very stoned and see the show on tour because it seems like a show built for that.
I want to see the show.
I want to see *this* production.
But it's hard for me to believe it's happening right now.
Leading Actor Joined: 1/9/18
HogansHero said: "@loop nonsense redux, but whatever. believe what you want to believe."
I was in the room. I’ll believe my eyes.
Another great day was when the twenty something choreography child (picked for her work with Justin Bieber) turned up, after having not auditioned any of the cast and threw an anormous tantrum because she had musical theatre trained dancers and not the sort of people she was used to. That was fun.
Stand-by Joined: 12/30/14
I also got an email update today about my May tickets being transferred to a July date. No mention of row or seat number. I ordered these things the day tickets went on sale for DC and had front row Center mezzanine seats. If they have given me worse seats, I will be really annoyed. That is, if this show even happens! Because these tickets were a birthday gift for someone, I hope they don't wait until the 11th hour to pull the strings and cancel it. If that happens, I'd like to have my money back sooner rather than later, thanks. Also concerned about what sort of cast they're going to pull together if indeed these pre-NYC shows even happen...jeez, what a mess!
agendas are such ugly things
spill it or stuff it
Leading Actor Joined: 1/9/18
HogansHero said: "agendas are such ugly things
spill it or stuff it"
I assume this was directed at me?
Well, as for ‘spilling’ nothing I’ve said thus far has been shrouded or mysterious.
And as for an agenda, isn’t talking about bad behaviour that cost a lot of people their jobs enough of one?
So now it's in DC in the middle of summer, which leaves time for its summer NYC engagement... when, exactly?
Chorus Member Joined: 11/20/16
persephone88 said: "I also got an email update today about my May tickets being transferred to a July date. No mention of row or seat number. I ordered these things the day tickets went on sale for DC and had front row Center mezzanine seats. If they have given me worse seats, I will be really annoyed."
You get the same seats that you brought in May and you are not the only one who is deciding whether to wait to see what happens or just get the money back now. I decided to wait and a co-worker is still undecided because one their tickets was for an out of town guest.
Is this still going on at City Center? I heard that many of the tour dates were canceled.
SmoothLover said: "Is this still going on at City Center? I heard that many of the tour dates were canceled."
...and this in Washington, DC:
so it plays in DC in July, then August at City Center?
It's all very confusing.
Leading Actor Joined: 4/18/06
The Ordway in St. Paul is still selling tickets for June...
Ultimately, I remain firm on this one... pretty sure it's not happening unless or until I see coverage of opening night.
Stand-by Joined: 5/4/08
It is a big flop in London.
The production in Germany isn't a succes. No date has more than 50% of the tickets sold.
Why would they still want to bring this mess to New York?
Im sure it will be a hit in Oberhausen!
Skywalker3 said: "The production in Germany isn't a succes. No date has more than 50% of the tickets sold."
I should probably refer you to a European poster on the previous page who explains exactly why that is the rule rather than the exception...
That would be me? :)
Yes, Bat is indeed selling badly, but I know many people who would be interested but simply don't bother to go because they don't want to hear Meat Loaf's famous hits translated into German. The issue keeps cropping up on their social media pages but they don't even bother to offer 1-2 performances in English to see how that would be selling (when We Will Rock You was in Germany, they translated the dialogues but left the songs in English which worked very well and the show ran for four years in Cologne alone, a show NB that never made it to Broadway either).
The other issue is that they don't offer 40-50% discounts the way Broadway does through TKTS to fill the theatre. The theatre is next door to a huge shopping mall, presently crowded with christmas shoppers every day. I'm sure some of those would be interested if they could see it as a reasonable price, but the very most you get in terms of offers is 10-15% which hardly makes a dent in the price.
I had never expected it to be a huge hit here, but sadly my expectations of Stage Entertainment making a huge mess of it have become true. And while it wasn't a massive hit in London, it did sell well enough in one of London's biggest houses. I wouldn't expect it to become a massive hit on Broadway either, but I think an 8-week-limited run similarly to those in Manchester, London and Toronto last year is certainly doable and I still hope it will happen. Heck, they could probably sell half the run to European Bat fans suffering withdrawal symptoms.
Zenobia said: "Heck, they could probably sell half the run to European Bat fans suffering withdrawal symptoms."
Well, I hope they include airfare and hotels...
What is the story on Stage Entertainment?
SmoothLover said: "What is the story on Stage Entertainment?"
A little thing called Google can turn up many items. Here are two...butt no insider info: