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Biggest mistake you've witnessed on stage.- Page 4

Biggest mistake you've witnessed on stage.

#75re: biggest mistake you've witnessed on stage.
Posted: 8/5/05 at 9:00pm

well i didnt see this happen, but Kristin Chenoweth was on david letterman in april, and she told him this really funny story. she hurt her neck doing the constant galinda hair flips, and her doctor gave her vicodin (sp?) for the pain. but he didnt tell her to cut in in half when it didnt hurt as bad, so she took a whole one right before the show! this was her talking.....
"so i came out in my little bubble and i saw little bubbles all around me, and i saw the 2000 people in the audience and i was just so happy! and one of my first lines was the wicked witch of the west is dead, it came out 'the widded wid of the wed ee woo. the wed e the woo.' I never did get it out. I dont even remember the performance but people who came to see the show all the time said it was my best show ever, that cant be good!"

I was laughing sooo hard when i saw this, and it was like 12:15 AM and my parents were sleeping...WHOOPS. hope you all enjoyed that as much as i did.

Bob: "there is a chance, albeit a microscopic one, that our baby at some point in his or her formative years will get lodged in a tree" ~Related~
Updated On: 8/5/05 at 09:00 PM

suzycat Profile Photo
#76re: biggest mistake you've witnessed on stage.
Posted: 8/5/05 at 9:54pm

nice cheno story!

I saw wicked again last week, and besides 2 places where Shoshana's mic didn't get turned on for her lines, there was also another really distracting sound mistake. At the part before the dance where Glinda & Boq are stage right on the stairs a woman's REALLY loud voice came on over the speakers and said "PLAYING TOO SLOW". It was as if someone's offstage conversation was accidentally picked up. It threw everyone for a second, but Boq just repeated his line & kept going.

I find this ironic, seeing as it seemed like the orchestra was playing way too fast for the whole show.

jonartdesigns Profile Photo
#77re: biggest mistake you've witnessed on stage.
Posted: 8/5/05 at 10:35pm

all in high school-

during annie (our most mistake laden musical)
- one performance the sound board hit the wrong button and drowned out "maybe" with someone backstage singing a particularly foul rendition of "tomorrow"
- another our miss hannigan was almost knocked out after being pulled out of the mansion in her final scene (myself and that actress always stood behind the mansion doors to "help" the onstage singers with the last song... i even dubbed warbuck's solo) well drake flung the door open into her face, it was covered with warbucks ad-libbing "i said get her ouuuuut!!!"
- one night the conductor got distracted and started the hooverville music about halfway through the song...and made us start over.
- and of course there was our rooster's nightly adlib about the mudge's farm... he loved to make our hannigan and lily crack up by going on forever about the animals on the farm things like "we have cows, chickens, elephants, wildabeasts, llamas, coyotes, marsupials.... oh yeah and a ROOSTER"

and in our version of sorry wrong number the climactic ending failed both performances since the train sound effect and the blackout never occured remotely on time

"Grease," the fourth revival of the season, is the worst show in the history of theater and represents an unparalleled assault on Western civilization and its values. - Michael Reidel

M J R Profile Photo
#78re: biggest mistake you've witnessed on stage.
Posted: 8/5/05 at 11:41pm

I was playing Anthony in Sweeney Todd - in the scene before "Johanna", Anthony has a conversation with the bird seller. I turn around to speak to him, and as I do, the fake bird falls out of the cage and onto the floor.

The actor playing the bird vendor CRACKS UP and does his best to get through his lines - I end up standing directly in front of him to block the audience from seeing him scoop up the bird. I then have to sing the big ballad - the second I get off stage I burst into tears of laughter - I can't believe I made it through without breaking!

"High time we made a stand and shook up the views of the common man" - Tears for Fears

dancingthrulife04 Profile Photo
#79re: biggest mistake you've witnessed on stage.
Posted: 8/5/05 at 11:56pm

Funny mistake in my own show:

We did "Cabaret" my freshman year, and had the bare minimum as far as sets went. For our bar, we had a board with a picture of a bar taped on it, and plastic goblets as our drinks. Well, the biggest mistake was that someone forgot to secure our "bar," and it fell on the bartender's head. (He was ok, it was light). And then, the bottoms of all of the goblets started falling off. (Please click and help me win!) I chose, and my world was shaken- So what?
The choice may have been mistaken, The choosing was not...
"Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life." - Lin-Manuel Miranda
"And when Idina Menzel is singing, I'm always slightly worried that her teeth are going to jump out of her mouth and chase me." - Schmerg_the_Impaler

#80re: biggest mistake you've witnessed on stage.
Posted: 8/6/05 at 12:03am

To respond to a post of Cathy Wellerstein's on the first page: it's a minor point, but Melissa Errico was actually delivering the correct lines - it was the recording that was out of sync. Don't recall seeing the dangling out of place vampire, though.

I've seen many, many mistakes, but a particularly cute one was at Beauty and the Beast on Broadway. The Beast is with Cogs & Lumiere, bewailing his inability to make Belle love him. He's wringing his tail in his distress, and lo and behold, it came off in his hands. He looked at it for a moment, then cried out, "She'll never love me now, I have no tail. I'm a chihuahua."
Updated On: 8/6/05 at 12:03 AM

Mr. Jamie Wilinstien Profile Photo
Mr. Jamie Wilinstien
#81re: biggest mistake you've witnessed on stage.
Posted: 8/6/05 at 12:10am

So this is my first message ever on the board... i've been looking around for a few months and finally decided to participate... so hello.

I have two "flubs"; one during a show and the other during a technical rehersal:

I was doing a summer workshop at the Orpheum Theatre in Memphis and the tour for CATS opened the same week. Well a few cast members came and spoke about life on the road and yada yada yada... well they also offered to give a tour backstage, so a few people took them up on it (me included). Well they were opening that night and needed to test the tire lift for the ending. So they had a few people stand on it while they raised it and pushed it out. Well it rose fine but when they went to push it out, it went a little too quickly and it jolted a few people off. Again not during the show, but funny none the less...

the other was during a tour of ragtime. For those who don't know, the son opens both acts as narrator. Well the his mike didn't work either time. The first time you missed his opening and the second time it cut in about half way through

#82re: biggest mistake you've witnessed on stage.
Posted: 8/6/05 at 12:13am

During The Producers early in the run Matthew Broderick COMPLETELY forgot the lyrics to "That Face." He just stopped and looked at Nathan Lane who, staying in character I think, shrugged at him like "I don't know the words!"

Everyone started cracking up, including Lane and Broderick, and the orchestra kept vamping, until Broderick finally walked up TO THE CONDUCTOR who handed him the sheet music. He looked at it a second, still cracking up, handed it back, and finished the song.

Very funny but also very tragic...

"Valtava, iso pullean hurmaava HITTI." New York Post (as quoted by Hairspray, Finnish Regional Production.)

aegeusrocks Profile Photo
#83re: biggest mistake you've witnessed on stage.
Posted: 8/6/05 at 12:44am

I got a Producers one from the Chicago tryout - when the chorus girls are lined up passing wine/martini glasses down the line to Matthew Broderick, and they're supposed to be "full," one glass dropped. They just kept going as if nothing had happened, but that meant the glass just sat there on stage throughout all of the choreography and no one picked it up until the black out when everyone had gotten offstage.

Another Chicago tryout - Spamalot! story:
After the Lancelot is gay number, I forget the actual title, all the knights come back onstage together, so this means Hank Azaria has a quick costume change offstage from flamenco/flamboyant to knight. So what happened when I saw it was that Hank came running on with the other knights in full knight costume - except he had the orange purple flower sticking out of his helmet on his ear. He says his line, something like, where has everyone been, or what happened, and all of the knights just stare at him and the flower for about three minutes. Meanwhile, the audience is cracking up, and you can tell it's getting to some of the knights too, especially Tim Curry, who's sort of giggling at this point. Hank doesn't get it until about three minutes later when he spots the flower out of the corner of his eye and tucks it under the helmet. It was hysterical!
Also, when one of my friends saw it, Hank just cracked up for about ten minutes long when he meets Prince Herbert. My friend said he was doubled over, laughing, and the audience laughed with him the entire time!

JulianHookbucks Profile Photo
#84re: biggest mistake you've witnessed on stage.
Posted: 8/6/05 at 1:41am

one time... closing night of Peter Pan. I'm playing Captain Hook about to launch into the soliloquy (sp?) in the middle of Hook's Waltz... but I repeat the "Captain of villany" verse... adding a verse and a half to the song. Scaryest moment of my theatrical career. Luckily I had an amazing cast of Pirates, and and AMAZING musical director, who luckily was only accompanying us on a piano. (Sometimes small orchestras come in handy.)

However opening night, of that show. As I'm saying the "he's off to get the cat" little rhyme, my Hook moustache which has been falling off throughout act 3 is dangling by three molecules of spirit gum. So adding to my ad-libs of the night (Or director really let Hook, and Smee go wild on the ad-lib thing.) I rip it off, turn to the audience and say "I'm molting what is this?" and throw it off stage, and look back at the Darling children. The audience loves it and wildly applauds. MOst fun moment of my theatrical career. Tow BIG moments, in only one show.

Sorry... that was a bit long...

that's a really big mic...

#85re: biggest mistake you've witnessed on stage.
Posted: 8/6/05 at 3:09am

When Branagh did "Hamlet" with the RSC at the Barbican in London, during one of the matinees, in the opening scene the curtain didn't pull all the way across stage, only about a quarter or a third. Unfortunately, in this particular production, the curtain was apparently supposed to draw across the stage as the opening scene begins, so they didn't realize this until the opening scene had already begun. So the Ghost is marching around the stage and the audience can barely see him, and Horatio is flailing about trying to look around the curtain (I think he entered from the audience or something like that) and convince the audience that he's seeing the Ghost.

We were in the audience thinking, hmmmm, this is a really interesting interpretation of King Hamlet's Ghost.

Anyway, eventually, they finally put poor Horatio out of his misery and stopped the show for almost half an hour to fix the curtain. The thing was, that day "Hamlet" played both a matinee and an evening show, and since they started late, the cast and crew only had a half an hour before they had to do the 4 1/2 hour play all over again!

MusicRox Profile Photo
#86re: biggest mistake you've witnessed on stage.
Posted: 8/6/05 at 3:18am

I guess I'll share one of my own. Last spring we put on Annie and I played Rooster. We have a very cluttered costume shop, so I just picked the first pair of pants I saw. Of course, they were too big. Apparently during the little dance section of Easy Street, my mic box unclipped from my pants and started swinging right in between my crotch as we sang the rest of the song. Come to think of it, I think I was wearing those pants when the mic box slid down my pant leg during another show...

#87re: biggest mistake you've witnessed on stage.
Posted: 8/6/05 at 3:38am

on the most recent tour of rent, the opening night in Portland OR the projector turned on early during the finale and wouldnt turn off so a stage hand unplugged it, then when it was plugged back in at the time it was supposed to be on it didn't work at all. not really a mistake more of a technical problem, but i have seen one of the mark's (forget which one it was) ride the projector on wheels all the way off the front of the stage into the front row.

when ducks grow thumbs then maybe my opinion will change.

#88re: biggest mistake you've witnessed on stage.
Posted: 8/6/05 at 3:16pm

Haven't seen any on Broadway...yet. Or at least I didn't notice them.

Hm. People missing their entrances is pretty hilarious, though kinda nerve-wrecking. One time someone missed their entrance in Bye Bye Birdie (I think it was Hugo) because he was sick, and throwing up backstage. They had to adlib for about 2 minutes straight and when Hugo finally did show up, he looked like he was going to pass out and he completely forgot his lines. It was ugly.

Another time Sandy missed an entrance in Grease and they had to cut out a whole scene. Everyone just kinda wandered off stage and "There are worse things I could do" and "Sandy (reprise)" were skipped. Good sandy just randomly transformed into "bad" sandy. Good thing basically everyone knows the plot of Grease so they weren't confused.

best12bars Profile Photo
#89re: biggest mistake you've witnessed on stage.
Posted: 8/6/05 at 3:56pm

I found the picture of that amazing chorus girl from Lion King, but I can't figure out how to post it for you, sadly. I thought all I would have to do was paste in the jpg file path from my computer, but it ain't working.

Can someone tell me how?

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22
Updated On: 8/6/05 at 03:56 PM

#90re: biggest mistake you've witnessed on stage.
Posted: 8/6/05 at 4:12pm

I haven't seen a show with any noticeable mistakes, but when I saw Hairspray for the first time, there was a flub. At the end of the show, the scoreboard says that Amber won the pageant, but then they get the final tally and the board changes and it declares Tracy to be the winner. The night I went, the board did not change, so Jonathan Dokuchitz as Corny Collins said, "Well, uh, Tracy, um... reg-reg-regardless of what that board says, y-you're the winner!" It was funny to hear him stumble and stammer and think of something to say to cover up the error.

JayKid Profile Photo
#91re: biggest mistake you've witnessed on stage.
Posted: 8/6/05 at 4:48pm

I'll tell you how to post the picture...

Go to or another photo album site and you have to upload the picture to it, then go to the picture, properties and come and paste the URL.

Or if you want, you can give me the picture through an email or IM or somethin and I'll do it for ya.

Just tell me which, and if ya want me to do it I'll give ya my email or somethin (and if there is PMs here, PM me bout it)

I do wanna see the pic tho... that story is so awesme.

South Fl Marc Profile Photo
South Fl Marc
#92re: biggest mistake you've witnessed on stage.
Posted: 8/6/05 at 5:06pm

When I saw Goulet in La Cage there was nothing but mistakes - by him. He flubbed his lines, he flubbed his lyrics, he couldn't move.

Still the worst performance I've seen in the last 10 years.

best12bars Profile Photo
#93re: biggest mistake you've witnessed on stage.
Posted: 8/6/05 at 5:50pm

Hi, JayKid. Thanks much! Great suggestion.

Here she is, for those of you who are interested... The talented chorus girl from the OBC of "Lion King" who stepped up to the plate and finished that performance so successfully for Heather Headley.

I don't know her name, or what she's doing now. If any of you reading this know her, please tell her... she's a champion.
Lion King chorus girl

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

Dre2387 Profile Photo
#94re: biggest mistake you've witnessed on stage.
Posted: 8/6/05 at 7:41pm

do any of these names sound familiar?

Sophina Brown
Iresol Cardona
LaTrisa Coleman
Michelle Dorant
Carol MBambo Hansford
Dameka Hayes
Lindiwe Hlengwa
Erika LaVonn
Rema Webb

I found the list in the booklet from the lion king.

<--- the set of A Midsummer Night's Dream that I was assistant stage manager for during the 2007 season at the STNJ outdoor stage.

You must remember all the same that at the crux of every game is knowing when it's time to leave the table... And it's important to be artful in your exit. No turning back, you must accept the con is done... It was a ball, it was a blast. And it's a shame it couldn't last. But every chapter has to end, you must agree.
~Dirty Rotten Scoundrels~

There's a special kind of people known as show people. We live in a world full of dreams. Sometimes we're not too certain what's false and what's real. But we're seldom in doubt about what we feel.

It is a far, far better thing I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest I go to, than I have ever known.
~A Tale of Two Cities ~

#95re: biggest mistake you've witnessed on stage.
Posted: 8/6/05 at 7:55pm

The biggest mistake I saw was during a production at the National Theatre in London. I forget the production, but the director had the brilliant idea of sloping the stage. Not slightly, mind you, but at least at a 45 degree angle. The staging had the actors perform their scenes and then step off the sloped stage onto platforms where they would freeze and remain still until their character reappeared in the play. The actors wore evening attire, so all of the women were in high heels. It was a disaster waiting to happen, and in the middle of the first act, one of the actresses lost her footing and did a half-gainer down the stage. She stopped before she hit the orchestra.

Another mistake was having center seats for Oscar Wilde's Salome done in overemoting and slow motion at the National. It's an one-act play that was stretched over an 1:40 without an intermission. The theater had no center aisle, so to escape, I would have had to climb over about 30 people in either direction. (I was there with a class, so I couldn't sneak out discretely). Imagine being tied down and forced to listen to someone dragging their nails down a chalkboard for nearly two hours and you'll might begin to understand how painful that was.

I'm also curious about the mystery choir girl. I did a little sleuthing and found this list of the ensemble singers from the OBC:

Ensemble Singers ... Ntomb'khona Dlamini
Ensemble Singers ... Sheila Gibbs
Ensemble Singers ... Lindiwe Hlengwa
Ensemble Singers ... Vanessa A. Jones
Ensemble Singers ... Facu Kulu
Ensemble Singers ... Nandi Morake

Lindiwe Hlengwa was listed as one of the two understudies for Nala, so I assume she was not the mystery chorus girl. Do any of the other names ring a bell?

ETA: I think this list is slightly different from the one before, because I didn't include the ensemble dancers.

Updated On: 8/6/05 at 07:55 PM

#96re: biggest mistake you've witnessed on stage.
Posted: 8/6/05 at 8:15pm

My friend and I saw a touring show of Aida in Ft Lauderdale, and these actors did a great job, but a lot went wrong. To start off the lady in front of me (I was in the 5th row) was late and the usher was helping her get into her seat during "the past is another land" and the usher let go of the rolling oxygen cart the lady had, and it went flying at the stage. Now, this was at the time when our terror level had been upgraded and everyone was on edge, poor Paulette, her eyes got so big. But the usher went running after it and didn't make it in time, and there was a huge thud when it hit the orchestra pit wall. Then, right before "the gods love nubia" ALL the mics went out. The actors pretty much started screaming, but I was in the 5th row and could hardly hear them and they were out for probably at least 5 minutes, and they came back on during the song, which everyone was singing as loud as they possibly could. Then, after intermission they made the laser pyramid and the three of them started singing "a step too far" but the spotlights never came on, so they were all singing in the dark. And finally, during the final scene where they are being shackled and put into the tomb, the guy who was supposed to remove the skackles from Aida got them stuck in the floor, and he was still there after they were in the tomb.

And another Aida story, once on Broadway during one of the nubian camp scenes someone kicked off one of their shoes, and it flew way up above the stage and landed in the 3rd or 4th row, but what was funny was that everyone on stage followed it with their eyes while they were dancing. At the stage door that night, one of the girls came out and said, "dear god was anyone hurt?" It was cute.

sorry that was long

#97re: biggest mistake you've witnessed on stage.
Posted: 8/6/05 at 8:20pm

When I saw Chitty Chitty Bang Bang in April, during the scene right after the dogs, where the two villians are talking, a poodle ran across the stage barking, and obviously someone was trying to get it to come into the wings, and it turned back around, and did that little back and forth, barking act. After it got offstage, one of the villians said 'What was that, lunch?' It was the ONLY time I laughed in Act 1 of that show.

cindy013 Profile Photo
#98re: biggest mistake you've witnessed on stage.
Posted: 8/6/05 at 8:52pm

The first time my parents saw Beauty and the Beast in Toronto, at the end, when the Beast is supposed to spin on that thing and turn into the prince, he started spinning but something was off so he couldn't transform, and so Belle jumped off the platform and they ended up lowering the curtain for 15 minutes for techincal difficulties, and then did it again.
That probably scarred some little kids for life!

"It breaks my heart to see a grown man dressed as a Taco." -David Sedaris
I love Les Miserables.
My new pic is me(on the left)at my last dance recital:(

oxdreaminxo Profile Photo
#99re: biggest mistake you've witnessed on stage.
Posted: 8/6/05 at 8:53pm

When I saw Mame in New Hope in June, more than a lot went wrong. Twasn't terrible, mind you, it was very funny. For one thing, it was opening day and apparently the actors were unsure of what to do. Some highlights were: A martini glass breaking <- not intenional, Linda Dano knowing...none of the choreography especially in the Act 1 finale, and Anna Stewart forgetting some lines in the middle of a scene, so Linda Dano told it to her and they re-did the scene, which made me laugh. There were some minor ones as well. It was funny, afterwards our director (it was a cast trip) said he was never going on opening day again, lol.
Also, for our Spring Musical our dress rehersal was...terrible. Our stage manager was clueless and she was supposed to stand behind a moveable door and relocate it when an actor walked through it. However, she started moving it as he was walking through the door. He tripped through it. One of my good friend's totally forgot his line, it was something along the lines of "And like I always say: the best of us get the worst in us who have the best in us." Instead he said, "And like I always say...I forget what I always say!" Good times though.
Geez, that was long.

A most ingenious paradox.
