East Village said: "Just saying. I’m almost 60. I never heard the hype around the show. I discovered the music a week ago and saw the broadway performance this Saturday. I had an out of body experience. It was a perfect performance.
I don’t think this will be a hit. I think it will be a historic hit! These actors and these songs will be remembered forever."
OMG ~ LOL! OBE @ 60!... Sorry to hear you experienced that at BMC! That's why we're avoiding this show as we want to have an "In Body Experience" so looking forward to Hadestown and Tootsie this spring!
funhamilton_rent said: "Hamilfan2 said: "Anyone know if George is still out? I have heard great things about Troy and kind of want to try and see it with him if I can"
Not sure, but I can confirm that Tory is fantastic!!"
That's the general consensus that "TROY" is far superior to George. Unfortunately, Troy won't have the opportunity in getting rave reviews in the role!
At intermission now. The story is lame, and script does not treat it's female characters well. The way the kids in the audience are reacting you'd think we were at a rock concert.
Intermission report: I already know I like this show so I won’t comment on plot/characters/etc. but here are some thoughts:
George is back in as Michael and he sounds fine, but like he’s giving it 80% instead of 100. Don’t know if he’s conserving energy for Michael in the Bathroom or not. A little sad I missed Troy tbh, going off of the reports about how good he is. Jason Tam is really impressing me vocally but his Keanu impression is a little grating after a while. I like Loser Geek Whatever as a song but the end of Act 1 really dragged. Will Roland sounds good overall but is still struggling with a few of the high notes. Given that his voice is so different from Will Connolly’s I’m not necessarily surprised.
For anyone that's seen in the show in the past couple of days--could you please post the running time including intermission? Just need an estimate of what time the show lets out (in evening). Thank you!
CukorLover said: "For anyone that's seen in the show in the past couple of days--could you please post the running time including intermission? Just need an estimate of what time the show lets out (in evening). Thank you!"
I went to the Wednesday matinee and was messaging by 4:40p (pretty much right after curtain call). The show was a lot of fun!
CarmenA3 said "I went to the Wednesday matinee and was messaging by 4:40p (pretty much right after curtain call). The show was a lot of fun!
Thanks for your response, CarmenA3.
While you were spot on about the running time--I'm sorry I can't agree with your sentiment of the show.
While "Be More Chill" strains to be clever and relevant at every turn, it's excruciatingly hackneyed.
Perhaps a new moniker? "Wasting Away in Bemorechillaville"
Featured Actor Joined: 6/27/15
CukorLover said: "CarmenA3 said "I went to the Wednesday matinee and was messaging by 4:40p (pretty much right after curtain call). The show was a lot of fun!
Thanks for your response, CarmenA3.
While you were spot on about the running time--I'm sorry I can't agree with your sentiment of the show.
While "Be More Chill" strains to be clever and relevant at every turn, it's excruciatinglyhackneyed.
Perhaps a new moniker? "Wasting Away in Bemorechillaville""
What do you mean “excruciatingly hackneyed”? Like it’s copied?
bwayphreak234 said: "I went into this expecting an absolute train wreck...I was shocked to find Be More Chill to be a fun and campy show. Is it perfect? No. Is it the best show I’ve ever seen? No. Is it a fun time in the theatre? I certainly though so.
I enjoyed Be More Chill in the same way that I enjoy Little Shop Of Horrors. Both shows have over the top storylines and the characters are placed in pretty ridiculous situations. However, with both shows, I was totally invested and engaged in the stories and characters.
The cast was excellent...Will Roland was fine, but there wasn’t anything remarkable about his performance. I enjoyed Jason Tam...the costumes were a lot of fun, especially for the Halloween and school play sequences.
Be More Chill is definitely the biggest pleasant surprise of the season for me so far. It greatly exceeded my expectations...!"
^^^This (edited to reflect my reaction specifically)^^^
This show was not on my radar at all until I began following Jake Boyd on IG after enjoying his Anthony Hope at Barrow St. There is a current of rabid fandom connected to this show among his IG audience that led me to expect a theater full of out-of-control screaming 'tweens--not my happy place. Circumstances--in the form of a friend and her son who is a big fan--put me in the audience last night.
As bwayphreak said, It was a very pleasant surprise. Not deep, not important but--to me--rather charming. Perhaps there was something else going on last night to attract the crazy super-fans, but my experience was a very mixed Bway audience perhaps with a slight skew towards younger but with plenty of adults.
Yes--the response to many (all) of the songs was enthusiastic. Fine with me--be enthusiastic. Finally seeing a performer you've loved only from a cast recording is thrilling--especially if you have the opportunity to see them in *that* show. I've rarely heard a crowd make a noise like we did for Ellen Greene when she appeared on that City Center stage for 'Little Shop'. To me, that's not being a "stan"--that's being a fan.
CukorLover said: "
While you were spot on about the running time--I'm sorry I can't agree with your sentiment of the show.
Why are you apologizing? Your opinion is your opinion. Just as mine is :) There's no wrong or right. I had a great time, you did not. Both valid experiences. That's the beauty of theatre. I once talked to someone that hated DEH - she though Evan was a sociopath.
Can someone explain why people love that bathroom song so much? The idiot says he wasn’t even invited to the party he’s at and then bitches for 4 minutes in song about how he doesn’t want to be there and is going to make sure nobody else can use the bathroom for the rest of the night. And kids are actually crying when he’s singing this? I’m really at a loss.
Jordan Catalano said: "Can someone explain why people love that bathroom song so much? The idiot says he wasn’t even invited to the party he’s at and then bitches for 4 minutes in song about how he doesn’t want to be there and is going to make sure nobody else can use the bathroom for the rest of the night. And kids are actually crying when he’s singing this? I’m really at a loss."
I guess...Anxiety, Loneliness, frustration and alienation that teens can relate
yea and these kids are calling it the "most amazing song"... "genius lyrics" ...??? It think it's stupid but I'm not a kid-teen but an adult-43. What's so great about it?
Here are the lyrics:
Michael in the Bathroom
I am hanging in the bathroom at the biggest party of the fall
I could stay right here or disappear, and nobody'd even notice at all
I'm a creeper in a bathroom 'cause my buddy kinda left me alone
But I'd rather fake pee than stand awkwardly, or pretend to check a text on my phone
Everything felt fine when I was half of a pair
Now through no fault of mine, there's no other half there
Now I'm just Michael in the bathroom, Michael in the bathroom, at a party
Forget how long it's been
I'm just Michael in the bathroom, Michael in the bathroom at a party
No you can't come in!
I'm waiting it out 'til it's time to leave
And picking at grout as I softly grieve
I'm just Michael who you don't know, Michael flyin' solo, Michael in the bathroom by himself
Oh, by himself
I am hiding, but he's out there, just ignoring all our history
Memories get erased, and I'll get replaced, with a newer, cooler version of me
And I hear a drunk girl sing along to Whitney through the door - I wanna dance with somebody!
And my feelings sink, 'cause it makes me think: now there's no one to make fun of drunk girls with anymore!
Now it's just Michael in the bathroom, Michael in the bathroom at a party
I half regret the beers
Michael in the bathroom, Michael in the bathroom at a party
As I choke back the tears
I'll wait as long as I need, until my face is dry
Or I'll just blame it on weed, or something in my eye!
I'm just Michael who you don't know, Michael flyin' solo
Michael in the bathroom by himself!
Knock, knock, knock, knock
They're gonna start to shout soon
Knock, knock, knock, knock
Oh hell yeah, I'll be out soon
Knock, knock, knock, knock
It sucks you left me here alone-
Knock, knock, knock, knock
Here in this teenage battle zone-
Clang, clang, clang, clang
I feel the pressure blowing up-
Bang, bang, bang, bang
My big mistake was showing up-
Splash, splash, splash, splash
I throw some water in my face
And I am in a better place
I go to open up the door
But I can't hear knocking
And I can't help but yearn
For a different time
And then I look in the mirror
And the present is clearer
And there's no denying, I'm just-
At a party
Is there a sadder sight than-
Michael in the bathroom at a party
This is a heinous night
I wish I stayed at home in bed watching cable porn
Or wish I offed myself instead
Wish I was never born!
I'm just Michael who's a loner
So he must be a stoner
Rides a PT Cruiser
God he's such a loser
Michael flyin' solo
Who you think that you know
Michael in the bathroom by himself
Oh, by himself
Oh, by himself
All you know about me is my name
Awesome party
I'm so glad I came
This board's determination to bring down Be More Chill is just fascinating to me. You want to talk about bad lyrics - have you listened to The Prom? It's a matter of taste. If it's not for you, it's not for you.
VotePeron said: "This board's determination to bring downBe More Chillis just fascinating to me. You want to talk about bad lyrics - have you listened toThe Prom?It's a matter of taste. If it's not for you, it's not for you."
I’m with you! No it’s not earth-shattering, but dang, “be more chill” everyone.
But Jordan Catalano - loved your post even if I have the opposite opinion - had me cracking up like a fool! :)
Jordan Catalano said: "Can someone explain why people love that bathroom song so much? The idiot says he wasn’t even invited to the party he’s at and then bitches for 4 minutes in song about how he doesn’t want to be there and is going to make sure nobody else can use the bathroom for the rest of the night. And kids are actually crying when he’s singing this? I’m really at a loss."
To be fair to him,,, there are multiple bathrooms in the house. Plus they're all drunk anyway so worse comes to worst and they pee on the sober nerd on the floor.
In all seriousness though, lots of teens think it's quirky and cool to have anxiety or panic attacks, and this it portrays them well. When in actuality, they just are trying to fit in with a crowd and claim mental illnesses. Not all of them, but lots do. It's just an observation after a day in a high school.
I didnt care for The Prom...so am I allowed to dislike this? Dont know if I will, but it seems some of you need us to check boxes off before having an opinion.
To claim "the board" is determined to bring this show down is ridiculous. There are just as many people singing its praises as those that dont care for it.
VotePeron said: "This board's determination to bring downBe More Chillis just fascinating to me. You want to talk about bad lyrics - have you listened toThe Prom?It's a matter of taste. If it's not for you, it's not for you."
very that.
Calm down. When a lot of people don’t like something it’s called “not liking something”, not “bringing down”. Grow up.
Agreed. The way people are talking about this number I was expecting something along the lines of "Model Behavior" from Women on the Verge, but then it was just a solo song in one location. The whole affair was very disappointing.
Updated On: 3/10/19 at 12:34 PMAnd also, what 16 year old gay kid is going to watch cable porn in 2019?
Broadway Star Joined: 8/11/05
I just thought the whole affair was amateur-ish in every department. The only songs that resonated with me at all were Michael in the Bathroom and the Smartphone Hour. Had hoped for better with all of the hype.
Updated On: 3/10/19 at 01:17 PM
VotePeron said: "This board's determination to bring downBe More Chillis just fascinating to me. You want to talk about bad lyrics - have you listened toThe Prom?It's a matter of taste. If it's not for you, it's not for you."
You're right. And if that happens to mean that it's not for people on the board and they express that, then... what's the problem exactly?
Just as you like it and you have the freedom, and the space, here to express your enjoyment of it... well then so do those that DON'T like it have the freedom, and the space, to express their dislike of it. It might just so happen that the ratio of don't like to like here on BWW tips more in one direction then the other. I It seems like the average user age here is outside the target demo of the show so it's not a shock that there are more users that don't like it or it just doesn't click with then ones that do.
Just because you like it does not mean that those that don't like it have to hold back how they really feel about it. That's the point of these preview threads. Some people are just for bold and blunt then others.
Now the REAL reason I came to comment here but got distracted with the above, did anyone else think that the clips reel they put together was kinda... unappealing? And mainly that they really picked the wrong group number to feature?
So before people come at me saying that I just don't get it or I'm being unfair, know that the two songs that I LIKE in the show are Micheal in the Bathroom and Smartphone Hour. I watch the off-Broadway rehearsal of that Smartphone Hour like at LEAST every other day because it's so enjoyable. But actually seeing it in the reel it's like.... THIS is the best foot forward they are going with? The costumes are loud and ugly, the song out of context is not strong as the 'come see this show' attention grabber, but most of all... they all look and sound like they are worn OUT. It just doesn't seem like a Broadway caber performance. It seems like a but of high school actors with no stamina for a high energy number that are getting so tired by the end of their big number that they are dropping words, lazy on dance moves, and just struggling to get to the end of it. It looks just looks BAD and not like a professional production at all. And this is their selling point? Yikes.
Scarlet Leigh said: "VotePeron said: "This board's determination to bring downBe More Chillis just fascinating to me. You want to talk about bad lyrics - have you listened toThe Prom?It's a matter of taste. If it's not for you, it's not for you."
You're right. And if that happens to mean that it's not for people on the board and they express that, then... what's the problem exactly?
Just as you like it and you have the freedom, and the space, here to express your enjoyment of it... well then so do those that DON'T like it have the freedom, and the space, to express their dislike of it. It might just so happen that the ratio of don't like to like here on BWW tips more in one direction then the other. I It seems like the average user age here is outside the target demo of the show so it's not a shock that there are more users that don't like it or it just doesn't click with then ones that do.
Just because you like it does not mean that those that don't like it have to hold back how they really feel about it. That's the point of these preview threads. Some people are just for bold and blunt then others."
THIS. Very ironic the same posters asking for us to be kind are the same one’s ****ting all over other shows!