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Bush and advisors moving to interfere with "pro gay" theatre

Bush and advisors moving to interfere with "pro gay" theatre

#0Bush and advisors moving to interfere with "pro gay" theatre
Posted: 12/9/04 at 6:35am

Interesting if horrifying article on how Bush and his advisor Gerald Allen view "pro gay" theatre.

"Cutting off funds to theatre departments that put on A Chorus Line or Cat on a Hot Tin Roof may look like censorship, and smell like censorship, but "it's not censorship", Allen hastens to explain. "For instance, there's a reason for stop lights. You're driving a vehicle, you see that stop light, and I hope you stop." Who can argue with something as reasonable as stop lights? Of course, if you're gay, this particular traffic light never changes to green. "

Bush and Advisors views on banning gay theatre

MasterLcZ Profile Photo
#1re: Bush and advisors moving to interfere with 'pro gay' theatre
Posted: 12/9/04 at 6:46am

Ah, the fist baby steps of fascism.....

"Christ, Bette Davis?!?!"

bwaysinger Profile Photo
#2re: Bush and advisors moving to interfere with 'pro gay' theatre
Posted: 12/9/04 at 7:32am

Jihad by any other name is still jihad, eh?

rKrispyt Profile Photo
#3re: Bush and advisors moving to interfere with 'pro gay' theatre
Posted: 12/9/04 at 7:47am

If I show you the darkness I hold inside, will you bring me to light?

#4re: Bush and advisors moving to interfere with 'pro gay' theatre
Posted: 12/9/04 at 7:51am

Gerald Allen again!! He wants to ban gay books in Alabama schools & libraries.

What is happening to this country?

popcultureboy Profile Photo
#5re: Bush and advisors moving to interfere with 'pro gay' theatre
Posted: 12/9/04 at 9:25am

Within 4 years, the US will resemble The Handmaid's Tale, I swear to God.

Nothing precious, plain to see, don't make a fuss over me. Not loud, not soft, but somewhere inbetween. Say sorry, just let it be the word you mean.

#6re: Bush and advisors moving to interfere with 'pro gay' theatre
Posted: 12/9/04 at 9:44am

Hmm, The Guardian. Now where have I heard from that rag before? Oh yeah! They were trying to dictate to voters in Ohio how to vote.

I think the more interesting question is why is The Guardian trying to run the United States? Not enough news in Europe to report?

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

#7re: Bush and advisors moving to interfere with 'pro gay' theatre
Posted: 12/9/04 at 9:50am

That's ****ing bull****...****ing bull****.

CCM '10!

magruder Profile Photo
#8re: Bush and advisors moving to interfere with 'pro gay' theatre
Posted: 12/9/04 at 9:51am

Pink triangles are next.

"Gif me the cobra jool!"

Auggie27 Profile Photo
#9re: Bush and advisors moving to interfere with 'pro gay' theatre
Posted: 12/9/04 at 9:54am

As I've posted elsewhere, I only wish we had some strong leadership in the gay community -- yes, more visible gay celebrity -- who could counter some of this subversive strategy. It was unsettling to see clips of Elton John sitting in the box of the Kennedy Center, having received high honors from Bush. I'm not suggesting that Elton pull an Eartha Kitt (only you older posters remember that -- she was invited to the White House and challenged Lady Bird about Viet Nam). But there was one big mouth in the gay community who had to stuff his feelings toward Bush and Cheney because the President hung a ribbon with a medal on it around his neck.

And what about the 'tude of the man who awarded him? He was elected for not knowing if Sir Elton "chose" to be homosexual, and depriving him of the rights given other citizens. Yet there he was, beaming, happy to suck up to him, you should excuse the expression, because this particular homo is a cool rocker. It's EASY to love gay uber achievers. But what about the non Eltons, Mr. Bush? Gay teachers and law clerks, and busboys and dishwashers? They are human, they are real, and they deserve your respect, too. They deserve the same dignified response you so quickly afford a rock superstar.

I only wish Tennesse Williams and Leonard Bernstein were alive -- and kicking. Kicking Bush's ass. (I appreciate Tony Kushner, to be sure. And Larry Kramer. But Williams and Bernstein wrote beloved material -- GLASS MENAGERIE and WEST SIDE STORY are read and widely performed in red states.)

"I'm a comedian, but in my spare time, things bother me." Garry Shandling
Updated On: 12/9/04 at 09:54 AM

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#10re: Bush and advisors moving to interfere with 'pro gay' theatre
Posted: 12/9/04 at 10:17am

This makes me want to puke...I'd like to say something intelligent regarding this, but am so pissed off at George Freaking Bush that I can only think of four-letter words to describe my feelings...Apparently this administration is above to constitution...

sweetiedarlinmia Profile Photo
#11re: Bush and advisors moving to interfere with 'pro gay' theatre
Posted: 12/9/04 at 10:18am

Ahh bigotry and stupidity at its finest! I ask you, Why do we even have the Bill of Rights?

magruder Profile Photo
#12re: Bush and advisors moving to interfere with 'pro gay' theatre
Posted: 12/9/04 at 10:21am

As Roy Cohn says in Angels in America, "A homosexual is somebody who, in 15 years of trying cannot get a pissant anti-discrimination bill through the city council." Well, we're thankfully beyond that, but given what we're going through with this neo-conservative turn the country is taking, I do hope that our current great gay artists can step up and mobilize our community. Great art can be very powerful and persuasive in troubling times.

"Gif me the cobra jool!"

scotty Profile Photo
#13re: Bush and advisors moving to interfere with 'pro gay' theatre
Posted: 12/9/04 at 10:24am

absoloutley disgusting!!! You'd think, he would have better things to do with his time...NO he probably wouldnt. Who actually voted for him? Updated On: 12/9/04 at 10:24 AM

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#14re: Bush and advisors moving to interfere with 'pro gay' theatre
Posted: 12/9/04 at 10:25am

Literature has had gay innuendo for centruries...Now the government is going to determine what is and isn't subjective?

Matt_G Profile Photo
#15re: Bush and advisors moving to interfere with 'pro gay' theatre
Posted: 12/9/04 at 10:29am

Well, I'm almost glad that Alice Walker is included in this list because Oprah is NOT going to be happy once she hears this. And let's face it, who's more powerful - Bush or Oprah?

"Noah, someday we'll talk again. But there's things we'll never say. That sorrow deep inside you. It inside me, too. And it never go away. You be okay. You'll learn how to lose things..."

BreakingTheCircle07 Profile Photo
#16re: Bush and advisors moving to interfere with 'pro gay' theatre
Posted: 12/9/04 at 10:31am


Variations on a Theme blog:

EverythingIsRENT Profile Photo
#17re: Bush and advisors moving to interfere with 'pro gay' theatre
Posted: 12/9/04 at 10:32am

someone...PLEASE tell me that article was a friggin joke?? Please? That CANNOT be for real....

Even if it's not, how the HELL is "Dance: 10; Looks: 3" aa "homosexual" number?? makes no sense at all!! This has to be a big joke....i hope....

Sunchips: Best Kept Secret in the chip aisle!!

morosco Profile Photo
#18re: Bush and advisors moving to interfere with 'pro gay' theatre
Posted: 12/9/04 at 10:37am

re: Bush and advisors moving to interfere with 'pro gay' theatre

Bush is an embarassment to all of us who are alcoholics.

#19re: Bush and advisors moving to interfere with 'pro gay' theatre
Posted: 12/9/04 at 10:38am

"I think the more interesting question is why is The Guardian trying to run the United States? Not enough news in Europe to report?"

In Europe we have newspapers that discuss events in the whole world. I know it might seem strange to you guys but we don't limit our discussions to domestic policy and only discuss other countries in the context of possible plots against us.

pab Profile Photo
#20re: Bush and advisors moving to interfere with 'pro gay' theatre
Posted: 12/9/04 at 10:43am

As The Daily Mirror asked:

“How can 59,054,087 people be so dumb?”

"Smart! And into all those exotic mystiques -- The Kama Sutra and Chinese techniques. I hear she knows more than seventy-five. Call me tomorrow if you're still alive!"

bobbysworld Profile Photo
#21re: Bush and advisors moving to interfere with 'pro gay' theatre
Posted: 12/9/04 at 10:48am

Leeinlondon has a very valid point.

Its extremly important to get news from other sources because, i know its shocking, but our government doesn't always tell us the whole story.

I don't think people in this country really understand how much the REST OF THE WORLD was counting on a different outcome for this last election...and he hasn't even started his second term yet!! Its gunna be a GREAT four years.
Updated On: 12/9/04 at 10:48 AM

morosco Profile Photo
#22re: Bush and advisors moving to interfere with 'pro gay' theatre
Posted: 12/9/04 at 10:52am

re: Bush and advisors moving to interfere with 'pro gay' theatre

Interesting that Gerald Allen represents the 62nd District in Alabama. The 62nd District is Tuscaloosa!
The Musical Updated On: 12/9/04 at 10:52 AM

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#23re: Bush and advisors moving to interfere with 'pro gay' theatre
Posted: 12/9/04 at 10:52am

So who wants to be my companion at the internment camp? Updated On: 12/9/04 at 10:52 AM

bobbysworld Profile Photo
#24re: Bush and advisors moving to interfere with 'pro gay' theatre
Posted: 12/9/04 at 10:53am

on a happier, more peaceful note...

Who wants to go?!?! Updated On: 12/9/04 at 10:53 AM
