More final show pictures and imposter pictures...
TWS Final Show
Stand-by Joined: 7/20/06
I am in looooove with Tina's pictures. I thought she'd never get proshot pictures. They're so pretty. Finally we have some legal Tina pictures! I thought I was gonna die just seeing that one from Constantine's first show. And I love the ones on Christina and Chad's sites!
Btw, I just wanted to pimp the Amy site I work on with a few friends. Everything is finally up and running smoothly so I thought I'd show you guys since you are Amy fans.
We're still getting some things up and trying to make the forum and gallery pretty, but it's bascially running smoothly right now! There's a forum that just a couple people from this thread have joined, too if you want to join it aswell. Enjoy!
Show Off - just FYI regarding your Amy gallery... the pictures you have listed as "Other" are from when she was in Urinetown, incase you didn't know?
Stand-by Joined: 7/20/06
Yep we knew, we just didn't think we would make a whole new category since there were like 2 pics lol.
Understudy Joined: 6/16/06
Yes please join! It's a great group of people on the forums and we would love if you could join. We would also like Amy fan photo and stage door photos.
In Chad's pics, he's standing in front of a "fake door", what scene is that in, haha?
Chorus Member Joined: 8/19/06
It's part of the backdrop for the touch of class banquet hall.
Haha, I'm on Chads site! That's great!
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/22/05
I signed up! Same username as here.
Understudy Joined: 6/16/06
Thanks so much for joining! Hopefully others will do the same.
Amy told us she would keep in touch about the site, so hopefully it will become the Official Fansite.
Christina has a couple of pictures of herself in Rosie gear, and they're making me laugh.
Yeah all these pictures are really great! Great work on the Spanger site as well!
I love the amy site! Great job! The forum is so fun!
Personally, as much as I *adore* Tina, I am way more excited by the fact that Andy Karl is in the background of one of those pictures on Tina's website, lol...
Updated On: 1/8/07 at 10:37 PM
You would. :-P
Featured Actor Joined: 9/18/06
the one on the trash can confuses me.... i know she sits on a trash can for awesome but i thought julia and robbie were closer. weird.
just so happpppy to finally have real pictures!!!!! yaaaaaaay!!!!
Featured Actor Joined: 7/16/06
fishergirl - SHOCKER! Hehe.
I think my favorite Christina picture is Back Brace Girl. Enough said.
Show Off - When I try to join the forum, it keeps telling me that I entered the wrong confirmation code. (I promise I typed it in correctly!)
Shaaadddddup, all of you! :-P I've always said, I am nothing if not incredibly predictable!
I wanted to add to this string of emails: I have been playing the Wedding Singer straight for 4 days at work. I mean this CD has not left my office computer, and right now, today I am listening to this cd for the fourth time. I don't think I could do this with any other show but THE WEDDING SINGER.
LOVE THIS SHOW!! Keep this bulletin going...
FYI, only thing that remains at WS is the light thing on top, and the bottoms of the doors with the pics. Curtains marquee is up.
This weekend is gonna suck when i walk by that theatre. *sigh*
on a positive note, when was backbrace girl taken out? i mean, i know seattle, but how long was she in for? anyone know?
Stand-by Joined: 10/16/06
liotte, they also still have the closing notice and box office ticket prices sign up...last night was the first time i went by the theatre since and i was kinda taken aback by how fast curtains is getting in there.
Updated On: 1/9/07 at 11:21 AM
Featured Actor Joined: 7/16/06
I walked by tonight purely out of habit. It looks like a completely different theatre.
Sad face.