Featured Actor Joined: 12/3/15
BrodyFosse123 said: "I’m VERY familiar with Bob Fosse’s original 1978 DANCIN’ and can clearly confirm “Big Spender”, “I Gotcha”, plus highlights from his 1986 flop BIG DEAL were not in the original DANCIN’. This new “revival” does include a large portion of DANCIN’ but to say it’s a full recreation of the original production is utterly ridiculous. As for Nicole Fosse’s involvement, based on the half-assed roster of new teachers over at the Verdon Fosse Legacy and her allowing endless inaccuracies in the FX series FOSSE/VERDON, I think it’s safe to assume her criteria regarding the restoration of her dad’s legacy has been very lax."
Hey there - any chance you would mind sending me a direct message? I have a random/specific question to ask :)
Rehearsals began today, and the full cast was announced. Most of the Old Globe cast made the transfer, with a few new people — guess this is why Afra Hines left Funny Girl a month ago:
(double post)
EDSOSLO858 said: "Rehearsals began today, and the full cast was announced. Most of the Old Globe cast made the transfer, with a few new people — guess this is why Afra Hines leftFunny Girla month ago:
Jacob Guzman is one of the best in the cast and a fab dancer to watch!
Featured Actor Joined: 7/10/22
EDSOSLO858 said: "Rehearsals began today, and the full cast was announced. Most of the Old Globe cast made the transfer, with a few new people — guess this is why Afra Hines leftFunny Girla month ago:
Correct. Although there’s no guess as to why Afra left Funny Girl since she was included in the November 25, 2022 Bob Fosse’s Dancin’ cast list. It wasn’t a secret.
Having never seen the original or the Old Globe production, I'm looking forward to this, at minimum to see some of Broadway's best dancers doing Fosse-adjacent work (probably accompanied by a hot band).
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/27/21
Who's been added besides Afra? Assuming they only added additional swings.
Well I'm also excited. They've an uphill battle in this climate, I fear. (Could it be FOSSE was almost 25 years ago?) But I'm excited.
I would have rathered a revival of Big Deal
Happy it's finally happening but under the guidance of Wayne Cilento unfortunately. If I can get a cheap ticket I'll check it out. Otherwise I'll pass.
ErmengardeStopSniveling: Having never seen the original or the Old Globe production, I'm looking forward to this, at minimum to see some of Broadway's best dancers doing Fosse-adjacent work (probably accompanied by a hot band).
Ditto. Plus Jacob Guzman and Ida Saki are a draw for me. They were great in Only Gold.
BJR said: "They've an uphill battle in this climate, I fear."
They sure do, tho I wouldn't say they're any worse off than any other musical without stars opening this season.
This show may come down to the ad campaign. If they can devise REALLY enticing video content and a TV spot (from either a studio shoot or b-roll), that might go a long way. Insta and TikTok and YouTube ad buys could be especially beneficial for this show, to show the dance and music. Or maybe not.
Here's an article from NY Times today:
Forget About Jazz Hands, This Fosse Show Is About Dancin’
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/27/21
I think they would have a better chance of success if they revived 'Fosse', if for no other reason than at least some people would recognize the name, especially after Fosse/Verdon on tv.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/21/20
ErmengardeStopSniveling said:
This show may come down to the ad campaign. If they can devise REALLY enticing video content and a TV spot (from either a studio shoot or b-roll), that might go a long way. Insta and TikTok and YouTube ad buys could be especially beneficial for this show, to show the dance and music.Or maybe not."
Anecdotally, I've been seeing a LOT of ads for this show on Instagram, and I don't even live in New York.
Hopefully, this is heavily tooled and refocused. I saw the original 1978 Broadway production more than a handful of times during its 4 year run on Broadway and was utterly disappointed when I saw this “revival” in San Diego. This new generation of dancers are purely technical, which was not Bob Fosse’s interpretation style. He rehearsed like a madman so every inch of the choreography was etched into your brain it was second nature. Then he let you loose and let you dance as you felt it. Each dancer added his own personality to the choreography so it looked organic — which in today’s technical era, looks sloppy and not in-sync. Bob Fosse wanted that. If you watch footage of Gwen and Chita dancing “Hot Honey Rag” from CHICAGO, they are loose, sloppy, and drunk (to today’s eyes). THAT, my friend, was Bob Fosse’s dance intentions - dance, don’t show the choreography. I cringe every time I see these young dancers at the Verdon/Fosse Legacy dancing the choreography with robotic sharp precise movements. That wasn’t Bob Fosse.
It's sad really, because the cast and crew from the interviews clearly have a lot of love for Bob Fosse and what he did for the art form of dance. But at the same time, seeing the footage from the San Diego production doesn't give me a lot of hope for this. Oh well, it wouldn't be a Broadway season without a disappointing musical revival or two.
fashionguru_23 said: "I would have rathered a revival of Big Deal"
I'm guessing you've never seen Big Deal? I've only seen the video floating around, to be fair, but it's not a good show. The highlights are three dances (and I think two of them are in this...) otherwise it's dark (literally dark--even the reviews complained) and really disjointed, even dull.
QueenAlice said: "I'm sure this has been asked / answered elsewhere, but why didn't they just recreate Bob Fosse's production?"
I mean even the original dancers felt embarrassed to do the infamous Ballet Barre number (which included what seems like cunnilingus at a ballet rehearsal) but that was cut by the time of the tour (along with the pot number?) and maybe even during the original run, so there was no way it would be here. But your point remains...
Broadway Star Joined: 6/5/03
I have to say, the footage they're putting out of the rehearsals makes this look amazing...