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COMPANY - Closing Performance Stories- Page 3

COMPANY - Closing Performance Stories

violet72 Profile Photo
#50re: COMPANY - Closing Performance Stories
Posted: 7/1/07 at 9:35pm

It was simply amazing!!!! It was so emotional...Barbara Walsh was fierce...stupid cell phone person was a couple rows behind me and man did she stare them done.....Being Alive was amazing I am still shaking just thinking about soon as he hit that last note I just stood the first couple of rows an older couple came out of their rows and started to leave and when the ovation was over they were like oh crap theres more??? I have to say that it was the best performance I have experienced in a theater...Raul's speech at the end was perfect...I think alot of people will be talking about this for a long time....I am mad I didn't get to stage door because I had to catch a train and a crapload of people were standing there when I finally got out of the theater...I hope the PBS taping is good although nothing can compare to seeing it live today

By the way if you went and were sitting on the left side of the orchestra and lost a wallet my mom found it and gave it to an usher

I am spent

"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life. Define yourself"

vfd88 Profile Photo
#51re: COMPANY - Closing Performance Stories
Posted: 7/1/07 at 9:35pm

SO wish I could have been there.

I really think it's unfair that brilliant pieces of art like Company close with less than 300 performances while junk like Phantom runs forever.

MotorTink Profile Photo
#52re: COMPANY - Closing Performance Stories
Posted: 7/1/07 at 9:36pm

Has anyone spoken to Em?? Is she emotionally stable at the moment???? :)

BroadwayBoobs: I'll give all of you who weren't there a hint of who took the pictures rhymes with shameless

SOMMS: I knew it was Tink!

vfd88 Profile Photo
#53re: COMPANY - Closing Performance Stories
Posted: 7/1/07 at 9:39pm

OMG Emcee? Are you still alive, love?

antiandrewx Profile Photo
#54re: COMPANY - Closing Performance Stories
Posted: 7/1/07 at 9:44pm

The standing ovation after Being Alive was unbelieveable. It seemed like it lasted forever.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#55re: COMPANY - Closing Performance Stories
Posted: 7/1/07 at 9:45pm

Hi, I'm fine! I went out to dinner afterwards and then I had to run some errands.

People have asked me to "review" the performance, and if you all are reading, I'm sorry to disappoint or whatever, but I really just... don't want to start writing up a play-by-play or anything at this point. I can't. What's to say, really? Well, other than the following few things, I guess.

It was beautiful. Perfect. Everything I could have asked for. The performance was so emotional -- the tears, the laughter, the thunderous applause breaks... there was just so much love. And yet there's something very surreal about it all; I feel as though come the next time I want to go, it'll still be there waiting for me. Raúl's speech was gorgeous, and just so... right. He speaks beautifully. The first time I ever saw the show was from above, and it was only fitting that the last time was from that vantage point, as well. The way you experienced that show was so dependent on your viewpoint, and so I guess in the end, that made all the difference -- my brain was full of these incredible "then and now" types of flashbacks. (Also, the standing ovation after Being Alive was nowhere near five minutes. Just for the record.)

I'm so lucky to have been there today -- and really, lucky to have had this experience as a whole, to be able to watch the show grow and develop between the two runs and throughout its time on Broadway. It's been one of the best things to ever happen to me -- emotionally fulfilling, a learning experience, and so much more. I think it's easy to be passive when you're "just" an audience member, but I believe very strongly in the bond between art and the people who love it, and it has so many incredible rewards. As sad as it is to say goodbye when you become so attached, I would change nothing about the past year and three months. I wish the joy and happiness I have had in experiencing this show upon every theater fan, I truly do. I will remember this forever.

To the cast and creative team, because I know some of you are out there, my deepest, most heartfelt thanks and congratulations. The time I've spent supporting this show, as I told Raúl this afternoon, has been one of my greatest pleasures. You are all wonderful.

I'm going to miss it terribly.

And now I need to go eat and change my clothes and re-enter the real world.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 7/27/07 at 09:45 PM

vfd88 Profile Photo
#56re: COMPANY - Closing Performance Stories
Posted: 7/1/07 at 9:47pm

I also cannot believe it is gone. I still feel like I could just go buy tickets again.

#57re: COMPANY - Closing Performance Stories
Posted: 7/1/07 at 9:50pm

Ugh, that cell phone. re: COMPANY - Closing Performance Stories

At the end of Being Alive, while everyone was on the feet cheering, I was crying, the guy next to me was crying as were I think, the girls down the row next to him.
It seemed like Raul was crying at that point, but I couldn't tell detail from where I was. At first I thought he was just breathing heavy from all the effort from the song, but then it went on and it seemed like he was if not actually crying, then trying to hold it in til the end. Can someone from the orchestra tell me if that's an accurate observation on my part?

Also while everyone was cheering for those several minutes at the end of Being Alive, I totally forgot there was that little bit more. They had to do the finish, but in some ways, it should've just ended there. Such love in that room for Raul and that cast at that moment, with him standing out there in front.

I kept thinking throughout the show, that this is the last time for who knows how long I'll get to hear Raul sing, but then kept remembering there's a PBS show and DVD to come.
Thanks to everyone responsible for making that happen!

Walked right next to Robert Sean Leonard twice at intermission. Doesn't take much to make me happy. re: COMPANY - Closing Performance Stories
Did anyone see any other persons of some note there today?

Raul said Sondheim was in Australia to see a production of Company, but had been there on Wednesday.

violet72 Profile Photo
#58re: COMPANY - Closing Performance Stories
Posted: 7/1/07 at 9:53pm

there were alot of people there today who were seeing it for the first time saying they don't know why it was closing? they said they have no idea why this show didn't catch is a was so original in it's concept(Swweeney was too)'s why I go to see shows to be overwhelmed to be swept up in a just lose myself in it...this cast is incredible...can't wait to see what some of them do next...and Heather's baby is adoreable

"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life. Define yourself"

#59re: COMPANY - Closing Performance Stories
Posted: 7/1/07 at 9:55pm

there were alot of people there today who were seeing it for the first time saying they don't know why it was closing? they said they have no idea why this show didn't catch on

I don't know how many times today I was wondering the same thing.

antiandrewx Profile Photo
#60re: COMPANY - Closing Performance Stories
Posted: 7/1/07 at 9:56pm

I think he was crying after Being Alive, I'm pretty sure I remember seeing a few tears drop.
Updated On: 7/1/07 at 09:56 PM

violet72 Profile Photo
#61re: COMPANY - Closing Performance Stories
Posted: 7/1/07 at 9:57pm

he was crying...I think he stopped playing the piano a little during least thats what I saw through my tears...I think everyone in my row was crying

"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life. Define yourself"

obsessedjb Profile Photo
#62re: COMPANY - Closing Performance Stories
Posted: 7/1/07 at 9:58pm

Yeah he was crying. From where I was I definitely saw tears as he was standing there after the cast left.

ben1986 Profile Photo
#63re: COMPANY - Closing Performance Stories
Posted: 7/1/07 at 10:00pm

I was there, last row of the mezz. but I was there. Everything I can say has already been said except that I was so struck by Raul's speech espically the part about entering a second golden age.

Since this show has announced closing I have been questioning the state of broadway and really wondering what this closing. Suffice to say my thoughts have been the antithesis of Raul's speech, but afterwards I left that theatre feeling alot better about the state of broadway. Such a great show, I'll miss it dearly.

xoxRogue Profile Photo
#64re: COMPANY - Closing Performance Stories
Posted: 7/1/07 at 10:08pm

Walked right next to Robert Sean Leonard twice at intermission. Doesn't take much to make me happy.

!!!! That must have been nice. I knew I should have gotten out of my seat for some reason. Not that I would've said anything to COMPANY - Closing Performance Stories

Shari Lewis: Did you ever wish upon a star? Lamb Chop: I once asked Mr. Rogers for his autograph.

dancingthrulife04 Profile Photo
#65re: COMPANY - Closing Performance Stories
Posted: 7/1/07 at 10:10pm

He came out of the stage door and for the life of me I could not remember his name. Thank you. (Please click and help me win!) I chose, and my world was shaken- So what?
The choice may have been mistaken, The choosing was not...
"Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life." - Lin-Manuel Miranda
"And when Idina Menzel is singing, I'm always slightly worried that her teeth are going to jump out of her mouth and chase me." - Schmerg_the_Impaler

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#66re: COMPANY - Closing Performance Stories
Posted: 7/1/07 at 10:10pm

The cell phone was Elaine Stritch saying:
F*CK You Bitch That's my song.

dancingthrulife04 Profile Photo
#67re: COMPANY - Closing Performance Stories
Posted: 7/1/07 at 10:12pm

Umm, no. (Please click and help me win!) I chose, and my world was shaken- So what?
The choice may have been mistaken, The choosing was not...
"Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life." - Lin-Manuel Miranda
"And when Idina Menzel is singing, I'm always slightly worried that her teeth are going to jump out of her mouth and chase me." - Schmerg_the_Impaler

violet72 Profile Photo
#68re: COMPANY - Closing Performance Stories
Posted: 7/1/07 at 10:17pm

where was RSL sitting...I knew I should have walked around at intermission

"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life. Define yourself"

#69re: COMPANY - Closing Performance Stories
Posted: 7/1/07 at 10:18pm

That must have been nice. I knew I should have gotten out of my seat for some reason. Not that I would've said anything to him....

We were headed onto our respective restroom lines the first time and back to the opposite sides of the lounge to the stairs the second time. Telling him I really like him in House, the whole 5 or 10 mins every week he's in it, seemed rather trite at the time. Not that I'd have been lying, I do like him in it.
He looked really good with the glasses and slightly longer hair.

I wanted to stage door, but there was such a big crowd there by the time I could get down there, I didn't bother to stay.

#70re: COMPANY - Closing Performance Stories
Posted: 7/1/07 at 10:18pm


The cell phone was a few rows behind me, and that is my favorite part of the whole show. I couldn't believe it.

People all around me were talking about how much it sucks that the show is closing. A lot of people had bought their tickets awhile ago without knowing it was the final performance.

I loved Heather Laws' baby dressed up as Amy, that was great!

The morning star always gets wonderful bright the minute before it has to go --doesn't it?

Fantabulous428 Profile Photo
#71re: COMPANY - Closing Performance Stories
Posted: 7/1/07 at 10:20pm

So glad to see the show bow out to a sold out and very enthusiastic crowd. If only all those people could have appeared a few months earlier re: COMPANY - Closing Performance Stories

I recognize the addiction to being alive.

#72re: COMPANY - Closing Performance Stories
Posted: 7/1/07 at 10:24pm

why wait till a show post the most awful posts in the world for he world to go crazy! closeing notices are the most awful things ive ever experienced

vinnylin Profile Photo
#73re: COMPANY - Closing Performance Stories
Posted: 7/1/07 at 10:27pm

It was a truly brilliant and emotionally charged performance. What struck me most was just how every little detail -- every nuance, every small moment -- seemed to pop. I felt like the cast was relishing every note and every word. And what a tremendously talented cast. I always lamented that the cast's talent has been somewhat overlooked, and it was almost as if they set out to prove everyone wrong. Raul was especially brilliant and "Being Alive" (the keyboard flub notwithstanding) was simply sensational. But what I appreciated more than anything was how this entire piece worked on every level -- every detail of the direction, every detail of the sensational orchestrations, every note played by the actors, every note sung by the actors, and every word spoken by the actors. This wasn't about one brilliant actor surrounded by a serviceable company. It was a true collaboration of brilliant "artists" as Raul referred to them in his speech. How appropriately termed.

And how wonderful to be in an audience that appreciated all those details and so that was so eager to demonstrate their appreciation. I can't imagine how difficult it must have been for the actors to go through so many months with half-empty houses. The actors' reward has to be in knowing they are a part of theatre history, and that their tremendous contribution to this season (and, for me, it's absolute highlight) was meaningful and will not be forgotten.

Best of luck to the entire COMPANY. Bring on Great Performances!

"This is wanting something, this is reaching for it, This is wishing that a moment would arrive. This is taking chances, this is almost touching, what the beauty is." --The Light in the Piazza

obsessedjb Profile Photo
#74re: COMPANY - Closing Performance Stories
Posted: 7/1/07 at 10:31pm

well I was holding it together until I read that..beautifully put
