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Characters You Feel Sorry For- Page 3

Characters You Feel Sorry For

DickonDefysGravity Profile Photo
#50re: Characters You Feel Sorry For
Posted: 10/18/04 at 12:56am

Quasimodo- Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame-saddest movie

And you think of all of the things you've seen, and you wish that you could live in between ,and you're back again only different than before... After the Sky. -Into the Woods (Jack)

BlueWizard Profile Photo
#51re: Characters You Feel Sorry For
Posted: 10/18/04 at 2:14am

Javert in Les Mis was another character I think people booed. There are many more characters like this.

When I saw Oliver!, people booed Bill Sikes at his curtain call. Although I thought it was a bit inappropriate, I could see why: Bill Sikes is a pure villian.

Javert and Ellen, on the other hand, have redeeming qualities. Especially Ellen: she didn't do anything wrong. Although she's the blocking force between Chris and Kim, she definitely drew sympathy from me (how could you not feel for her after that glorious solo of hers?). If there's to be blame thrown around, it's at Chris for finding someone else so quickly.

In any case, I'd be very disturbed and appalled if I was in the audience and Ellen was booed -- unless the actress was absolutely horrible and put forward no effort, of course.

BlueWizard's blog: The Rambling Corner HEDWIG: "The road is my home. In reflecting upon the people whom I have come upon in my travels, I cannot help but think of the people who have come upon me."

#52re: Characters You Feel Sorry For
Posted: 10/18/04 at 10:29am

The Phantom for sure when Michael cryed the words Christine I was crying. Great actor and show.

MAKE SOMEONE LAUGH!!!!!*******************

fiyeros_elphaba Profile Photo
#53re: Characters You Feel Sorry For
Posted: 10/18/04 at 11:28am

def. good thread!!! (just to name some that haven'T been mentioned)
Von Krolock (Dance of the vampires..I know it flopped on BW but the show is running in Germany and it's fab)

Lucy Harris(Jekyll and Hyde)

Kate (Wild party)<

*Peter Pan and Tinker Bell-which way to NeverNeverLand?Emerald City's gone to hell,since the Wizard blew off his command!

dotmarie Profile Photo
#54re: Characters You Feel Sorry For
Posted: 10/18/04 at 12:21pm

Belle. Because she is such a good person and a sweet soul and when she is locked up in the castle and then attacked by dogs it is very sad. =( not to mention she is always being harrassed by Gaston. But at least things work out for her in the end. =)

Borstalboy Profile Photo
#55re: Characters You Feel Sorry For
Posted: 10/18/04 at 12:24pm


"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali

EddieVarley Profile Photo
#56re: Characters You Feel Sorry For
Posted: 10/18/04 at 12:24pm


mizzie Profile Photo
#57re: Characters You Feel Sorry For
Posted: 10/18/04 at 3:34pm


CurtainUp Profile Photo
#58re: Characters You Feel Sorry For
Posted: 10/18/04 at 3:49pm

Eponine wins the prize!

But also...*Katemonster and Rod
*Mark and Collins
*Hedwig & Yitzhak
*Charlie Brown (Anthony Rapp has such a knack for characters that I pity)
*Audrey at the end
*Sondheim does an amazing job of making me feel bad for Sweeney and the Witch.

Rosencrantz: "Be happy - if you're not even HAPPY what's so good about surviving? We'll be all right. I suppose we just go on." - from Tom Stoppard's Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead

#59re: Characters You Feel Sorry For
Posted: 10/18/04 at 4:35pm

Collins from RENT - I was sobbing like a baby during I'll Cover You (Reprise).

Leo from The Producers - his speech right before 'Til Him breaks my heart. " one ever called me Leo before. I mean, your honor, I know it isn't a big legal point, but even when I was in kindergarten, they all called me Bloom." Ohh, what I wouldn't give to hear Roger Bart saying that line.

Charlie Brown from YAGMCB - especially during "The Doctor Is In", when he's making the list of people who don't like him, and Lucy adds to the list. How depressing is that?

Rod from Avenue Q - I actually cried during the wedding scene. I can't remember the order of things, but when he got all choked up and went offstage, I just wanted to rip my heart out of my chest and stomp on it. Heart-wrenching, it was.

This is going to sound weird, but Scar from The Lion King - yeah, he's crazy, but he was insanely jealous of Mufasa. "Nobody liked me - there's the rub. Not even as a cub!" How can that not make you feel at least a little compassion for him?

Amos from Chicago - Mr. Cellophane is so sad. And then, his final exit, when he says "My exit music, please," and nothing happens, so he just marches off. Love it.

This is gonna sound even weirder than Scar, but Xanthias from The Frogs - he's the willing/unwilling slave. And then, his line before Ariadne...I have it written down somewhere. It's something like, "My girlfriend had an affair with a centuar. Half-man, half-horse...I couldn't compete with that." He just sounded so depressed, I really did want to run up onstage and hug him.

Hmm...that's all I can think of now.

Oh, wait! Lumiere from Beauty and the Beast - well, most of the inanimate objects, but especially Lumiere. Like, during Human Again, they're just so excited and giddy. Then Beast sends Belle back to her father, and Lumiere has that line...I think, "How could you do that to us?" or something similar. I cried.

BroadwayDiva Profile Photo
#60re: Characters You Feel Sorry For
Posted: 10/18/04 at 4:48pm

Mark, Roger, Collins, Benny, and Mimi- at certain points in the show, I just want to give them all hugs. They seem so sad and lonely and frustrated and hurt and sick.
Amos Hart- "Mr. Cellophane" is SO sad! He seems like such a loving, lonely guy. He needs a hug.
Elphaba- they're so mean to her at Shiz, and her father doesn't love her. She gets a hug.
Amneris- when she learns about Radames and Aida, she's heartbroken! She needs a comforting hug.
Zanna- at the end, when his "friends" break his wand and make fun of him, it's so sad! I would love to sit down and talk to him. He would need a hug.

And, for some strange reason, Judas from JCS. The guy has so many problems. He deserves a hug.

I have my books and my poetry to protect me...

#61re: Characters You Feel Sorry For
Posted: 10/18/04 at 4:50pm

I second the Eponine for sure.

It started with a sipmle idea, collecting one paper clip for every life lost, the feelings that connect us...are greater than those that divide us!

Amy Archer
#62re: Characters You Feel Sorry For
Posted: 10/18/04 at 4:51pm

Corine2. She's my favorite work of fiction.

#63re: Characters You Feel Sorry For
Posted: 10/18/04 at 4:51pm

Elphie, Eponine & Boq.

LittleFish8386 Profile Photo
#64re: Characters You Feel Sorry For
Posted: 10/18/04 at 5:03pm

I really can not understand why Ellen would be booed. If anyone should be booed in that show, its Chris.

1) Ellen had no idea that Chris had a fling with Kim back in the war. How would you feel if your husband turned around, lied and said that he had a son. Telling her that it was really a nothing affair, when we all know it was something.

2) She's in love with her husband, and although Kim and Chris shared something special, she deserves his love just as much as Kim does.

I feel pretty bad for Kim at the end of that show, b/c she knows what she has to do, and its just heart wrenching.

Marguerite in The Scarlet Pimpernel---she thinks that she married the man of her dreams, and he practically ignores her for months. That sucks!

Nancy in Oliver!---words can not describe the life that woman led. And I always feel the sorriest for her everytime I see it or am in it. I sometimes feels sorry for Dodger and Oliver too.

And others people have mentioned: Amneris, Sarah/Coalhouse, Eponine/Fantine, etc.

#65re: Characters You Feel Sorry For
Posted: 10/18/04 at 5:15pm

Berger in HAIR. The ending... he never was prepared for that. And Claude, for having to live with the switch.

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#66re: Characters You Feel Sorry For
Posted: 10/18/04 at 6:18pm

I feel bad for Ruth (well #1 cause shes in such a bad show re: Characters You Feel Sorry For ) and also because she moved to NYC to make a living and nothing seems to go her way at all!

#67re: Characters You Feel Sorry For
Posted: 10/18/04 at 6:29pm

Eponine, Les Mis- They treat her like dirt.

Ti Moune, Once on this Island- Who wants to get turned into a tree? And abandoned after having a great life promised to you?

Wicked Witch, Wizard of Oz- Now that you know the "other side..."

Abigail Adams, 1776- She is always alone and misses John.

Grizabella, Cats- 1) For being in a bad show 2) Because no one likes her and it's for bad reasons 3) She yearns to be young again!

Phantom, POTO- Who wouldn't feel sorry for the guy?

Archie, Secret Garden- He's left all alone, and doesn't know to whom he can turn

Just a few...

grownupgroupie Profile Photo
#68re: Characters You Feel Sorry For
Posted: 10/18/04 at 8:11pm

Kate-Monster breaks my heart with "A fine line."

(shame on you wickedrocks....ruth stuck in a bad show?!) re: Characters You Feel Sorry For

Tiny-Toon Profile Photo
#69re: Characters You Feel Sorry For
Posted: 10/18/04 at 8:24pm

Audrey in Little Shop!!

Updated On: 10/18/04 at 08:24 PM

The Distinctive Baritone Profile Photo
The Distinctive Baritone
#70re: Characters You Feel Sorry For
Posted: 10/18/04 at 8:27pm

Enough with Eponine and Elphaba already. There are other great female musical theater characters out there!

check your personality Profile Photo
check your personality
#71re: Characters You Feel Sorry For
Posted: 10/18/04 at 9:39pm

Is it weird that I definitely feel a little sorry for Velma when Roxie starts getting all the attention and she becomes a has been?

.. Maybe it's just the diva in me unhappy with sharing the spotlight re: Characters You Feel Sorry For

Radford Profile Photo
#72re: Characters You Feel Sorry For
Posted: 10/19/04 at 12:30am

When I saw the title of this thread, Eponine immediately popped into my mind. To quote another musical, It sucks to be her.

Next to Eponine, there is no character that my heart goes out to more than Kim.
Updated On: 10/19/04 at 12:30 AM

#73re: Characters You Feel Sorry For
Posted: 10/19/04 at 1:12am

Blatantly ripping off someone else's post from another thread:

The entire cast of Bombay Dreams.

Andrew, tonight isn't about you! It isn't even about me!!! - [FD]

Seany Profile Photo
#74re: Characters You Feel Sorry For
Posted: 10/19/04 at 1:41am


There's a light in the darkness of everybody's life.
