I asked a co-worker, who is also a non-theatre goer, which ONE show she would see based on name recognition alone. She’s familiar with all of the options based on the movies, and probably in her mid-40’s.
The choices were:
- King Kong
- Beetlejuice
- Tootsie
She picked them in the order of Tootsie, King Kong, and then Beetlejuice last.
As I was walking out of the door to her office I mentioned that one other show option would have been Fiddler on the Roof in Yiddish. Her eyes lit up and said THAT’S THE ONE!!!
And I still can’t make up my mind.
I have seen Fiddler on the Roof in Yiddish and it’s great. For something new, I’d pick Tootsie. But you haven’t seen either. I both envy and don’t envy your choice. It really for me comes down to these two choices for you.
You’re not seeing Hadestown on this trip right? When are you seeing Hadestown? Do you have room for Tootsie or Fiddler on that trip? That might take some of the pressure off.
Seeing Tootsie around Tony Award season (I can’t recall if you’re there before or after) would be thrilling, I would think.
I do think you should see this production of Fiddler if you can. I also don’t expect it to extend again. So can you see it before it closes if you don’t see it on this trip?
^ ^ ^ I’m seeing HADESTOWN and MOULIN ROUGE in late-August, and it’s a single day round-trip with no time to spare in that day other than for some minor sightseeing. And of course The Donut Pub.
I dug up several old FIDDLER threads and read comments about the projections, seating, and cast. It all sounds wonderful. Just that there’s only the one slot left for my birthday trip, and I want to do them all. Not in the budget this time to spend more than one overnight.
Maybe I can take a mid-Fall day-trip over and back. But I’m probably moving in June to another apartment here I town, so I’ll have to see what happens then.
I think it comes down to whether you want to see a classic imaginatively reimagined or if you want to see the best new musical comedy on Broadway right now while it’s still fresh and new.
^ ^ ^ I may just let the TONY announcements decide. Then close my eyes and pick one from that lineup.
Jordan Catalano said: "
The film is a legit classic that I just figured everyone knew by heart."
'Everyone' 'legit. classic' is a very big leap. HEARD of, never seen, nor do I want to, much less 'a musical'. A recent exhibition of Tim Burtons work was exceptional no matter what was floating in the air to assist those ideas.
Featured Actor Joined: 5/11/04
Not that anyone's dying for my opinion but since I was commenting earlier in this thread about how I disliked the show in DC & would NOT recommend it to people, I wanted to mention that I received a comp ticket the other night so decided to check it out again & see what kind of changes were implemented.
I'm happy to report that the show is in MUCH better shape than it was in DC. It's still far from perfect but I enjoyed it & would actually recommend it to people now.
The show has a little more focus & they also toned down the crudeness, which I think was smart. Don't get me wrong-- I'm no prude & I actually loved the fact that this Beetlejuice was a raunchier than its cinematic counterpart, but I think they went too far in DC, where most of the jokes came off as tasteless & sophomoric. They pulled back a bit for Broadway, which was smart. It's still crude but not overly so. That being said I'm also happy they took out the pig penis in the "Day-O" number. LoLsmileyFace seemed to have missed that from DC but I thought it was overkill (not to mention stupid). There was no need for it. And I know it's been said before but the Miss Argentina number is WAY better than that awful boy band number we saw in DC! Thank God they replaced that!
I still think the first act is a lot stronger than the second, which is still a little messy. (I think b/c the first act largely follows the plot of the movie while the second act strays a great deal & tries to do its own thing.) And I still don't think the score is good, but whereas I loathed it in DC, I found it tolerable on Broadway. I still think it needs a different flavor-- darker, eerier, etc. Half the songs are peppy & poppy, which doesn't fit Beetlejuice AT ALL. But again, it's a marked improvement from DC. I'm glad I got to see it again.
Curious to how the reviews will be tonight. I'm sure they will be mixed but now I'm hoping for a few positive notices. (I'd give it a B/B-) As far as the cast goes Leslie Kritzer is still the standout. And the scenic design is still the star.
Oh, also I'm surprised at how many people haven't seen the Beetlejuice movie (including my companion the other night)! Sacrilege! I always considered it a contemporary classic! And Wolfwriter, I would argue that Beetlejuice is an EXCELLENT choice to have been given the musical treatment. The film is inherently musical, with those two established Harry Belafonte numbers. (I agree with your friend-- they are absolute highlights.) Its zaniness & fantastical nature lend itself well to other musical moments. We're already suspending belief so much. Why not add songs?!
Stand-by Joined: 2/5/19
mattyp4 said: "They pulled back a bit for Broadway, which was smart. It's still crude but not overly so. That being said I'm also happy they took out the pig penis in the "Day-O" number."
I actually love crude humor and am a bit sad I didn't get to see the supposedly raunchier DC version, but...did you say pig penis?
I can't believe that passed through, even if it was just a try out.
Anyway, I first saw the show in early April, and just saw it again the other day soon after freezing. I expected to see drastic changes, as a few people I've spoken to who've watched it multiple times said that they've been doing 'lots of work. However, I didn't notice anything drastic.
Maybe a lyric here or there, and different acting choices (mostly Alex Brightman and Leslie Kritzer, for the better), but overall, I didn't notice any noteworthy changes. Which is a good sign, I suppose, since the first time I saw it, the run time was 2:40, and now it's 2:30 (meaning nothing I'd miss was shaved off)
Featured Actor Joined: 5/11/04
JuneJune said: "I actually love crude humor and am a bit sad I didn't get to see the supposedly raunchier DC version, but...did you say pig penis?"
Yeah, it's obviously when the pig comes to life during the dinner party scene & terrorizes Delia. In the current version it pretty much just lunges at her repeatedly but in DC it rubbed its curly penis (very prominently displayed) all over her face.
It was too much. It's crazy enough that a roast pig comes to life & tries to attack the hostess. Like that should be the joke & the wild happenstance in the scene. Adding the penis assault bit was just gratuitous... and kind of gross. I remember people laughing a lot but I thought it was dumb & forced & really sophomoric. They lost nothing by cutting it. There's still a roast pig that attacks a woman during a dinner party, just not sexually so.
I guess this isn't really a spoiler since it was removed from the show... but maybe people don't realize that the oversized puppet pig will be coming to life. LOL You never know.
Featured Actor Joined: 3/16/15
mattyp4 said: And Wolfwriter, I would argue that Beetlejuice is an EXCELLENT choice to have been given the musical treatment. The film is inherently musical, with those two established Harry Belafonte numbers. (I agree with your friend-- they are absolute highlights.) Its zaniness & fantastical nature lend itself well to other musical moments. We're already suspending belief so much. Why not add songs?!"
My homework this weekend is to watch the film, @mattyp4, so I will definitely keep this in mind. I just hope I like it :)
Featured Actor Joined: 4/16/07
Checking in, on the changes I appreciated. It is shorter. The pig puppet no longer face ****s the nice lady with its' corkscrew penis. I am not kidding. It both was in the show, in DC, and excised prior to my seeing it at the Winter G the other night. The show is still an "F" in my book.
Has Warner Bros. had any movie to stage adaptations that succeeded but for The Color Purple?
Other than the broad comments from my DC review, one of two black actors in the cast still has his arms ripped off during the second act. I found this reminiscent of the heinous dragging (ripping apart) death of James Byrd years ago. The killer was just FINALLY executed this past week in Texas.
Sadly, I don't think it will make it into the New Year. Artless. Heartless.
I just came from opening and I was expecting to hate it.
I really, really enjoyed it and laughed quite a lot. It’s not for everyone, but it’s not bad by any measure.
Whatever problems there were in DC and previews have been solved, and I felt it was a success. The audience was on fire, and that may have heightened my enjoyment, but I’m really impressed at the tone Alex timbers was able to strike, and all of the actors are extremely funny. Kerry and Rob are still under utilized, but kritzer and Brightman certainly make up for it.
For me, Beetlejuice is a pleasant surprise, and I think it’ll get a Tony nom for best musical.
I'm sad to see that Kritzer didn't get the NY Times review. She's so great in this show.
Kritzer’s number as the dead Beauty queen got the most prolonged applause, this on an opening night of many huge ovations.
Swing Joined: 5/26/16
I don't think it's fair to judge this musical in comparison to the movie. Let it stand on its own.
And, on its own, it's my #1 recommendation for anyone who wants to spend $100+ on a new musical because it maximizes what live theater has to offer more than any other new piece out there.
Tootsie may have funnier one-liners, The Prom is cuter and more feel-good, and Hadestown has the best and most beautiful score. But Beetlejuice, even with my familiarity with the movie, kept surprising me, kept me guessing about what would happen next, kept me laughing, blew me away with its visuals and had me walking away saying "I've never seen anything like that on stage."
The book is solid. It's clear from the start that the focus is on Lydia and about how we deal with death in healthy and unhealthy ways and how we struggle to move on. But, every character in the main ensemble has a clear arc and character development that relates to this theme - they all have delightful moments.
(In my opinion, Leslie Krtizer outdoes Tootsie's Sarah Stiles in giving us one of the most hilarious and unpredictable performances I've seen in awhile )
It's awards season and several critics are thumbing their noses at this piece. And I think it's because at the center of it is a crass, crude toxic male demon character. How vulgar! But, cathartically - and the horror genre is all about catharsis - the plot hinges on how to get rid of him!
But Beetlejuice's crassness is inherent in the character and the plot. (He offers the wrong solution to Lydia's problem.) But you wouldn't condemn Shakespeare for Falstaff...
This musical should be judged on its own terms! And I think it delivers what it sets out to do while wildly exceeding expectations.
Understudy Joined: 1/18/16
SuddenlySeymour3 said: "I don't think it's fair to judge this musical in comparison to the movie. Let it stand on it's own.
And, on it's own, it's my #1 recommendation for anyone who wants to spend $100+ on a new musical because it maximizes what live theater has to offermore than any other new piece out there.
Tootsie may have funnier one-liners, The Prom is cuter and more feel-good, and Hadestown has the best and most beautiful score. But Beetlejuice, even with my familiarity with the movie, kept surprising me, kept me guessing about what would happen next, kept me laughing, blew me away with its visuals and had me walking away saying "I've never seen anything like that on stage."
The book is solid. It's clear from the start that the focus is on Lydia and about how we deal with death in healthy and unhealthy ways and how we struggle to move on. But, every character in the main ensemble has a clear arc and character development that relates to this theme - they all have delightful moments.
(In my opinion, Leslie Krtizer outdoesTootsie's Sarah Stiles in giving us one of the most hilarious and unpredictable performances I've seen in awhile )
It's awards season and several critics are thumbing their noses at this piece. And I think it's because at the center of it is a crass, crude toxic male demon character. How vulgar! But, cathartically - and the horror genre is all about catharsis - the plot hinges on how to get rid of him!
But Beetlejuice'scrassness is inherent in the character and the plot.(He offers the wrong solution to Lydia's problem.) But you wouldn't condemn Shakespeare for Falstaff...
This musical should be judged on its own terms! And I think it delivers what it sets out to do while wildly exceeding expectations."
I agree. Quite frankly, I felt that Brantley's review was unfair BECAUSE he kept comparing it to the movie. I get that people are going to do that, but that doesn't mean it's not it's own thing.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/5/10
sorry if this has been mentioned but I saw in an Interview that in the DC production Lydia's mother Emily was a character that appeared and had a song? can anyone comment on if this was bad or why it was cut? sounds like something from the movie that would actually be an interesting addition to flesh out the story. I mean if Lydia is going to the other side, why wouldn't she see/look for her mom?
I hope this is an ok place to post this message. I don’t live in the US so my chances of seeing this musical before it finishes on Broadway are slim. To be honest the idea of Beetlejuice as a musical never floated my boat. I enjoyed the film when it was released but it’s no way a favourite film of mine. I decided to listen to the recording after hearing how it was smashing streaming records however (with very low expectations) and I absolutely love it. I read the reviews and posts online and many slam the score (and the show). For me (and obviously many other listeners) the music is catchy. It’s hard for me to work out why many feel the show is so bad and messy based on what I’m hearing and seeing from TV performances. A lot of people disliked the many ballads performed by Caruso however there are only two (plus a mash up) so I don’t quite get that criticism. I wonder if anything was improved since the previews and the cast recording? Has anyone who hated the preview they saw since listened the cast album and had any change of heart - or do they still hate it as much as when they saw it? I have seen hundreds of professional musicals all around the world including Broadway and the West End and based on what I’m discovering so I’m failing to see how this could fall into some people’s worse musical they’ve ever seen list so I appreciate your thoughts.
brettystar said: "Has anyone who hated the preview they saw since listened the cast album and had any change of heart - or do they still hate it as much as when they saw it? I have seen hundreds of professional musicals all around the world including Broadway and the West End and based on what I’m discovering so I’m failing to see how this could fall into some people’s worse musical they’ve ever seen list so I appreciate your thoughts."
I could go on and on, but after seeing both a preview and post-opening performance, I just find the show mind numbingly inane beyond belief. I can’t get through the cast album after an initial pass, the lyrics are so awful it makes me cringe. It’s just not entertaining to me in any way - I don’t find it funny or cute or ironically irreverent. It just rubs me the wrong way and was a chore to sit through both times. I could dive deeper but I’m sure I posted about it earlier in the thread.
That being said, of course I’m thrilled so many people love it. I too have seen hundreds of shows from around the world and have no issue placing this in a Worst-Of list. I’m one of those people that loves Be More Chill, so I guess I can understand how some people can just like a show while others hate it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/18/19
Oh my god Beetlejuice fans have GOT to get a grip/get over themselves. The show is closing yes. But not until JUNE. You have SIX MONTHS to see and celebrate this show. I'm sorry but it's so annoying.
No, they don't GOT to do anything, actually. They can have ANY reaction they want. Don't like it? Cool. Scroll on by. Judging them is what's annoying.
ModernMillie3 said: "No, they don't GOT to do anything, actually. They can have ANY reaction they want. Don't like it? Cool. Scroll on by. Judging them is what's annoying."
Right. That’s the annoying part. Not the teenagers screaming to boycott The Music Man, creating crazy hashtags, acting like someone in their immediate family was murdered, etc..
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/10/08
When I saw Beetlejuice back in September, I also wasn't a fan. I didn't hate it, but I certainly didn't love it. What was the most annoying to me, was how much of the audience reacted to it as it played on. There were tons of people dressed in costume and they responded to scenes as if I was at a performance (movie) of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. The one time I saw that, it gave me a headache, and so did this. The highlight for me was at current call when they called Geena Davis to the stage. The rest was forgettable.
Stand-by Joined: 4/14/17
ArtMan said: "When I saw Beetlejuice back in September, I also wasn't a fan. I didn't hate it, but I certainly didn't love it. What was the most annoying to me, was how much of the audience reacted to it as it played on. There were tons of people dressed in costume and they responded to scenes as if I was at a performance (movie) of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. The one time I saw that, it gave me a headache, and so did this. The highlight for me was at current call when they called Geena Davis to the stage. The rest was forgettable."
A shame you kept this bottled up since Sept.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/10/08
IHeartNY2 said: "
A shame you kept this bottled up since Sept." Oh, you silly queen.