Stand-by Joined: 2/17/15
I was lucky enough to win the lottery and caught today's matinee. I wish I could say I loved the show as the cast really is brilliant, but unfortunately I thought it all really lacked a necessary cohesive vision. I'm usually a supporter of John Doyle's work, even some of his more "out there" directorial decisions, but the show today was a bit of a miss for me. Assassins is tied for being my favorite Sondheim piece (with Company, which I was also lucky enough to catch this week), but I just felt that the whole thing lacked a certain energy and momentum that it requires to pull off. Some jokes that I've seen kill before only got light chuckles, some scenes that have previously felt like a gut punch to me barely registered. Slater, Swenson and Pasquale especially blew me away and the whole cast is doing fantastic work (I also found Danny Wolohan's more natural take on Byck to be very refreshing when compared to the scenery-chewing the part usually calls for), but overall I thought the direction of the show itself was too all over the place for my liking.
Does anyone have an interpretation to them all putting their masks on for the final moment of the show? I took it to be another way Doyle wanted to connect the assassins of the show and our country today. But it didn't really work for me, especially seeing as the segments of the American population most akin to the assassins represented in the musical overwhelmingly do not wear their masks.
UrNotAMachine said: "
I interpreted the final moment as them slinking back into the general populous. Less of them being apart of the country 'today' but more of them being someone you could pass on the street. My main takeaway from the show is how scarily close a lot of their mindsets and worries are. Not being loved, your country collapsing, etc are all things the average person might feel. I took the masks to be a point of emphasis on that. That these people's motivations aren't all that wild, they just took it 11 steps past reason.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/15/17
Just wanted to thank everyone in this thread who recommended this production. I managed to get a seat for Thursday night's performance and was absolutely blown away by the cast. A fantastic night of theater.
Stand-by Joined: 2/17/15
benfox2 said:
Interesting. I could definitely see that interpretation. I'm not so sure it changes my general feelings on the show or its ending, though. I still thought the staging and concept was too scattershot for my liking and I feel like Doyle's productions work best when they're framed around one central concept. It felt to me like he tried to do too many things at once and it muted the effectiveness of the material a bit.
I doubt Doyle put as much thought into it as you have. He probably just thought it would earn him #relevance points. But if I had to give him the benefit of the doubt, I'd guess that it has less to do with a specific interpretation of the text, and more to do with his general storytelling approach - whereby there's very little 4th wall, and there's a loose acknowledgement that we're watching a group of actors take on these roles in a playing space in front of us. And so, the masks are sort of meant to signal that we're moving from reality to dramatization, and back again.
Leading Actor Joined: 6/14/11
Saw this production Saturday afternoon and found the cast almost uniformly excellent (Wesley Taylor was a bit difficult to understand). With the standout performances (to me) being Ethan Slater, Will Swenson, and Judy Kuhn.
I'm usually pretty put off by Tavi Gevinson but found her to be pretty enjoyable, I had low expectations for her voice and while it wasn't particularly pretty, it suited the role and show music well enough.
A stacked cast and a gifted ensemble, but overall a pretty meh production. Doyle seems to have gone more for blocking and less for directing. A lot of walking around, meandering, marching, but there didn't seem to be a central concept or idea behind the production. The folded flag and the red ribbons seemed like a good image, but didn't appear to carry much meaning. It also drove me a little crazy that the box where the band sits was centered with the seating section and not the thrust section of the stage. Just looked a bit off.
Overall, glad I saw it but wish I could've seen this exact group of people in a better production.
All remaining performances have been cancelled.
Featured Actor Joined: 6/1/18
I am so bummed. I was so excited they extended their run and it coincided with my trip. It was one of the main reasons I didn't try to reschedule once omicron hit. Now it's too late. I'll fill the slot with something else but I was REALLY looking forward to this one.
Featured Actor Joined: 6/13/18
Heartbreaking. I didn't want to say this out loud before, but with a positive test on Sunday and only a week left in the run, I had a feeling this was coming.
angoradebs said: "I am so bummed. I was so excited they extended their run and it coincided with my trip. It was one of the main reasons I didn't try to reschedule once omicron hit. Now it's too late. I'll fill the slot with something else but I was REALLY looking forward to this one."
I’m sorry. That sucks. I feel so lucky I got to see it. I do think there’s a good chance we might see a Broadway transfer later this year. Fingers crossed.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/25/20
I'm glad the production got this far.
Featured Actor Joined: 9/2/21
I grabbed tickets when they announced the extension and I'm bummed I now won't be able to see it later this week.
Wishing a speedy recovery to those affected.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/3/05
Oh that’s so disappointing for them. Right at the end.
It was thrilling to see this production just a week after Sondheim's passing.
Not financially viable, but would have loved to see this move to one of the vacant small Shubert houses this spring for 20 weeks. Despite the reviews, it might have done decently in the aftermath of his death...and might have been improved in the move to Bway.
Disappointed to not be seeing it this weekend. But had a feeling there was a really good chance of this happening after Judy Kuhn came down with Covid.
Featured Actor Joined: 4/8/08
Miles2Go2 said: "I’m sorry. That sucks. I feel so lucky I got to see it. I do think there’s a good chance we might see a Broadway transfer later this year. Fingers crossed."
Agreed, and that’s the word on the street. Frankly they’d be crazy not to move it to Broadway all things considered; Assassins will always be something of a take-it-or-leave-it proposition, and will probably never be some huge hit moneymaker, but a) the word of mouth on this production has ironically been generally stronger than that for this season’s Company on Broadway (not for the musical itself, mind you, but for the cast).
More significantly, I’d long since lost count of the number of people I knew who were unable to purchase tickets to the show or any of its extensions; and that was before Omicron, so doesn’t even take into account the (by now) hundreds of people who’ve had tickets to any of the many sold-out canceled performances last month and this month. (My own tickets were rescheduled 3 times, and each one was canceled; this will now be the 3rd refund I’ll be getting from CSC for this one show.)
But I mean, that article about interest rising in Sondheim shows after his passing 2 months ago said that more than 5,000 people were entering the Assassins lottery each day for a chance at just the small handful of CSC lotto seats they’d held back. So it’s clearly not an exaggeration to say that as of right now there are already hundreds of thousands of people who are interested and either couldn’t get in or had their performance canceled; that’s more guaranteed advance ticket buyers than for at least half the shows that have come to Broadway so far this season. And the new Times article about the show closing early that I just saw notes again that it was one of the toughest tickets of the whole year, with the whole run already sold out well before Sondheim’s death. Long story short, I’d put this one down as a safe bet; if this show doesn’t transfer, you gotta figure, what does?
How awful for the company and cast as a whole. My heart goes out to them. I really really hope this gets a Broadway transfer, I'd love to see it again. Feeling EXTREMELY lucky that i was able to see it last Friday when I did, especially considering it was before Judy Kuhn tested positive.
Kimbo said: "I’d long since lost count of the number of people I knew who were unable to purchase tickets to the show or any of its extensions; and that’s not even taking into account the (by now) obviously hundreds of people who’ve had tickets to any of the many canceled performances last month and this month. Heck, that article about interest rising in Sondheim shows after his passing said that more than 5,000 people were entering the lottery each day for a chance at just the small handful of CSC lotto seats they’d held back. So it’s clearly not an exaggeration to say that as of right now there are already hundreds of thousands of people who are interested and either couldn’t get in or had their performance canceled; that’s more guaranteed advance ticket buyers than for probably half the shows that have come to Broadway so far this season. I’d put it down as a safe bet; if this doesn’t transfer, what does?"
I agree with almost everything you said except the “hundreds of thousands.” Not sure for how long after Sondheim’s path, they continued to have 5,000 people entering the daily lottery, but even if it persisted, it’s very likely that most of those 5,000 were the same people entering day after day. It also wasn’t too difficult to get a last minute ticket anywhere from a few days before to the day of a performance if you stalked the website like I did suggesting that while demand was very high, it wasn’t impossible for those who wanted to see it and were willing to pay full price. I do hope it is able to have a limited run at Circle in the Square maybe this autumn. I’d love to see it again.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/23/17
How many of the "thousands and thousands" who were entering the TodayTix lottery (many of them multiple accounts for the same user) and pay $20 a ticket would also be willing to pay $150 a ticket?
Featured Actor Joined: 4/8/08
JSquared2 said: "How many of the "thousands and thousands" who were entering the TodayTix lottery (many of them multiple accounts for the same user) and pay $20 a ticket would also be willing to pay $150 a ticket?
Many. Not all but many. At least as many, if not more, I’d wager, as would pay full price (no longer $150 these days, let’s be real, but more like $160-$180) for A Strange Loop, Kimberly Akimbo, Sing Street, Hangmen, or most of the other off-to-on-Broadway transfers announced or rumored for this season or next. Hands down, Assassins arrives more pre-sold than any of those.
Damn. My performance was canceled in December and I was hoping to catch it this weekend. I’ve seen every New York Sondheim production since 2005, so missing this stings. Here’s to hoping for a transfer.
JBroadway said: "I doubt Sondheim (or his estate) would allow The Flag Song to be put in the show since he already re-used the melody for Road Show. A little awkward. Also - when in the creative process did that song get cut? It occurs to me, I have no idea which character is even supposed to sing it, or at which point in the show. I can’t think where it would fit organically."
Never knew of Road Show. In the 90th Bday Sondheim celebration last spring, Brian Stokes said it was cut from Assassins and that Sondheim wanted him to sing it at an event. Thought a Sondheim-ista would've known history of the song's cut.
I'd put it at the end of the show for the narrator/balladeer to compliment the first song "everybody's got the right to be happy." The commonality among the assassins was their situational hatred and need for retribution, however sick. Yet the flag song says that no matter how screwed up things are, we'll survive the collective sick assassins and uprisings that seek to tear everything apart. The flag represents continuity and enduring strength no matter how bad. Kinda brings everyone back to ground. And it visually pulls together all the flags in show. Just my thought.
Planned to go again Wed night. What a gut punch they ended it. Would've loved to see Neil Patrick Harris in it some years back. Hope affected cast ok with minimal symptoms..
Brian's Flag Song rendition from the 90th Sondheim Bday celebration last spring. Enjoy. Skip ads.
Featured Actor Joined: 4/8/08
Someone on the other board pointed out, “Since the press release came out at about 4:00 PM, it looks to me that when the cast performed on Sunday, they didn't know it was their last performance. How sad that they couldn't have that closure.” This is another reason why, even if the rumor mill wasn’t saying that the transfer was all but a done deal, I’d immediately think they knew one was in the works. Certainly some shows during pandemic have had less closure even than indicated above… but CSC kept the bulk of that cast together for nearly two years, not only doing Zook rehearsals, but weekly CSC “Classics Conversations” online, the virtual “Tell The Story” benefit a year ago, etc.
Don’t forget also that it’s John Doyle’s final full season with Classic Stage – he has one more show to direct next fall with “A Man of No Importance” – but it’d be nice to end his run on the high of a Assassins moving to a limited run on Broadway, (obviously after Omicron has passed and the virus has moved from pandemic to endemic) … and my strong suspicion is they’ve quietly been raising money from donors over the last 2 years for just that. The fact that the things cast members on social media are sounding less like final farewells to the show and more along the lines of “thanks for seeing us at Classic Stage” and “thanks for supporting off-Broadway” - with a few even posting videos just tonight of the huge cancellation lines over the weekend … all further makes me convinced that no one involved thinks they’re saying permanent goodbyes to it yet. I’d be staying tuned for further developments.
JayElle, I hate to cast a shadow on your uplifting interpretation, but I’ve always assumed that the Flag Song was somewhat more ironic than that. Much like the rest of the “patriotic sentimentality” present in the show.
But I guess I could be wrong, since like I said, I don’t know what the intended context was.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/20/03
ALL performances - how many were left, four?