Did you get an email on January 8? That email announced the raffle was open, but the details were only on the website. I agree communication has been poor. I had to keep my eyes on Playbill.com because some of the articles were being published there.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/1/14
The BwayCon people appear most active on social media, which is fine, but Broadway audiences at large aren't primarily on Twitter. They do have a Facebook page as well, which I didn't bother to look for until now, but that's another communication avenue people can try to get some clarity.
I definitely didn't get an email on January 8--nothing between when I registered in mid-December and that stupid "what to pack" email. I did get a response to my email complaint telling me they sent emails to all registered attendees on January 8 (untrue) and have been keeping people apprised on playbill (which I don't check regularly) and their website (ditto). Ah well, sucks for me.
I got my raffle results. I will be getting photos with Lesli Margherita, Susan Blackwell, Hunter Bell, and Jeff Bowen. For autographs, I have a ticket for Hunter and Jeff.
I appreciate the photos will be free, but it sucks I have to wait almost a month for them to be available on Facebook.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/9/04
The Drama Book Shop has dozens of playwrights and authors, including Gurney, Kron and Durang signing their work all weekend. I'll be working the booth. Come and visit us!
Featured Actor Joined: 12/12/12
Pootie, I sent a note to the link on the bottom of the BroadwayCon page telling them about my upset at the procedure. I have not heard back from them. The method of spreading news did tend to exclude those of us who do not constantly troll social media or look for information on the event. I don't spend time on Twitter, and did not think I would have to search for additional information. I would have expected something that big to be announced at ticket purchase time or at least sent in an email as a direct letter to the ticket holder. Like "by the way, you may not be able to participate in all events even if you buy a full weekend pass unless you do this."
I saw what the email looked like. It did not look like an informative letter, but rather a billboard-type announcement. Something should have been sent that alerted the buyer that their experience would be based on response to the information in the email. I feel that many of us were left out of the process.
I am a 56 year old teacher and my daughter is an about to be 16 year old girl with autism. These tickets were her Christmas and birthday present. I have not told her about this glitch yet and I hope it will not affect her terribly. She was already upset finding out that the workshops were for people who had experience. I really see these as major issues that need to be changed.
I got my results email around 3 am! I got authors pjs for Jonathan Groff, Telly Leung, and Ann Harada. My husband got the mentioned above as well as Anthony Rapp and Jenn Collela
Mine came between 4 & 4:30am. I got autograph sessions with Anthony Rapp, Natalie Weiss, the cast of Fiddler on the Roof, and Susan Blackwell.
Now, I would like to know if we can give these passes to other people or if they check ID as well. The reason being is that I know who Susan Blackwell is, but that's about it. I don't want to go to a session just because I can without having a good familiarity with who I am going for. I would rather a bigger fan go.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/1/14
delongpre said: "Pootie, I sent a note to the link on the bottom of the BroadwayCon page telling them about my upset at the procedure. I have not heard back from them. The method of spreading news did tend to exclude those of us who do not constantly troll social media or look for information on the event. I don't spend time on Twitter, and did not think I would have to search for additional information. I would have expected something that big to be announced at ticket purchase time or at least sent in an email as a direct letter to the ticket holder. Like "by the way, you may not be able to participate in all events even if you buy a full weekend pass unless you do this."
I saw what the email looked like. It did not look like an informative letter, but rather a billboard-type announcement. Something should have been sent that alerted the buyer that their experience would be based on response to the information in the email. I feel that many of us were left out of the process.
I am a 56 year old teacher and my daughter is an about to be 16 year old girl with autism. These tickets were her Christmas and birthday present. I have not told her about this glitch yet and I hope it will not affect her terribly. She was already upset finding out that the workshops were for people who had experience. I really see these as major issues that need to be changed."
You can bring up your issues to BroadwayCon directly, whether on their Facebook and/or in-person once you get to the convention. Melissa Anelli is the lead. The Facebook announcement post about the raffles: https://www.facebook.com/bwaycon/posts/551333145034946
However, you did actually get the email, so that's not a technical glitch (I don't know about mariel9's situation of course) but rather an issue of the communication style. I'm afraid that won't be very convincing as a consistent issue unless they receive a few more complaints along the same lines. I also regularly updated this thread when new major information was available, including links and stuff on the first post and within. If you regularly checked this forum or had this thread subscribed, I believe responses would've been sent to you as well (though there would've been a lot of meandering noninformation at the beginning). Ideally, BwayCon will send all registrants a third party survey link about their experience shortly after the convention end, with a comment box for these things as well.
There appears to be an important glitch in the raffle system on their Facebook page under the "posts to BwayCon" section concerning the timing of these autograph and photo sessions. And it looks like people will try to attempt a trading meet at some point. I was rather dubious about the raffle and still am not convinced that it's a good system...
Swing Joined: 6/19/08
I never received the e-mail either. I don't really do social media so I don't really look at that stuff. Luckily someone mentioned the autograph ticket thing to me before it was too late.It was a pretty sorry list considering all the guests listed. When I bought my ticket, the web site said that only a few autographs would be lottery now they all were. It also said that unlike other "cons" you would actually get to see all the panels, which now says first come first serve. I'm not very optimistic that this will go well.
There seems to be some chatter on Facebook from VIPs who didn't get their "guaranteed" autograph selections, etc. I don't really know what they were guaranteed, but it does seem some of this hasn't gone as planned. I bought a weekend pass and for what it's worth, I did receive an email about the lottery, but I didn't bother with it because I mostly likely can't attend at all.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/24/14
Jaded New Yorker here, this sounds like a **** show, avoiding the whole area this week. Have fun, people attending. First week in a long time not seeing something on Broadway.
Do you really think the attendees will be bursting out of the hotel doing singalongs? I'm glad it'll be cold!
VIP member here and not all that optimistic about how this is being managed. Going into this with the bar set low!
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/1/14
pf0723 said: "I never received the e-mail either. I don't really do social media so I don't really look at that stuff. Luckily someone mentioned the autograph ticket thing to me before it was too late.It was a pretty sorry list considering all the guests listed. When I bought my ticket, the web site said that only a few autographs would be lottery now they all were. It also said that unlike other "cons" you would actually get to see all the panels, which now says first come first serve. I'm not very optimistic that this will go well."
To be fair, panels and workshops at other conventions have always been limited by capacity. I believe some conventions actually record certain panels as well, but I rather doubt that will be allowed at this one.
In my decades of email and mailing list experience, I've found that it's definitely not the most reliable method to receive announcements anymore, especially given how spam and sophisticated spoofing are now permanent scourges to the extent that there are ISP-level filters in place that have on occasion prevented legitimate companies from communicating with constituents. Not to mention the thousands of email client options with their own built-in filters and custom options. The first order of business is to check your spam box, but especially in this day and age, a measure of proactive checking is necessary; if you have a smartphone, bookmark a website containing these announcements.
I understand not being "into" social media, but these days, if you want to find information and/or kick up attention to matters, it's the first place to do such things. Twitter isn't the best venue to lodge a complaint unless you already have a very connected account, but Facebook comments and posts are public (for public accounts like this, that is). When the debriefing occurs after BroadwayCon, people need to get involved to make issues more visible.
NJ_BroadwayGirl said: "There seems to be some chatter on Facebook from VIPs who didn't get their "guaranteed" autograph selections, etc. I don't really know what they were guaranteed, but it does seem some of this hasn't gone as planned. I bought a weekend pass and for what it's worth, I did receive an email about the lottery, but I didn't bother with it because I mostly likely can't attend at all.
Sorry it couldn't work out for you (though maybe there will be a miracle?). I interpreted the guarantee as simply a guarantee of number, not necessarily the exact people they would have wanted.
Apparently Comic-Con changed their autograph system in 2012 to a sort of lottery system. But theirs is such a huge, ridiculous affair, and I doubt BroadwayCon would ever reach those levels of insanity.
Well, I still hope things will largely work out despite the rough edges, and maybe Broadway shows will see a slight bump from incoming tourists around this week and next.
Pootie2 said: "Sorry it couldn't work out for you (though maybe there will be a miracle?)."
Thank you! :) I hope you have a great time! Hopefully I'll be able to get there on Sunday.
Featured Actor Joined: 12/12/12
Pootie2 said:
You can bring up your issues to BroadwayCon directly, whether on their Facebook and/or in-person once you get to the convention. Melissa Anelli is the lead. The Facebook announcement post about the raffles: https://www.facebook.com/bwaycon/posts/551333145034946
However, you did actually get the email, so that's not a technical glitch (I don't know about mariel9's situation of course) but rather an issue of the communication style. I'm afraid that won't be very convincing as a consistent issue unless they receive a few more complaints along the same lines. I also regularly updated this thread when new major information was available, including links and stuff on the first post and within. If you regularly checked this forum or had this thread subscribed, I believe responses would've been sent to you as well (though there would've been a lot of meandering noninformation at the beginning). Ideally, BwayCon will send all registrants a third party survey link about their experience shortly after the convention end, with a comment box for these things as well.
There appears to be an important glitch in the raffle system on their Facebook page under the "posts to BwayCon" section concerning the timing of these autograph and photo sessions. And it looks like people will try to attempt a trading meet at some point. I was rather dubious about the raffle and still am not convinced that it's a good system..."
Pootie, I saw the Jan 8th email last night after it was forwarded to me by someone who read about my issue yesterday. It looks like a billboard announcement to excite the reader rather than a letter with serious content that needs to be read carefully.
When they wrote a couple of months ago that the workshops needed evidence of previous experience for attendance, my daughter filled it out as best she could, but also clicked that she would be an observer (for Anthony Rapp. She had nothing to put down for singing experience for the Jenn Colella one so she felt she would not be allowed). We didn't hear back about that.
I do read the forums here, but I never saw anything about having to sign up for a lottery for the autographs. I would have done that readily. The only one she really wants to do is the RENT one, as she has been able to greet most of the others at stage door after shows she has seen. Maybe someone who has a ticket will leave early and give their ticket away.
I'm sure we will have an amazing time, despite the restrictions, but I hope the methods of communication and lottery are perfected for next year!
Even if you had put in for the lotto, i doubt you would've gotten RENT anyway. I think those mostly went to VIP. Me and my friend both had that as our #1 and neither of us got it, #2 was Fun Home, didn't get those either. The ones we got were like way down on our list, only one was even in our Top 10. It's a little disappointing, but that's he nature of the lottery system.
I'm glad I decided to sit the first year out while they worked out the kinks. This sounds like a mess. They are definitely creating more hassle for themselves by micromanaging. Open the doors and let people navigate like at a regular con. Let people stand in lines for who they want to see and let people who really want to get into a certain workshop queue up early. The VIPs get preferential seating or get to jump lines like at regular cons.
All this raffle crap is nonsense. Why would I want to get randomly assigned to meet someone I have no interest in?
Also, they need to announce guests up front like at a regular con. This Con seems to light on big names and no mentions of any legends (Peters, LuPone, McDonald, Lane, etc.)
They really sold this as a different experience (no additional charges for meeting opportunities,etc) without really knowing how they would execute this.
Sounds like another cash grab to exploit fans.
I'm not even going to bother with the autographs and workshops since those aren't really my thing. I'm hoping my experience goes more smoothly!
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/1/14
Bettyboy72 said: "Also, they need to announce guests up front like at a regular con. This Con seems to light on big names and no mentions of any legends (Peters, LuPone, McDonald, Lane, etc.)
Sounds like another cash grab to exploit fans. "
Clearly you haven't been following, but some of the ticket price goes to BC/EFA, so I wouldn't classify this as a blatant cash grab. That would be something scalpers of other major conventions do. Other conventions have seen last-minute guest and schedule changes as well, so that's part of the territory, but performers of this industry lead somewhat nebulous lives in terms of scheduling; it's far easier for authors, for example, to clear their schedules for something far in advance without impinging on last-minute work. There are some relatively big names on the guest list even if they're not legendary enough for you.
LizzieCurry said: "I'm not even going to bother with the autographs and workshops since those aren't really my thing. I'm hoping my experience goes more smoothly!"
I wonder if the raffle system is an equal number for each guest so they didn't want a guest to feel left out if people wouldn't have lined up to see them as much as another guest. The panels sound the most interesting to me, in any case.
"Clearly you haven't been following, but some of the ticket price goes to BC/EFA, so I wouldn't classify this as a blatant cash grab. That would be something scalpers of other major conventions do. Other conventions have seen last-minute guest and schedule changes as well, so that's part of the territory, but performers of this industry lead somewhat nebulous lives in terms of scheduling"
I have been following and its still very, very expensive for a first time Con, regardless of a donation to BC/EFA.I have attended many Cons so I'm not new to the rodeo. All cons release a "tentative" guest list and of course people drop or plans change.
I say its a cash grab because it sounds like many people (some of them my friends) have paid $600 to not be meeting the people they wanted. Many cons turn out to be a glorified marketplace that you paid to come and spend more money.
Like I said I'll wait to see how this all pans out this year so they can implement a better system.
I've had nothing but pleasant interactions with everyone on Bwaycon team. I didn't get a ticket for one of my guarantees and they solved it in 15 minutes and I got one.
To add the sessions of your choosing, log into your Tixr account, click "View Event" and it will give you the option to add the autograph/photo sessions of your choosing for free (2 sessions have already reached capacity so they are no longer available) but after I selected my sessions and confirmed them, I received the tickets in an email.
yeah when i first noticed that I did RENT and Fun Home Autographs and printed out the tickets, not sure if it was a glitch or not, nothing is showing up if i try to go back to see what else is available, but my tickets still show in my tixr section. I just wonder if they'll be honored or not. Guess we'll have to see.