What are you talking about?
Foanatic, I was impressed :-P
And have I mentioned how hot David Josefsberg is? Because he is....and he reads these boards :-P
Have I mentioned how Broadway won't be the same without Spencer Liff's...umm...behind?
Yeah, I heard that Joberg and Matt Stocke read it while backstage and like making fun of all the drama.
Nicolette also gave us her blanket and food and energy drinks.
Swing Joined: 10/5/06
Hi! I'm from London and had the good fortune to see this show on a recent trip to NY in November.
We had a fairly packed schedule and I only wish I could have seen this show more than once, as it was absoultely fantastic!!
I really can't understand why the show is closing.
Good luck all of you seeing the show today.
Well, today's the day...
Haha, wow, how did Amy's skirt fall off did. It just just come off or did she accidentally pull if off (like when she pulls off the longer skirt from the mall scene, did she pull the one under off, too)?
Understudy Joined: 1/31/05
Goodbye Wedding Singer! Ugh I'm so sad this is closing. Its the most fun I've ever had at a show, although Evil Dead comes close...but still..I loved every minute of seeing this show...saw it 6 times, and todays final will make 7 for me...so guys look out for me I believe I'll be 9th row on the left side, and I'll be wearing a vintage looking black and white dress...also look at the sad picture in this article, makes me wanna cry..lol:
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/22/05
I know most of you are waiting for rush seats and I'm going to wish you all luck. Whoever is going tonight, have a great time!! I wish I could of been there but I am expecting very detailed reviews and stories for when I get back!
Have a great time at the show to all that are going. I've really enjoyed reading this thread. Your enthusiasm for this show has been awesome. I am sure the cast is going to pull out all the stops today. It'll be the best performance ever.
Have a good time, rushers! I had a blast with you all yesterday for my last time. I'm there with you in spirit and I hope todays' performance is astounding. I'd be there with you all if I could.
A fond farewell to the brightest and warmest show I have seen in years. It will be sorely missed.
So sad
im from the uk and got the chance to see this show and loved it,its such a shame its going.
Have fun to everyone who is going to the final performance,give it a cheer from me
Have fun today
I'm expecting many reviews when you comeback! And let's all make a pact that even though the show is closing, let's try to keep this thread alive!
ok, so most of you have already left for the show already, but if you havnt, have an AMAZING time and please enjoy the show for all of us that cant be there! how today got here so fast, i dont know, but this show will be greatly missed! :)
I am so excited for the show, but sad at the same time. My friends and I are in A106-109.
liotte: have an AMAZING time!!!!
and i just thought id mention that the ws site now says its closed.
Aww, I'm so sad. I wish I could've seen it one last time. I'm looking at my friend's pictures from Friday and they make me soo sad.
apparently they took the board down that had the entire cast list on it and giving the names away, or people were taking them, i dont know, i just heard about it.
Ugh, sad. I wish the cast lots and lots of luck with future projects.
It's about to start
Well, "It's Your Wedding Day" has been performed for the last time...(not including the finale, that is).
I'm sad
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/22/05
Me too! An hour and 19 minutes in!!
The show is almost over now.
This is SO depressing =(
It's over
I think I'm gonna cry, haha.