Understudy Joined: 2/7/19
bk said
“I'm intrigued - a fifty-year-old Hispanic woman who joined the board a few weeks ago to post about Be More Chill. As Mr. Porter once said: Anything Goes."
Yes it does! 50 with three children who I take to the theater as much as I can. I didn’t know this site existed until two months ago when I googled info on RUSH for Mean Girls. As for BMC...I started reading the thread because I bought tickets for my 15 yr old and we are going on 3/20. I like to hear what other people say about shows but I never let that sway me either way. I make my own decisions on whether I liked it or not. I saw The Prom recently with my 15 yr old and we both LOVED it. It’s about good musicals and a night out on broadway for me.
When I joined this site it was actually to post about Scarlet Pimpernel. If they remake this show, go see it (hopefully they won’t screw it up), the music is fantastic and the lead role is pretty funny.
Btw: Think JLo young when you think of a 50 yr old Hispanic. We Puerto Rican’s age pretty well.
Featured Actor Joined: 6/27/15
So, what do you all think Brantley or Jesse Green will say about BMC? And have you ever wondered how they divide up who reviews each show? It seems like the most prestigious and highly anticipated shows go to Brantley and Green (and another critic?) get the lesser shows. Is that right? I’m always curious, when the reviews come out, who got to review it and did the show merit a review from Brantley (maybe I’m reading too much into this, lol!) Also, what other reviews are important? Variety? New York Post?
I went into this expecting an absolute train wreck based on the early word of mouth. That being said, I was shocked to find Be More Chill to be a fun and campy show. Is it perfect? No. Is it the best show I’ve ever seen? No. Is it a fun time in the theatre? I certainly though so.
I enjoyed Be More Chill in the same way that I enjoy Little Shop Of Horrors. Both shows have over the top storylines and the characters are placed in pretty ridiculous situations. However, with both shows, I was totally invested and engaged in the stories and characters.
The cast was excellent. George Salazar was out (does anyone know what is going on with him?), but his understudy, Troy, was wonderful. While I enjoyed Michael In The Bathroom just fine, I don’t really get why everyone is saying it’s the highlight of the show. Will Roland was fine, but there wasn’t anything remarkable about his performance. I enjoyed Jason Tam.
The set is simple, but sleek and effective. I thought the lighting design was great. The costumes were a lot of fun, especially for the Halloween and school play sequences.
Be More Chill is definitely the biggest pleasant surprise of the season for me so far. It greatly exceeded my expectations, and provided a fun and campy time out!
I went into this expecting an absolute train wreck based on the early word of mouth. That being said, I was shocked to find Be More Chill to be a fun and campy show. Is it perfect? No. Is it the best show I’ve ever seen? No. Is it a fun time in the theatre? I certainly thought so.
I enjoyed Be More Chill in the same way that I enjoy Little Shop Of Horrors. Both shows have over the top storylines and the characters are placed in pretty ridiculous situations. However, with both shows, I was totally invested and engaged in the stories and characters.
The cast was excellent. George Salazar was out (does anyone know what is going on with him?), but his understudy, Troy, was wonderful. While I enjoyed Michael In The Bathroom just fine, I don’t really get why everyone is saying it’s the highlight of the show. Will Roland was fine, but there wasn’t anything remarkable about his performance. I enjoyed Jason Tam.
The set is simple, but sleek and effective. I thought the lighting design was great. The costumes were a lot of fun, especially for the Halloween and school play sequences.
Be More Chill is definitely the biggest pleasant surprise of the season for me so far. It greatly exceeded my expectations, and provided a fun and campy time out!
The crowd is still going insane outside and the show let out a 1/2 hour ago. This is a mega hit
Well.....I dont think that is anything that can yet be claimed. The young people that are "going insane" aren't necessatily any indicator of anything.
I only felt this kind of pulse outside a theater twice in recent years; Spring Awakening & Hamilton
Updated On: 3/2/19 at 07:17 PM
YvanEhtNioj said: "I wholeheartedly think George should be replaced by Troy. Troy, Tiffany Mann, and the actresses who play Brooke & Chole stand out so much during the show.
I know that it's very unlikely, and I do feel bad saying it due to his loyalty, but I feel like Troy should be the principal in that role."
My agent friend with a client in the show (not Troy) said the same thing...Troy would be nominated for featured actor but George won't be per him. Critics will start reviewing the show as of Wednesday.
Mmhmm. I agree.
In recent years, has there been a show where this has happened? An understudy getting more praise than the principal actor?
Stand-by Joined: 11/25/18
YvanEhtNioj said: "In recent years, has there been a show where this has happened? An understudy getting more praise than the principal actor?"
Generally speaking, plenty of times. Before a show has officially opened? I don't think it's as common.
I can’t imagine a scenario where George doesn’t return to the show by Wednesday in order to be reviewed & open the show to be Tony eligible.
George is an integral part of the Joe Iconis family, and him parting with the show before his contract is up will never, ever happen. It’s a business, and Troy is an understudy being paid to do his job. I love Troy and am so glad he’s getting the attention, but he’s not going to become Michael full time anytime soon. At least, contractually that is.
Leading Actor Joined: 3/17/17
I know that because I am the target demographic (13 year old theatre kid), many people here will discredit my opinion. Please, though, hear me out.
I saw Be More Chill for a fifth time today. This show has meant so much to me since I discovered it just under a year ago. I recognize that this show may have faults. I know that there may be problems with the plot. I know that some of the audience would call me a "fAkE FaN" for only learning about the show after the Signature run was announced. I understand that this show may not be for everybody. But for me, the magic of the show comes from something completely different.
This show came to me at just the right time. I go to an incredibly small school, so I am the only theatre nerd there. This can get lonely at times, since I have these wonderful works of art I want to share, but not everybody is interested. This show came to me exactly when I needed something to show me that I wasn't alone. I brought it into school one day, but being immature tweens, my classmates made fun of how "MiChAeL Is In ThE BaThRoOm!!" I can't pretend it didn't hurt, having these people make a joke of something I loved so dearly. But I knew that I had a group of people like me, feeling the same way about the show. But I stuck with the show, listening to the cast album all the time. I finally got to see the show over the summer. Twice. Then I saw it on Broadway. Thrice.
I know that my opinion may be biased because of the journey I went on with it. I love the show with all my heart and even if there are plot holes and problematic scenes and songs, this show is so close to my heart that I can enjoy it for what it is.
Please, PLEASE don't let the absurd stans speak for all of the people who love the show. There are also the people who love it and are respectful about it.
GeOrGiE mY bOi UWU
Robbie2 said: "My agent friend with a client in the show (not Troy) said the same thing...Troy would be nominated for featured actor but George won't be per him. Critics will start reviewing the show as of Wednesday."
Does that mean the show is unofficially 'frozen' starting Wednesday?
Chorus Member Joined: 2/16/19
As much as I believe Troy is great I highly doubt he would replace Salazar or that even being a consideration. Loyalty is a big thing to Joe and he would never do that to George plus it would be highly unusual for an understudy to take over full time. Also could Jason tam get nominated? Only reason why I say that is because in most of the reviews off- broadway Tam was one of the few things critics actually liked. I think Tam could get a nom along with the set, lighting, and sound. I know most people will attack me for this but I wouldn't be surprised if it get's Best musical or lyrics nominations. If mean girls and Spongebob can get those noms why not Be More Chill.
One thing I overheard at intermission last week. A discussion between someone and I assume a producer. “Looks like you’ve got a hit”. “Yeah, for those paying $40 for a ticket”. Interesting.....I guess we’ll see what happens. I wish it well.
Chorus Member Joined: 2/16/19
I have been a huge supporter and fan of Be More Chill for years but when they announced they were going to Broadway I instantly felt it was the wrong move. The core fans of Be More Chill can't afford the ticket price and some couldn't even see the off- broadway production. If they did a tour they would make so much money and wouldn't have to discount. Plus all of the fans would be able to see it and it would tour for years. I would have done a limited run through labor day and than brought it on tour so that way everyone could get what they wanted. Bringing BMC was always risky and releasing more seats days before the first preview was a terrible idea and is most likely a factor why the tickets are discounted. I hope the show runs longer than what people are saying but I wouldn't be surprised if it does close by labor day or the end of the year
Just saying. I’m almost 60. I never heard the hype around the show. I discovered the music a week ago and saw the broadway performance this Saturday. I had an out of body experience. It was a perfect performance.
I don’t think this will be a hit. I think it will be a historic hit! These actors and these songs will be remembered forever.
Understudy Joined: 2/7/19
jonah3500 said: "I know that because I am the target demographic (13 year old theatre kid), many people here will discredit my opinion. Please, though, hear me out.
I saw Be More Chill for a fifth time today. This show has meant so much to me since I discovered it just under a year ago. I recognize that this show may have faults. I know that there may be problems with the plot. I know that some of the audience would call me a "fAkE FaN" for only learning about the show after the Signature run was announced. I understand that this show may not be for everybody. But for me, the magic of the show comes from something completely different.
This show came to me at just the right time. I go to an incredibly small school, so I am the only theatre nerd there. This can get lonely at times, since I have these wonderful works of art I want to share, but not everybody is interested. This show came to me exactly when I needed something to show me that I wasn't alone. I brought it into school one day, but being immature tweens,my classmates made fun of how "MiChAeL Is In ThE BaThRoOm!!" I can't pretend it didn't hurt, having these people make a joke of something I loved so dearly. But I knew that I had a group of people like me, feeling the same way about the show. But I stuck with the show, listening to the cast album all the time. I finally got to see the show over the summer. Twice. Then I saw it on Broadway. Thrice.
I know that my opinion may be biased because of the journey I went on with it. I love the show with all my heart and even if there are plot holes and problematic scenes and songs, this show is so close to my heart that I can enjoy it for what it is.
Please, PLEASE don't let the absurd stans speak for all of the people who love the show. There are also the people who love it and are respectful about it.
GeOrGiE mY bOiUWU"
Art is subjective and because it is, we all will never love the same art. What’s most important is that you love this show. I am happy to see that someone your age has found a love for the theater.
Your opinion is just that, your opinion and it should never be dismissed because of your age. My opinion shouldn’t be more important or accepted because I’m 50. Please don’t explain or apologize for loving this show. If you love it then love it proudly and make no excuses. That’s a great lesson you will learn the older you get. It’s very freeing to own your feelings and not let anyone’s comments or opinions bother you. You will learn that misery loves company. Many times people who are miserable will try and put down what you love just to hurt you. Don’t give them that power.
Being in a small private school can be hard socially. My kids are in small private schools and usually were the only theater lovers or the only Pokémon lovers or the only K-pop lovers. My point is that it can seem like it’s lonely but eventually you will find your people. My older two found their people once high school came around. I haven’t seen BMC but will do so on 3/20 with my 14 yr old theater geek. She’s in a very small school and definitely the only one who loves the theater as much as she does BUT she’s found a group of friends who are interested in the theater and want to go.
I am happy you connected so deeply with this show. See it as much as you want. Hopefully this won’t be the last show to touch your heart this way.
East Village said: "I only felt this kind of pulse outside a theater twice in recent years; Spring Awakening & Hamilton"
So, there's a 50% chance of it being a hit?
Featured Actor Joined: 11/28/18
I just want to clarify—has George been out of most of the previews or has it been sporadic?
Chorus Member Joined: 8/27/17
What is the actual requirement for George to be eligible for a Tony? He needs to be in the show for opening night?
Aroberts3 said: "What is the actual requirement for George to be eligible for a Tony? He needs to be in the show for opening night?"
Braniff Forever said: "So, what do you all think Brantley or Jesse Green will say about BMC? And have you ever wondered how they divide up who reviews each show? It seems like the most prestigious and highly anticipated shows go to Brantley and Green (and another critic?) get the lesser shows. Is that right? I’m always curious, when the reviews come out, who got to review it and did the show merit a review from Brantley (maybe I’m reading too much into this, lol!) Also, what other reviews are important? Variety? New York Post?"
Brantley already reviewed the Pershing Square run and registered his indifference ("the theatrical equivalent of one of those high-pitched dog whistles that only those under 25 can hear."
I would guess Green would review the Broadway opening?
Featured Actor Joined: 6/27/15
I like reading reviews, I find them interesting, especially for shows I am interested in. But do you all think reviews really hurt or help a show? It seems like a lot of peoples’ minds are already made up about BMC? It seems that on this board it’s like 60% like 40% don’t. Agree or disagree?